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Enjoy scrolling through all of our Frosted Face senior animals who have benefit from our mission at Frosted Faces Foundation. They are listed in order of date of rescue, including those that have passed. If you have been following a certain Frosted Face's story and would like to know how he/she is doing, please email us at
Please make note of animals still looking for families as their "Family" is listed as "Frosted Faces Foundation." View their biographies and more photos at Available Frosted Faces, learn more about becoming a family and the different programs we offer. You can also help fund their care by registering as their monthly sponsoring Fan.
Acquired from: Chula Vista Animal Care Facility
Age upon Rescue: 11
Date of Rescue: January 31st, 2019
Date of Passing:
Family: Kelly Todoulakis
Fans: Melissa & Steve
Acquired from: Downey Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 10
Date of Rescue: February 3rd, 2019
Date of Passing: April 5th, 2022
Family: Lisa Girolami & Kari Cranfill
Fans: Emily Kazmierski, S and R, Oso and Cy Kane, Nancy Dagdag
Tribute: On April 5th, Lisa fulfilled her promise to Frosted Face Charlie.
She shared,
"Charlie crossed the rainbow bridge today after a probable heart attack. It took six month for her to even look me in the eyes. But she came to love and trust and she was THE best dog. She has been my love, my friend, and my laughter. She got me through my divorce and we got to travel great places together.
I did my best to provide a fun and loving life so that she would forget the abuse and neglect of her former life. My heart is broken but I thank God we found each other."
Acquired from: Carson Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 9
Date of Rescue: February 3rd, 2019
Date of Passing: August 11th, 2024
Family: Lindsey Cooper & Thomas Marriott
Fans: Donna in memory of Marley
Tribute: On August 11th, Thomas and Lindsey fulfilled their promise to Frosted Face Leo.
They shared,
"We lost our Leo last week and it’s made our house feel so sad. We got Leo almost 5 years ago. He walked out into the living room of Frosted Faces and our other dog Lola didn’t react… which is what we were looking for as she was a princess. Leo’s little limp and wagging tail had us the first moment we saw him. He settled right into our home making himself comfy on the couch sleeping with his belly in the air. When his dad would come home from work, he’d hoot at him until he sat down and Leo would promptly lay himself across his lap, tail wagging. Throughout the years we tried everything in the books to keep him comfy with his arthritis including laser therapy, Adequan shots, and all the different meds.
I’m pretty sure COVID was the best time of his life because we got to be home with him every day. He spent his days curled up in bed next to his dad while he worked. Over the last year he slowed down a lot and we knew our time was limited, but that doesn’t make it any easier. We love you so much our Leo Beo Pudding Pie and we feel so lucky we got to see you through to the other side. We’ll see you again sweet boy! Hope you’re running pain free, eating as much chicken as you can manage!"
Acquired from: Carson Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 6
Date of Rescue: February 3rd, 2019
Date of Passing:
Family: Manuel Rodriguez
Fans: Caryn Burgess
Acquired from: Chula Vista Animal Care Facility
Age upon Rescue: 11
Date of Rescue: February 7th, 2019
Date of Passing: December 8th, 2021
Family: Michael & Jill Brower
Fans: Lisa Chapin
Tribute: On December 8th, Jill and Michael fulfilled their promise to Frosted Face Winnie.
"Hey ‘Win, Winnie, WinBenin, Old Woman Win,’
We know you are soaring with the angels, and now you can run, see, and hear again!
We miss you ‘ol gal of ours’ and so does Birdie as she went from room to room looking for you when I came home without you.
Yes, this is true even though Birdie would take your bed sometimes and leave the tiny one for you but you were the best sport by somehow
getting every inch of your body onto that little bed!
Now its time to share a bit about you with others whom did not have the honor to call you family.
Winnie joined our family in early 2019 and was a feisty gal at 11 years old. She needed surgery in early spring of 2019 and we were there when they wheeled her in and upon her waking up. She did good and we are forever thankful to Frosted Faces for their assistance and support.
She loved to go for walks and roam the perimeter of our backyard. She knew exactly when it was an hour before dinner time (even after the clocks changed and it became dark early) and she would circle through the kitchen, dining room, hallway and back to the kitchen. She got her steps in and more! Win never met a food that she did not like!
As Win's health declined, she was unable to make the ‘full circle’ and we would find her sound asleep halfway through the initial circling with Birdie always sitting near her.
I am so thankful that I was able to work remotely and have every day with her! She helped me get through it as she and I would go outback, she would walk the perimeter, sit in the sun, close her eyes and put her face to the breeze, and she would always be intrigued by the spinning pin wheel!
Win, you will always be in our hearts! Thank you for your unconditional love and for choosing us!"
Acquired from: Baldwin Park Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 19
Date of Rescue: February 7th, 2019
Date of Passing: May 25th, 2019
Family: Jim Ito & Melanie Granfors
Fans: Elizabeth Mckee, Marla Hernandez, Barbells For Bullies, Lynnmaria Bazan, Donor in honor of Java Porto, Pancake, Waynette Parraga, Heather Ramsey
Tribute: "We fell in love with her the moment we saw Frosted Faces Foundation's post in February. Her shelter name had been Coco. She came to us as Gloria.
Within a few minutes of knowing her, we expanded that name. Glorious. It captured everything about her. We knew we were welcoming a very special, magical girl to our pack.
Just look at the expression in those eyes!
After so much betrayal by certain humans, she still held out hope for someone to return that gorgeous gaze. We did that on every single one of the 105 days we spent with her.
Words that come to mind when describing Glorious: grace, kindness, trust, curious, forgiving, soulful, and open-hearted. Everyone who saw her —even only in photos— felt a connection with her.
She coped with adversity and moved through life with a positive outlook and an incredible appetite. Yup, the girl could eat like a champ— working from the side of her mouth and lapping up every morsel.
It was so tough to wake up each day wondering if the time had come to avoid suffering. FFF and the amazingly skilled vets we work with would have done anything to reduce that darn mass—if there was the slightest chance of success. We all knew it was impossible.
On the day we set her free, she downed a cheeseburger and treats... and then laid quietly in my arms as if to say 'Okay, Mom. I’m ready for what’s next. Let’s do this.'
Glorious deserved so much more than she was given in life. We were so happy to be able to show her heaven-on-earth for almost four months.
