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Enjoy scrolling through all of our Frosted Face senior animals who have benefit from our mission at Frosted Faces Foundation.  They are listed in order of date of rescue, including those that have passed. If you have been following a certain Frosted Face's story and would like to know how he/she is doing, please email us at

Please make note of animals still looking for families as their "Family" is listed as "Frosted Faces Foundation."  View their biographies and more photos at Available Frosted Faces, learn more about becoming a family and the different programs we offer. You can also help fund their care by registering as their monthly sponsoring Fan.  



Acquired from: San Diego Humane Society
Age upon Rescue: 7
Date of Rescue: November 26th, 2018
Date of Passing: 
Family: Matt Seaman & Derinda Mora
Fans: Sheryl Dufficy , Tonya Burdine



Acquired from: San Diego Humane Society
Age upon Rescue: 10
Date of Rescue: November 26th, 2018
Date of Passing: December 28th, 2019
Family: Russ & Barbara Venti
Fans: Tim Shannon, Goldstein Family
Tribute: On December 28th we fulfilled our promise to Skipper.

Skipper was diagnosed with pulmonary fibrosis by a specialist earlier last year. His family would have done anything to buy more time with their perfect new addition. He just came to FFF to visit last weekend and he had the silkiest fur and didn't cough once, which his mom teased was like when he went to the vet. It was nice to see him happy and loved in person. His mom let us know that his brother Sailor followed him everywhere!

His mom shares, "He was truly such a joy to our family and we cherished our time with him. I am incredibly sad and miss him tons."


Acquired from: San Diego Humane Society
Age upon Rescue: 10
Date of Rescue: November 26th, 2018
Date of Passing: February 14, 2023
Family: Libby Frandsen
Fans: Teasha Hutcheson

Tribute: On February 14th, Libby fulfilled her promise to Frosted Face Sheena.

Libby shared,

"Sheena was the joy of our lives. Coming home without my baby girl was really really hard."



Acquired from: Riverside Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 14
Date of Rescue: November 28th, 2018
Date of Passing: August 30th, 2019
Family: Sam & Kendra Ramada
Fans: Victoria Barcenas
Tribute: On August 30th we fulfilled our promise to Viva.

Housing a dog with CCD requires an extra effort to engage and enrich his/her life, or it can be fairly lonely and dare I say insignificant? We pleaded with volunteers to consistently spend additional time with Viva, but it didn't seem like enough. We were discussing euthanasia until Sam and Kendra offered their home and activity agenda to give her better quality days. We are so proud to know this family and appreciate that Viva lived every last good day!

"Our sweet Viva girl passed away today. I say "our" because in the short time Viva lived with me, I was perpetually blown away (in a good way) by how many people adored her. Giving Viva the happy ending she deserved was a true team effort - from her rescue by Kelly and Andy, to her fling with Rick, to her extended fling with Jenna, to her final two months with me (and Dad, too!). I try not to think too hard about how Viva ended up in a shelter without family - the people who can abandon a dog that deep into canine dementia are not worth thinking about. What I focus on and what will make me smile whenever I think about her is the people who came together to love her the way she should have always been loved.

Viva started to decline pretty quickly over the last few weeks and it became clear late last week that life just wasn't that fun for her anymore. I held her in my arms this morning while I drank my coffee (with, of course, Viva taking a sip or two) and then took her to College Animal Hospital and cradled her little face as we let her go.

She taught me a lot over the last two months, particularly that not every dog needs to go on ten thousand adventures a week. Some dogs just need a human to show up for them every day - to give them a consistent schedule, a warm bed, time in the sunshine, and a lap to share (even better if that lap always has pizza hovering somewhere nearby it). Viva was pretty much always confused, had a funny way of getting stuck in the most random places, and (lovingly) bit every single one of my appendages in an attempt to suss out her next meal - but she made me smile every day. I know I will miss her, and I think a lot of you will too. What a lucky dog she was to have been so loved by a wonderful community of people ❤."


Acquired from: San Diego Humane Society
Age upon Rescue: 11
Date of Rescue: December 4th, 2018
Date of Passing: August 31, 2021
Family: Janice Criss
Fans: Judith Johnson, Gigi Ebert, Stephanie Pellegrini
Tribute: On August 31st, Janice fulfilled her promise to Frosted Face Gizmo.

"My little boy Gizmo me left us today he's in a better place. No more pain no more seizures.

At the end, he actually gave me a kiss on the face, and he's never done that! He licks my fingers, my hands, my legs, but never my face. I told him how much I loved him, told how much I was going to miss him, and then when they inserted medication it was very peaceful. But, I miss him so much and I love him so much.

Thank you for letting me give him these last years of his life I hope they were good. My friends have brought so many flowers for him, he really was a very loved baby.
He was my best friend. Please say your prayers and blessings for him He was a wonderful companion Mommy will always love you. 😍 ❤"


Acquired from: Bonita Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 10
Date of Rescue: December 6th, 2018
Date of Passing: July 22nd, 2021
Family: Bill & Andrea Liesman
Fans: Rachel Quint, Alexis & Preston
Tribute: On July 22nd, Bill and Andrea fulfilled their promise to Frosted Face Aster.

