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Enjoy scrolling through all of our Frosted Face senior animals who have benefit from our mission at Frosted Faces Foundation.  They are listed in order of date of rescue, including those that have passed. If you have been following a certain Frosted Face's story and would like to know how he/she is doing, please email us at

Please make note of animals still looking for families. Their "Family" is listed as "Frosted Faces Foundation."  View biographies and more photos at Available Frosted Faces, learn more about becoming a family and the different programs we offer. You can also help fund their care by registering as their monthly sponsoring Fan.  



Acquired from: Pit Bull Rescue of San Diego
Age upon Rescue: 9
Date of Rescue: January 17th, 2018
Date of Passing: November 19th, 2021
Family: Jordan Sabo
Fans: Nancy Veach, The Baker Family
Tribute: On November 19th, Jo fulfilled her promise to Frosted Face Sammy.

Sammy came to us as one of the three remaining poorly socialized dogs rescued by Pit Bull Rescue of San Diego when the organization dissolved.

PBRSD did not only bring three special dogs into our lives, but also a handful of highly devoted volunteers who now volunteer at FFF, including Kennel Manager Alicia Anthony who helps us run the place!

Alicia coordinated this transfer and shares,

"PBRSD exited 4 month old Sammy from the North County Humane Society on 3/4/09. He had an injured leg, but it was not broken, per x-rays. He was placed in a cast and the challenge arrived to keep a 4 month old puppy on crate rest while he healed. He shared time with a couple of foster families until he was adopted in July of 2009.

Fast forward 8 years to when his adopter contacted PBRSD to relinquish Sammy back to the rescue. He and his wife had recently had a daughter and were not comfortable with Sammy around her in their small condo, even though he had never shown any reason he couldn’t reside with children in the home. The adopter’s sister-in-law offered to foster Sammy for the rescue, while they looked for a permanent placement for him.

About a year and a half later PBRSD sadly had to close its doors. Thankfully Frosted Faces Foundation agreed to take in their remaining 3 dogs who were in foster care, Sammy being one of them.

Sammy stayed in his Foster home during this change, and she kept him for another 3 months or so. She was traveling a lot and didn’t feel she was equipped to look after him any longer. Sammy became a resident at Frosted Faces Foundation, and while he received so much love and attention from volunteers, it wasn’t his home. Along came Jo, who didn’t have other animals in her home (a requirement for Sammy). She fostered him for over a year before committing to becoming his forever family.”

Jo tells their story,

"On Friday Nov. 19, I said goodbye to my best friend, Sam.

I haven’t quite figured out how to say goodbye to you, mainly because I don’t want this to be goodbye. I got you as an emotional support dog, having no idea how much I would ever truly need you. I got you the summer before Jason died, the worst heartbreak I’ve ever felt. So many tears, so many panic attacks, and every single time, there you were. Licking my tears away. Calming my breaths. Being my rock. You were everything I ever needed you to be, and so much more. And for that I thank you. And I can only hope that I gave you everything I could’ve possibly given you out of this short time we had together. Thank you for being my hiking buddy, my camping pal, my cuddle partner. My best friend. We had a really good run, and in the end we made it. Through all the lows we were thrown, I wasn’t sure we were going to, but we did. I would watch sunsets with you till the world stops turning. I wish our adventure could go on forever, but time wasn’t in our favor. This isn’t goodbye, this is see you later. I love you, my sweet sweet boy, always and forever, until forever ends.

Thank you to everyone who helped us out over the past two and a half years. To everyone who showed my boy love before and after we finally met. And thank you to Frosted Faces for introducing me to him, I never knew how much he would change my world."



Acquired from: Pit Bull Rescue of San Diego
Age upon Rescue: 9
Date of Rescue: January 17th, 2018
Date of Passing: June 28th, 2020
Family: Matt and Leticia Ciccati
Fans: Dr. Mary Elizabeth Thorsby
Tribute: On June 28th, we fulfilled our promise to Pippin.

Her family shares,
"Pippin became a Frosted Face in 2018 when San Diego Pit Bull Rescue disbanded and transferred its remaining dogs to Frosted Faces Foundation. Pip was a wonderful, loving dog who struggled with separation anxiety to the point of injuring herself to break out of her crate and dog aggression.

While having two very loving foster families, it was a challenge to find an adoption family who could commit to some of the issues Pip had. When Pip came to Frosted Faces Foundation it was the perfect solution for Pip. Rather than having the end-goal be adoption, Pip could live her remaining time with her foster family who loved her and who she had grown to love. Pip was a devoted big sister to 2-year old Gianna and 9-month Diego.

In January of this year, Pip’s enlarged heart began showing complications of congestive heart failure and her ability to breathe became an ongoing struggle. From January to late-June Pip’s health declined and the difficult decision was made to euthanize Pip and let her rest. Pip was loved by and will be missed by many."

Pippin's foster for many years, Beth Baker, includes, "Thanks for taking Pip in as a Frosted Face. It allowed her to remain with Matt and Leti, who adored her and were willing to manage all the things that made her Pip. It was really special getting to pick her up from the shelter as a baby, fostering her for two different periods of her life, then getting to hold her in my arms as she passed."



Acquired from: Pit Bull Rescue of San Diego
Age upon Rescue: 6
Date of Rescue: January 17th, 2018
Date of Passing: December 27th, 2022
Family: James & Jill Hohn
Fans: In honor of Mike Armstead

Tribute: On December 27th, James and Jill fulfilled their promise to Frosted Face David.

They shared,

"Our Davey was a surprise gift to our family. We started fostering him in 2017 after he had bounced around through multiple households - 12 we believe. We knew he would be a challenging dog due to his animal aggression, but we loved him none the less and accommodated his needs.

David’s favorite pastimes included: cuddling on the couch with his family and watching TV, barking at the TV whenever any animal crossed the screen, taking mini vacations to his grandparents house, eating anything and everything he could come by, sunbathing, and of course, lots of petting and love."

We knew David loved his couch time and cuddles because he would let out a loud groan, followed by a very unique dog smile that would make our entire family giggle. Along with David’s smile, he was famous for his ears. They had two settings, kangaroo (standing straight up) and full bonnet (pinned down to his head). Anyone who met David immediately commented on his ears.

Our family is so grateful for the time we had with David and will cherish those 6 years forever. He was a good boy and we will miss him. #TheDavid #Davey"



Acquired from: Long Beach Animal Control
Age upon Rescue: 10
Date of Rescue: January 18th, 2018
Date of Passing: April 14th, 2023
Family: Jeremy & Bridget Ross
Fans: Barbara Price

Tribute: On April 14th, Bridget and Jeremy fulfilled their promise to Frosted Face Gill.

They shared,

"Gill let us know that he was ready to walk across the Rainbow Bridge and we said goodbye to him Friday, April 14 at Frosted Faces. He blessed us with his presence for five glorious years. They truly were brighter years because of that pointy eared boy. He became a fixture of our family as soon as he came home. Gilly loved his collection of Lamb Chops (he had one for each holiday ) and his comfy bed which always had a place where all his people were. His bed took up most of our living room and we miss having a cramped living room now.

Our cattle dog loved nothing more to be cozied up near all his favorite people. He tended to show his affection by following you around the house- he did not like to be left alone. He stopped being able to go upstairs but he would give his dad a look and then get carried right up. Known for his monstrous snores, we always knew when he was fast asleep because we could hear him from anywhere in the house.

Gill went on plenty of outings and vacations with his family from the beach to Big Bear but over the last year as he began to slow down he became content to just lay under his little sister’s high chair and snag all the food she dropped. Salmon, broccoli and chicken were his favorites. Even when he could no longer get up to waddle to the door, he’d perk his head up and wag his stumpy tail when he saw us. We are forever thankful to have had the time we did with him and as devastating as it has been to say goodbye, we are happy that he is no longer hurting and that he was able to walk across

We knew he was ready to go when that stumpy tail stopped wagging for weeks. We love you Gilly and you will always be a part of our family. You have no idea, Gilly Bear, how much we miss you.

A special thanks to Dr Russell and the veterinary team at FFF for loving our boy and treating him with so much kindness."



Acquired from: Los Angeles Animal Care & Control-Downey
Age upon Rescue: 9
Date of Rescue: January 21st, 2018
Date of Passing: January 24th, 2018
Family: Frosted Faces Foundation
Fans: Mary Havens
Tribute: There is one person's voice I do not want to hear at 8:00am and that is Dr. VanMaele's. This timing has become all too familiar as San Diego Bay Animal Hospital has cared for our Frosted Faces for over three years. I know she hasn't gotten to the hospital yet, but she bears the burden of relaying the bad news that morning staff report.

Quincy did not make it through the night.

We rescued 9 year old Quincy on January 21st, 2018 from Downey Shelter after he came in as a stray. He was hospitalized for two days with oxygen, nebulizing treatments, antibiotic injections, and fluids. We actually thought he was doing better yesterday and discussed discharging him last night. He looked bright, his oxygen saturation was normal, and he seemed comfortable aside from some boogers. We decided to keep him in the hospital's care for one more day because he wasn't eating yet and we thought by today he may.

We learned in x-ray that his coughing was a result of horrendous collapsing trachea which we suspect ultimately ended his life because it was such a sudden unexpected decline. Other suggestions of cause of death were a possible unidentified sternal mass or a blood clot.