We woke up each morning, looked into those beautiful brown eyes, and proclaimed “It’s another GLORIOUS day!” 105 of them. We’ll never get over her. "
Acquired from: Coachella Valley Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 12
Date of Rescue: February 9th, 2019
Date of Passing:
Family: Caleb & Jessica Davison
Fans: Lynn Cannizzaro
Acquired from: Coachella Valley Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 12
Date of Rescue: February 9th, 2019
Date of Passing:
Family: Jennifer Lechowicz & Tim Miller
Fans: Philip Baldacci
Acquired from: Coachella Valley Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 12
Date of Rescue: February 9th, 2019
Date of Passing:
Family: Jason & Maeleen Cardoni
Fans: Debbie Dunivan
Acquired from: Riverside Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 11
Date of Rescue: February 20th, 2019
Date of Passing: March 18th, 2020
Family: Gary & Katie Grisko
Fans: Caryn & Michael Rosenstein
Tribute: On March 18th we fulfilled our promise to Hardy.
"A week ago, Hardy was being Hardy. Eating everything, sleeping with the kids, peeing on the floor. He started going downhill this weekend, and went quickly. We did an ultrasound and blood tests, but he passed last night in his sleep before we got the results back. (What they showed, though, were high liver values and an extremely high white blood cell count.)
We loved on Hardy for a year, and believed he enjoyed the chaos of going from a kennel at Frosted Faces directly into the whirlwind of family life with 2 human siblings and 3 fur siblings. He probably appreciated his deafness at times, but he made sure always be in the same room as everyone else even if he spent most of his time merely observing.
We appreciate the time we had with him, will remember the rare occasions he approached us for affection, and are grateful that he passed peacefully at home, on his favorite dog bed, wrapped in the blanket gifted by his sponsor this holiday. His favorite, Dad Hooman, was right next to him all night long.
Just wish I could see you running and playing, slowpoke. 💓"
Acquired from: Riverside Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 12
Date of Rescue: February 20th, 2019
Date of Passing: April 1st, 2019
Family: Frosted Faces Foundation
Fans: Stella Stutz, Patricia & Pups, Natalie and Family, Carol Shear
Tribute: On Monday, April 1st, we fulfilled our promise to Puppy Perry.
Puppy Perry was found abandoned on the side of the road and brought in by Animal Control. He was emaciated, dirty, and had horrendous arthritis that caused mobility issues.
We wanted to give him a chance to thrive on pain medication and he began to show us that he was so strong he could pull himself and walk a little! I will never forget one evening when we saw Perry crawl himself up onto the couch in the yard. It was an unthinkable task in our minds knowing his limitations.
We sent Perry on a Frosted Fling with FFF volunteer, Olivia Spadafore. She carted him around in a wagon, bathed him when he had accidents, and took him on adventures like to the beach.
He became increasingly painful where he would have to be muzzled to be carried outside to go potty, which let us know he was in pain. In the last of his days he would not eat for us, he no longer pulled himself around, went potty laying down, and began panting which was likely from pain.
I will say it. As a team, no one complains about belly bands, expressing bladders, lifting 100 pound dogs in and outside, or making special meals. It is all a part of hospice care and we are devoted to our Frosted Faces to help them live with dignity until their little lights dim with frustration or fatigue. I think we got Perry in such bad shape, that as we did so much to help him day to day, we never really stopped to appreciate how much he had declined from the period of being a normal healthy dog at one time. He was an important reminder to treat every dog as his or her own case and reconsider what we want as quality living for our Frosted Faces.
On Perry's last day June Bruns Watterson brought rotisserie chicken for him and he loved it. He laid on the patio in good company and watched his final sunet.
Olivia Spadafore, Jenna Larson, Andy Smíšek, and I met at Animal Emergency Clinic of San Diego and let him go together. As we all left the clinic with glassy eyes, we noticed a sign across the street, Perry's name was in the sky on the building across the street. Waterworks from there on out for the drive home.
We love you, Perry.
Acquired from: Bonita Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 9
Date of Rescue: February 20th, 2019
Date of Passing: April 15th, 2019
Family: Jonathan & Karen Bunkell
Fans: Caryn & Michael Rosenstein
Tribute: On Monday, April 15th, we fulfilled our promise to Lennon.
Lennon, formerly known as Orion, was immediately diagnosed with renal disease upon rescue. We couldn't imagine it because he was light on his feet like a puppy and played fetch! His new family had originally put in an application to foster him... just to get their hands on him for a little while because it was love at first sight. When they learned he had a poor prognosis, they didn't hesitate to commit until the end of Lennon's time. His renal insufficiency became more evident as the adrenaline from his new lease on life wore off and his appetite changed along with his energy.
We hospitalized him last week at College Animal Hospital, but even at the time of being discharged his values had worsened. His family spent a good, quality weekend with him, and on Monday let him go with the help of Paws into Grace in his home.
"Lennon passed comfortably this morning. He was a very sweet and loving boy.
While he wasn't with us long, he was family and we'll miss him. Len loved going for walks, hanging out with Bunny and Wally, lying in my office while I worked, carne asada, meatballs, and ear rubs.
Thanks to you all for all you do at FFF and for entrusting us with Lennon."
Acquired from: El Cajon Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 9
Date of Rescue: February 20th, 2019
Date of Passing: March 9th, 2022
Family: Angie Aguilar
Fans: Tanya Nielsen
Tribute: On March 9th, Angie fulfilled her promise to Frosted Face Sterling.
She shared,
"I always felt extremely lucky to have Sterling in my life, his demeanor matched mine perfectly. He wasn’t a big cuddler but he would stare at you motionless from across the room and show no reaction no matter how many times you called him or how excited you made your voice. He truly just enjoyed doing his own thing, unbothered by literally anything. If someone was sitting in his spot on the couch or if there was obviously no room for him to lay on the couch he would still come over and put his front paws in any space he could find and inconveniently force anyone there to make space for him so he could lay where he wanted to lay.
He always made us laugh like that. He may have been quiet sometimes and basically ignore you at all times, but when the word "walk" was said in his general vicinity, his tippy taps and barking could be heard from anywhere in the house. He loved the outdoors and going on his walks; he loved the beach but, of course, hated the water. And he was never shy to a compliment from all who saw him outside, about how sweet and gentle of a dog he was. That was our Sterling, the cutest little guy around.
While he was comfortable being a lone wolf and doing his own thing all day, there was always moments in the day where he would get up and do his rounds. He'd go into every room of the house, just to see you, and then walk away without even getting within arms reach. I'll never forget his gentle way of taking any food from my hand, or the sound of his steps as he walked from one bed to the next, or even the way his ears flapped as he trotted, and especially how loud you had to yell his name to get his attention on walks because he really was a deaf old man.
As the years went by we noticed that his back legs weren't quite working as well as they used to. We thought it may have been a hip issue as is common with larger dogs. But as time went by, his legs began to get worse and it looked as though he didn’t know they were there. He began to merely tolerate his daily walks, be unable to take the stairs on his own, and was crying almost all day long. He was suffering and we would never want our little boy to carry on like this.