Andrea shared,

"We had to help our Aster cross the rainbow bridge yesterday. It was completely unexpected, and our hearts are broken beyond belief. Aster had stopped eating and only nibbled over the last two days, and was being a difficult eater over the last month. Otherwise, his behaivor was normal.

We had a routine six month check up scheduled for him at the vet for his heart yesterday. I noticed his breathing seemed labored when he jumped on the bed while I was getting ready for the vet visit so I took a video to show the vet.

While we were at the vet Aster had an episode where he just started screaming and yelping and dropped dead in my husbands lap. It all happened so fast. I remember crying and saying to the vet "no, no, not my sweet boy and begging them please no." Two other vets rushed in to help work on Aster to get his heart beating again. They did get his heart going again. But Aster was not good. The vet believes his chordea tendineae ruptured causing the painful episode. Based on his vitals and condition she said letting him go would not be the wrong call. He was not stable enough to even move to the oxygen kennel. So we had to let our sweet boy go.

I'm so grateful his last moments were not of him howling in pain, and him hearing me panicked and crying. The vet was able to make him as comfortable as possible and we peacefully said good-bye and held him and kissed him as he left us.

Aster belonged to our family and was so loved, and it would never be enough time for us. However, we never expected yesterday to be our last day with him. I know there's another Aster that needs us. When we're done grieving and over the shock we will find our way back to Frosted Faces and do it all over again. Aster will forever live in our hearts. He was the best boy, and I know he loved his life with us the last two and a half years. Run free my sweet boy!"


Acquired from: San Diego Humane Society
Age upon Rescue: 10
Date of Rescue: December 7th, 2018
Date of Passing: April 7th, 2019
Family: Frosted Faces Foundation
Fans: Kav, Porto Pack, Fellow Old Buddy Rufus, Jacquie, Bobbi Holzworth, Ginger Haggerty, Deborah Regosin, Lucky FF Family, Emma Jones, Leslie K, RZ, Joanna & Mimi, Connie Jackson, Jenni Westphal, The Kane Family of Furbabies, Erin Brown, Lois Taylor, Judith Johnson, Carrie Gonzales, Michele Weaverling
Tribute: On Sunday, April 7th, we fulfilled our promise to Pluto, formerly Judo.

When a dog who lives at Frosted Faces Foundation passes away, my first thought is always how much I wished they had been chosen to have a family. I do wish this, and I can think of so many nice mommies and daddies in our network who have given their dogs exceptional lives and I may have parted with Pluto for one of them, but I am not-so- secretly glad he stuck around because I felt like he was mine.

I look back at all the positive things Pluto had in his life BECAUSE he lived at FFF. FFF rarely, if ever, is unattended. That means Pluto had me or another mommy home with him all of the time!

Pluto lived in the lobby and every time anyone walks through the door they pet all the lobby dogs. Imagine in a normal house the excitement of a dog when you get home, the pats on the head, and the plopping on the couch. Pluto got greeted multiple times each day and the people were there for HIM and his FRIENDS! That meant not just one or two walks each day, but lots of walks. We have big donated Costco beds scattered everywhere in the lobby where Plutes had his pick!

Watching food get prepped for 30 dogs twice each day, and lounging with volunteers on snack breaks meant he definitely got his fair share of scraps. Between Christmas and "just because" Pluto had so many nice gifts of treats and toys mailed to him. He went to the beach, had a bonfire, watched lots of movies on our laps, even went to a few restaurants. Pluto loved toys and he even knew how to fetch. So many did Pluto look handsome in his wool argyle sweater.

Although Pluto may have seemed antsy upon introduction, if you sat on his bed and pulled him into you, hoisted him onto your lap on the couch, or if he curled up to another dog, he settled quickly. His nuzzling and "no bubble" attitude were traits we all desire from our animals to love on them harder.

When we rescued Pluto he dribbled pee and was fecally incontinent. No more messes at FFF! He got his diapers changed throughout the day and baths when needed. In the end, gosh I wished I saw dribbles of pee coming out. Would've given anything. That was how we knew to take him to the vet because he was not going potty. Everything went downhill so fast. We started expressing his bladder, but he began spinning tight circles to the left and lost complete mobility. X-rays, labs, ultrasound- nothing was evident. We took him to a neurologist at Veterinary Specialty Hospital where he was diagnosed with a brain tumor on the left side of his brain. The entire right side of his body was paralyzed and he had lost vision in his right eye. If rehab would've fixed him, I would have invested the time. If surgery was sensible or affordable, I would've done it. All rationale goes out the window when you're in love.

