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Enjoy scrolling through all of our Frosted Face senior animals who have benefit from our mission at Frosted Faces Foundation.  They are listed in order of date of rescue, including those that have passed. If you have been following a certain Frosted Face's story and would like to know how he/she is doing, please email us at

Please make note of animals still looking for families do not have anyone listed beside “Family.” View biographies and more photos at Available Frosted Faces, learn more about becoming a family and the different programs we offer. You can also help fund the care of Frosted Faces by registering as their monthly sponsoring Fan.  


Acquired from: Coachella Valley Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 14
Date of Rescue: August 11, 2022
Date of Passing: December 18, 2024
Family: David Demarest & Andrew Salemi
Fans: Stephanie Tillman, Lita Payne, Marsha Gerhart

On December 18th, David and Andrew fulfilled their promise to Frosted Face Tyke.

They shared,

"Tyke was an amazing boy and a great addition to our family. He fit in perfectly with all of our fur babies. We are so saddened to not only lose him but also his other blind brother. They were quite the duo. Tyke was so sweet and all he ever wanted was somewhere comfy to sleep, preferably next to a warm human. We ended up with a staggering 6 beds for the two blind babies! Our house is a little more quite these days and our laps are a little more cold. We truly miss him but appreciate the short but amazing time we could share with this sweet soul of a boy."


Acquired from: Bonita Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 15
Date of Rescue: August 12, 2022
Date of Passing: September 15, 2023
Family: Courtney Harr & Kyle Muffels
Fans: Joey & Victoria K., Mariana Tanjuakio, Nona Silverthorn

Tribute: On September 15th, Kyle and Courtney fulfilled their promise to Frosted Face Ali.

They shared,

"Ali was sweet, sassy, and adventurous. She came to us just under one year ago, and was a welcome addition to our two male Frosted Faces Tiny and Sprite. Ali and Tiny became fast friends, spending all their time together. She was a gracious friend for Tiny, who is a bit anxious. She enjoyed taking naps on the couch in piles of blankets, or prancing around the house and yard inspecting her environment. She was more adventurous than Tiny and would take lead prancing around with him dutifully following her like a second tail most everywhere they went. She had no trouble letting Tiny know he was too much in her space with a little warning bark.

Sprite is a lone wolf so it was very surprising to see he did not have any issues adding Ali to the pack. He would allow Ali to eat his uneaten food from his bowl when he had enough. She could eat an impressive amount of food for her size.

She loved to curl up on your lap. My favorite thing about her was big brown eyes. We miss her dearly. Her untimely passing has left a lasting mark on our hearts."


Acquired from: Final Wish
Age upon Rescue: 10
Date of Rescue: August 14, 2022
Date of Passing:
Family: Richard Bocanegra
Fans : Michelle Morgan


Acquired from: San Diego Humane Society- Oceanside
Age upon Rescue: 17
Date of Rescue: August 17, 2022
Date of Passing: September 11, 2023
Family: Ashley & Chris Wagner
Fans: Linda Bailey, Mendy Drew

Tribute: On September 11th, Chris and Ashley fulfilled their promise to Frosted Face Bear.

They shared,

"Our family is so blessed to have spent a wonderful year with Bear, caring for and loving him after his original owner passed away. You couldn’t have asked for a more affectionate and cuddly gentle giant - he was everything you could desire in a loving and loyal kitty companion. He is sorely missed not only by his human family, but also by his furry family - including FiFi (FF Havarti) and especially our other kitty, Mirabel, who looked up to and loved him so much. Thank you, Frosted Faces, for the year we had with beautiful Bear. I like to think that he and his original owner are together again now 🌈"


Acquired from: San Diego Humane Society- Oceanside
Age upon Rescue: 17
Date of Rescue: August 17, 2022
Date of Passing:
Family: Darlene & Matt Harrington
Fans: Ally Buan


Acquired from: San Diego Humane Society- Oceanside
Age upon Rescue: 13
Date of Rescue: August 17, 2022
Date of Passing:
Family: Sherrill & Chris Ho
Fans: RZ


Acquired from: San Diego Humane Society- El Cajon
Age upon Rescue: 10
Date of Rescue: August 17, 2022
Date of Passing:
Family: Bonnie Haworth
Fans: Shani Rosenzweig


Acquired from: San Diego Humane Society- El Cajon
Age upon Rescue: 16
Date of Rescue: August 17, 2022
Date of Passing: September 19, 2023
Family: Gary, Kelly, Courtney & Jordan Ravens
Fans: Linda Bailey

Tribute: On September 19th, Courtney fulfilled her promise to Frosted Face Reb after battling liver disease.

Courtney shared,

"Reb’s first 16 years of life are a mystery to me. I was not planning on adopting a cat anytime soon when Kelly posted a 3 for 3 feline foster pledge. Kelly and Andy committed to saving the lives of 3 senior cats on the euthanasia list at another shelter if the Frosted Faces Family would commit to long-term foster 3 additional deserving cats on that euth list. I immediately sent the post to my sister, Jordan, and asked for moral support in this decision. Of course, Jordan was all in for the rescue and next I approached the queen of the house, my mother, with the idea. I made it known the responsibility would be mine and my mom (extreme cat lover) was onboard! Jordan and I checked out the list of eligible bachelors/bachelorettes on the euth list and knew we wanted the oldest, sickest, least likely to be chosen cat. And there was beautiful Reb. Reb was listed as 16, Grade 4/4 dental disease, Thin BCS 2.5-3/9, IRIS stage II/IV Kidney disease.

Within 4 days of fostering, I officially adopted Reb and posted the following announcement, ““I signed up to foster Reb in the pledge of 3 fosters = 6 senior cats rescued from SDHS. I picked up Reb upon returning Max Prime from his Fling. I knew the moment Alicia handed him to me that I was screwed. I immediately felt like Reb was mine and I was his. I wouldn’t let any of you have him for as long as I live! So back off, he’s officially MY SWEET BABY BOY!”

I meant every word. I was his and he was mine until Reb took his final breath, forehead to forehead. When I adopted Reb, he lived in my room, away from the other cats he didn’t like. Reb talked all day long and it was truly music to my ears. Reb slept on my chest, in the crook of my neck, or on the top of my forehead. We both slept better knowing the other one was there. I put Reb in a harness and took him in the car with me to fast food drive-throughs, gas stations, and Kahoots. Reb preferred to climb up onto my shoulders when I drove. Reb spent a lot of time in my backyard enjoying the sun. I would not let most cats outside for safety reasons, but Reb was OLD. And Reb had no desire to venture far from me. I miss following him around in the backyard, wiping the spider webs from his face.

Reb’s favorite thing in the world seemed to be rubbing his face against mine. Every day we spent together was filled with countless face rubs, holding Reb in my arms. Reb was always happy to be held in a hugging fashion. His arms draped over my shoulders; the sides of our faces pressed against one another. The love Reb gave me in the year I had with him was some of the warmest love I have ever received. It was pure, it was non-transactional, it was all-encompassing. He always reminded me that I was his and he was mine.