Although the last few months were extremely challenging, for us and we're sure for him as well, we wouldn’t change anything for the world. The nearly 3 years we spent with Sterling were years well spent and we could not be happier to spoil him each and every day of those years. The memories we made, the photos we took, and the laughs we shared with our best boy will be cherished forever, since there can never be another Sterling. Our little bubs. We love you so much, you took a piece of our hearts with you.
Thanks again for letting him be a part of our lives. He really was the best dog I could have ever asked for."
Acquired from: El Cajon Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 9
Date of Rescue: February 20th, 2019
Date of Passing: June 1st, 2021
Family: Amanda Lanthorne
Fans: Genevieve Grace
Tribute: On June 1st, Amanda fulfilled her promise to Frosted Face Birdie.
Birdie was hospitalized for days for what seemed like pancreatitis, but ultimately looked like lymphoma or horrendous colitis in her intestines on ultrasound. We wanted to fight for her, and were even discussing a valiant surgery to resect and biopsy her intestines, but she let us know she was all done passing away in the care of the ER just a couple hours after her mom visited her.
Amanda shared,
"When I had originally started looking for a second companion for my aging dog, Ziggy, I never thought that companion would be a cat. But when I saw Birdie, I knew she was meant to be a part of our little family.
I'm really going to miss her small round face full of sweet and goofy expressions, her big blue eyes, her weird meows, her funny gait (aka the Birdie Hustle), and her soft but sometimes matted coat that reminded me of the fur on an old but well-loved stuffed animal.
She was so tolerant of her overly enthusiastic brother and she loved sitting by the doors and windows to sun herself and watch the neighborhood feral cats. Her throne of choice was always the couch so she could sit with people and solicit pets. If she really liked you, she would sit on you and make herself comfortable.
She was a quiet and sweet little companion, always happy and always eager to know what was happening and be a part of the action. I feel her loss acutely and the grief is immense. I love her dearly."
Acquired from: San Diego Humane Society
Age upon Rescue: 5
Date of Rescue: February 26th, 2019
Date of Passing:
Family: Tom & Lynn Roach
Fans: Keith Hodgson, Lalaine & Julius Castillo
Acquired from: San Diego Humane Society
Age upon Rescue: 10
Date of Rescue: February 26th, 2019
Date of Passing: September 30th, 2023
Family: Todd Gunther & Jane Sparks
Fans: Romy Sonderegger
Tribute: On September 30th, Jane and Todd fulfilled their promise to Frosted Face Capone.
They shared,
"On Saturday Sept 30th we fulfilled our promise and said good bye to our sweet old man Capone. I know that every fur baby is special, but there are those that just rise above and become part of you. That was Capone. From the day we brought him home we knew. He was the sweetest, gentlest and smartest old soul. Handsome beyond belief with the most soulful eyes. It broke our hearts to think that he had spent over 4 months in a shelter because his then family “Didn’t have time for him” before he was rescued by Frosted Faces Foundation.
Capone wasn’t what you’d call a high energy dog, just very chill and calm. When he had to go to the bathroom he would calmly walk to the door and gently scratch once then wait patiently. If he wanted attention he would gently place (not scratch) his paw on you and look into your eyes until your heart melted and gave him some love. If you went out (especially for a walk or bike ride) without him he could sing the blues better than Muddy Waters, or use his beagle lungs (he was deaf so the volume was cranked to 11!) when you got back the he was NOT impressed with you!
We had three plus wonderful years with him, but sadly this last year we watched as his QoL began to decline. We (my Wife) could see that he was starting to suffer, but I just couldn’t bring myself to say goodbye. I finaly could see that I was being selfish and holding on to him for my reasons and not his. After talking with Dr Russel and the wonderful team at FF we decided it was time, and contacted the folks at Paws Into Grace. Dr Mark came to our house and with his Pack around him helped us send Capone of onto his next adventure.
Goodbye Capone. Our “Brave and True!” We will miss you more than any words can say. Thank you for making our world a little brighter 🌈❤️🐾
Thank you to everyone at Frosted Faces for all that you do for these wonderful souls! To Romy Sonderegger (And Trooper) for your support and love these past 4 years, and to this community that understand that these aren’t “Just dogs and cats”, They’re Family."
Acquired from: San Diego Humane Society
Age upon Rescue: 12
Date of Rescue: February 26th, 2019
Date of Passing: July 26th, 2019
Family: Michael & Karen Hansen
Fans: Stacy LaFrance
Tribute: On July 26th we fulfilled our promise to Juno.
"We lost our sweet Juno, and our hearts are broken. She was such a ray of sunshine, starting every day with a literal smile on her face, dancing across the kitchen as she shouted for a morning treat. She loved apples, bananas, cucumbers and cheese slices, but most of all she loved her daddy, Michael and her boy, Dane. We taught her to say, “Hello” and “I love you” and she would say them all the time, especially when I was on conference calls (I work from home). She was also the master of the sneak attack, coming up silently behind you as you lounged on the couch and licking you on the ear – truly one of the most startling things that can happen when you’re not expecting it.
I was the one who did her intake the night she came into Frosted Faces, and I made it a point to volunteer regularly so I could check in on her in the weeks that followed. When Kelly called for volunteers to foster dogs when the garage floors were being redone, I talked my husband into taking her in even though our Great Dane had passed away just the day before. She had claimed a place in my heart. And then we were proud to proclaim ourselves a failed fling and keep her for ourselves.
We found out a few weeks ago that she had a nasty tumor in her bladder. Of course we all know when we take on a Frosted Face that our time with them is limited, but dang I wish we had more time with this sweet, silly girl. Rest in peace, pain free, sweet baby."
Acquired from: San Diego Humane Society
Age upon Rescue: 10
Date of Rescue: February 26th, 2019
Date of Passing: June 10th, 2024
Family: Diane Kinkead
Fans: Lalaine & Julius Castillo
Tribute: On June 10th, Diane fulfilled her promise to Frosted Face Nilla after battling kidney failure.
She shared,
"I'm grateful I found her and had 5 years to share with her. She was the best little dog I ever had! She loved everyone!"
Acquired from: San Diego Humane Society
Age upon Rescue: 11
Date of Rescue: February 26th, 2019
Date of Passing: January 20th, 2025
Family: Josh Grindstaff & Leslie Starcky
Fans: Cathy Minshall
Tribute: On January 20th, Leslie and Josh fulfilled their promise to Frosted Face Diana.
They shared,
"I have a very heavy heart as I let you guys know that we had to let our sweet little chichi, Diana, aka DD, go in peace yesterday. At 17, she was suffering from dementia like symptoms, which were drastically impacting her quality of life. We adopted her from FF in 2019 when she was 11 years old… we lost her in bits and pieces throughout 2024 and it was time to say goodbye. We had a great run with her and she is profoundly missed. She spent her final days showered in love and attention. She got loads of noodles (her fav) and tons of treats. Sweetest DD, we will always love you xoxo…."