When we knew we needed to make the very final decision for Pluto, volunteers came to hold him, kiss him, and give him treats- all of his mommies and daddies. On his last day Paws into Grace came to FFF and put Pluto to sleep on the breezy patio where he enjoyed working on his bones. You may know the feeling where you are doing the right thing, but you absolutely cannot let him go. Where you want to steal him away at the last minute and make a deal with God.

My only regret was not finding him in the shelter sooner where he sat for three good months that we could have spent together.

Please go find your "Pluto" in a shelter.



Acquired from: Harbor Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 14
Date of Rescue: December 15th, 2018
Date of Passing: June 14th, 2021
Family: Helen Painter
Fans: Erin W, Catered K9
Tribute: On June 14th, Helen fulfilled her promise to Frosted Face Giuseppe.

His mom shared, "I started a calendar where I was tracking the good days and bad days. We were starting to approach the getting stuck in places part. He was still taking comfort in our presence which was positive. He was getting increasingly anxious though and so I was getting a bit worried for him. And then he rallied so it's tough.

It's really a tough time. He was a very stoic little boy and I think he was putting on a strong show for us. Which broke my heart. He went into a decline for about a week and then yesterday he was not doing well at all. There was no doubt that he was at the end. We are missing our little boy."



Acquired from: Camp Pendleton Animal Control
Age upon Rescue: 12
Date of Rescue: December 18th, 2018
Date of Passing: September 20th, 2021
Family: Lynda Berkhan
Fans: Janet Davis, Lani Isbell, Klaurdi Sherzer
Tribute: On September 20th, Lynda fulfilled her promise to Frosted Face Scotty due to an intestinal mass and kidney disease.

Lynda shared,

"Loving my little Scotty was truly my pleasure and honor. I was able to hold him next to my heart snuggled in one of his blankies for the last hour of his life. I was still holding him like that as he crossed the rainbow bridge. Scotty was such a little trooper, so courageous and smart. I loved him immensely and miss him terribly. I was anticipating celebrating his third Frostiversary in December but sadly it was not to be but I am so grateful for the time we had together."



Acquired from: San Diego Humane Society
Age upon Rescue: 12
Date of Rescue: December 19th, 2018
Date of Passing: December 8th, 2021
Family: Sarah Kennedy & Andrew Gooch
Fans: Sylvia, Cathy Karr
Tribute: On December 8th, Andrew and Sarah fulfilled their promise to Frosted Face Aaron.

Sarah shared,

"The first time we saw Aaron we were looking for a pittie to adopt, and we were interested in helping the long timer dogs who might be hard to place. Aaron had been at Frosted Faces for over a year and a half. My first impression of Aaron was that he was the nicest dog in the world and I wanted to give him a home. We were in the process of getting a condo when we met Aaron, and we made one of our priorities to be senior dog friendly.

As soon as we moved in we scheduled an appointment to pick Aaron up. After months of weekly outings and frosted fakers hikes, we finally brought Aaron to his forever home. Aaron settled in immediately and absolutely loved his brand new dog bed. One thing we came to learn about Aaron was that he loved freshly washed beds or blankets and would claim them as soon as you set them down, and often while you set them down! (An easy way to convince him to move spots if needed was to just bring in a new blanket.)

We tried to include Aaron in as much as we could. He loved to go to the beach, parks, restaurants, as well as the barn to take care of his horse siblings. We were pleasantly surprised that he was very comfortable around the horses, and would follow them around.

Aaron was always extremely friendly towards people. He was very tolerant of any dogs he met, but he would walk up to every person who came close at the beach or dog park to introduce himself and get head rubs. People always told us how cute he was and were surprised when we told them how old he was.

When we got Aaron he had recently been diagnosed with heart failure. We were told what to watch for and he was prescribed with some medications which seemed to work great through the whole time we had him. He also developed kidney failure earlier this year which we were managing with a prescription diet as well as subcutaneous fluids. He was an amazing patient with his fluids as neither of us had ever done it before, and were worried we were doing it wrong the first few times. We brought him to headquarters once and Kelly was super nice about showing us it was no big deal! We realized as we went through photos that Aaron was slowly declining more than we remember, I think because he was always so happy and had the most amazing, loving look in his eyes.

The day we let Aaron go he had stopped eating the day before, and in the evening he was very lethargic. We were in contact with the support team, and they recommended we check his body temperature which was very low at 97°. We rushed him to the ER in Poway where Dr. Drew was optimistic and did everything he could to help him. At around 2AM we got a call that they had found a blockage in his small intestine that may have been cancerous as well as fluid in his stomach. Aaron was not a surgery candidate due to his heart condition, so we had to make the decision to let him go. We cuddled up with him at the vet and made sure he felt loved and stayed with him to the end.

Aaron was a perfect dog, and will always be a treasured memory to us and many that knew him. He was the best big brother to our FF Nathan, and we think he misses him too. We brought Aaron home just one day after we moved into our condo, and he immediately made it feel like a home.