Silence sets in and tears well up. There was no grand final good bye, no perfect beach day, no last amazing meal. I can tell you we spooned on the bathroom floor for a good part of Sunday evening. He got a warm bath to soak off all the urine that had caked on his legs due to his immobility at the shelter. I think where I will rest easy is that we are blessed with adequate funding because of your generous donations that allowed us to give Quincy a fighting chance with no reservations. I am happy that we had the opportunity to support Quincy, rather than seeing him euthanized without justification. Thank you.

Thank you to Mary Havens for registering to be Quincy's monthly sponsoring Fan and offering him the gift of hope.

Dear Quincy, we loved you.




Acquired from: Happy Tails Daycare
Age upon Rescue: 14
Date of Rescue: January 26th, 2018
Date of Passing: May 3rd, 2019
Family: Keith & Nicole Kelsey
Fans: Marie Ligety, Renata Santeli, Susan Mohr
Tribute: On Friday, May 3rd, we fulfilled our promise to Ginger.

Ginger came into our care in an unusual way. She was a long time boarder at Happy Tails up in San Luis Obispo, and one day she collapsed. Then Kennel Manager, Jenna (who is now Kennel Manger right here at FFF!), rushed Ginger to the vet only to find that Ginger's mom did not want to pursue diagnostics and opted to euthanize in spite of us offering to help cover medical. That didn't sit quite right, and so Jenna asked if she could have Ginger and find her a new family.

Keith and Nicole Kelsey offered to open up their homes as Forever Fosters to Ginger and Frosted Faces Foundation covered medication and veterinary visits. We did an echo and supported over $300/month of medications for our new girl and look how she lived MANY quality days in the great care of the Kelseys. Every day looked like Disneyland for dogs with them!

They share,
"Today I had to make the heartbreaking decision to let my sweet baby girl go. Ginger was such a trooper and brought so much joy to our family. She made us laugh with all her little quirks. As I look back, we had so much fun together and I'm glad I was able to help give that to her.

Go frolic free of pain and eat everything you want. We love you sooo much baby girl 💞 Until we meet again."



Acquired from: Redlands Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 9
Date of Rescue: January 24th, 2018
Date of Passing: June 11th, 2022
Family: Tracy Elise
Fans: Marina Jirotka

Tribute: On June 11th, Tracy fulfilled her promise to Frosted Face Biff after battling liver cancer.

Tracy joked that although she knows everyone says they have the best dog, she REALLY had the best dog. Biff was Tracy's first pet! She said she couldn't believe how many people she met in her neighborhood just by getting out to walk him.

She loved him very very much and he will be missed.

Fiona Marple

Acquired from: Redlands Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 9
Date of Rescue: January 17th, 2018
Date of Passing: December 15th, 2021
Family: Mary Arkwright
Fans: Mary Havens
Tribute: On December 15th, Mary fulfilled her promise to Frosted Face Fiona Marple.

Mary shared,

"My dear friend, Fiona Marple has crossed the rainbow bridge. What a joy and privilege it's been for nearly 4 years to have had her with me. She was always happy and loved being with me, whatever I was doing. She enjoyed walks and sniffing everything. She could not see,

but was the 1st one in the kitchen whenever she heard someone making food. We shared many adventures together. It's been an enormous adjustment without her but before she left we planned to meet again in St. Mary Mead over the rainbow bridge. Keep spreading your joy little angel. I will always love you and be thankful we met."



Acquired from: San Diego Animal Services-Bonita
Age upon Rescue: 10
Date of Rescue: January 26th, 2018
Date of Passing:
Family: Rob & Heather Aranha
Fans: Victoria Conway



Acquired from: Hope for Paws
Age upon Rescue: 8
Date of Rescue: January 30th, 2018
Date of Passing: April 10th, 2018
Family: Paulette Gagnon & Nancy Atkins
Fans: Renata Santeli
Tribute: On April 10th, 2018, 8 year old Betty passed away.

We acquired Betty, formerly Louise/Fauna, from Hope For Paws just recently on January 30th, 2018. She had been surrendered into their care when her owner went to prison for a very long time. They did complete diagnostics, even performing dental surgery and removing lipomas. She wasn't at Frosted Faces Foundation very long, because she was SUCH a good girl.

She was adopted on February 19th and just last week her moms noticed she was struggling to breathe so they rushed her to the vet. They tapped 3 liters of fluid from her lungs! They did all of the recommended diagnostics, no masses, no heart issues, no evidence in the fluid itself, and all they could deduce was that she had some kind of cancer causing the fluid build up. Sound familiar? Multiple vets recommended euthanasia to prevent suffering during more fluid accumulation and Betty's family lovingly let her go.

"Goodbye, our sweet Betty. You came into our lives for such a very short time, but brought so much to our little family. You were a gentle soul, the depth of which could be seen in your beautiful brown eyes. We are so grateful that we could give you a home filled with love at the end. Be free, and know that you will always be with us. 💕"

Paulette Gagnon and Nancy Atkins, I know your hearts were not prepared for loss so soon. Thank you for stepping up to the responsibility of caring deeply and letting go unselfishly. Thank you to Renata Santeli for being Betty's dedicated monthly sponsoring Fan.

These photos are worth a thousand words and one very important promise fulfilled - family.







Acquired from: Owner Surrender
Age upon Rescue: 14
Date of Rescue: February 16th, 2018
Date of Passing: September 2nd, 2020
Family: Shaun & Payge Bayshore
Fans: Leslie Harris, Paula Rushton
Tribute: On September 2nd we fulfilled our promise to Maggie.

Her mom shares, “I never thought the day would come where I would be posting this as bizarre as that sounds... ☹️

We had to put Maggie down last night. The tumor on her liver ruptured and was slowly causing her to bleed out. I wish there was something we could of done and because of COVID we didn’t get to be there when she died. It was just awful. We were able to visit with her before. The whole time I kept asking myself if it was the right choice. I wanted to bring her home so bad. Giving her to a stranger who felt so cold to end her life was probably one of the worst experiences of my life.

Last night was awful. Neither Shaun or I slept well. The bed feels empty, the house feels empty. I never realized how much she made our house feel like a home. I thought waking up today I would feel less sad without her here but I think it’s worse today then yesterday. I found so much comfort in Maggie! The last 2.5 years we had with her were truly the best. We took her so many places because she just wanted to be with you all the time. Excited for the next adventure or the next place. She loved to eat, sleep, and snuggle. Maggie was loving, funny, and a ball of energy. It doesn’t feel real that I don’t get to be with her anymore. I wish she could come back home! ☹️"


Acquired from: Owner Surrender
Age upon Rescue: 14
Date of Rescue: February 16th, 2018
Date of Passing: May 30th, 2022
Family: Chris Gere
Fans: Leslie Harris

Tribute: On May 30th, Lexi and Chris fulfilled their promise to Frosted Face Rascal.

Lexi shared,

"I never understood 'love at first sight' until Rascal was put in Chris’s arms that first time- there was no way we were going home without him and all we had planned to do was drink some wine.

The last four years have seemed like so much more, but no time would have been enough. Here’s to world’s best blanket perfector, wet kiss giver, squealing demander, bed hog, vampire, large rodent, lil buddy, grumpy grandpa

I cannot thank everyone enough who was in Rascal’s corner this weekend that helped us fight for him. Truly incomprehensible the support system this little one had, near and far."



Acquired from: San Diego Animal Services-Bonita
Age upon Rescue: 15
Date of Rescue: February 17th, 2018
Date of Passing: October 20th, 2020
Family: Shane Morgan & Chris Meza
Fans: Caryn & Michael Rosenstein
Tribute: On October 20th, we fulfilled our promise to Jacques.

"Hello FFF Family. Today, Jacques - our noble Jacques Froussard Morgan-Meza, crossed the rainbow bridge.

His physical health was strong and his spirit tried and true. His neurology didn’t have the foundation necessary to keep him safe and comfortable any longer, however.

We were blessed in so many ways, by Jacques himself, his admirers, his medical team, and his amazing community and neighbors. His legacy will continue on, in a fashion appropriate to his temperament and grace.

While we reassemble and process this enormous shift in our hearts, we will provide in true Jacques sophistication a digital memorial to share with all.

We thank each and every one of you for your support before and during his time with us, and the continued support as we celebrate his life and everlasting charm. Hugs and love from Shane and Chris. "



Acquired from: South Los Angeles Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 10
Date of Rescue: February 20th, 2018
Date of Passing: August 19th, 2019
Family: James & Jeanette Snedden
Fans: Elaine Byrnes
Tribute: On August 19th we fulfilled our promise to Pepper.

Soonafter Pepper was chosen and placed, she had a seizure which her parents vetted her for and started medication. They bought her a good year with them and even moved her out of state with them recently!

"I have some bad news today. We had to put Pepper to sleep because she was having many seizures and was unable to stand. It was a hard decision, but we can tell she was in a lot of pain and now we know she is in a better place.

She brought us much happiness and will leave a tiny dog sized hole in our heart. She was the sweetest dog we have ever had and I can't put into words how much I will miss her. Thank you for allowing us to take care of a great girl and I wish you and all the animals the best."



Acquired from: South Los Angeles Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 10
Date of Rescue: February 20th, 2018
Date of Passing:
Family: Katy Wilbur & Armin Quintanilla
Fans: Denise Ashley



Acquired from: South Los Angeles Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 10
Date of Rescue: February 20th, 2018
Date of Passing: May 8th, 2024
Family: Mary Arkwright
Fans: Joni Duke

Tribute: On May 8th, Mary fulfilled her promise to Frosted Face Mikey.