Acquired from: San Diego Humane Society
Age upon Rescue: 7
Date of Rescue: February 26th, 2019
Date of Passing: June 15th, 2019
Family: Frosted Faces Foundation
Fans: Zach and Kara Brunk, Kelly Wilner, Robin
Tribute: Yesterday we fulfilled our promise to Buddha.
Buddha was a victim of human selfishness from the point of conception. He was bred predisposed to ailments that would lead him to live an uncomfortable life from difficulty breathing to poor skin for the sake of humans wanting him to look a certain way.
A breeder sold Buddha for a lot of money, to use for his personal benefit, to a consumer who was either too selfish or uneducated to adopt a homeless animal, which perpetuated this selfish business.
Buddha was relinquished to the shelter later in life due to resource guarding around other dogs. A product that was no longer desirable, disposed of for the sake of convenience.
Upon rescue we treated his infected skin and eyes. He lived at Frosted Faces Foundation for months as a volunteer favorite. Four weeks ago, surely by a stroke of luck, he lived in the luxury of a foster home until he was returned last weekend due to schedule conflicts.
Yesterday we noticed Buddha was breathing harshly and brought him to the ER. He was only picking at his food and then vomited. Upon arrival his temperature was 105 and could not catch his breath. We do have air conditioned kennels and he had not been on a walk yet for the day, just a 10 minute yard rotation for a morning potty. The vet said oftentimes bulldogs can breathe so hard they get can elevate their own temperatures.
They sedated and intubated him, and new chest rads showed he had pneumonia, probably from aspirating, which we understand is common in bulldogs. They also diagnosed him with laryngeal paralysis, which made the prognosis quite poor. Once they got his temperature down with fluids, they woke him up, extubated him, and tried to get him slowly on room air with the assistance of oxygen therapy.
He never was able to breathe unassisted, and yesterday evening they called and said his heart had stopped. They quickly sedated and intubated him again and began CPR as Andy and I rushed down there to be with him. Buddha passed away before we got there. We did go hold his body and filled out aftercare paperwork.
Buddha was destined for a tragic ending, although he did not have to pass without family too. Our hearts are aching as we suffer from our fifth loss of a Frosted Face this week, and Buddha, so unexpectedly. He would paw at us for pets and rub his silly wrinkly head into us. He loved the idea of food which motivated him to do most things. The cutest characteristic about Buddha is that he loved water. He would chase the hose when it was on! (There is a video in the comments.)
In a society where consumerism, well.... consumes us, why do we have to think of dogs as products? We pursue an appeasing look by breed, the perfect temperament, and the least health concerns, among other things.
Firstly, can we guarantee these things? Secondly, do we have to? Where good dogs die everyday in the shelter system, why are we making more? The primary reason is for looks. My only hope is that if you naively, or even selfishly have chosen a dog from a breeder in this lifetime, that you learn to love your dog so much, you would never ever buy a dog again and only adopt once you are educated about the atrocities of pet overpopulation. When you know better, you do better. Surely you cannot imagine being the one holding a homeless animal's paw to comfort her as she is euthanized for space in a shelter. "It's okay, sweetheart. You are better off dead, than languishing in a kennel. I am not the person for you. I have my dog at home who was created in vain to look exactly how I wanted her."
Let's say, you perfect consumer you, that you bought your dog from a breeder because it may have fewer health problems. While that is completely untrue and cannot be guaranteed, why do you need a dog who doesn't require veterinary care? Consumerism at its worse right here. This isn't like buying a new car. At any given time your dog could and will require health care and you should be prepared to spend money. Heck! Most of us have jobs, why not choose a dog who needs us? Why do we need the best model? Surely you can afford to keep a dog comfortable while offering her a home.
You're not picky. You buy a dog from your backyard breeder neighbor whose two mutts had a litter. You don't care what she looks like and you don't mind paying for veterinary bills, BUT you say you bought your dog as a puppy because she is a blank slate who you will train to be the most perfect dog. Training any dog takes consistent execution by the owner whether the dog is adopted or purchased. While you don't want a rescue dog with baggage, you will certainly inadvertently condition bad behaviors into your dog. ...Yes, you will. And when she starts to resource guard her toys or her bed, you will not tolerate it or subject your family to that behavior. She will land in the shelter or worse.
Consumers, dogs are not products. Open your eyes, they are animals that we have created and domesticated who need us to make educated, selfless decisions at this point in time in order for them to live. You have an opportunity to do good and eliminate suffering.
Stop breeding dogs. Stop buying dogs. Stop giving up on your dogs.
To love dogs, is to save dogs.
"To love, is to act."
We loved you Buddha and I am sorry.
Acquired from: San Diego Humane Society
Age upon Rescue: 8
Date of Rescue: February 26th, 2019
Date of Passing: July 25th, 2019
Family: Michele Nelson
Fans: Carla Anderson
Tribute: On July 25th we fulfilled our promise to Freckles.
"It’s with a very heavy heart that I had to say goodbye to my Pecas aka Freckles aka Pickels today. The cancer took over in his mouth and throat and made it really hard for him to eat and breathe. I have no words. I haven’t stopped crying. He filled me heart with soo much love these past 4 months. We took walks together...we had daily belly rub time...we watched Jacobs games and made new friends at the baseball fields and pretty much went everywhere together. I’m going to be soo lost without him! No more cancer! No more smiles. 😔 I’m at a loss for words. 😔"
Acquired from: San Diego Humane Society
Age upon Rescue: 11
Date of Rescue: February 26th, 2019
Date of Passing: December 1st, 2019
Family: Jacob Gottlieb & Jacqui Le
Fans: Stacy LaFrance
Tribute: On December 1st we fulfilled our promise to Cora.
Upon rescue Cora the vet found a mass in Cora's anal gland. We did an ultrasound to check for metastasis, and then removed the mass knowing it could lend to a terrible prognosis. Unfortunately, the mass grew back and spread.
"On Nov 1st, Cora joyfully walked and stiffed 1.25 miles for #3030TEAMNASH Rescue Run. Despite not having a real meal for many days, needing assistance walking, and panting heavily just to get up, Cora woke me up in the early morning of Sat. Nov 30th and asked for a walk. Like a girl on a mission, she insisted on walking. I tried to turn her around knowing how tired she was, but she wanted to walk.
Our girl walked about 817 feet to wrap up her contribution to Rescue Run Challenge. I know it sounds crazy, but I tried to turn her around multiple times and she wouldn’t. Cora was determined. Cora waddled on while I supported her sling for her back legs. She panted through congestion and let poo slip out behind her in the name of fresh air.