Thank you to Kelly and Andy for sharing this amazing guy with us, and to the support team for all your help throughout our time with Aaron. We know Aaron touched many hearts in his extended stay at Frosted Faces, and love hearing stories about him. We will always be grateful that we were able to enjoy our time as his family."



Acquired from: San Diego Humane Society
Age upon Rescue: 12
Date of Rescue: December 19th, 2018
Date of Passing: 
Family: Tim & Tammy Larson
Fans: Kym, Bonnie Sposato



Acquired from: San Diego Humane Society
Age upon Rescue: 12
Date of Rescue: December 19th, 2018
Date of Passing: July 2nd, 2022
Family: Stephanie Zukowski
Fans: Ashley Burks, Misty Phillips

Tribute: On July 2nd. Stephanie fulfilled her promise to Frosted Face Fleury.

She shared,

"My sweet little girl, Fleury aka Fleurylish ish, Fleury girl, the eyeless wonder, my diaper diva, passed away suddenly last night while at my parents. I found out this morning and we buried her in their garden. My heart is broken. I miss her so much.

I swear I still here her bumping into walls and I still trip over her and am careful where I walk where she used to sleep during the day. My bed is empty with just Homer and I. It sucks. Homer really misses her too. Even though she didn't care about him, he always snuggled with her. She was taken away too soon.

She loved her sleep overs at my parents. They have 3 little dogs and she would bump around with them. She loved having the yard to roam around in. I still can't believe she's gone.

I miss her little squeaks when she would get settled in bed at night. I miss how she was always right behind me. I miss her night time bed pooping lol. I kept telling her to quit poopin in bed at night. I miss hugging her and telling her she was the prettiest little girl ever, singing little songs to her. Everything.

I'm so glad I have so many pictures of her and lots of videos. I miss her occasional zoomies. Her totally annoying barking at meal times. How she always knew when meal time was. I miss how she loved her stroller rides and how she would bark at every dog she smelled. I miss my little girl.

She was the prettiest and sweetest little girl ever. "



Acquired from: San Diego Humane Society
Age upon Rescue: 10
Date of Rescue: December 19th, 2018
Date of Passing: July 13th, 2020
Family: Ken & Jonna Waite
Fans: Kirsten Rutherford
Tribute: On July 13th, we fulfilled our promise to Kees.

Upon rescue Kees was diagnosed with congestive heart failure and thrived for so much longer than expected on medications and a healthy dose of love and adventure.

His mom shares,
"Our little guy Kees left us this morning on the ride to the emergency vet. However, he had just accomplished a 3 week RV trip with his pawrents, his doxie cousin, two grandkids, and the family cat! He was a trooper and the best couch potato and snuggle bug anyone could want. We are honored to have had him in our family 💓"



Acquired from: San Diego Humane Society-Escondido
Age upon Rescue: 13
Date of Rescue: December 31st, 2018
Date of Passing: January 26th, 2024
Family: Mariza & Alejandro Sotillo
Fans: Judith Johnson, Delia & Titan, Marci

Tribute: On January 26th, Mariza fulfilled her promise to Frosted Face Rye.

She shared,

"Firstly, Lexie has touched so many more than me (literally touched- she's bitten everyone at FF). If you have any memory with her, please do share. The impact this tiny girl had was great.

Secondly, Lexie the Biter was renamed Rye and she tore me apart. But the more she bit me, the more I loved her, the more she loved me back.

We napped, danced, snacked, pumpkin picked, cross country traveled. She was sweet. When I showered, she'd wait on the bathroom mat. When I fell asleep on the couch, she would forego her bed and sleep down on the floor next to me. Nearly blind and mostly deaf, she somehow always knew when food was being made...

She passed away one day after her doggie sister Peanut passed. I guess she loved Peanut too much to be without her. What an incredible girl."

lucy lu


Acquired from: Coachella Valley Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 14
Date of Rescue: January 4th, 2019
Date of Passing: August 21st, 2023
Family: Steve & Debbie Williams
Fans: Angela Battle

Tribute: On August 21st, Steve and Debbie fulfilled her promise to Lucy Lu.

She shared,

"Lucy Lu, like most of our Frosteds, had a list of health concerns. Her mind and body were aging and things were wearing out. In the end it was the Adrenal Tumor, I think, that eventually was too much. The morning we took her to see the vet, her breathing was a struggle, she didn't get up to pee and we knew her time here with us would come to an end. We held her, wrapped in a blanket, told her what a good girl she was and how much we loved her and would miss her, which was all we could do and her time here on Earth came to a quiet, fast and peaceful end.

Since then, everything here in our home, Lucy Lu's home, has changed. The energy in our house has changed. The sounds, the rhythms of the day and night. The sights, no longer dog beds everywhere. No more do we listen for toe nails tapping or doggy snores or try and judge the effort going into her breathing. The three adults who have spent the last year caring for and journaling Lucy's days and nights, talk about other things now. No longer do we make our excuses to others and race home to feed, or water or carry her outside to do her business. Her trademark sunglasses are no longer sitting by the door, now Lucy Lu is in our hearts forever and ever.