Mary shared,

"Mikey crossed the rainbow bridge. Having him in our family was a delight. He was friendly to all the people he met along the way. He loved walks. If he saw his harness and leash he was enthusiastically ready to go🥳 and sniff everything along the way. He loved going to the dog park. So much to sniff. He ate well, slept well, and never complained. We had many adventures along the way. He became a Frosted Face in February 2018 and was adopted by our family in September 2018, six wonderful years ❤ Such a wonderful friend and beautiful boy. The bestest boy. Mikey, I will love and miss you forever. ❤💖💝🥰🐶🐾"



Acquired from: Orange County Animal Care & Control
Age upon Rescue: 10
Date of Rescue: February 20th, 2018
Date of Passing: May 30th, 2023
Family: Michelle Kohrmann
Fans: Jane Bellomy

Tribute: On May 30th, Justice fulfilled her promise to Frosted Face Daisy.

She shared,

"We adopted Daisy on memorial day weekend in 2019 and I said goodbye to Daisy right after memorial day weekend, 2023. I remember when I first laid eyes on Daisy.

My ex husband and I had gone to see the dogs and he was the one who was supposed to pick. We saw another dog first, I think Rudy. Then when we were about to leave I was looking into the small dog room at all the little doggies coming up to the door and I saw her down there yipping. I said, "Who's that scruffy little thing!?" He fell in love with her and renamed her from Tiffy, to Daisy. We took her for a puppucino on the way home.

She was the perfect addition to our small condo. She was small and old but still fiesty. The cat was sniffing her food one day and she stood at the edge of the kitchen and let out little growls. She didn't play like most dogs, she only had one tooth too. But I would touch her paws and she'd dance around me. She would go after toys sometimes but never bring them back. She always got the zoomies after baths and it was adorable. Sometimes id play hide and seek with her too. She loved to cuddle in bed at night. I'd go to bed happily with NonFF cat Nya under my right arm, and Daisy under my left.

The years I had with Daisy were special and she brought joy to my life. I'm so glad I was able to spend this time with her. I'm thankful for frosted faces foundation to be able to give this gift to so many pets and their people alike. It's so hard to say goodbye but the time spent is irreplaceable. "



Acquired from: Coachella Valley Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 14
Date of Rescue: February 24th, 2018
Date of Passing: April 12th, 2022
Family: Stefan & Kristina Maroudis
Fans: Kelly McNamee, Michael Zelekovic

Tribute: On April 12th, Stefan and Kristina fulfilled their promise to Frosted Face Timmy after battling stomach cancer.

"Timmy crossed the rainbow bridge early monday morning before sunrise at our family cabin in Idyllwild in my arms. Timmy. Tim Timeny Tim Timeny Tim Tim Tiroo. Our first fling fail. Happiest on my lap, he was Somewhat of a magician cross contortionist, Timmy maneuvered his way into a spot another dog is occupying and evict them seamlessly.

This little guy enjoyed the life with his 6yr old terrier bestie, rounds of play wrestling and lots of lap and nap time.

He was truly a Mamas boy and had trouble when I wasn’t home, despite my husbands efforts to get him to eat ... he was on a hunger strikes until I returned. The Timmy dinner dance musical was a daily performance that started when The boiling kettle clicked to make the “gravy” for his dinner...

He loved to sun himself in the yard and pee on everything, twice! His most recent favorite spot was in the nook of my legs under the duvet. He was a love bug and had a way of just melting into you.

In the last few months Timmy had become even more picky about food and we were making homemade boiled chicken and rice. He continued to loose weight. Dr. Russel found tumors in his stomach and on his spleen just 2 weeks ago. We had been making him meat smoothies to get him to eat and keep it down. When he stopped eating that we made hot dog mousse. Last week we also tried jarred meat baby food.

Sunday, he ate 3 small meals of blended food but turned down dinner.

After bedtime pee, he did not seem right and was breathing quicker and pulling in his abdomen. He would setttle then start again. This continued until around 4 am when he seemed worse. FF answered texts and emails at zero Dark thirty and we started making plans to go to the nearest 24 hr vet to say goodbye. We woke the kids so they could say goodbye . We don’t play favorites in this house, but Timmy was their favorite. As I held him, I felt his breathing rhythm slow and get longer in between . His heart beat weakened and slowed again, I told him I loved him and he was the best boy and the he could go now and then he was gone.

To say there is a hole in my heart without him would be an understatement. You see, I have been fighting chronic Lyme disease and spend a lot of time resting. Timmy was my best buddy. Always under the covers with me , the closer the better. He was the best company, would never fidget . Just noodles his way in and was happy as can be resting with me for hours. He never missed a nap with Mama.

Timmy was our first foster fail, we fell in love and he and our non ff terrier Joanie had a special connection. They had hours or rounds of bitey face. She is missing her bud and has spent the last day sighing on the couch and checking on me when the tears come.

He was just the kind of soul that wasn’t complete without human touch and warmth and we were blessed to be able to give him that for 4 yrs.

Although we knew goodbye would be soon, we were not ready for this soon.

Timmy was loved for 4 yrs . Not nearly

Long enough , but it never is, is it?

We will see you later sweet Timmy, I just know you have found a warm lap and a cozy blanket . "



Acquired from: San Diego Animal Services-Bonita
Age upon Rescue: 11
Date of Rescue: February 25th, 2018
Date of Passing: April 21, 2024
Family: Olivia Spadafore
Fans: Senior Dog Lover from CT, Celeste Gabriel

Tribute: On April 21st, Olivia fulfilled her promise to Frosted Face Maeve.

She shared,

"This weekend we said goodbye to my sweet Maeve 🤍

Over the span of two weeks we saw some decline we felt was cause for concern. When we went to the vet, her blood work had changed dramatically and it looked like she was in final stages of kidney failure; a stark difference to her great looking blood work back in December. After consulting with our vet, we all agreed it was in her best interest to let her sleep.

Maeve was my first dog, my girl. I adopted her when I was 23 and just becoming an adult. She moved and traveled with me all over the United States. She is forever a part of me, especially through such a transformative part of my life. My millions of thanks to frosted faces for giving me my girl. I’ll cherish those memories forever🤍"



Acquired from: Coachella Valley Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 18
Date of Rescue: February 28th, 2018
Date of Passing: January 9th, 2019
Family: Nelson White & Daniel Maccia
Fans: Karen Kahue, The Chizer Family, Cathy Karr, Cindy Tate, Patricia Gonzalez-Powell, Brian and Catherine Lee, Marnie Collier
Tribute: On Wednesday, January 9th, we fulfilled our promise to 18 year old Cilly.

Recall that when we rescued Cilly she had a 1.5 pound mass attached to her tiny body. San Diego Bay Animal Hospital did a miraculous and successful surgery to remove the mass and Cilly went on to find family. Gosh, she was a fighter! She moved unbothered by her mass when it was there, and she floated once it was gone. The least we could offer her was a warm bed and tummy rubs. Imagine how long it must've been since she got those!

"This pretty little girl passed last night in her sleep. We knew her cancer returned, but it didn’t seem to impact her energy or happy demeanor. Cilly will be missed, but we are so happy we were able to make her last 10 months filled with love and spoiling."



Acquired from: West LA Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 9
Date of Rescue: February 28th, 2018
Date of Passing: May 5th, 2020
Family: Jeff & Kim Dollins
Fans: Guy Zigfrid
Tribute: Yesterday we fulfilled our promise to Igor after a long battle with renal disease.

"Our hearts are shattered. Every animal we've owned and ultimately lost has been different. Some fade away, others quick, some unexpected, and others have hearts that want to stay but their bodies fail them.

Igor is our 8th animal we've said goodbye to together as a couple and he left a gigantic paw print on our hearts. He was what our house needed, so much joy and love he brought us and we can only hope he knew it in return.

I didn't go to Open House to see him specifically in March 2018, but Andy told me about this dog 'Vegas'...As soon as he stood up and I saw he was quirky I knew he was ours. Not what I set out to add to our home but what we needed in our home.

I can't really stop crying but I'm trying to recall a favorite lyric from an Avicii song:

One day you'll leave this world behind
So live a life you will remember.

And I know deep down, even in our grief, Igor lived a life."



Acquired from: Los Angeles Animal Care & Control- Downey
Age upon Rescue: 16
Date of Rescue: March 4th, 2018
Date of Passing: May 20th, 2019
Family: Patrick & Jessica Walsh
Fans: Kimberly Blazina
Tribute: On Monday, May 20th, we fulfilled our promise to Lulu.

Diapers, hand feeding, no problem. We will always remember the day they came up for little Lulu and committed to her without hesitation because we needed to place her sooner than later, but then they adopted TWO- also the late Lulu the boxer. Two hospice Lus, both living longer than expectation because of the amazing Walsh family!

"We lost or Lulu a couple of nights ago. Her little body gave up on her. She was a odd little spit fire all the way till the end. We will miss her fun beautiful spirit and it will be a lot quieter without her constant tippy tapping around on the tile. I wish I would have known her before her dementia kicked in, but we loved her regardless and she will be deeply missed."




Acquired from: San Diego Animal Services- Bonita
Age upon Rescue: 10
Date of Rescue: March 13th, 2018
Date of Passing: December 28th, 2021
Family: Frosted Faces Foundation
Fans: Elaine Carlton, Melanie Brake, Victoria Conway
Tribute: On December 28th, we fulfilled our promise to Frosted Face Griswald.