The same afternoon, we learned Cora had a mass under heart heart, fluid in her lungs, and her bottom was raw from/in addition to the cancer mass on her anus.
Not knowing what to do, I called Kelly in tears. Cora’s alert. She had her first snack last night! She wags her tail for us! This was all true, but Cora Bear also hadn’t had a real meal in 7 days. She struggles to get up and her bottom is raw. She denies all her favorite foods and even gave me sass when I offered her chicken broth instead of water. Did I mention she SPIT out piece of hot dog?!? Who does that?! She clearly wasn’t feeling her best, but was it time?
I’ve always told Cora Bear that our house is her house and she cold go anywhere she wants. I’ve also told her that when the time comes, she could go, and she could tell me when she’s ready. “Cora, you don’t have to hang on for us. You can go when you’re ready, or let me know when your ready.”
Yesterday after the vet, Cora told us she was so so so tired. She laid so still and just rested with us all afternoon and all night. I could see it in her tired eyes. Cora was telling me she was ready and that it was time to let her go. Our girl barely moved except to switch sides. We cuddled in her spot in front of the couch from the moment we got home to the moment I carried her into the car for the last time this morning. ☹️
• • •
Cora Bear,
We love you so much. Thank for letting me love you, & loving me and Jacob. You always laid down to play when little children were around, and you rolled over for any human you thought would give you belly rubs. You‘re such a sweet, sassy, stubborn, picky eating, yet patient and kind girl. I’m so glad we were able to sneak in a tiny photoshoot in order to have family photos together.
Thanks for telling me you were ready, so I knew it was ok to let you go. I only want the best for you, always. And it turns out, the universe wants the same. The universe surprised us both and let us run into Alicia at the vet. This met you got a special send off full of extra love with someone who holds you dearly and close to heart, someone you who met you just minutes before, and a doctor who could see all sweetness in your puppy eyes.
We miss you so much already. Play well, be good, and see you later. Remember, you don’t always have to supervise playtime, you can play too!
💜❤️Love, Mama and Dada"
Acquired from: San Diego Humane Society
Age upon Rescue: 11
Date of Rescue: February 26th, 2019
Date of Passing: April 7th, 2022
Family: Brian & Theresa Wilford
Fans: Jessica Schlueter
Tribute: On April 7th, Brian and Theresa fulfilled their promise to Frosted Face Buddy.
They shared.
"We said goodbye to Buddy yesterday. He passed lying in my lap, with Theresa and I petting him, at home on the couch. He never felt fear or pain, the vet was great, same one that helped Jack pass.
Buddy had been deteriorating with cognitive issues, and sundowners. At night he would wander, getting himself into corners, under tables, etc. we would follow him around, but he looked lost. Luckily he started sleeping with us in bed a few months ago, but he was still restless at night usually waking up around 0230, so we would pet him and get him some water before he could relax and go back to sleep. Still seemed to enjoy life, but started to display signs of vision issues, difficulty eating, and episodes of pain. Things seemed to get worse this week, and yesterday, so we decided it was time.
Going to miss the little dude. He did not get much love or attention his first 12 years of life, but hopefully we made up for it his last three."
Acquired from: San Diego Humane Society
Age upon Rescue: 7
Date of Rescue: February 26th, 2019
Date of Passing: June 19th, 2024
Family: Susan Anoba
Fans: Lalaine & Julius Castillo
Tribute: On June 19th, Charla and Jeremy fulfilled their promise to Frosted Face Finn.
They shared,
"Our dear little Finn crossed the rainbow bridge on Wednesday, June 19th. The cancer was just too much for his little body. He was my stalwart little protector and such a brave, sweet boy. He followed his mama everywhere and never asked for much in return, just some head pats and a cozy bed to lay his head. The house seems quiet without his little tippy taps on the wood floor. We miss you, Finny. Love you forever. ❤️❤️❤️ #ffIves"
Acquired from: San Diego Humane Society
Age upon Rescue: 10
Date of Rescue: February 26th, 2019
Date of Passing: May 10th, 2024
Family: Gail Shirley
Fans: Lalaine & Julius Castillo, Marla Hernandez
Tribute: On May 10th, Gail fulfilled her promise to Frosted Face Sherlock.
She shared,
"My sweet boy Sherlock (Sherl, Sherly, Prancy Boy) passed peacefully in my arms on May 10, 2024. He joined our family 4 years 11-1/2 months ago, and his passing has left a hole in my heart that will never heal completely. Grieving comes in waves, the strongest so gripping it’s hard to breathe.
Early on, Sherlock was a joyous boy. He learned to use our doggie door in only a few minutes. He loved playing with stuffies, particularly the smaller sized ones he could carry around, and he delighted in a game of keep-away from mommy. Sherlock’s favorite stuffie was a tiny chipmunk from his FF Fan Auntie Marla.
Each mealtime Sherl was in line with his pack mates, eagerly waiting for mommy to finish assembling their food. My “IT’S READY” in a high-pitched voice was all it took for Sherlock to jump clear off the floor and then prance until I sat his dish down. It was always “TREAT TIME!” afterwards (compelling another Prancy Boy performance). Sherlock knew “shake” and “sit”. He also knew “wait” as I placed a treat on my big toe and raised my finger. With a drop of the finger and a big “OK!” he’d delicately lift the treat off my toe. He knew to wait patiently as treat-time meant taking turns, and he always followed FF Ophelia’s turn.
Sherlock was a day cuddler, a night cuddler, and loved to be touching me always. He gave the best kisses, even after his remaining teeth were removed (then he gave those kisses from one side of his mouth). He loved being craddled in my arms, on his back, looking up at me, and loved it when I spoke softly to him and sang him lullabys.
Little changes were almost imperceptible at first. Sherlock began staring off for a few seconds at a time. His CCD developed slowly, and we accommodated his every need as the condition progressed. That progression began escalating about 6 months ago. Sherlock’s spinal condition also escalated and became quite curved. A couple of months ago he began losing weight. We did everything possible to ensure he was getting adequate nutrition and calories. Toward the end, Sherlock was diagnosed with a grade 4 heart murmur and my local vet suspected he was experiencing skeletal and stomach pain. She sent us home with Entyce (appetite stimulant), Cerenia (anti-nausea), and Carprofen (pain med) to give us a few more good days . . . which grew to the gift of 7 good days.
Farewell, my dearest love, my cuddle bug, my Prancy Boy, until we meet again. Mommy loves you always."
Acquired from: San Diego Humane Society
Age upon Rescue: 12
Date of Rescue: February 26th, 2019
Date of Passing: February 1st, 2020
Family: Therrol & Nikki Troxel
Fans: Gail LaPurja
Tribute: On February 1st we fulfilled our promise to Maisy.
"My sweet, white, loving Maisy Mae Yodette has gone to heaven.