When we brought Lucy Lu aka Rhonda home in January of 2019, she was old, but a complete Frosted Faker, mostly healthy, and food (any kind of food) was her greatest joy. From the beginning to the end Lucy kept her tail tucked about 90 percent of the time and she seldom barked unless an animal showed up on our TV. She wasn't a snuggler, nor did she come ask for belly rubs or offer kisses. But she wanted to know where her people were, she slept on couches in summer and she slept in our bed underneath the covers during the cold months, (cold by San Diego standards anyway) She would chase and fetch toys and play tug of war or play "bitty face" and was always ready to eat.

Lucy was so gentle, so sweet and quiet, good with everyone and willing to go along for the fun regardless of where we were headed. Everyone who met Lucy loved her and she loved them in return. She was good at feeling people's emotions. She was good with other dogs and old people and littles. Everyone would ask her breed (DNA test gave us a list of 19 breeds, the largest percentage was Chi, but only 14%) a perfect Heinz 57. Our family had been doing foster care with another rescue and didn't know how quickly and completely we would connect with her so completely. Deciding to make her our forever foster she was staying with us and were amazed when she gave us more than four and a half years. She wasn't "just a dog" as all FFFs know. Lucy Lu was a special member of our family, and we continue to feel blessed to have been chosen by her to be part of our family. We will remember and love you furrever and for always."

rosie LOUISE

Acquired from: San Diego Humane Society
Age upon Rescue: 9
Date of Rescue: January 9th, 2019
Date of Passing: July 5th 2024
Family: Tiffany Allen
Fans: Natalie Domanic

Tribute: On July 5th, Tiffany fulfilled her promise to Frosted Face Rosie Louise.

She shared,

"I haven’t been ready to write this post. But if I’m honest with myself, I never will be, so here goes…

Six days ago I helped usher my Rosie Louise out of her failing body and toward the Rainbow Bridge.

Rosie Louise, my peanut, my little bean, sissy, my travel buddy, the most independent little thing, and the spiciest taquito you could ever meet, was my constant for the past five years and four months.

I love hearing the stories of her time at FF and her infamous attitude that made Kelly believe she just may be a lifer on site. I, no doubt, experienced some of it over the years but she and I had a bond from the moment she was put in my arms unlike anything else I’ve ever experienced.

Her trust in humans was never a given and she didn’t come to it naturally since she had been so disappointed by people in her past. But what’s that saying, “nothing worth having comes easy?” I can attest that that sentiment definitely applies to my Rosie Louise.

In the end, her body just couldn’t keep up with her sassy, spicy self- and I expected nothing different when the time came. She had the personality of a lioness in a 5 lb body and her absence is felt in my heart beyond all belief.

Rosie Louise, thank you for entrusting me with your heart. I am forever honored.

Always Yours, Your Mama. ♥️"



Acquired from: Chula Vista Animal Care Facility
Age upon Rescue: 9
Date of Rescue: January 9th, 2019
Date of Passing: 
Family: Audrey Vespe
Fans: Kathryn Warren



Acquired from: San Diego Humane Society
Age upon Rescue: 11
Date of Rescue: January 9th, 2019
Date of Passing: May 4th, 2020
Family: Vincent Yee & Jennifer Valentine
Fan: Emily Leshon
Tribute: Yesterday we fulfilled our promise to Ember.

"I’m defeated.

Yesterday I lost FF Ember, my other senior kitty. She was 12 years old and was rushed to the ER and passed away from heart failure. We were kindred souls, we both loved food! Ember was always a little standoffish, but, when you forced love onto her, she relented and sunk into the scratches with a big purr.

Those who know me well know how I must feel right now. How do you express into words such loss?

Ember was family. I am devastated, in pain and I am at a loss."


Acquired from: San Diego Humane Society
Age upon Rescue: 10
Date of Rescue: January 9th, 2019
Date of Passing: April 6th, 2021
Family: Giueseppe & Beth Gutierrez
Fans: Justin & Jackie Craddock
Tribute: On April 6th, Beth and Giuseppe fulfilled their promise to Frosted Face Arrow.

We met Beth because she reached out wanting to host an adoption event for us through her company. We hear all of the time (and of course it never gets old), "We love what you do." But, then people go back to their normal lives and choices. Beth walks the walk. She didn't have a dog, but she loved what we do and wanted to help. Somehow this little old dog got chosen by this very special family who knew that, "To love, was to act."

They share,

"Just writing these words is so painful, but we had to unexpectedly say goodbye to our sweet Arrow on Tuesday.

He’d been diagnosed with kennel cough a few weeks ago but, upon his condition worsening, I took him back to the vet Tuesday morning and x-rays revealed extensive cancer in his lungs. I was able to take him home and love on him all afternoon before a vet from Paws into Grace came and humanely put him to sleep him while Giuseppe, my mom, and I gave him so much love. We buried him in a sunny spot on our property near the orange trees, with flowers from the yard and a bone to send him on his way; we planted tulips to mark his spot. I’m comforted that we were able to do things our way instead of saying goodbye to him in an unfamiliar vet office.