When I moved out on my own for the first time, I made the impossible decision to leave Reb at my parent’s house. I moved into a small apartment with my sister’s cats and Reb had never grown to be amicable with them. I can’t thank my mom enough for being there for Reb when I couldn’t be. I knew Reb deserved to spend his time roaming the house and the yard. Reb shouldn’t live in my room inside an apartment for the rest of his precious days. My mom, Dad, and brother showered Reb with love and spoiled him silly. Reb became everyone’s and everyone was his.

I tried to see Reb as often as I could, visiting home most weekends and being sure to soak up all the face rubs, the sleepy snuggles, and the shared sun rays. Reb was with my family for a year. He turned 17 in my home. Reb was intelligent and stunning. Reb made us laugh so much with his grumpy old man attitude towards life. I wasn’t planning on getting a cat, but Reb was everything I wanted. Reb was everything I needed. Reb was everything I was missing in my life at 23 years old. You are forever mine, Reb. And I am forever yours."

Sir pumpkin

Acquired from: San Diego Humane Society- El Cajon
Age upon Rescue: 14
Date of Rescue: August 17, 2022
Date of Passing:
Family: Alexa McNair & Rose Ross
Fans: Shani Rosenzweig

Sweet Pea

Acquired from: San Diego Humane Society
Age upon Rescue: 8
Date of Rescue: August 18, 2022
Date of Passing: October 29, 2023
Family: Susan & Ron Peterson
Fans: Gina Gattari, Elaine Byrnes

Tribute: On October 29th, Sue and Ron fulfilled their promise to Frosted Face Sweet Pea after battling cancer on her tongue.

They shared,

"Today is the day we brought Sweet Pea’s ashes home. She fought her cancer with strength and dignity. We hope she will wait for us at the Rainbow Bridge. There never was any more sweet unassuming little girl in the whole world than our Sweet Pea . 💕 we want to give FFF a great big hug for all the help you gave us with Sweet Pea over the past year. We hope you continue to save dogs lives and get them into loving homes. "


Acquired from: Devore Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 9
Date of Rescue: August 18, 2022
Date of Passing:
Family: Caroline Belden
Fans: Pat Hess, Wendy Aurelia-Braunstein

Snoopy Sue

Acquired from: Devore Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 12
Date of Rescue: August 18, 2022
Date of Passing: February 3, 2025
Family: Mary Smith & Timothy Reed
Fans: Auntie Rayna

Tribute: On February 3rd, Mary and Timothy fulfilled their promise to Frosted Face Snoopy Sue.

They shared,

"Snoopy Sue (aka Snoopy, Snoop Dog, or just Snoop) was a gentle soul who wanted little more than to run and play, dig nesting holes under bushes, go on car rides, be loved (on her terms), eat and sleep, pretty much in that order. She absolutely loved to run and would run laps in the yard, often with a tennis ball in her mouth. Her favorite inside toy was a giant stuffed Lamb Chop, which magically regenerated itself every few months. Lamb Chop was her pillow, snuggle buddy, and toy all rolled into one. Sometimes when her non-FF brother would kidnap her Lamb Chop, she would find his favorite toy of the month, take it outside and bury it just to teach him a lesson, although she was never confrontational about it. Over the almost 2.5 years we had her, we watched as her running slowed down, she became wobbly, and her back end weakened until after only a few minutes she was in a semi crouch. Despite this, she still maintained her gentle demeanor, and still loved to run and play fight with her brother, usually initiating the play, and even when easily knocked over she would always get back up and go after him again. Over the last few months her back end became continually weaker, dropping her into uncomfortable positions, and just trying to lay down caused her noticeable pain. It was a difficult decision, but watching her be in pain even while on multiple pain meds, told us it was time to let her go, (she was just a few days short of her 15th birthday). Her loss has created a huge hole in our lives.

A big thank you to everyone at Frosted Faces for all they do for so many dogs and cats in need, and for allowing us to include Snoopy as a part of our life. "


Acquired from: Final Wish
Age upon Rescue: 10
Date of Rescue: August 19, 2022
Date of Passing:
Family: Amy Howshar & Chris Byrnes
Fans: Jackie, Anonymous Donor in Memory of Grandma Hele and Grandma Sharon, Gladys Girl


Acquired from: Bakersfield Animal Care Center
Age upon Rescue: 10
Date of Rescue: August 20, 2022
Date of Passing: November 16, 2023
Family: Linda Soule
Fans: Julienne & Brian, Sheryl, Paula & Russ Thomas

Tribute: On November 16th, Linda fulfilled her promise to Frosted Face Max.

She shared,

"Yesterday with the sun shining on him and beautiful clouds in a bright blue sky I had to say goodbye to my boy Max. His tumor had grown so large there was nothing left we could do.

Max was truly a gentle giant. A beautiful dog with the sweetest disposition. You couldn't meet Max and not love him.

He was my second fling and from the minute we got home and that big ol' dog crawled up in my lap I knew he was home.

Max loved laying in the sun and every morning would lay in the sunniest spot in the yard. He loved water so we kept a plastic pool in the yard for him year round and he laid or just stood in it every time he walked past it. He loved Costco chicken, his 3 favorite trees around our corner, riding in the car, being around his people and he was a master napper!

Max couldn't do stairs and there are quite a few up to my room so my son-in-law carried him up to my room every night to sleep and carried him back down every morning. And there were a few middle of the night trips too. I know that wasn't always easy.

The house feels so empty without him. I look at his favorite spots and he isn't there...I have one less bowl to less dog to kiss goodnight...Max was our perfect dog.

I had him for 15 months-not nearly enough time. But with these senior dogs who deserve so much and ask for so little is there really ever enough time?

My family crammed a lifetime of hugs, kisses, you're the best boy and I love yous into that short time.

I think when the time comes we all say I hope they knew how much they were loved. Yesterday on the patio at FFF when Max rested his forehead on my face and looked at me with that sweet face and those beautiful brown eye - I knew that he knew.

Thank you to so many people -the volunteers who drove him down from Bakersfield to Frosted Faces, his fans who donated monthly so that he could have the best veterinary care, the vet staff and Dr Russell who were all so caring, the support team who got Max in so quickly, Diana for the hug when I needed it so badly and of course Kelly and Andy. Angels on earth to so many forgotten animals. They have bigger hearts than anyone I know and work so tirelessly to ensure every Frosted Face knows they matter.

Rest well Max -a-million. You truly were the best dog. I love you so much and will miss you every single day."


Acquired from: Ramona Humane Society
Age upon Rescue: 12
Date of Rescue: August 22, 2022
Date of Passing: February 15, 2024
Family: Kristie Campbell & Gabriel Dansby
Fans: Jasmine H., Jenna P.

Tribute: On February 15th, Kristie & Gabriel fulfilled her promise to Frosted Face Harvey after battling bone cancer.

She shared,

"On Thursday February 15 we had to let our AMAZING Harvey cross the Rainbow Bridge. We are torn between sadness and joy… Incredibly sad as we lost our sweet, beautiful soul but, joyous that we had the honor of being mom and dad to our sweet boy. He made life fun, adventurous and full of music (cue the howling).