I became her forever foster mom on September 22nd, 3 weeks after losing 16 year old Cocoa Warrior Princess. Maisy was her polar opposite. She was dumped at a shelter and picked by FFF on February 26th. She was adopted shortly thereafter, but was returned to FFF in September due to divorce. When I saw her sweet face I knew I had to have her.
She was so delicate, dainty, soft, and gave sweet kisses.
She loved belly ribs and was always rolling on her back. She was a voracious eater and always wanted more.
She unfortunately came with a fatal flaw...her collapsing trachea. We had found the combination of drugs to control her coughing for quite sometime, but on Saturday she woke up with some diarrhea and difficulty breathing but no cough.
I rushed her to SDBAH where they did x-rays which showed trouble in her chest. I was sent home with meds and the warning if she worsened to get her to an ER. Arriving home she acted hungry and she ate and took liquid meds. As she was sitting on my lap she started mouth breathing which was a bad sign. I knew she needed an ER, but she leaned into me and collapsed. I rubbed her and told her I loved her but she died in my arms. I only had her 4 1/2 months but I loved her like it was a lifetime. Maisy Mae I miss you so much and will love you forever."
Acquired from: San Diego Humane Society
Age upon Rescue: 13
Date of Rescue: February 26th, 2019
Date of Passing: August 6th, 2021
Family: Andy & Kim Green
Fans: Beth El, Barbara Roblin Mirza, Wilson Family
Tribute: On August 6th, Kim and Andy fulfilled their promise to Frosted Face Ringo.
Kim shares,
"Doesn’t it seem like our smallest, quietest family members sometimes leave the biggest holes in our hearts and homes? That’s how it has felt since our Ringo passed away two weeks ago. For many months we had been so focused on how to best care for him as he declined and struggled with the effects of CCD. Now, we're looking back at all the photos and videos, and they’re reminding us of how much Ringo lived during the 2 ½ years he was part of our family. And how he loved so deeply and was so loved in return.
Ringo is a shining example of Frosted Faces Foundation’s 'promise of family and quality veterinary care for senior animals whose love and lives are in jeopardy.' Within weeks of rescuing Ringo, FFF provided him with much-needed surgeries to remove bladder stones and a mass on his backside, and to extract diseased teeth! Then, after doing everything possible to treat the ulcers in his eyes, FFF followed the vet’s recommendation to enucleate both eyes. We are so grateful for the investment FFF made to alleviate all of Ringo’s painful health issues and for entrusting us to be his family. He was our first Frosted Face and the inspiration for those we have adopted since.
Ringo was a quirky boy who despite being blind, learned how to navigate his way from one end of our house to the other… when he wanted to! Most of the time, he preferred to be carried, and we happily obliged. Ringo adored his dad above all, and they shared a very special bond. He loved all of his fur siblings and always wanted to be close to them, especially to sleep. Ringo warmly welcomed all new additions to our family and was always a willing cuddle buddy. He enjoyed riding in the stroller, especially with a friend, visiting the kids next door, floating in our pool, eating fruit, and going on car rides. Ringo loved soaking up the sun, and if there was a breeze, he would lift his face up to feel it.
We miss you, Ding-Ding, and will love you always. We picture you in heaven reunited with Sara, Barney, Axl, and Arthur and getting to eat all the watermelon and strawberries you want. "
Acquired from: San Diego Humane Society
Age upon Rescue: 10
Date of Rescue: February 26th, 2019
Date of Passing: July 6th, 2019
Family: Gillian Young
Fans: Karen Smith
Tribute: On Saturday, July 6th, we fulfilled our promise to Deborah.
"I said goodbye today. I had her just shy of 18 weeks. She was so stupid cute. Soft, squishy, cuddly, easy, mellow, opinionated and sweet. I perma-fostered her knowing she was mostly blind, deaf and in advanced kidney failure. I didn't care how long she had, I would make her time comfortable and loving.
She met lots of doggie friends, went with me to the barn, took her to her first polo tournament last weekend, and she enjoyed her swanky car bed accommodations. She was mostly completely silent other than when she felt well enough to voice her opinions leading to the nickname Bossycakes, a play on words for a kind of Little Debbie snack. My mother never met her but I sent a Daily Debbie text message photo about her new granddog.
I refused to be the owner of a Purse Puppy, so we compromised... I had a little wagon she would ride in at the barn. We didn't have a lifetime of fun and adventure but the 4 months we did have was precious. She wore a bell at the house and I would play a daily game of "find the tiny deaf dog" most times when I came home. It was so cute to come home to that face.
Every dog, regardless of when it is their time, deserves to be loved on their last day. She was. We do our best with these little precious souls and hope to see them again, even if only in our dreams. I hope you got to meet her. She was ridiculously adorable and easy to love. Please enjoy how cute she was. She loved chicken hot dogs and Cheerios."
Acquired from: San Diego Humane Society
Age upon Rescue: 7
Date of Rescue: February 26th, 2019
Date of Passing:
Family: John & Valerie Herrera
Fans: Lalaine & Julius Castillo
Acquired from: San Diego Humane Society
Age upon Rescue: 10
Date of Rescue: February 26th, 2019
Date of Passing: January 25th, 2024
Family: Olivia Aiza & Eric Gomez
Fans: Lalaine & Julius Castillo
Tribute: On January 25th, Olivia fulfilled her promise to Frosted Face Whiskey.
She shared,
"Whiskey is crossing the rainbow bridge today. He’s got a disc slipped or tumor pressing on his spine and can’t use his back legs. It’s been over a week and still no feeling or use and the dr says the only option would be ct scan and surgery but that whiskey isn’t a good candidate for back surgery. The dr said waiting will cause his spine to deteriorate from non use and will be very painful so inaction is not a choice. This is a very difficult decision but we know it’s the right one for whiskey.
He was still bright and loving but physically his body was at its limit. Thank you for all you do, and for introducing whiskey into my family. He has brought so much love and laughter and light into our worlds. We loved his spunk and his irresistible fox like charm. We will miss him dearly, words cannot express how grateful we are to have gotten to love him as long as we did."
Acquired from: SEAACA
Age upon Rescue: 9
Date of Rescue: March 1st, 2019
Date of Passing: August 20th, 2021
Family: Steve & LuAnn Pollett
Fans: Rose Family
Tribute: On August 20th, Luann and Steve fulfilled their promise to Frosted Face Ginny. She had the best parents who accommodated her weak heart and CCD, loving and protecting her like a newborn baby for two years!
Luann shared, "It breaks my heart to report that Ginny has gone to the rainbow bridge. My sweet sugar lamb collapsed today and was having trouble breathing.
We are devastated and cannot believe it. I hope and pray that in heaven she can now see and hear. Thank you for allowing us to be her family, she is going to be greatly missed."