Arrow was the first dog I’ve ever loved and the companion I didn’t realize I wanted/needed as I worked from home even pre-pandemic. He loved basking in the sun, had the best wiggle butt when he walked, was my shadow 24/7, had a blast cruising around our property, and was always ready for something to eat – my kinda guy. He was so loving. I truly thought we would have another few good years with him – and with him and Baby G together; I am heartbroken by this loss but also so grateful to have had his love for two years."



Acquired from: San Diego Humane Society
Age upon Rescue: 12
Date of Rescue: January 9th, 2019
Date of Passing: 
Family: Rosa Infante & Estefan Marquez
Fans: Claudia Martins



Acquired from: San Diego Humane Society
Age upon Rescue: 15
Date of Rescue: January 9th, 2019
Date of Passing: May 31st, 2023
Family: Tara & Wayne McNulty
Fans: Andrea Liesman

Tribute: Tara fulfilled her promise to Frosted Face Ava.

She shared,

"I got to spend 4 years with her. Miss that little nugget. So glad that you guys rescued her so that I could find her & love on her. Thank you."



Acquired from: San Diego Humane Society
Age upon Rescue: 7
Date of Rescue: January 9th, 2019
Date of Passing: June 23rd, 2023
Family: Stanislav & Olga Caramac
Fans: RZ

Tribute: On June 23rd, Olga fulfilled her promise to Frosted Face Teddy.

She shared,

"Teddy was diagnosed with diabetes about 2.5 years ago. The doctor told me that dogs usually live for about 2 years with diabetes. I didn’t want to believe her. I decided that I will do whatever it takes to keep him healthy.

Everything was going good until this summer. Teddy started having trouble regulating his sugar. We were in the process of figuring out what the issue is but his body couldn’t handle it anymore. The hardest part for us is that he passed away while we were out of town. I didn’t get to say bye to him and I didn’t get to give him a hug one last time. I think part of me doesn’t want to accept that he is gone.

I miss him so much and it is so heartbreaking that I will never see him again. Teddy was the most gentle, kind and loyal dog. Teddy loved going to the beach and walks. He loved bell peppers and apples. We love you Teddy.

Thank you Frosted Faces for everything you do! You are an inspiration!"



Acquired from: San Diego Humane Society
Age upon Rescue: 10
Date of Rescue: January 9th, 2019
Date of Passing: February 6th, 2023
Family: Scott & Madeline Osborn
Fans: Bonnie Sposato

Tribute: On February 6th, Madeline and Scott fulfilled their promise to Frosted Face Candy.

They shared,

"It is with a sad heart that I inform you that Candy passed away tonight. We’ve been treating her for heart disease at Rose Canyon Animal Hospital and for an emergency visit at VSH in Sorrento Valley.

She died in my husband’s arms. The last time at the vet we were told she had 6-12 months to live. Before we left that day they did a blood test to check her kidneys. After the results, the vet said she was too optimistic on 6-12 months. She was on two different daily medications. She died less than three weeks after that visit.

She was very loved for the four years she was with us.

We are very sad, but will cherish our memories of her. Although she was with us only for four years, she was a part of our family from the get go. She was ten years old when we got her, but she acted like a puppy. "



Acquired from: Bonita Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 14
Date of Rescue: January 9th, 2019
Date of Passing: January 26th, 2019
Family: Augustine Alvarez & Loren Cummings
Fans: Teasha Hutcheson
Tribute: This is about the time we would be posting a two week update to let you know how our Frosted Face is doing in her new home.

Instead, I am writing to share that we fulfilled our promise to 14 year old Coco on Saturday, January 26th, and she is no longer with us.

When she was surrendered by her children of her deceased owner they noted that her back end seemed painful. Bloodwork showed elevated liver values and x-rays showed a bright liver. We sent the x-rays to be reviewed and started Coco on Denamarin. Over the last two weeks her new parents packed in so much fun and so many great photos, we can only hope it will make up for any unhappiness or pain this innocent little girl had to endure.

On Friday they rushed her to College Animal Hospital for lethargy and we did an ultrasound that revealed a large liver mass. We treated her discomfort palliatively and her parents wanted her to be at home in the event she did not make it. The following morning Coco returned to the vet in more pain where Dr. Savides newly discovered fluid in Coco's abdomen. She described her to be in so much pain that when she rolled her on her back, she didn't correct herself and her little legs pointed into the air.

Coco was one of the most energetic dogs we have ever rescued. She was a pistol playing fetch, ripping up toys, fence fighting, and snapping on your hands hard if you picked her up unfavorably. Looking back, it was probably a reaction to pain. Her family soaked up every second with her and loved her immediately. They had even visited her at the shelter previously!