Griswald was a stray to Bonita Shelter who was adopted and returned because the resident dog was not tolerating the change. He needed an exit due to poor mobility and it was one of those pulls where we just loaded up whoever needed an exit that day, and he happened to be one of them. We had no idea he would change our lives or become our one of our kids!

X-rays revealed that Griz had discospondylitis and a Brucella titer indicated that he had Brucellosis. It is a zoonotic disease, not too common in dogs, but moreso livestock. It is not treatable in dogs, it is for people though, and we would have to take precautions handling him. Griz was not even using a back leg at the time, so we started treatment which brought him great comfort but always positive PCRs. We aren't scientists, but we sure felt like ones learning all about Brucellosis! In many states it is required that you euthanize an animal with "the bruce," but not in California. Griz would be a liability to adopt out, and frankly, no one offered to adopt him- so he became a Smíšek.

We made him a section of the property where only he would potty away from other dogs (since brucella is transmissible through urine, among other bodily fluids) and he even got his own "Griswald's Garden" sign. We kept Griswald in what is now known as one of the "Littles' Rooms" and also doubles as a temporary veterinary exam room. He lived in there for a whole year while we treated him. We even got a couch donated by Lauretta Johnson so we could spend better time with him. We ate lunch with Griz, Andy worked from home in there, I took afternoon naps with him, and we watched movies late at night on our iPad. One day we realized we couldn't do this forever, and how many other lives we could use with this space, so we moved him into our personal home taking a calculated risk. I shouldn't say this, but whenever our backs hurt from a long day we would say, "It's probably 'the bruce.'"

Griswald was a trooper through it all. He just seemed like a senior dog with arthritis and we tried to include him in many of the things we did with caution and care. We hiked, we went to the beach, we did bonfires, we biked, we went out for breakfasts and wine tastings; we wanted him to know that we loved him and enjoyed his company. He was soft, and happy, and unassuming- a very simple dog to love and include. When we watched TV he would come and pant in our faces and nudge our dangling hands with his head for pets. Leave it to a dog to make you live in the present.

We had him at the ER a few nights before Christmas when he had aspiration pneumonia as a result of larpar. He was discharged and sent home the same smiling dog we knew and loved. But, Griz passed away on the night of the 28th (the same night Frosted Face Hula passed) right beside our bed and we discovered him in the morning. It was a very anticlimactic passing after all the effort and focus we put toward his crazy medical these last few years- it was just all done and he was gone.

One thing we now do at FFF is handle the remains for our Frosted Faces. In some ways it makes death more manageable seeing it so much more often, but let me tell you, bagging your own dog to put him in the freezer is just something moms aren't meant to do. I thought to myself, "It's part of the process," but no. There is nothing natural about it and it broke my heart in a raw, aching, crying in the sink kind of way. We lost part of our family. To stop to feel and interpret the grief this week has been healthy and humanizing. I always tell FFF families to cry it all out, but I feel like we don't do it enough for all the losses we endure. Again, Griz getting us to live in the moment.

Thank you so much to Griswald's extra moms, the FFF Kennel Managers, Jenna Larson, Erin Eby, Maira Vierheller, Lexi Mena, and Alicia Anthony who babysat Griz, fed him, and took him out for potty breaks with us. He was our boy.

We also want to thank Griswald's sponsoring Fans who have loved him and invested in his care since day one. From the antibiotics, to the many many blood draws and X-rays, to the pain medication, thank you Elaine Carlton, Victoria Conway, Melanie Brake, and Jen Davidson for giving us the opportunity to provide him such good care.

Griz, Mommy and Daddy miss you.



Acquired from:  San Diego Animal Services- Bonita
Age upon Rescue: 10
Date of Rescue: March 13th, 2018
Date of Passing: October 13th, 2018
Family: Angela Gunnett
Fans: John Poytress
Tribute: On Saturday, October 13th, we fulfilled our promise to 10 year old Viviana.

We rescued Viviana from Bonita Shelter on March 13th, 2018 after she had been surrendered by her owner. She went on a two week Frosted Fling with long time FFF volunteer, Angela, and never came back!

In June Viviana had a high blood pressure and was continually bloating so we performed a gastropexy, and also did a splenectomy while we were in there because her spleen did not look healthy. After a long recovery we thought we had managed the source of the problem, but on Saturday Viviana's heart was struggling again and we could not find a solution so we had to end her suffering.

"Our sweet Viviana, Vivinator, Vivi girl, Vivenstein. All the nicknames that different members of our family had for you. I can’t believe you’re gone. You read these tributes and your heart hurts for the families and when it’s you writing one, it feels surreal.

The first time I met you when I gave you a bath as a volunteer at Frosted Faces, I had no plan I would end up taking you for a temporary foster situation, then quickly deciding to keep you as a forever foster. You immediately fit into our pack complete with the cats like you had always been with us. So many little things will now be different. You filled a place in our hearts and home we didn’t know was missing.

You never grew back the fur on your tummy completely from your emergency surgery in June in which you fought and survived against odds, but after months of medicated baths the fur on your backside was just now finally starting to look full and your cement sores were healing after a previous life of living outdoors.

We learned you loved bully sticks, chasing tennis balls and had a pecking order of who you gravitated towards depending on who was home at the time as you never wanted to be far from your people. I think we heard you bark a total of three times and you were so patient with playing dress up.

We will never forget your contagious smile, your speckled ears that you loved having rubbed or your goofy, bouncy greeting when we walked in the door. We had upcoming plans to celebrate the holidays and take you camping but am grateful that we celebrated your 6 month Frostiversary last month and that you had a beach trip just last weekend.

Thank you to everyone involved at at Frosted Faces that gives these animals a second chance at family. Thank you to my family who accepted my idea of welcoming a senior dog into our home and ultimately fell in love with her too. Especially thank you to our Grandma girl for letting us be your family these past 7 months. We wouldn’t have changed it for the world except loving you sooner."

Thank you to Angela Gunnett for always "showing up" for our Frosted Faces. Viviana was all love and you were a reflection of that love for her. Thank you to John Poytress for being Viviana's dedicated monthly sponsoring Fan.



Acquired from: Coachella Valley Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 11
Date of Rescue: March 17th, 2018
Date of Passing: June 11th, 2021
Family: Gerard & Anja Kroon
Fans: John Poytress, Anita & Kelci
Tribute: On June 11th, Gerard and Anja fulfilled their promise to Frosted Face Archie.

They shared,

"On Friday we said goodbye to our beloved Archie. When we adopted him three years ago he was our first Frosted Face. He settled in very quickly, living in his own little world. The fact that he had to share the house with five cats and three other dogs didn't seem to bother him at all. He didn't interact with any of us much unless there was food involved. When we were preparing his food he would get very excited. He would start to walk in circles and each time he finished a circle he would give a very loud AROO. It was so loud, you could hear it on the sidewalk with the windows closed! We think the whole street knew when it was feeding time at our place. Archie liked to go on our daily walks and regular hikes. He was a goofy little guy and had the strange habit of jumping straight into the air every time he had to step off or onto the sidewalk so we always had to pull a bit as well so he had some forward momentum. When we were back at home, he would be at the front of the pack together with our other non-FF beagle mix Chappie waiting for the door to be opened. One of us would go in first to put away the cat food that we set out when we left, while the other would hold them on the leash. Archie knew that there would be some spoils on the floor and when they both were let go, they would race for the kitchen.

Archie usually finished first (OK, we cheated a bit when he was getting a bit slower by holding Chappie back a little bit longer). He liked going to Fiesta Island, trotting through the water and going on camping trips to the Laguna Mountains and he also went on vacation to Morro Bay.

As he was getting older his dementia worsened. He stopped doing his loud AROOs when he got his food and he needed to be hand fed. He started circling more and more, which seemed to calm him down. The funny thing was that he could still find his way throughout the house while going in circles. If he was in the bedroom and he heard one of us in the kitchen he would start circling in that direction and suddenly appear behind us. When he was on the leash during our walks he wouldn't circle but could walk almost in a straight line. He became more dependent on us and also more attached to us, he loved lying next to us and slept best when we held him.

Five months ago he started to have problems getting to his feet. He would fall on his side after circling for a while and wouldn't be able to get up, frantically waving his legs. We arranged it so one of us would always be with him. He would accompany Gerard to work, much to the delight of his colleagues. The last few weeks he grew more restless during the night and we took turns staying up with him. He was also starting to eat less and it became harder to get him to eat. We added boiled chicken, beef stew or half an In-N-Out meat patty as a topping to entice him but towards the end none of this worked anymore. This was for us a sign that it was time to let him go. We had the vet come to our house and Archie passed away peacefully in his own bed. Even though the last months were hard we would have loved to have kept him with us longer. We miss him terribly. Goodbye sweet, sweet Archie, AROOOOOOOOOO."



Acquired from: San Diego Humane Society
Age upon Rescue: 11
Date of Rescue: March 17th, 2018
Date of Passing: March 10th, 2020
Family: Jeff & Kim Dollins
Fan: Lisa Switzer
Tribute: On Tuesday, March 10th, we fulfilled our promise to Rice.