Acquired from: SEAACA
Age upon Rescue: 10
Date of Rescue: March 1st, 2019
Date of Passing:
Family: Khoe Huynh Tu & Matthew Rose
Fans: RZ
Acquired from: San Diego Humane Society
Age upon Rescue: 9
Date of Rescue: March 8th, 2019
Date of Passing:
Family: Ken Barnes & Taryn O’Neill
Fans: Stephanie Tillman
Acquired from: San Diego Humane Society
Age upon Rescue: 8
Date of Rescue: March 8th, 2019
Date of Passing: November 18th, 2022
Family: Killian & Andrea Serrano
Fans: Wendy Davis
Tribute: "On Friday November 18th we fulfilled our promise to our sweet, tiny Rumor Pumor aka Puma.
After a few months of chasing down and addressing health issues, our girl had what my wife would describe as a sudden and slow decline. She had started sleeping more and Thursday night she rallied and she ate her homemade dinner and sat in mom's lap for cuddles. We went to bed hopeful. In the morning we set her on her favorite spot on the couch with her favorite blankets and she fell asleep. Our girl never regained counciousness. We rushed her to the emergency vet and did what we could before we had to step up and be her parents and decide that she didn't need to suffer any longer or keep fighting like she always had1 before. We held her close and said our goodbyes. She was with her favorite people doing her favorite thing...sleeping and getting cuddles.
Rumor and I have rarely been apart since we brought her home 3 and a half years ago. I work from home and she would regularly nap in my lap. When I broke my leg, she was by my side the entire time and only left me to eat and quickly go outside. When I was pregnant, she was the first pup to notice and loved cuddling up to my belly. And when we brought our daughter home, Rumor was the gentlest big sister that just wanted to climb in my lap to be closer to her.
We have so many beautiful memories with Rumor.
She had a personality larger than life! This blind, toothless, short baby loved to bark at the big dogs and act tough. She had a big heart and I think that made her think she was a big girl. It ALWAYS brought me a laugh. Rumor had about ten teeth left but she'd still try to fight you putting on her sweater. She was our little sour patch kid and her sweet feistyness will truly be missed.
We are heartbroken and the house feels empty without her. After we said our goodbyes we moved quickly to build out a terrace for a "Puma Park" in our backyard with a beautiful flowering tree in the corner. We were lucky to be her forever family and proud that when she comes home her ashes will be buried under the tree where she'll continue to be a part of our life and rest in her forever home."
Acquired from: The Barking Lot
Age upon Rescue: 9
Date of Rescue: March 10th, 2019
Date of Passing: February 17th, 2023
Family: Kelly Sloan
Fans: Debbie Dunivan, Dog Devoted, Liam, Karin Levi
Tribute: On February 17th, Kelly fulfilled her promise to Frosted Face Boscoe.
She shared,
"I fell in love with Boscoe before I even met him. His first 9 years of life were heartbreaking. He was rescued and at @frostedfaces where we finally met and I took him home that day! He’s been a big part of my life and pack for almost 3.5 years. It has been my goal to make sure the rest of his life was amazing and full of love. He will be greatly missed except for the Amazon driver who can now finally walk through the gate with out being chased away 😂😂
Love you my grumpy fuzzy hippo ♥️"
Acquired from: The Barking Lot
Age upon Rescue: 9
Date of Rescue: March 10th, 2019
Date of Passing: June 10th, 2020
Family: Tania Chyplyk
Fans: Jessica Pugliese, Lisa Scott
Tribute: On June 10th we fulfilled our promise to Gracie.
Gracie's mom shares,
"Gracie had extremely labored breathing and arrhythmia. The vet there consulted with our Cardiologist, Dr. Harmon, and he confirmed that her heart medications were no longer working.
When Dr. Harmon told me she would have 6 to 18 months of life on the heart meds, all I heard was 18+.
She was such a big light and character and I was so spoiled with her presence in my life some moments seem unbearable but she knows I
will honor her by being grateful for the love and not indulging in the heart break so I can wait for another soul such as hers.
What an incredible journey, she was so adorable - we were instantly in love even though it took a couple months initially for her to be comfy cuddling with me on the couch.
She stole the show, our little super star bumbly babe."
Acquired from: OC Animal Care
Age upon Rescue: 13
Date of Rescue: March 13th, 2019
Date of Passing: April 26th, 2021
Family: Michelle Hawver
Fans: Denise Mendonca
Tribute: On April 26th, Michelle fulfilled her promise to Frosted Face Elwood.
She shared,
"My heart is heavy today as I placed my little Elwood to rest. He was over 15 years old and got to experience going on walks, dog parks, chicken, In & Out patties (no salt), massage, peanut butter, ice-cream, different kinds of dog cookies, steak, truck rides, adopted a new brother (CHOPPER), got to run, and most of all, received an abundance amount of LOVE.
When I adopted him from Frosted Faces Foundation he was 13.5 years old. Elwood, in return, gave me more smiles and unconditional love from a handicapped dog in these last 2.5 years.
I am blessed that I was the one to be there as he exhaled his last breath.
'I'll see you later, Elwood!'
Acquired from: OC Animal Care
Age upon Rescue: 12
Date of Rescue: March 13th, 2019
Date of Passing: September 29th, 2019
Family: Frosted Faces Foundation
Fans: Lisa Lind, James Berkson
Tribute: On Sunday, September 29th, we fulfilled our promise to Janis.
We rescued Janis knowing she had stomatitis and prepared to fix it. We learned that she had a hernia in her diaphragm making surgery risky, so we talked to a dental specialist and many others. We pursued a surgery to extract all of her teeth and she survived! I love this first photo of her. It was about a week after her dental surgery and her mouth was no longer filled with rotten teeth or pus. She did the biggest mouth stretch to show off her clean healthy mouth and it made me so happy we could do that for her.
Janis was the boss of our cat catio. She made sure she ate first, she walked in and out of door first, swatting at all who dared to challenge her. She was buddies with our pit, Sawyer, and slept on my pillow at night with her claws in my hair. If I moved she would growl at me!
We started to notice pus building up in her mouth again and revisited the vet multiple times. Perhaps a root was left behind? But we had done dental radiographs. We treated palliatively with steroids, antibiotics, and pain meds the last couple of months knowing more anesthesia would surely doom her. Just a couple weeks ago we noticed her cheek getting swollen and it quickly spread down her neck and behind her eye only on one side. It couldn't be stomatitis again, but this time, a mass. She never stopped purring and nudging her face into our palms, but when she stopped eating we knew there was pain too great for quality.