"We will miss this sweet little baby girl Coco so much! We only had her for 2 weeks but she was a blessing and we wouldn't change a thing. Baby girl had a huge mass on her liver and she was not happy, playful, crazy Coco for a couple days. We ended her sadness and suffering today. Coco, we love you like we had you your whole life. We just wish we had more time for more adventures. ❤❤❤ Thank you Frosted Faces Foundation for all your help, support and love!"



Acquired from: San Diego Humane Society
Age upon Rescue: 12
Date of Rescue: January 9th, 2019
Date of Passing: August 6th, 2023
Family: Tracy & Tonya Burdine
Fans: Lisa Switzer

Tribute: On August 6th, Tracy and Tonya fulfilled their promise to Frosted Face Dante.

They shared, “Dante. What woefully inadequate words can describe the unlimited love we both gave and received from this stellar kitty? From the day we brought him home (he fell asleep in the car! What cat does that?) we started calling him a puppy-cat, because he was such a cool-dude friendly feline. Hardly anything could ruffle him: Vacuum? No problem. That other cat doesn’t like me? No biggy. Dogs? Who cares! Strange humans in the house? New friends!

We often wondered how such a precious sweet soul ended up as a stray? Did someone deliberately let him go? Or is someone out there still looking for him? It seemed so sad, either way, but we recognize how incredibly lucky we were to step in and give him the best life possible, and what he gave us in return was infinitely more.

We remember Kelly saying that Dante reached out to her as she passed him in the shelter, and we are here to attest, he never stopped reaching, literally, with those big striped paws. Laying all 18 pounds on my chest in the morning and making biscuits on my face and neck to wake me up for breakfast. Charming every cat-reluctant man by climbing an unsuspecting shoulder for a patented Dante-hug. Patting a leg to remind us it was dinnertime. Full-body contact on the couch, reaching his whole arm around to hug with purrs and extra love. Helping during covid work-from-home by moving pens and papers around from his bed situated inches away on the desk. Dante was an extraordinary companion. He only wanted to be with us.

He handled his illnesses with dignity and always, always maintained his cool-dude spirit. Though he finally told us when it was time to let him go, he never, ever stopped wanting to be with us, to be near us, up until the very last second. The pain in our hearts is massive and if such grief is evidence of the depth of love we had for him, then there it is.

We’ve loved many cats over the years, but never have we known with 100 percent certainty that a cat loved us back, until Dante."



Acquired from: San Diego Humane Society
Age upon Rescue: 15
Date of Rescue: January 9th, 2019
Date of Passing: October 14th, 2020
Family: Laura Backe
Fans: Karen Kahue, Jodi, Laurie Gentry, Rena McDonald
Tribute: On October 14th, we fulfilled our promise to Dobbie.

This year he had been hospitalized multiple times for elevated ALP values, to pancreatitis, and renal insufficiencies. Throughout it all his mom had hope, offered palliative care from subcutaneous fluids to supplements, and took him on adventures.

Laura shares,

"Dobbie went to my safe space in heaven on October 14th. Right now my home and heart feel empty, but I know it will get better. Dobbie served me much more than I served him.

I saw him first at FF curled up in a bed, surrounded by some active littles. Kelly was trying to figure out how to get a head shot. When he was up, he circled, he looked depressed, and to that I could relate. He slept with Kelly and Andy one night and stayed all night between them. After coming to my home, for several weeks Dobbie paced, but he had mapped out my little house and knew where everything was. He had what he needed, but I wanted to connect with him so badly, hear his story.

After about 4 months, he started to run into my leg and just stop. I gave him butt, ear, and chin scratches, and he would walk away when he was done. We evolved into daily snuggles, walks, and trips to the beach. Trying to determine what Dobbie thought was hard and signs were subtle. He would walk taller in the grass and run his face on the overgrown patches. He would pick up his step at the beach and when heading toward food. His favorite place to snooze was on my chest. I used to hold him so tight, forcing my love onto him. I knew he accepted it when I got back from the hospital and he covered me in kisses.

My Dobbie. He made me get up when I just wanted to sleep until things were better, he made me laugh when I just wanted to cry. He had too many responsibilities I think, but he took them on. I know it gets better but right now it hurts and I can't breathe so I hold a pillow to my chest and think of Dobbie, his ability to thrive at 15 years when I got him. His stoicism and our bond.

It was and is beautiful and visualizing a fresh faced Dobbie with his tail wagging telling me it will be ok, is what helps me. Though I can longer hear his toenails on the floor, as he paces room to room with an occasional bump, he continues to save me. Thank you FF for all of your support and giving Dobbie and other dogs a chance to feel love."



Acquired from: San Diego Humane Society
Age upon Rescue: 6
Date of Rescue: January 9th, 2019
Date of Passing: 
Family: Andrea Savage & Erika Ripley
Fans: Judith Johnson



Acquired from: San Diego Humane Society
Age upon Rescue: 12
Date of Rescue: January 9th, 2019
Date of Passing: January 22nd, 2019
Family: Frosted Faces Foundation
Fans: Natalie Domanic
Tribute: On Wednesday, January 23rd, we fulfilled our promise to 12 year old Foxie.