He loved people and wanted everyone to stop and say hi… walks were filled with howling and sweet serenades.

He loved car rides, the beach, pup cups and FOOD of any kind, though we had to limit it due to allergies…

It broke our heart when we first brought him home, and he looked terrified and refused to lay on his own dog bed and was horrified we wanted him to get on the couch or in our bed, but we bribed, begged, and loved him through it, until he owned every piece of furniture in the house… most recently his favorite place was in his big cushy dog bed in front of the fireplace, catching naps and snuggling with his brothers

From the moment Kelly walked out the door at frosted faces, he began howling and our non-frosted face howled with him so we joined in… He went out, howling on frosted faces patio as Dr Russell helped him be at peace. 

The last night we celebrated him by having hamburgers and fries and a stroll through the neighborhood.

Thanks to FFF, his supporters, Dr. Russell and staff we had an amazing 1yr 5 mo and 6 days with him❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️run free sweet love🐾❤️🐾"


Acquired from: OC Animal Care
Age upon Rescue: 10
Date of Rescue: August 22, 2022
Date of Passing: March 4, 2023
Family: Lauren Davis & Jams Farrar
Fans: Stephanie Tillman, Mona Ueda, Kim Hyland, Lysbeth George, Mary Smith

Tribute: On March 4th, Lauren and Jim fulfilled their promise to Frosted Face Loretta.

They shared,

"We had to make the difficult decision that we know has been looming and say goodbye to Loretta last night. She had a great day on Friday and had so much energy, but Saturday evening while we were out to dinner, something suddenly changed and we took her to the emergency vet. They let us know that her medications were no longer able to provide a band aid from the cancer. There was now fluid in both her stomach and around her heart, which was making it difficult to breathe. She fought as hard as she could to be with us for as long as she could.

We are so devastated, but so grateful for our 5 months with Lo. She loved to go for rides in the car and her stroller, her daily chicken and rice dinners, hunting squirrels, and just being close to us. She was so protective and would always put her paw out to hold our arms while petting her. Loretta was my literal shadow and we feel lost without her.

Our goodest girl with the sweetest face and the most perfect giant ears. She had so much personality and was so easy to love. We only wish we had more time with her.

Thank you guys for all of your support. We knew when we met Loretta that our time would be limited, and we are forever grateful to have had the honor of giving her the best for the rest. Thank you for saving her and loving her and giving us the chance to love her. We will miss her and love her forever ❤"

Lola Lia

Acquired from: Baldwin Park Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 14
Date of Rescue: August 23, 2022
Date of Passing: March 10, 2023
Family: Marla Hernandez
Fans: Emily Elliott, Jan & Eric, Emery Johnson

Tribute: On March 10th, Marla fulfilled her promise to Frosted Face Lola Lia.

She shared,

"Today, we helped Lola Lia cross Rainbow Bridge. It sure does hurt like hell💔

Honestly, when I first brought her home I thought her time was limited to about a month. Our first meeting consisted of me constantly checking on her to make sure she was breathing. But, she sprang to life once she was home, met her new family and “boyfriend” FF Bounce💜

However, after Bounce passed in December, Lola Lia went back into depression and started sleeping a lot. Her Dementia got increasingly worse. Lola Lia started to rally when I brought FF Zeke home. But Dementia doesn’t care if there is a cute boy in the room. Also, her little body started to break down and she couldn’t take a few steps without falling over. In the last few days, she lost all mobility:(

I will miss my beautiful girl, her infectious smile, our dance parties, her fake sneezes just to make me “Bless you!,” the way she was a little mama and nurse to Bounce when he was sick, the way she ate with gusto! Lola Lia was the sweetest dog I’ve ever met. Even though we only had for 4 1/2 months, she took a huge chunk of my heart with her.

To my Lola Lia, thank you for letting me be your mommy. Thank you for coming into our lives. I pray that the first 14 years of your life were good ones and you had a family who loved you. We sure love you and miss you so, so much💕

FFF, thank you so much for rescuing my sweet girl, and for everything you did for her💖"

Keke Kai

Acquired from: Baldwin Park Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 14
Date of Rescue: August 23, 2022
Date of Passing:
Family: Jennifer Militello
Fans: Shirley Lovitt, Roseann J., Soso & Spanky Doodles


Acquired from: Baldwin Park Shelter
Age upon Rescue :12
Date of Rescue: August 23, 2022
Date of Passing:
Family: Jayne, Larry & Julia Kleinfeld
Fans: Katrina & Mouad, Joyce Onufer, Jay Kimbler, Jenna P.


Acquired from: Baldwin Park Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 8
Date of Rescue: August 23, 2022
Date of Passing: November 10, 2023
Family: Robb & Rosi Pagarigan
Fans: Christie K., Jessica in honor of Shadow, Brewster Family

Tribute: On November 10th, Robb and Rosi fulfilled their promise to Frosted Face Neo.

They shared,

"We're so grateful that Neo found his way to FFF (or maybe FFF found their way to Neo?), and that you trusted us with his care. We fell in love with him the day we met him and we never stopped falling in love with him. We miss him all the time but we take comfort in the knowledge that he spent the last year of his life in his forever home, with a family that loved him - and all of his quirks!

When Neo came home with us he had pneumonia, so he was very low energy and spent all of his time on a pillow, which we knew meant he wasn't feeling well at all, because what Lab isn't in everyone's business all the time? We'd also been told that his hind legs were weak and that he would need help getting up and maybe even getting around. That didn't scare us one bit because we'd just lost our arthritic 16-year-old non-Frosted Face yellow Lab, so we knew what we were signing up for. As soon as we saw Neo's sweet face, we said, "Bring it!" Even his green pneumonia snot was adorable! 😉

Once he kicked the pneumonia, Neo showed us that he didn't have any trouble getting up, and that he was actually pretty quick on his feet. Imagine my shock on the day we brought him home when I left him on his bed in our bedroom and found an empty bed a few minutes later! It turned out Neo was able to get up on his own just fine. One of my favorite videos from those early days is from one of our security cameras, where he is practically skipping next to Robb. It was adorable to see! He was always underfoot, following us around, "supervising" all of our home projects and napping right next to us once he was satisfied that the work was on track. He would wake us up by sticking his cold nose in our face, that stinker. But who could complain about finding that cute fuzzy face staring up?

We suspect that Neo may have spent a lot of time on his own in his previous home. He would do his business in the house without making any effort to alert us that he had to go out. All it took to train him was a doggy door and some treats. We created a monster! He figured out that he could go out and do #1 and get a treat, then go back outside and do #2 for another treat. Smartypants!

Like all dogs, Neo was full of personality, which included lots of quirks. One of them was that he would bark for us to come help him get up, then promptly slump sideways when we stood over him to lift him up. We often wondered if he even had a spine; he seemed to flop left or right without regard for which way his hips were on the bed. He was stubborn and could play his silly game for a full minute or two if we let him. He was no dummy, though; if he knew we were getting tired of his game, he'd right himself so we could lift him up. He loved it when we would sit next to him and roll him on his back to rub his belly. He would completely relax, with his tail on the ground and his cheeks hanging down. Because of his severe arthritis, Neo had trouble lowering himself to the ground, so he would end up sitting with "W" legs, one leg outstretched on each side of his body. We often thought how uncomfortable that looked, but he didn't seem to mind. He was always appreciative when he got some assistance to sit, though.