On the way to the vet she looked out the window curiously like they always do to rip our hearts out and question judgement. It feels like such a betrayal to euthanize an animal that seems like she does not want to go and I know that gutted Andy. One look at Janis would tell you it was time and only worse discomfort lingered ahead. We were able to see inside her mouth once she was gone and see how extensive the mass was for a twisted peace of mind.
Frosted Felines, we are learning, offer us such personal relationships. They don't go to cat parks, on walks in the neighborhood, or wineries with our friends... well not most of them. Really no one but those who live with them know their tendencies and secrets. It's just us and them as roommates who develop a dance together. It's pretty special!
My pillow will be empty tonight, but I am glad we had the opportunity to fight for Janis and appreciate her.
Acquired from: Redlands Animal Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 8
Date of Rescue: March 15th, 2019
Date of Passing:
Family: Katie Braaten & Tanner Dunn
Fans: Rachel Harriger
Acquired from: At-Choo Foundation
Age upon Rescue: 2
Date of Rescue: March 17th, 2019
Date of Passing:
Family: Nick Nguyen
Fans: Amy Jellison, Amber Gardina-Quintanilla, Kerry Killeen
Acquired from: VCA Mission & Bird Hospital
Age upon Rescue: 13
Date of Rescue: April 9th, 2019
Date of Passing:
Family: Nancy Vaughan
Fans: Kristina Berry, Liam
Acquired from: Riverside Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 11
Date of Rescue: April 17th, 2019
Date of Passing: April 29th, 2021
Family: Mary Arkwright
Fans: Luana Connor
Tribute: On April 29th, Mary fulfilled her promise to Frosted Face Nessie.
"Some sad news. Our dear, sweet Nessie passed away on Thursday, April 29th. We will miss her very much. What a character she was.
When she first moved in she laid claim to a corner of the family room and you could find her there most of the time. She enjoyed being in the backyard too. She loved walking around and checking everything out. She also had a way of letting out a loud bark once in a while for no particular reason which made us laugh. She enjoyed her walks around the block too. Lately things went downhill when she refused all food. Her kidney values soared off the chart and we found out she had some tumors on her kidneys. I made the tough decision to let her go. Thankfully I was able to hold her as she peacefully left us.
Thank you to FFF for their guidance in this difficult time. Nessie, I'm so glad we met and became family. I love you now and forever."
Acquired from: Riverside Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 13
Date of Rescue: April 17th, 2019
Date of Passing: July 17th, 2020
Family: Alisa & Todd Luvisi
Fans: Carrie Gonzales, Joe Souza
Tribute: On July 17th we fulfilled our promise to Whisper.
Whisper's mom shares,
"It is with a heavy heart that I share that our girl, Little Momma (Whisper) has crossed Rainbow Bridge. We thought we would have more time, it was so sudden. Thursday night her hind legs were wobbly and having trouble supporting her, by early Friday morning she was having frequent small seizures as I rushed her to the animal hospital. An MRI indicated she’d had many, many strokes and her poor little body just couldn’t hold on any longer. We made the decision to give her as peaceful of a passing as possible and she left us Friday afternoon.
I’ve been struggling with writing this because I don’t think any amount of words will do our girl justice. We only had her for a year. It wasn’t enough time. Forever wouldn’t have been enough time.
She was deaf with one eye and couldn’t run or jump, but she was our deaf, one-eyed, rickety girl and she managed to firmly plant herself in our hearts.
Her love of food and the way she’d dive into her bowl, making little piggy noises and eating with gusto always made us laugh. She’d get about 10% of it on the floor to be licked up later, but not if her brother got to it first. She was spicy and sassy, opinionated and insistent and would throw sass your way if you didn’t give in to her demands or if she didn’t like HOW you gave into her demands. She loved cuddles and would stomp her paw while vocally grouching at you if you weren’t picking her up fast enough to put her on the couch. Once next to you she’d snuggle up tight and promptly snooze for hours, with her little paws sprawled over your legs. She had velvet fur under her ears that we loved to pet and she loved when we did, leaning harder and harder into our hands to get just the right spot. It was also the perfect place to kiss her tiny head when picking her up. When in our arms, she’d look around curiously, as if the new vantage point had something different to offer her. Or maybe she was scoping out the counters for food, we’ll never know. She never let her body’s limitations stop her from getting what she wanted. The trash cans found a new home because despite not being able to jump, she could stand on her hind legs long enough to get her front legs onto the garbage can to bring it town. Our very own dumpster diver, with a little brother who would follow her lead and be right next to her trying to scavenge the goods.
We miss you Little Momma. We cherish all the wonderful memories you left us with, you will forever be in our hearts. Rest easy precious baby girl, we love you. ❤️"
Acquired from: Riverside Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 13
Date of Rescue: April 17th, 2019
Date of Passing: November 3rd, 2021
Family: Marla Hernandez
Fans: Carol Shear
Tribute: On November 3rd, Marla fulfilled her promise to Frosted Face Chai.
She shares,
"Yesterday, my Chai crossed Rainbow Bridge. I am beyond heart broken.
Many of you know, I fell in love with her while volunteering at FFF. She was adopted and returned twice before coming to live with me in May 2020.
She hasn’t been the healthiest dog-battling Heart Failure and Chronic Pneumonia. But she always maintained her spunk and love a food-until a few weeks ago. She started having black stools and refusing meals. She was in and out the vet’s office while they tried to figure out the cause.
At her appointment on Monday, Dr. Russell discovered that she likely had intestinal cancer and gave a prognosis of only a few more days to live with a hematocrit of 12%. He suggested letting her go that day. Selfishly, I asked for a day or two to say goodbye. As soon as we got home, I questioned my decision, and just prayed that Chai wasn’t in any pain.
Dr. Russell prescribed an appetite stimulant, which was the best thing ever! Chai got to go to Dexter’s Deli for treats, and eat Bacon Ice Cream while watching the sunset at the beach. She even had a Bacon Cheeseburger and fries for dinner.
To my Chai: Thank you for letting me be your mommy. I pray that the year and a half you lived with me canceled out at pain or heartache you endured before coming home with me. I love you, so, so much!
To FFF: Thank you for rescuing Chai, giving a safe place to land, and providing financial support for her many needs"
Baby girl
Acquired from: Downey Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 6
Date of Rescue: April 17th, 2019
Date of Passing: May 28th, 2024
Family: Holly Ninneman
Fans: Ginger Haggerty, Pooja Teckchandani, Ariane Wilson, Dana Cyccone
Tribute: On May 28th, Holly fulfilled her promise to Frosted Face Baby Girl.
She shared,
"It is with a heavy heart that I am letting you know that my goofy, sweet, always wanting to please, loveable, Baby Girl crossed the rainbow bridge yesterday. She was 11 years old and we only shared 4 1/2 years together, but she stole my heart.
She was the bestest Baby Girl and I was very blessed to have her. I am grieving her loss..."