Rice had renal disease and we knew it two years ago upon placement. The deal is, if you place a "hospice" Frosted Face with the Dollins, they are going to live a good long time! Any dog lucky enough to be a Dollins is promised a life of adventure and they spend little time feeling sorry for their pack of hospice dogs while hitting the road and also administering fluids, the best food, and cuddles.

Not only did the Dollins family commit to Rice two years ago, but also her sister Beans who passed from lung cancer last year.

"Best friends reunited at the Rainbow Bridge ❤ While our hearts our breaking we know Sheriff Beans welcomed Deputy Rice with play bows, tail wags, and little chirps of delight.

We just wrote Rice's two year frostiversary update, although she didn't make it to a specific date, we know she lived her best life with us. So many fun adventures together, but more importantly, love. We were honored to be her family."



Acquired from: San Diego Humane Society
Age upon Rescue: 11
Date of Rescue: March 17th, 2018
Date of Passing: February 26th, 2019
Family: Jeff & Kim Dollins
Fan: Lisa Switzer
Tribute: Yesterday, on Tuesday February 26th, we fulfilled our promise to Beans.

Beans was heavily networked for exit by the San Diego Humane Society along with her sister, Rice. Beans had a giant mass in her lung and her Rice was in kidney failure. It was a wonder who would be family to both girls requiring hospice care.

Kim volunteers at FFF every Friday and when you see these Frosted Faces you sometimes get the phrase ringing in your head, "If not you, then who?"

Not only did she and her husband commit to both Rice and Beans, they showed them the world. They went camping, strolling, SUPing, got regularly groomed, and ate home cooking.

When Beans began to show signs of not living her best life, it was time to let her go.

"We said goodbye to Beans today. We are terribly sad but know each time we see something beautiful she is still with us. We were worried about Rice, she seems alright, the dogs all were smelling us when we got back. The house won't be the same without the sheriff, but Deputy Rice will carry on security now."



Acquired from: Downey Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 10
Date of Rescue: March 23rd, 2018
Date of Passing: February 4th, 2024
Family: Kevin & Alana Knapp
Fan: Ryan Malina

Tribute: On February 4th, Alana and Kevin fulfilled their promise to Frosted Face Murph.

They shared,

"I cannot come up with the words to describe Murph or explain how big a part of our family he was. This house feels empty without him and his sounds and his smells. We were coming up on six years with our boy. He was my officemate and my shadow all day and made working from home not so lonely. He was a companion for the 18 months my husband was away in Japan so I never slept alone. He was Murph. There are no words. We are just shattered.

He deserves this articulate tribute that I am completely incapable of writing. I have thousands of pictures and videos and even if I posted all of them here it wouldn't capture and appropriately convey the amazing awesomeness that was Murph.

I know you all can relate because each of you has/had your own Murph at your house. How lucky we all are to have experienced this special kind of love. Hug your Murphs tight. ❤️"



Acquired from: Hope for Paws
Age upon Rescue: 12
Date of Rescue: March 23, 2018
Date of Passing: April 27, 2022
Family: Walter & Kathleen Fernandez
Fan: Max, Mini, and Boone Manoogian, Reason Communications, Inc.

Tribute: On April 27th, Walter and Kathleen fulfilled their promise to Frosted Face Pharaoh.

Recall his exciting rescue video from Hope for Paws:

They shared,

"With the deepest sadness, I report that Pharaoh passed yesterday. I am saddened, shocked, and my wife devastated. He suffered from occasional bouts of stress and was prescribed medication for it. On Monday morning he was restless, and we figured it was an episode of stress. But he slept for hours during the day and ate well. But at around 5PM, Pharaoh awoke and had difficulty breathing. We took him immediately to VCA where he was admitted as a critical emergency. He anesthetized, intubated, and diagnosed with an acute case laryngeal paralysis with a negative prognosis of recovery. We could not risk letting our boy, who had suffered so much in life, endure a surgery with very little chances of success. If he survived and recovered, he would have died from aspiration. Therefore, we made the painful decision of euthanizing him while in his unconscious state.

His passing is particularly poignant to us. We just purchased a stand-alone house with a yard so that he would enjoy his own grass. And for a week and half, he did. He loved it. He rolled and sunned himself any time he wanted to without being interrupted by an occasional neighbor's dog. This was not the old greenbelt of our previous row house. Now, he had his yard. But wished that he had at least enjoyed it for a year or even half a year and not just a matter of days.

Pharaoh was a humble king. A saint. He was a gentle, nervous, yet a patient and considerate being who had suffered brutality and abandonment. But Hope for Paws, and you, Frosted Faces, saved him from that wretched existence and gave us opportunity to give him the best years of his life. He had love, pampering, company, good food, care, soft bed, trips to park, shade to sleep under, and sunny mornings to roll in the grass and sniff. Pharaoh was a blessing, and all we can do is thank him and thank you for the opportunity to have him as a friend."



Acquired from: Ventura County Animal Services
Age upon Rescue: 12
Date of Rescue: March 24th, 2018
Date of Passing: June 22nd, 2021
Family: Michael & Karen Hansen
Fan: Kathy Conrad, Sally Grosset Killmar
Tribute: On June 22nd, Karen and Mike fulfilled their promise to Frosted Face Lola.

A few months ago we discovered a mass on her jaw that we treated with pain medication and antibiotics, but it metastasized quickly along her bone. The fair, kind decision was to let her go.

Karen shared, "We said goodbye to Lola (FF Thyme) today. This little girl came so far in the two years we had her. She came to us as a dog that lunged at every dog she saw, she couldn’t eat in the same room as any of our other dogs, and she accidentally bit each of us more than once as we broke up squabbles.

I believe she had even been returned to Frosted Faces by at least one other family. But patience and love won out, and it seems like she just needed a family who loved her enough to be patient.

She grew to love FF Cookie probably even more than she loved us. She and Cookie shared beds, ate treats cheek to cheek, and she sometimes would lick Cookie until Cookie got fed up and left the room.

I’m confident that she lived her best life the last couple of years, and we will miss her terribly."


Acquired from: South Los Angeles City Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 7
Date of Rescue: March 24th, 2018
Date of Passing:
Family: Linda Soule
Fan: Debra Sakata, Kathryn B Iannucci, Richard Turner


Acquired from: San Diego Animal Services
Age upon Rescue: 10
Date of Rescue: March 24th, 2018
Date of Passing:
Family: Ed & Debbie
Fan: Adriana Jimenez



Acquired from: San Diego Animal Services-Bonita
Age upon Rescue: 12
Date of Rescue: March 28th, 2018
Date of Passing: March 12th, 2020
Family: Sean & Michelle Donlon
Fan: Johanna Leap
Tribute: On Thursday, March 12th, we fulfilled our promise to Otto.

"Last night I said goodbye to my adorable old man Otto. I adopted him on May 25, 2018. He immediately took my heart. He was not as expressive or aggressively affectionate as my other dogs, but he was always by my side. I was his human. He was attached to my side. I’m not much for naps, but napping with Otto was the best, his stubby little legs never poked me and he was so soft and warm.

As old as he was he was an avid hunter, digging innumerable holes in our yard to go after gophers, and he successfully killed other rodents, and killed a snake protecting us from danger. His death was relatively sudden. He was in good health until he started turning down food Tuesday night. I’m at peace knowing I gave him a good life and knowing he loved me as well.

I will miss him terribly. I have no regrets about adopting a senior dog and I will do it again when I’m ready. I love you Otto and you will always have a piece of my heart."



Acquired from: San Bernardino City Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 10
Date of Rescue: March 29th, 2018
Date of Passing: December 13th, 2022
Family: Tina Saxton
Fan: Max, Mini, and Boone Manoogian

Tribute: On December 13th, Tina fulfilled her promise to Frosted Face Wilma.

She shared,

"Our little Wilma, aka “bitsy” passed away on Tuesday morning after suffering a stroke that she would not have recovered from with any meaningful quality of life. Over the last 4 1/2 years people would often look at her crinkly little boney body and white face and ask me how old she was. My answer was always “I don’t know, probably a 1,000,” but that was never a statement of her spirit. Wilma was hands down the scrappiest most spirited dog I’ve ever known and even as she visibly aged and slowed down there was an invincibility about her that made my wish that she’d live comfortably with us for another 1,000 years a possibility. That’s made this loss even more difficult.

My partner always says that Wilma and I have a special connection. It’s true. I absolutely adore her. After some neurological issues this past year that took a toll on her vision, each day I would marvel out loud about her ability to find me anywhere in our tri-level home in less than a minute of me leaving her presence. She was smart, incredibly determined and she adored me too.

Wilma’s 12 pounds was packed full of personality, a mix of sweetness and bossy. Quick to melt in my arms for a snuggle and head scratches, she was just as quick to give me a toothless(fortunately) “love nibble” when she didn’t feel I was doing it right. Of course her nibble didn’t mean “stop,” it meant to continue scratching elsewhere with no breaks until she was sound asleep.

Although she looked like a legs for days, one ear up, one ear down, red headed dog version of Kate Moss in her super skinny Calvin Klein years, she had the appetite of a teenage boy training for a marathon. Most of us can only dream to have her metabolism. I’ll miss the sounds of her toothless lip smacking as she happily cleaned her plate.

Wilma was so loved and engrained in our family that the emptiness left with her passing is profound. But I’d do it all over again. I’m so grateful for the time we had with her. Those ears, the soft cheeks, her head bumps of affection, holding her like a baby in my arms, all the snuggles, the scratches, and the long walks of non-stop sniffing that she loved. I’ll even miss her love nibbles and aggressive insistence on sleeping at least part of the night on my head.