When we would go on our daily walks, Neo would trot down the driveway and around the hill to the front of our property to do his business. Once that was out of the way, he loved to explore, sniffing (and occasionally sampling) flowers, leaves, trees and clumps of grass. There's a small patch of long grass that grows under our macadamia tree, and Neo would often stop and chomp on the long blades. We'd joke that he might've been part goat. When I pass his "grass buffet" now, I always tear up, thinking of those happy moments, watching Neo being Neo.

In July, Neo fell while he was doing his business outside. When I ran out to help him, he was having trouble getting up and walking back into the house, which was scary. I contacted FFF to request a vet appointment, and Dr. Russell offered to check Neo in between surgeries, so I rushed him to Ramona. Imaging showed a hemorrhaging mass in Neo's spleen, which meant he would require surgery asap. Kelly approved the procedure, and Neo was in surgery the very next morning to remove his spleen and the mass (in an amazing blessing, Anicira Hospital was open that week on Friday because Monday had been 4th of July; any other week and we'd have had to wait until Monday). The surgeon said that she'd never seen a dog come out of an operation so alert. Neo was chomping on all of the treats she offered him! We expected Neo to be moving somewhat slowly and maybe be a little woozy, but in typical Neo form, he was ready for his bland diet dinner and watching our every move, fully alert. He was puttering around the next day like nothing had happened. Were it not for the stitched incision line on his shaved belly, you'd never have guessed he'd just had a major organ removed. We celebrated with extra treats for Neo when the biopsy results came back: benign! It was just like Neo to beat the odds like that.

The first clue that something was wrong was a couple of weeks ago, when Neo fell and wet himself, out of nowhere. We hadn't witnessed the fall, so I wasn't sure what had led to it, so I watched him like a hawk. In the days following, he seemed a little slower than usual. His appetite was normal, and he was still enthusiastic about going for his walk, but he just seemed "off" somehow. Dr. D. saw him on Monday and discovered that Neo was anemic. We went home to wait for the lab results. Then on Wednesday, he was more lethargic than he'd ever been, even after his surgery. The scariest part was when he lost his balance and fell while he was eating dinner. The next day we took him to see Dr. Russell - who again offered to check Neo out in between surgeries - and this time the news was scarier: Neo had free fluid in his abdomen, and a mass on the right side of his heart. Although we were worried, we were prepared to see Neo through any treatment and appropriate medical intervention available to keep him comfortable if there was any chance that he could have a good quality of life, however long that was. Dr. Russell sent us home with a care plan while we waited for the results of the cystoscopy and other labs.

That night, Neo was very still. He lifted his head to see what was going on if someone came or left the room, but other than that, he was just lying on his side, sort of spaced out. It broke our hearts. He was our always-active guy, the one who was our shadow everywhere we went, and now there he was, sort of dimming. When he started wheezing, we worried and checked in with FFF vet techs, who said if the wheezing didn't stop or got worse, we should take Neo to an emergency vet. That night we slept with one eye open. When at 3:00 a.m. Neo was breathing hard, we knew it was time to drive him to the E.R. We called ahead and they had a gurney ready for him. He was taken to an examination bay immediately, while we waited for the doctor to come in with her initial report. She assured us that we had made the right decision to bring Neo in to be checked out. She confirmed that the mass on Neo's heart could be a clot, but she suspected it was more likely cancer. She also let us know that in addition to the free fluid in Neo's abdomen, she had also now found a small amount of fluid around his heart. She patiently outlined a care plan that we shared with FFF. You know how sometimes somebody says something to you that makes perfect sense, but it's not until later that you understand the deeper meaning of their words? It wasn't until we spoke with Bethany and went over the doctor's plan that we realized what she had been trying to tell us: that Neo wasn't going to get any better. It was at that moment that we decided that the most loving and compassionate thing we could do for our Neo was to let him rest.

When they brought Neo into the private room they had reserved for us, he looked like a shadow of who he used to be. And yet, somehow, he found the strength to wag his tail for us when he saw us. Our boy was definitely still in there, still fighting! We spent a sweet 30 minutes giving Neo lots of kisses, rubbing his belly, telling him how much he was loved, and thanking him for trusting us so wholly to take care of him. When the doctor came in to see him, she let us know that she had discovered that the fluid in Neo's belly was septic. It was all the confirmation we needed that it was time for us to let him rest. He was looking right at us when he closed his eyes for the last time. We held his sweet paws until we were ready to go.

It is difficult to describe the aching hole in our hearts, but we know that we don't need to try to explain it. Anyone who has ever loved a dog knows the feeling all too well. And we also know that only dog lovers get why we'd do it all over again in a heartbeat. We knew that one day we'd have to say goodbye to Neo, and even though our hearts are breaking, we don't regret a single day or minute of the last 14 months. Our only regret is how quickly our time together ended.

We're so grateful to Neo's fans: Christie K., Jessica (in honor of Shadow,), and the Brewster Family. Thank you for your financial commitment to him. I hope you'll know that your generosity made a huge difference in his life. We're also infinitely grateful for the attention, love and compassion that the FFF staff showed us and Neo every time he visited the one of the vets or techs. Dr. D., even though you only met Neo a couple of times, we appreciate your investment in his well-being; we wish he'd met you sooner. Maria, Melissa, Michelle, and the rest of the vet techs: your love of animals is evident in everything you do. Thank you for your loving care of our Neo. Dr. Russell, you have a rare gift for delivering bad news in a non-sugar coated way that still exudes compassion. We're so thankful for your generosity of time and care. Bethany, Jennifer, you know what a lifeline you were to us during those last scary days. We can't say thank you enough.

Kelly, Andy: it's amazing that your heart fits in your chest. How you pour so much of yourselves into your mission is a rare gift. How you find the space in your home, on your couch, in your heart to welcome one more FF, one more time, time after time is mind-blowing. Without your commitment to senior dogs, we would never have met Neo. We can't thank you enough for trusting us to be his forever home. He is forever at home in our hearts."


Acquired from: Mission Viejo Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 12
Date of Rescue: August 23, 2022
Date of Passing:
Family: Rita O'Brien
Fans: Rosemary Luna Rosemary, Rachele Williams


Acquired from: Downey Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 8
Date of Rescue: August 23, 2022
Date of Passing: May 31, 2024
Family: Jayne, Larry & Jula Kleinfeld
Fans: Kat Warren, Joanne Mclaughlin

Tribute: On May 31st, Helene fulfilled her promise to Frosted Face Ziggi.

Unfortunately, he came to the clinic showing symptoms that identified a slow bleeding splenic mass, but also mets in his chest.

Helene shared,

"Ziggi’s and my time together was way too short, just over a year, and I enjoyed every moment of it. He knew he was home before I did. He was very easy to take care of as long as we stuck to his schedule. He put up with my snippy little dog, letting his head and back be used as a pillow almost every day. I will miss him forever.

I am so thankful to FFF staff and volunteers for all the awesome and sometimes very difficult work they do every day."

Mollie Jane

Acquired from: Downey Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 12
Date of Rescue: August 23, 2022
Date of Passing: August 1, 2023
Family: Kerry Ferreirae
Fans: Cindy Lewellen, Linda Soule, Gaither Family

Tribute: On August 1st, Kerry and Ron fulfilled their promise to Frosted Face Mollie Jane.

Molly was originally an owner surrender to Downey Shelter where she had a very ulcerated aggressive mammary mass that we removed. Molly enjoyed a Fling with Lauren and Kevin Peake, and was placed with a nice family. Unfortunately, her family went through some tough stuff and Mollie recently landed back at FFF. She was so lucky to land a foster home with Kerry and Ron, but soon after we discovered that Mollie had a fast growing mouth mass among other ailments that quieted her. We attempted to debulk the mass, but realized while she was under that it invaded far too much of her mouth and jaw to continue. We decided the kind option was to let her go during surgery.

Kerry shared,

"Mollie Jane came to us shut down and overwhelmed by kennel life. On day 2 we saw a little tail wag. Day 3 saw a lot more wagging and it never stopped from there. This sweet girl blossomed in a home environment, playing with toys, eating all the food, exploring and meeting new dogs off-leash, and spending nap time on the couch snuggled in.

Despite what was certainly horrible pain from an open cancer wound on her neck, a rapidly growing cancer in her jaw, numerous other masses, plus very stiff joints, Mollie Jane exuded joy. She camped and traveled with us like a champ and greeted every day with excitement and that sweet happy tail wagging a mile a minute.

We could see all of her masses growing and she was already scheduled for surgery when we got her. When the day finally came, it was determined that it would be a kindness to let her pass on the operating table, since the growths were overwhelming.

I had a good cry, and we know she had an excellent last month. She was loved."

Here are a bunch of photos of Mollie Jane during her time as a Frosted Face this year. ❤


Acquired from: Downey Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 12
Date of Rescue: August 23, 2022
Date of Passing:
Family: Janet Sullivan
Fans: Fido's Forty Winks, Kat Taylor


Acquired from: Downey Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 10
Date of Rescue: August 23, 2022
Date of Passing:
Family: Angel Ortega & Emma Zamora
Fans: Allison Force

Abby Grace

Acquired from: Rancho Cucamonga Animal Center
Age upon Rescue: 10
Date of Rescue: August 24, 2022
Date of Passing: October 23, 2023
Family: Vicki & John Hickman
Fans: Michelle & Elliott Tanner, Dana Triolo

Tribute: On October 23rd, John and Vicki fulfilled their promise to Frosted Face Abby.

They shared,

"This evening we had to rush Abby to the ER and had to euthanize her because of probable heart and liver cancer. It was very quick. Our hearts are broken. 💔 We take comfort in that she had a wonderful year with us.

Abby gained weight and got her two long walks a day with dad. She loved her walks and went for drives with us almost every Sunday down the coast. She was shy but came when called and we tried to make sure she felt safe.

She took a boat trip to Catalina Island one weekend and did beautifully on the boat. She had a big backyard to play in at our family home there. Lots of wonderful new walks and she was great with our friends and granddaughters who were visiting. We also went camping n a trip to Big Bear for 4 days!

The granddaughters loved Abby Grace so much and were so good with her!

Thank you for letting her be a part of our lives."

Cooper Cass

Acquired from: Final Wish
Age upon Rescue: 13
Date of Rescue: August 30, 2022
Date of Passing:
Family: Herlinda & Arthur Diaz
Fans: Eric Yingling, Linda Pendleton, Michelle May

Buddy eagles

Acquired from: San Diego Humane Society - Oceanside
Age upon Rescue: 14
Date of Rescue: August 30, 2022
Date of Passing: February 21, 2023
Family: Sheila Madrak
Fans: Erin & Patty Hoye, Alvarez Family, Amie & Rod

Tribute: On February 21st, Sheila fulfilled her promise to Frosted Face Buddy Bills.

She shared,

"When we moved to Julian, I knew I wanted us to become involved with Frosted Faces. I am in the process of adopting my children from foster care and they understand on a visceral level what it means to lose your family, your home, and to start again. We decided we would foster and so attended an open house in September 2022. That was when we met Buddy Bills. He was just a snuggle puddle in my lap while we met so many lovable Frosted Faces. We learned that he had advanced kidney disease, glaucoma in both eyes, a spinal abnormality, and probably needed some teeth removed. So that he would likely be a hospice adoption. Undeterred, we adopted him a couple of days later.

From the day we brought him home, Buddy bonded with my son Daniel. Since I was Buddy’s nurse, administering three different types of eye drops several times a day and keeping up with his blood pressure and pain medicines, it was important that Daniel just be Buddy’s source of comfort. They spent many a long hour just snuggled up on the bed, quietly enjoying each other’s company. It was truly a friendship for the ages.

We weren’t sure how long we would have Buddy, given his long list of ailments. And we all feel so grateful that we had him as long as we did. He passed away quietly in his sleep in February. The most peaceful crossing over the rainbow bridge for our beloved little curmudgeon."

Henry Cavill

Acquired from: Owner Surrender
Age upon Rescue: 13
Date of Rescue: September 4, 2022
Date of Passing: November 12, 2022
Family: The Ravens Family
Fans: Joe Oviatt, John Poytress, Tammy Martin

Tribute: On September 12th, The Ravens Family fulfilled their promise to Frosted Face Henry.

What started as a Fling, turned to foster. You never know when you choose to foster a senior whether you are actually signing up to be their final family, and we are so grateful they chose Henry.

"On Saturday, Henry Cavill passed away on his own. He was in my arms, being loved on by Courtney, wrapped in a fluffy blanket.

I wanted to Fling Henry because his story spoke to me. It seemed as though he was never truly someone’s cherished family member, having lived with his owner for 4 years, although when surrendered we were told, 'He is not really mine,' and has 2 families previously." Although that is sad, I will give his owner some credit. They must have cared for him, because they chose to bring Henry to the best place he could have landed in this situation. But I wanted Henry to be chosen!

We brought Henry home and fully intended on posting loads of content to help him find the home he deserved. However, we instantly fell him love with him.. especially my brother. My brother would come home from work every day, find Henry, sit with him and love on him. Sometimes for 10 minutes, sometimes for an hour. Henry reminded Logan of his late FF Herman, another old, sick, chiweenie of the exact same shape and size. When Henry started having seizures, Logan was distraught to see him in pain. He loved Henry very much. My mom also loved him dearly and always made sure he was taken care of. With all this love for Henry, posting seemed less important. We knew there was a huge chance we’d keep him. We never officially adopted Henry, but he wasn’t going anywhere.