Thank you Wilma, for being your feisty self and for all the love and laughs you brought into our family. I’ll miss and love you forever."



Acquired from: Moreno Valley Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 9
Date of Rescue: April 5th, 2018
Date of Passing:
Family: Gail Shirley
Fan: Jennifer Murray



Acquired from: The Barking Lot
Age upon Rescue: 14
Date of Rescue: March 29th, 2018
Date of Passing: June 20th, 2018
Family: Laura Backe & Beth Bowers
Fan: Lori Jasinski
Tribute: On June 20th, we fulfilled our promise to 14 year old Scully.

Scully, formerly Quotient/Scuttle, was brought up to San Diego from Tijuana by The Barking Lot and transferred into our care on April 6th, 2018. We enucleated his eyes for relief from trauma and placed him with the most devoted family. Soon after we learned that Scully had cutaneous lymphoma, and even with an appointment scheduled with the great Dr. Ogilvie, Scully declined very quickly last Wednesday leaving us no other options.

"Scully went very peacefully. When I spent time with him this afternoon he was just very listless and had very shallow, rapid breathing. It all just happened so fast, he was not quite himself for the last couple of days. I suppose some may think that it is a blessing that he went so fast and did not suffer much.

Scully was a precious soul and I admired his ability to trust so easily after being mistreated in the past. He loved to snuggle and ate like a vacuum. Recently he started to give Beth and me kisses on the face and even tried to practically lick her ear off.

Thank you for supporting me today. There is no doubt that Scull he is in a better place, and that I will see him again and get to look at his big beautiful eyes."

Thank you to Laura Backe and Beth Bowers for giving Scully only the best food, softest blankets, and most attention that he has deserved for a very long time. Thank you to Lori Frierson Jasinski for being Scully's dedicated monthly sponsoring Fan.


Acquired from: San Diego Animal Services
Age upon Rescue: 18
Date of Rescue: April 11th, 2018
Date of Passing: March 24th, 2019
Family: Andy & Kelly Smisek
Fan: Robin Kardon, Sonja Walker, James Berkson, Lisa Lind, Tonya Burdine
Tribute: On Sunday, March 24th, we fulfilled our promise to 18 year old Nymh.

After returning home from what was supposed to be a family fun vacation, turned stressful- bad turned to worse. Nymh had passed away the morning of our return sleeping in a ball under his cat tower. Our pet sitter said he was lively the night before and even ate all his food. We knew he had been struggling with kidney disease, hyperthyroidism, and a tachycardia.

Nymh was such a lovable Frosted Feline, that even when he was relinquished back to FFF by his Forever Foster and we found a new family, Andy couldn't let him go. It was our nightly ritual to give him a Churu when we crawled into bed, and he would sleep on Andy's chest. His nails grew quickly and they would get caught in carpet, so we cut his nails often too, and he was such a good boy.

Nymh was the bravest cat for "cat tests" with our Frosted Faces. He even got to be part of the Trick or Treat Trail and join the Halloween party with the crazy cat ladies. He was never fearful of the dogs and he loved being groomed by his pittie, Sawyer.

We are mourning not having the chance to offer Nymh a peaceful death with euthanasia if he was suffering, but moreso regret not being home for him to have his last sleep with us.

We love you, Nymh. ❤️


Acquired from: Chula Vista Animal Care Facility
Age upon Rescue: 15
Date of Rescue: April 11th, 2018
Date of Passing: November 26th, 2019
Family: Laura Backe
Fan: Bonnie Sposato, Marla Mcluckie
Tribute: On November 26th we fulfilled our promise to Raisin.

Raisin was teeny tiny and tough! She had vision impairment, but learned how to get around and "fight" for her food. She loved to cuddle and eat, cuddle and eat. :) In the end, she had a mast cell tumor in her nose that limited her breathing and the kindest thing to do was let her go.

Her mom shares, "It has been a week since I lost Raisin. I miss her so much, just the sound of her little feet throughout all hours of the night. I think Dobbie misses her too as he seems like he is looking for her at times. He was so tolerant of her and she could give him attitude on occasion. They were the perfect match."



Acquired from: San Diego Animal Services-Bonita
Age upon Rescue: 12
Date of Rescue: April 13th, 2018
Date of Passing: October 4th, 2019
Family: Frosted Faces Foundation
Fan: Delores McNair, Kristy Marie Walsh
Tribute: On Friday, October 4th, we fulfilled our promise to Walker.

Rob and Denise have proven to be incredible pet parents time and time again and we are so fortunate that they choose some of our Frosteds to love.

Just choosing Walker was a BIG deal, but then they went on and took him to a doggie dentist accompanied by an anesthesiologist to do a dental we all were afraid to do because of his heart, and he did amazing! They bought him several comfortable months taking that thoughtfully planned risk for him. They continued to have him seen at a dermatologist for his ongoing skin issues.

Beyond the medical attention they pursued for him, they enjoyed Walker as part of a loving family, and all I can think of is how lucky he was to have his world turned upside down after seeing him neglected and discarded in the shelter kennel.

"Last week was the one-year anniversary of when we brought Walker (and Chesterfield) home to be part of our family. Things were busy and the date slipped past, but it was on my mind. Last night I heard a cry and ran in to find Walker limp and unresponsive on the floor. He passed away in our arms. I’m not sure what happened - maybe his heart. We all know our time with our Frosted Faces is limited, but a year just doesn’t feel long enough. We are so devastated.

Walker was an enigma wrapped in a tough guy wrapped in a chihuahua mix. He was a little worn on the outside. He was an independent boy and a survivor. And he was a bit of a mystery man. That’s how we’ll remember our boy.

He wasn’t in-your-face affectionate, so we looked for other ways to know he was happy. He spent all his days right next to us. He got excited when one of us came home. His tail wagged any time he heard his name. And when we picked him up his whole body melted against us. After he ate I would wipe his chin and kiss his head; he would growl at me. As I walked away he would growl louder. I think it was a game he liked to play with me. 🙂

Walker had a number of health issues, including chronic skin issues, and that meant a lot of trips to vets. He didn’t really like being at the vet but he loved GOING to the vet. He’d settle right down in the van and enjoy the ride. Mostly though, he loved the start of the journey. He’d march out our door, head held high, proud to be the one going while the other dogs had to stay home. And that’s how we’ll think of him - head held high, marching across the bridge like the tough little warrior he was. Miss you, sweet boy. Love you forever. ❤️"



Acquired from: Orange County Animal Care
Age upon Rescue: 11
Date of Rescue: April 13th, 2018
Date of Passing: May 31st, 2018
Family: Frosted Faces Foundation
Fan: Lisa Switzer
Tribute: May 31st, 2018, we fulfilled our promise to 10 year old Christina.

We rescued Christina from OC Animal Care on April 13th, 2018 on the day she was slated for euthanasia. She had an inguinal hernia and was declining. We fixed her all up and you can read her incredible story here, where she flat-lined twice, became neurologic, and recovered!:

The biopsy of her spleen came back as a mammary carcinoma. This is not good, it is rare, and means that her cancer was spreading.

Just two weeks ago we took Christina to San Diego Bay Animal Hospital for congestion, and we learned that she had fluid build up around her lungs. We tapped it for her relief and found cancer cells. The time that we thought we had bought her after her major procedure got washed away. We were down to weeks or days with our girl. Christina had most really good days the last two weeks, and only a few bad days.

We called her our zombie because she had come back from the dead, and when she was feeling good, she was a feisty one! She would chase and bite the heels of Duncan and Diesel if they got anywhere near her bed, and bite us if we tried to help her! There was a point last week where Christina was feeling better than her "okay" and was great! She came to check on me in the laundry room and followed me while I scooped poop in the yard. She never would have had the energy for that and it reminded me to slow down, scoop HER up, and smooch her all over her forehead and unusually tiny paws.

Volunteers took Christina on special outing to eateries, a lake, parks, wineries, and held her longer than she probably desired! She slept between our pillows at night, in her final days I made a bed up for her near me while I cleaned kennels, and she ate anything she darn well wanted. Some donated lamb was her last meal before she declined all things delicious.

On Christina's last day she lost the function of three of her legs, would not eat, and was terribly lethargic. After Christina had fought so hard to be alive multiple times, I told Andy I would never take her life from her. This girl wanted to be here so badly-

When it's time, it's time. It was that obvious, science doesn't lie, and we whispered to her that she didn't have to be so tough anymore. We could hardly tell when she slipped away.

Thank you to all of the Frosted Faces Foundation who loved on Christina. Thank you to Lisa Switzer for being her dedicated monthly sponsoring Fan.



Acquired from: Orange County Animal Care
Age upon Rescue: 7
Date of Rescue: April 13th, 2018
Date of Passing:
Family: Christine Strileckis
Fan: Lisa Switzer



Acquired from: Bonita Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 16
Date of Rescue: April 17th, 2018
Date of Passing: October 25th, 2018
Family: Frosted Faces Foundation
Fans: Tralynn Gray, Tonya Burdine
Tribute: On October 25th, 2018 we fulfilled our promise to 16 year old Sultan.

We rescued Sultan on April 17th, 2018 from Bonita Shelter. He had advanced renal disease and we immediately began treating him. Being accustomed to dogs in kidney failure, we were astonished how long a Frosted Feline could live with a little "reboot" of fluids and hospitalization for a few days. Over the course of the last six months Sultan was hospitalized three times and discharged hydrated and bright!

Sultan slept under our covers, even during the day he would burrow himself all on his own under there. He pawed at us relentlessly for attention, meowed for us to share our food, sat on the side of the bath tub when I was soaking, never leaving our sides when we were home. He was the most dog-like cat we have loved. Sultan was fearless to a fault and we used him to help us cat test Frosted Faces. He would bravely tell us whether the big guys could live with a meowmer like himself. Xander, Felissimo, and Trolley are just a few dogs that owe him thanks. Sultan bonded with our dog, Sawyer, and he would rub his body against his face purring while Sawyer groomed him.

By the fourth time we hospitalized Sultan, he could no longer go on. His temperature began to drop dangerously low and we were called in to put him to sleep. Andy explained that Sultan was not himself and completely lateral. When I arrived, Sultan peeled himself off the table to see me and sat up. It was heartbreaking to experience that attachment as we were faced with ending his inevitable suffering.

Sultan fought so hard to stay here with us. He loved being part of our little family and its makes us sad that his body had other plans.

Thank you to Tralynn Gray and Tonya Burdine for being Sultan's dedicated monthly sponsoring Fans. Thank you to Andy Smíšek for helping me with medications and fluids for our Sultan, and sparing some more room in bed.



Acquired from: Bonita Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 9
Date of Rescue: April 20th, 2018
Date of Passing: May 23rd, 2022
Family: Skip & Leslie Armbruster
Fan: Susan Johnson, Christina Orlovsky Page, Bonnie Sposato, Linda Pendleton, Denise Gardner, Joe Oviott, James and Megan Eustace

Tribute: On May 23rd, Skip and Leslie fulfilled their promise to Frosted Face Hank as a result of heart failure.

They shared,

"We had driven by the Frosted Faces campus many times living in Ramona. In the beginning of

2018, Leslie looked up online what Frosted Faces did and we began to consider adopting an older male

dog. We wanted a male as we thought that a male dog would get along better with our Lucy (8 year old

female yellow lab) and our Cruzer (3 year old male yellow lab). We contacted Frosted Faces and made

an appointment to see a male dog. When we got to Frosted Faces, we were told that the male dog did

not get along well with other dogs so we needed to pass on him. Leslie asked if they had any other male

dogs. We were told that FF had just gotten in a beagle, so we asked if we could meet him. Hank walked

into the house with his distinctive Beagle Bay. He was so excited to meet everyone. Skip knelt down

and he came right over to him for a pet. Skip immediately fell in love with him.

You have to understand. When Skip was growing up, his neighbor a few homes away had a

Beagle. His name was Barney. Skip’s family had no dogs and he loved going to their house to play

with Barney. Skip and Barney would run around in the yard and just have a great time. When the

family would go away on vacation, Skip would take care of Barney. Barney was a great friend.

We have had many dogs over the years, but never a Beagle. They bark a lot. But this time,

Leslie relented as she saw that Skip loved Hank. What is not to love? We decided right then and there

to adopt him. Hank had come to FF with some medical issues that had been taken care of, but he was

still healing. So we had to leave him there for couple of weeks before bringing him home.

Hank came home with us in April 2018. He immediately settled in and quickly became friends

with Lucy and Cruzer. We have a large fenced yard. Lucy and Cruzer showed Hank around the yard.

Hank loved exploring and had his nose to the ground trying to pick up all those wonderful smells. Every

now and then, Hank would lift his head to the sky and let out a great big old Beagle Bay. He would also

bay when Lucy or Cruzer would get a little too close! They all got along wonderfully and Hank seemed

to love to hang out with the big dogs. When we worked out in the yard, Hank would always saunter

over to see what we were doing. Every morning he would follow Skip out to feed the chickens in their

pen. Along the way there were all sorts of smells and an occasional diversion to check out the lizard

that scampered off from under the rock.

Car rides were always a treat for Hank. He wouldn’t want to get in so Skip would scoop him up

and place him the back seat. Lucy had shotgun and Cruzer came to the conclusion that he had to share

the back seat with this beagle. Hank would look out the side glass and tip his nose up to the cracked

open window to gather in all those wonderful smells as the world went by. Once in the car, he loved it,

but once back home, he gladly jumped down to return to his cozy home.

Hank loved to cuddle with you on the couch. When he first came to live with us, he could jump

up onto the couch by himself. He especially liked the love seat in our living room, where we would find

him cuddled up and sound asleep. You could tell that he was in a deep sleep by the loud snoring and his

paddling feet. We wondered what he was dreaming and hoped it was exploring the yard with us or his

new found sister and brother.

Memorial for Hank

30 July 2022

TV time was in the evenings and Hank loved laying in his cozy bed next to Skip’s feet. The

other dogs had their spots on the couches. TV time also meant dessert time and no matter how asleep

the dogs were, when they heard the scraping of the dessert bowls, they all would perk up. Hank loved

licking out the bowl to get the very last bit.

Hank slept in his cozy bed on the floor on Skip’s side of our bed. The others had their spots in

the bedroom. What a blessing it was to hear the cacophony of snoring from around the room. In the

winter time, Hank loved getting under his blanket for a long winter’s nap.

As time went on, Hank couldn’t jump up onto the couch so we would lift him up. His eyesight

and hearing started to fade, so outside time exploring became less and less. Hanging out inside with us

on the couch or on the floor was more of his choice. An occasional Beagle Bay showed us that there

was still a lot of life in there and brought us much joy.

Leslie and I had planned a vacation for our anniversary in May 2022. We usually had a young

lady from across our street take care of our animals while we were gone. With Hank’s health

deteriorating, we decided to board him at FF, just in case there was a health issue. We thank God that

we did. Hank had settled in just fine at FF and even made some friends. Kelly sent us a few pictures of

the great care he was getting. We appreciated so much that he had dogs and people to hang out with.

A few days after we left him with Kelly and Andy, we got a phone call from Kelly. It was late at

night in Ramona, and they were on their way to the emergency vet clinic with Hank. At bed check, they

found that he wasn’t doing good and was unresponsive. With Kelly and Andy in the car and Kelly

holding him in her lap in his cozy blanket, Hank took his one last breath. I know that it was hard on

Kelly and Andy, but what a blessing it was to us knowing that Hank was surrounded by loving hands as

he walked across that bridge. Thank you Kelly and Andy, you were a Godsend.

Hank, we know that you are running around with all the others that had gone before you. We

hope that you have met all of our wonderful dogs, cats, horses and birds that God has given us much joy

over the years. We are sure that there are many stories being shared of the various adventures and quiet

times. We don’t really know what your life was like when you were a younger dog, but we hope and

pray that your last four years with us were a blessing to you. We know you were a blessing to us and

thank God that he brought you into our lives. We will never forget you, that Beagle Bay of yours, and

long to hear it again someday.

We love you Hank. Rest in Peace.”



Acquired from: Lancaster Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 11
Date of Rescue: April 23rd, 2018
Date of Passing: February 23rd, 2020
Family: Tom & Jennifer Sundling
Fan:  The Sundlings, Cathy Minshall
Tribute: On Sunday, February 23rd, we fulfilled our promise to magnificent Diesel.

His family shares,
"It’s with a broken heart that I share the news of Diesel’s passing. About half an hour after I tucked him in for the night, we realized there was a problem and we rushed him to the emergency vet. When the xrays showed GDV, requiring emergency surgery, we were left with two miserable options. First, if he even survived the surgery, the recovery would have been excruciating for him as weak as his body was. Leaving us with the devastating second option of having to let him go. Our hearts hurt so much and it is difficult to breathe. We loved Diesel as though he’d been ours from the beginning and so wish that we’d had that kind of time with him. But, the nearly two years we did get to share with him, have given us memories that we will forever cherish and hold close in our hearts.

You’ll perhaps remember our other dogs that came down to meet you the day we brought Diesel home. Ollie, a now 6 year old Great Dane, and Barkley, our Old English Sheepdog. Sweet Barkley (13) and dear Diesel were bosom buddies, not because their life stories were similar, but rather because they were both struggling with the humiliations of aging. Diesel sat reassuringly by Barkley’s side just 6 months ago when we had to say our goodbyes to him. And now, we’re without our sweet Diesel, just shy of his 13th birthday. I trust they’re together at the Rainbow Bridge, running free of pain and any further earthly suffering.

Thank you Frosted Faces for taking a chance on Diesel and for giving our family an opportunity to share our lives with such a sweet soul. We miss him so very much and I know we’re still very much numb and in shock. The days ahead will be a struggle for us, both two-legged and four-legged family members, alike. We whispered our love and thanks to him as he was drifting away, and if I could just hold him one more time and thank him for his steadfast love and loyalty, you know I would. ‘Til we meet again sweet boy, we love you and miss you. 😥🌈🐾💫"


Acquired from:  Riverside Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 12
Date of Rescue: April 27th, 2018
Date of Passing: September 9th, 2018
Family: Matthew Minkalis & Robert Cottner
Fan: The Pearce Family
Tribute: On Sunday, September 9th, we fulfilled our promise to 12 year old Amelia.

We rescued Amelia from Riverside Shelter on April 27th, 2018. She had a fractured arm that was atrophied and did not seem painful, but something in her neck area was never comfortable. She was evaluated by four different vets who all agreed it was some type of cervical nerve damage or a mass in that area causing pain. We struggled to get her to eat and she had on and off terrible diarrhea. It took us awhile to get her pain managed, find a diet she liked.