Henry was not the biggest cuddler, and did not constantly ask for pets. This made it extra special when he would let us cuddle him. When he was hurting from his dental surgery, he let me cuddle him on my chest all night. He always loved to be around us people, though. The longer we had him, the more often he would come and sit down right next to us, accepting more and more pets.

Henry was such a good dog. He instantly got along with our whole pack, including the cats. He knew to do his business outside, and when we took too long to let him out, he ACTUALLY peed on the pee pads! He got to go to the Frosted Flick, to a sleepover in Little Italy, shopping, and on lots of walks. Courtney made him a homemade costume so he could be the burger to our Bobs Burgers costume at the FF Halloween party. I hope he had fun during his time with us.

We love you, Henry and are so thankful that we got to be your final family"


Acquired from:Bonita Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 10
Date of Rescue: September 6, 2022
Date of Passing:
Family: Terry & Cathy Gasper
Fans: Susan Johnson, Lennon & Friends, Caryn & Michael Rosenstein, Gurdon Hornor, Trisha Muse


Acquired from: Chula Vista Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 12
Date of Rescue: September 9, 2022
Date of Passing:
Family: Michelle & Chris Carroll
Fans: Denise Gardner, Shannon Hadley, K Hodgson

Heidi Ho

Acquired from: Chula Vista Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 10
Date of Rescue: September 9, 2022
Date of Passing:
Family: Alana Koehler
Fans: Lori, Oscar and Lulu, Misty Phillips, Lisa Saffian


Acquired from: Victor Valley Animal Protective League
Age upon Rescue: 6
Date of Rescue: September 10, 2022
Date of Passing:
Family: Norman Hazen
Fans: James & Megan Eustace, Jacquie, Alexandria Raphael

Princess Plum

Acquired from: Victor Valley Animal Protective League
Age upon Rescue: 10
Date of Rescue: September 10, 2022
Date of Passing:
Family: Kersten & Robert Galambos
Fans: Kim Stroup, Cindy White, Lisa Switzer, Lynn Petolicchio


Acquired from: Victor Valley Animal Protective League
Age upon Rescue: 8
Date of Rescue: September 10, 2022
Date of Passing: May 30, 2024
Family: Karen Smith
Fans: Rita Levi, The Erhardt Family

Tribute: In May, Karen fulfilled her promise to Frosted Face Isabelle.

She shared,

"I lost my FF Isabelle at the end of May. I had the pleasure of her company for far too short a time.

When I went to Ramona to meet a few dogs, Isabelle was the second and final dog I met. She walked directly to me and laid her head on my knee. That made my decision easy.

After Isabelle got over harassing my three cats, she settled right in to a routine. We walked in the park, went for pup cups, played with toys and slept cuddled up together.

Isabelle did not like riding in the car, so our adventures were around home, except when we went to Dr. Russell and other vets, or visited family in the area. She was not a fan of cats, either, but learned to coexist with nothing more than silently showing her teeth if my Siamese tried to cuddle with her.

She was a goofy girl, barking at crows flying by and lizards crossing my patio. When friends (almost every human was a friend) or family came, she barked like a maniac, wagging her tail and her whole rear end like crazy. It took me a while to realize it was her way of greeting visitors. I must confess that she tried to bite a flooring installer and we had to spend several hours of that day on my patio. I am positive she was an excellent judge of character, so I just kept her separated from the guy.

Isabelle went through a lot of medical issues, but that sweet girl never let it phase her. Her skin was an issue from the beginning. We did it all, medications, limited ingredient foods, medicated baths, and topical mousses. After more than a year I took her to a veterinary dermatologist and she finally improved. Sadly, she then developed pulmonary hypertension and the specialists were unable to pinpoint the cause before I had to let her go. The amazing part of it was that when she scarcely had the energy to do more than sleep and eat, she still followed me everywhere, loyal to a fault and forever at my side.

Isabelle was truly a one of a kind friend. I shall always miss her, but also feel blessed that she shared her last times with me. She was a terrific girl."


Acquired from: Humane Society of Imperial County
Age upon Rescue: 8
Date of Rescue: September 10, 2022
Date of Passing: July 9, 2024
Family: Kathleen Benson
Fans: Coleen Thran-Zepeda, Heather Thomas

Tribute: On July 9th, Kathleen fulfilled her promise to Frosted Face Romeo.

She shared,

"To my sweet boy Romeo, thank you for coming into my life and having such a huge impact. You taught me acceptance and what unconditional love truly is! I didn't realize how amazing you were until I just let you be YOU!

My boy came to me as a "fixer-upper," labeled as "hospice" at one point. The medical issues were priority! Romeo became a Frosted Face on 9/10/22. He came home with me 17 days later, the day before his splenectomy to remove a nearly 5lb hematoma! Six weeks later, he had a dental and many skin masses were removed from his underside where his fur was white and sparse and susceptible to cancer caused by sun exposure. I felt certain that if I kept removing these hemangiosarcoma masses, it would keep his cancer at bay. I did two surgeries to remove masses and also did the Torigen vaccine to give him the best chance at a long life. I switched him to no carb food and added all the supplements shown in research to help in the fight against cancer from Day 1. With his zest for life, I felt certain we were winning the cancer battle! But on June 18th he was diagnosed with end-stage lung cancer and was gone in 3 weeks... He had so much more living to do! It just wasn't fair!

I believe Romeo was kept outside 24/7 in his prior life. He was not housebroken when he came to me! He was not trained to common commands like "sit" and "laydown". It was obvious he had never seen a TV or mirror before. Belly bands were my best friend, but he learned quickly because he loved treats. It was mandatory that he learned to "stay," but since other command training led to him showing me teeth, I decided "sit" and "laydown" just didn't matter! He also started showing me his teeth last summer in situations where it was unexpected, like just petting him after he initiated contact. This new behavior added to some other behaviors that I had seen since day 1, brought me to Dr. Russell for a diagnosis of CCD/dementia and a prescription of Selegiline which stopped the unexplained aggression with the very first dose, and it never returned!

Romeo also experienced resource guarding when it came to my bed, his dog bed and his toys. But by far the worst was his separation anxiety. His anxiety became destructive on a couple of occasions and once I found him on the ledge of my bay window when I came home! I was so thankful that he didn't jump through the window!

I used to try to fix his "issues" until I realized it just wasn't good for his mental health or for our relationship. I didn't realize just how amazing he was until I stopped trying to change him! It was easy to avoid his "triggers" when it came to his resource guarding. And as far as his separation anxiety, that was easily addressed by taking him everywhere with me... and I mean EVERYWHERE! If I couldn't take him inside on an errand, he patiently waited in the truck... always in the shade with the truck roof open! He did so much better waiting in the truck than waiting at home. And family and friends who wanted to get together knew we were a package deal and made the necessary accommodations, because they loved him too.

Romeo loved truck rides! He did the "happy tappies" with his front paws when he saw me grab my purse.

Romeo loved to hike and take walks, even if it was just for a quick potty break! He was the King of Sniffs!

Romeo loved any adventure, even if it was just to go through a drive-thru, especially if chicken nuggets or a pup cup were involved!

Romeo loved squeaky toys, so much so that they didn't last very long!

Romeo loved food, as displayed by the strings of drool from each side of his mouth when we were patio dining at a restaurant. Many people offered to feed him! He knew how to work the crowd and make them believe that I starved him.

Romeo loved little dogs! When he spotted one, he would drag me toward that little, whining and wagging his tail the whole time.

Romeo loved to sleep in bed with me making sure that as much of his body was touching mine as possible!

Romeo loved ME! I was his person! My sister said that his separation anxiety was because he loved me so much because I gave him a HOME and didn't just leave him alone outside 24/7.

He was my boy and I miss him so much... I guess you can say that his separation anxiety is now mine! We had a little over 21 months together, but we packed a whole lotta love in that time! I'll see you again someday, my sweet Romeo!"


Acquired from: SEAACA
Age upon Rescue: 10
Date of Rescue: September 10, 2022
Date of Passing: July 22, 2024
Family: Charlene & Larry Sivertson
Fans: David Lloyd, Larissa Plagge

Tribute: On July 22nd, Char and Larry fulfilled their promise to Frosted Face Milo.

They shared,

"So sad to report that we lost Milo last Monday. We had him for 1.5 years. He’s not the first of course but this has been especially painful. Maybe because he was the sweetest of them all…….or perhaps grief accumulates over time? We have experienced several people passing while we had him, and I never cried. But the tears flow freely now. I am acutely in touch with my feelings. It is way too quiet and I look for him underfoot. VCA Animal Specialty Group was so kind to us."

Joe Joe

Acquired from: Russell Rescue Transfer
Age upon Rescue: 12
Date of Rescue: September 13, 2022
Date of Passing:
Fans: Noelle, Kellee McNamee, Renzleen Nolasco


Acquired from: Russell Rescue Transfer
Age upon Rescue: 12
Date of Rescue: September 13, 2022
Date of Passing: July 9, 2024
Family: Stacey Tuttle & Charles Williams
Fans: Mollie M.; Gail Rockhold

Tribute: On July 9th, fulfilled their promise to Frosted Face Sassy.

They shared,

"After 18 months with our sweet Sassy, we had to say goodbye to her on July 9, 2024. We all had such a great time a few weeks prior at the @frostedfaces 10 Year Anniversary and she got to see her Foster Mom @kdubtex. She was as spunky as she was photogenic and had the perfect Mohawk for a bow. She loved walks and finding the perfect clump of dried grass to carry home. We joked she was like living with a teenager because every few hours she would come down from her upstairs bed to do a lap around the kitchen for crumbs, go potty and then go back up to nap. She was the best girl and we were so lucky to be her soft landing place during her final months ❤️🌈🐶"


Acquired from: Final Wish Program
Age upon Rescue: 16
Date of Rescue: September 15, 2022
Date of Passing: October 12, 2023
Family: Courtney Thompson
Fans: Lisa Chiarelli, Philip A., Gwen Haynes

Tribute: On October 12th, Courtney fulfilled her promise to Frosted Face Lucy after battling kidney disease.

She shared,

"We had to say goodbye to our Lucy

(/“Goose”/“Goosey”/“the Gooseinator”/“Goon”/ “Goonie Girl”)

last week and we are completely crushed. She was such a bright, hilarious light in our home and it feels empty and deafeningly quiet without her. She had such a big personality and everyone was so drawn to her, I think because she really made you work for her attention and was prone to drama, so you never knew what you were gonna get—ignored OR the “good ear”-back SO happy-to-see-you face and pig grunts. The element of surprise was hysterically addictive. It was a sense of accomplishment to be acknowledged, even with her signature side-eye. She brought so many sweet and funny moments to every day, particularly her antics and unapologetic scare-you-loudly-out-of-a-dead-sleep gas in the middle of the night, or fearless gator snaps at any feeding time to get Tugg (90lbs is on the conservatively flattering side) to stand down; she had us crying laughing constantly. More than anything, Lucy brought with her one of the best life lessons I’ve had to date—willingness to open your heart and mind to meet someone or something right where they are and accepting exactly what they bring to your life, just as they bring it. Tugg (Lucy’s brother) and I knew our job was really to just be there for it, whatever IT was and love her until our hearts nearly exploded. I knew he was a good boy but he stunned me with his patience and gentle approach to her. They were never more than a couple feet apart and he always had his eye on our girl.

We both miss her like crazy and I’ll cry every day for a while, I’m sure. Tugg has been sitting in my bedroom window staring out, glazed eyes, like an asylum resident for the last week. I stare out with the same glaze and have convinced myself that a new resident bird in the backyard that sits on the hose I used to spray her off with every day for her post-accident “booty baths“ is her little spirit keeping an eye on us (who’s crazy now?). We’re both trying to remember how to start a day without her. Despite the heartache, I’d do it over and over again. Lucy was a pleasure and a privilege to call my little girl and one of the best things to ever happen to me.

I will always be grateful to everybody at Frosted Faces for all of the exceptional, empathetic care and support every single day, special and huge thanks to the vet staff and of course Kelly for your time, compassion and patience always-the last day was brutal and I needed and appreciated all of your kind words and hugs-all of the sponsors, thank you, but obviously especially to Lucy’s for the “pharmacy“ of medication and fluids she took down, and to her family who had the care and wherewithal to seek out FFF so that Lucy could keep on keepin’ on for a 17th trip around the sun. I always tell Tugg and Lucy “I’m the luckiest mommy” and I wouldn’t have had the opportunity to meet either of my babies without a place like this.

Thank you to everybody for your support; my heart goes out to everyone who’s lost a best friend and fur baby. It is losing part of your soul.

Lucy, you are the sassiest, most beautiful girl I have ever seen or known. I will love and miss you forever 💔❤️

I ❤️ Lucy"


Acquired from: Baldwin Park Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 10
Date of Rescue: September 14, 2022
Date of Passing:
Family: Amelia Camp & Jake Saunders
Fans: Maddy Brown, Debbi Gordon, Kelli Nims in Memory of Mary


Acquired from: Baldwin Park Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 14
Date of Rescue: September 14, 2022
Date of Passing: May 30, 2023
Family: Marla Hernandez
Fans: Suzanne Hood

Tribute: On May 30th, Marla fulfilled her promise to Frosted Face Chyna.

She shared,

"Dear Frosted Faces Family,

I’m heartbroken to let you know that when Chyna went to the vet with me and Fig yesterday, she did not come home with us. It’s a devastating loss that I was not expecting.

Chyna had been unwell-eating less, then eventually not at all, and the night before her appointment, struggling to breathe. She was recently diagnosed as having Kidney and Thyroid disease and the Kidney disease had progressed 3x as much in one month. We thought it best to let her go.

This is silly, beautiful girl waltzed into our lives and everyone, even my crazy cat Mochi, misses her. They keep looking for her, as she was the queen of the casa💕She wanted to be front and center, always😁

Chyna used to sleep literally on top of me and then would bite my hair or nose to wake me up to feed her. I’ll miss that. I’ll miss the way she asked for food by meowing, “Hello!”😂She had such a big personality for such a little girl.