When Matt and Rob insisted on bringing her home we were hesitant. We had come so far, Amelia was loved at FFF by all of the volunteers, and we were afraid of a decline or that they may not have the patience for all of the accommodations we made for 'Meles.

We were totally wrong to think any of this.

Matt and Rob were phenomenal as her family! They got her to eat every meal, they kept her clean, and she took all of her pills for them. When they first took her home we sent them an introductory email entitled "Amelia's Frosted Fling" with all of her information and how to follow FFF protocols. Somehow, from being Flingers to Forever Fosters, every single correspondence ended up in that email chain where we could reflect on their new love, photos, the struggles, the vet consults with new solutions, the concerns, and ultimately the heartache of realizing the end was near. We could not keep her comfortable which resulted in an emergent trip to San Diego Bay Animal Hospital where she was lateral, vocal, and wincing to every touch. We could not set her free fast enough, and even that decision was difficult because her eyes were bright.

"Thank you all for everything. It’s funny that we’ve had this email for a few months and it’s always read “Amelia’s Frosted Fling!” The story with Amelia started with a Fling but ended with her being part of my family. Naturally I wish we had more time with her, but I am beyond grateful for the time I did get with her. She helped fill the hole in my heart from my own dogs passing and she made the loss easier. I hope that she felt the love I gave her and I hope her story ended with her happiness and comfort.

I’ll miss her affection and how she would get my attention with one little lick on the back of my leg.

Thank you all so much for the hours spent on helping give Amelia a happy end to her unknown story.

Matt, Rob and Addyson 💚💜🧡"

Thank you to Matthew Minkalis & Robert Cottner for your patience, flexibility, and selflessness. Thank you to the Pearce Family for being Amelia's dedicated monthly sponsoring Fans.



Acquired from: Bonita Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 12
Date of Rescue: April 28th, 2018
Date of Passing: June 30th, 2019
Family: Cory & Tina Poudrier
Fan: Michelle Wester, Alicia Mertz
Tribute: On June 30th we fulfilled our promise to Firefox.

"Firefox came to be part of our household somewhat unexpectedly - we had just lost our other Frosted Face, Turk, and were not entirely sure another dog would help the mourning process. After a short debate, Cory and I both agreed that we would take in Firefox and give him the love and safety that he needed. He came to us half blind, grumpy, and slow to get around. We initially thought that Firefox would be hard to love. How wrong we were. Firefox is a born explorer, and he wandered the house slowly but surely, and once he learned to trust that our affection was genuine, he started to warm up to us and accept scratches on his head and behind his ears. We eventually noticed that he not only trusted us but sought us out in our house, even if we weren't home. We'd find him wandering into places that smelled like us, often staring at Cory's work boots or laying on a pile of my dirty clothes. He'd sit with us in the living room, and he always found his way back to the bedroom when we went to bed so he could keep guard. He hated being picked up but eventually came to accept that we were just helping, and in the end, he was relaxing his head against our shoulders when we took him places. He was a grumpy little one-eyed diaper wearing pirate, and he swashbuckled his way into our hearts in only a few months.

It just goes to show you that these senior dogs only want love and safety in their last days. We are so lucky to have been given the opportunity to take Firefox in for a few months and learn more patience and love from an unanticipated source. Give some extra love to your pups tonight, even the grumpy ones - they're the ones who need your love the most. :)

Thank you, again, for trusting us with Firefox, and trusting to allowing him to have his eye removed so he could spend a few more months with us. We truly were lucky."



Acquired from:  Devore Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 8
Date of Rescue: May 1st, 2018
Date of Passing: September 11th, 2020
Family: Barbara VanHorne
Fan: Margaret Ruiz, Scott & Kathy Ligman
Tribute: On September 11th, we fulfilled our promise to Addi.

"It is with a very heavy heart and great sadness to tell you Addi passed this morning. I heard her normal morning sounds, went downstairs as usual to take her out. While putting on her leash and getting her up, she gave a very loud howl and collapsed. Within a few minutes she was gone.

My sweet baby girl was only with me 2 years and 2 months – way too short of a time. After such a bad past, she had come to trust me and I especially loved her for that. Her eyelashes were white next to white fur and black on black fur. She had the softest, cutest ears. Loved her food, walks to the park and later wagon rides. She loved to meet new people and be in the midst of things. But many changes had added up to her discomfort. She no longer sought attention, wagged her tail, did silly things like her bucking bronco moves, or scratched her back on the carpet, which was a favorite thing.

She was a sweet pup and the house is so empty without her. She was so wonderful just being herself. I miss her cold nose on my leg. This is a sad day."



Acquired from:  Downey Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 10
Date of Rescue: May 1st, 2018
Date of Passing: January 13th, 2020
Family: Frosted Faces Foundation
Fans: Norah Best, Jack Hart, Megann & Andrew Kane, Laura Lewis, Jeri O'Donnell, Walligator Collars, Dara Allen
Tribute: On Tuesday, January 13th we fulfilled our promise to 11 year old Knight.

Knight was turned into the shelter stiff as stone with arthritis donning a leather spikey collar. Laughable, thinking back on his true personality- a momma's boy. Upon his rescue we learned that he had horrendous separation anxiety. Not the kind that destructs, but the kind that prompted relentless shrill barking and caused him to follow so close to me that my calves would bruise from him running into them! After two stints in a foster home, Knight became a Smíšek. He needed a family who would always be home, and to live in a home with few neighbors in the event he was left alone!

Knight occupied the FFF lobby for a year and a half. He was a brother to all Frosted Faces and a son to all of the volunteers. Every night we would let the big orange chair swallow us, digesting as much time as we could together after a busy day. Knight was gracious enough to often let a Frosted Face who may have recently had surgery or who also had anxiety share his mom.

He got professional massages, met Santa, had his own wheelchair, marched in the Pride Parade, and won "'Mos' Creative Costume" at Pitties in the Park as "Prisoner of Love." Knight went to parks and beaches to read with his mom on getaway days, had a full wardrobe, he went on family vacations to AirBnbs, and was wheeled to wineries and local eateries. Walking out the door I admittedly said more times than not, "Well, what about Knight?"

There was one weekend last March where Knight had 17 seizures, we were sure we were going to lose him. An echo diagnosed that he had third degree AV block, and if he were a human he would need a pacemaker. We started him on heart medications along with his current regimen of several arthritis meds and supplements. As we prepared for his last days, he kept on living!

In May, the month of his first Frostiversary, Knight stopped walking but seemed bright. Many people say they let their dogs go when they stop walking because they don't want to be selfish. Of course we never want our devoted dogs to have bad days and I am pretty comfortable with euthanasia for dogs who have a poor quality of life, no dignity, and/or are suffering- but we didn't put Knight to sleep when he became immobile.

I have an upside down perspective and live with unique circumstances. Here I could not put Knight to sleep BECAUSE I didn't want to be selfish. I work from home, am more than capable of changing his diaper, giving him baths, bringing him water and bones, and carting him around on adventures. Knight was so alive and wanted desperately to be part of the day to day, pittering his feet in his new wheelchair to follow and engage- how could we let him go? Say that we needed to cut his life short because he was too much work? I want to say, I do truly believe that if you can't lift your dog and offer him the dignity of being clean, watered, and living a quality life (which usually meets the point of paralysis and most people working 8 hour days) that euthanasia is the kind and fair option.

Even in Knight's last week he was playing catch with carrots from his bed and barking for "uppies" from his me, but his frustration grew evident as weakness set in and an ulcer formed on his elbow. That was our sign. We were confident we had offered Knight every last good day and could not believe how long his giant flawed heart kept him alive. If I can say so- I do think his separation anxiety and love for his parents kept him thriving. I hate that all he wanted was to be with us, and in the end, his body would not let him stay. I hope he knows I would never let him go or be alone if I thought I could keep him comfortable. It ripped my heart out to watch him walk over The Bridge away from me as we sobbed over him.

We owe special thanks to Knight's aunts, Jenna and Alicia, for helping us take care of him and loving him as their own too. ❤



Acquired from: San Diego Animal Services-Carlsbad
Age upon Rescue: 10
Date of Rescue: May 7th, 2018
Date of Passing: August 15th, 2019
Family: Vickie Armitage
Fan: Alida Lucas, Victoria Conway
Tribute: On August 15th we fulfilled our promise to Presley.

Dear Presley gave him mom a scare when she discovered him lateral and having a hard time breathing. We rushed him to San Diego Bay Animal Hospital where they pulled brownish fluid from his abdomen, and x-rays also showed fluid in his lungs. His bloodwork was terrible, although he was not anemic, so they suspect there was some internal sepsis spreading from a mass or underlying cause. We had just done x-rays and bloodwork two months prior to monitor an unexplained weight gain and they were unremarkable, so losing him suddenly was all the more devastating when we thought we had done our due diligence.

His mom shared, "I was so used to him meeting me with a wagging tail when I came home. He would lay in strategic places on the floor so if you wanted to go or leave a room, he would lay across the entrance so he was assured of being petted. Once, you petted him and give him a hug, he would move to where I was then block my pathway again. He liked this game.

During feeding time, he would be lying on the floor. I would put his bowl between his front legs. He looked at me with anticipation and appreciation. I really miss him."