Chyna, thank you for letting me be your mommy💜I’ll miss you so, so much🌈💚

Frosted Faces Foundation, thank you for rescuing her💙Kelly and Andy, thank you fostering her before she came home with me😻🙏"


Acquired from: Baldwin Park Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 10
Date of Rescue: September 14, 2022
Date of Passing: October 3, 2022
Family: Frosted Faces Foundation
Fans: Tara & Scott McClure, Ellyn in memory of Cozmic

Tribute: On October 3rd, we fulfilled our promise to Frosted Face Gordy.

What seemed like a combination of an upper respiratory infection and enlarged lymph node, got bad very fast.

Admittedly, we (Andy and I) don't have a lot of knowledge about cat medical ailments, we just pluck senior cats from the shelter system to love and help when we have room. We loved Gordy to pieces and put him back in front of Dr. Russell just days after his intake exam because something wasn't right. He did a cytology of the swelling on the side of his face and we waited for results. He had a very good hunch it was fungal, and knowing time was of the essence, we started Gordy on the appropriate medications preemptively. He asked us to please have faith and be patient for results.

We hooked Gordy up to a CRI in our bedroom and wrapped him in a a red sweater to keep him warm. On Monday, it was clear to all of us that no matter what the diagnostics showed, Gordy did not have time left to wait. We had to let him go.

The very next day results came back and the disease was exactly what Doc has suspected, cryptococcus. We are so fortunate to have such an invested doctor who thinks outside of the box for our Frosted Faces.

It sounds like someone early on could have treated it, but no one was keeping Gordy safe in their home to offer him the veterinary care he deserved. He suffered at the shelter, we did our best for him, and time was not on our side.

Gordy was so sweet, sleeping between us at night and "making muffins" on my tummy. Andy held him with a lump in his throat and eyes welled up with tears during that very hard, hopeful last weekend. I know Gordy left this world feeling loved. There is a sweet video of Gordy sleeping on our bed in the comments.

Thank you to Tara and Scott McClure for loving Gordy too and being his monthly sponsoring Fans.


Acquired from: Downey Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 10
Date of Rescue:September 14, 2022
Date of Passing:
Family: Alexandra Paredes
Fans: Katrina & Mouad, Nick & Heidi Nguyen, Sara Mannes


Acquired from: Downey Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 14
Date of Rescue: September 14, 2022
Date of Passing: August 21, 2024
Family: Katherine
Fans: Jill Wagner

Tribute: On August 21st, Kat fulfilled her promise to Frosted Face Maya.

She shared,

"It is with a heavy heart to inform you that Maya has crossed the rainbow bridge today. She was in her bed and I was with her at the time of her passing. Her cancer spread too quickly and her tumors were bleeding. She was at peace with me when she left this earth. I cannot convey the amount of grief I am dealing with at this time now that she is gone. I want Frosted Faces to know how grateful I am that I was able to adopt her. I have had almost two amazing years with Maya before she passed. I will never regret adopting a senior dog as it was one of the best decisions I did for myself and her. She was the most wonderful dog and I was blessed to be able to love her and feel her love back. She will always be in my heart."


Acquired from: Downey Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 10
Date of Rescue: September 14, 2022
Date of Passing:
Family: Jeremy Johnson & Gina Labelle
Fans: Heather Thomas


Acquired from: Downey Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 7
Date of Rescue: September 14, 2022
Date of Passing:
Family: Amiee Tomasello & Edwin Sherb
Fans: DS, Jeff & Sam Marxen, Morgan Connolly


Acquired from: SEAACA
Age upon Rescue: 10
Date of Rescue: September 17, 2022
Date of Passing:
Family: Kim Nelson Morris
Fans: The Bjerke Family, Michele Delao


Acquired from: Inland Valley Humane Society
Age upon Rescue: 10
Date of Rescue: September 22, 2022
Date of Passing: February 5, 2024
Family: Brian & Theresa Wilford
Fans: Marlene Betit, Denise & Mike Reeves

Tribute: On February 5th, Brian and Theresa fulfilled their promise to Frosted Face Frodo.

They shared,

"We said goodbye to Frodo Monday morning February 5th. His lung mass had been rapidly growing the past eight months, but Dr. Russell felt his other medical issues did not make surgery an option. Frodo had a terrible weekend, a Grand Mal seizure early Saturday morning, followed by inability to stand, episodes of difficulty breathing, and a few other issues that left us no choice. We had Paws into Grace come out the campground we were at near San Diego and help Frodo cross while we held him.

Will miss the little dude. In the 15 months he was part our family he went everywhere with us, beaches, mountains, races, Starbucks, restaurants and all family get togethers from Washington to Az, as we would not leave him alone. He was always a gentleman and was the hit of any party or get together.

Feel bad we could not do more for him, as 15 months was not enough, but then there is never enough time."


Acquired from: Inland Valley Humane Society
Age upon Rescue: 12
Date of Rescue: September 22, 2022
Date of Passing: August 18, 2023
Family: Anna & John Gonzalez
Fans: Kimberlie Chase, David Triemert, Karen Pazdowski

Tribute: On August 18th, Anna and John fulfilled their promise to Frosted Face Baggins.

They shared,

"Our 'Bagboy' left us yesterday. We always let Baggins tell his own stories but today we will write ours about our boy. We, John and Anna, had to let our baby boy go.

Baggins started vomiting sporadically, a few weeks ago. I started cooking rice, vegetables and chicken for him and he kept that down. This week he started vomiting when he ate and later even when he drank water. I took him to VCA Emergency in Carlsbad on Thursday night. They took x rays, gave him pain, anti nausea meds and a sedative and fluids. They said he was obstructed and that we needed to take him back on Saturday for an ultrasound.

On Friday I could see that waiting for Saturday was not an option. I called Dr Kangs office (our vet) after 4pm and told them I just had to get him in. His wife, Carole said 'Get here, we will get you in.' Dr Kang determined he needed emergency surgery to see what his obstruction was being caused by. No time to wait. He walked out and asked who could work late for the surgery. His son, Andrew and Carole and their assistant all said they would stay to help Baggins. This was not something I was supposed to hear but its a small office.

I left and waited for the call and expected good news. It was not. Our boy had a large tumor. Over half of his stomach would need to be removed and the outcome may not be very good. We said, no, we do not want him to suffer. So, Dr Kang and his family made sure Baggins did not suffer.

We went in today to say good bye to our boy. His little body got love, tears and kisses and we just know his energy is lighting up the heavens. I always told my husband that Baggins reminded me of a 3 year old boy with his baseball cap on backwards thinking he was just the coolest. He would bark at me if he wanted something and was pretty demanding. My husband said 'Why can't I yell at you like Baggins does?' Baggins could do no wrong in our eyes. He was perfect.

On this day, we are thankful for doctors like Dr Kang and his supporting family. We are thankful for the founders and all the volunteers at Frosted Faces for giving these beautiful babies a chance to love and be loved. We are thankful to God for giving us our Bagboy. The pain of losing him is so worth the love he gave us and allowed us to give him. Light up the heavens baby boy. You are a bright star forever."