We just rescued Foxie from the San Diego Humane Society on January 9th. Her owners surrendered her because they said they were no longer allowed to keep her.

Upon rescue we continued her insulin to treat diabetes. We did a couple blood glucose curves to be sure we were administering the correct dose. There was a point last week where Foxie's BG dropped low, so we were more diligent about her meals and insulin monitoring.

On Wednesday, FFF volunteer Courtney noticed that Foxie was wobbly in the play yard. We tested her BG and it was 20. We immediately put karo syrup on her gums and monitored her until she was acting normal. Her BG was rising and made it to 77. Just 30 minutes later she had a violent seizure and again when we retested her BG it was so low the machine could not read it. Something was going on beyond our capabilities.

I rushed her to VCA Animal Medical Center of El Cajon and she seized on and off the entire drive. They put her on oxygen and began a dextrose drip and diagnostics. Nothing was making sense, they could not keep her blood sugar regulated. They proposed three scenarios of what could be wrong:

1. Insulinoma where there is a mass on her pancreas.
2. She ate sugar free gum. Xylitol causes this. 
3. She had a bacterial infection stealing all the glucose.

Insulinoma didn't make sense to us because her BG was always too high, and with this disease it's usually too low from what we understand. We tried to scan her, but her bladder was too full to see. Xylitol would have been a more sudden reaction, and we had seen her BG drop the week before. Other values in her labwork did not support a bacterial infection. A radiologist report of her x-rays later stated that they saw a mass-like effect in her bladder, but that would not have caused this. It may have simply supported that she had cancer spreading.

Foxie began acting neuorologic, her legs were paddling, her head was extended, and her eyes had involuntary movement. She began to have trouble swallowing and no amount of hope in the world could have turned back time or given us answers that would change the outcome. We had to let her go and I was with her until the end.

Somehow her owners who betrayed her kept her alive for 12 years, and in two weeks it must have been that we changed something to cause this. It was too sudden, too soon, and I am working to come to peace with the fact that we may have flawed something in Foxie's life although I know we were doing our best- it's just heartbreaking that it all had to happen in the first place.

Foxie was fun and full of life. She barked for attention, loved being part of the ruckus. She knew she was gorgeous and she wasn't afraid to strut her stuff. The stinger is that we had an approved adopter coming to add her to their family on Sunday. They were notified of Foxie's passing and have still agreed to keep their appointment to help another senior dog.

This story is the exact reason why volunteerism is so important at Frosted Faces Foundation. We, volunteers were her final family. Foxie knew love from all of the volunteers here at FFF that made her smile while she waited for her new home. Here she is pictured in Kris Valverde's arms, who is a regular volunteer on Wednesday afternoons with her son.

Please come hold our Frosted Faces. We never know how long they have and we are so grateful to be able to reflect on moments of joy you bring them. Register at

We love you, Foxie. <3



Acquired from: San Diego Humane Society
Age upon Rescue: 12
Date of Rescue: January 9th, 2019
Date of Passing: April 15th, 2019
Family: Steve & Luann Pollett
Fans: Melissa Burrows, Debbie Dunivan
Tribute: On Monday, April 15th, we fulfilled our promise to Gabby.

Gabby, formerly known as Pixie, was a little spitfire the day she was rescued. She chirped her whole way out of the shelter into her freedom ride!

She was diagnosed with a collapsing trachea and a severe heart murmur that turned into congestive heart failure quickly. We treated her with medication, a few visits to the vet to adjust medications, and even an ER visit on a scary night where we thought we would lose her, but she rallied! In the end we rushed her to San Diego Bay Animal Hospital where she was hospitalized in oxygen, but her little heart could not go on.

Gabby was an itty bitty bird who loved being held. Her mom and dad just loved her so much and the proof is in the photos. "She was a special little girl and it was an honor to be her Mommy & Daddy even if just for a short time. Thank you Kelly and all the people of Frosted Faces for all you do!!"



Acquired from: San Diego Humane Society
Age upon Rescue: 8
Date of Rescue: January 9th, 2019
Date of Passing: July 1st, 2020
Family: Curt & Beth Luthye
Fans: Delia Haust
Tributue: On July 1st we fulfilled our promise to Jacob.

His family shares,
"Our sweet Jacob died in his sleep last night. It was unexpected and devastating. He got a haircut yesterday, hung out on the deck, and had a few pieces of steak for dinner. I carried him upstairs at bedtime, kissed him on the head, and put him in bed. There were no signs of distress, so I’m thankful he wasn’t in pain.

We didn’t have nearly enough time with our fluffy little love muffin, but I hope his days with us were his happiest and that he felt how very loved he was. Since he was like a live stuffie, he was rarely alone. He always had a work-from-home parent, and we took him almost everywhere with us, all over the country. He wasn’t an athlete, but he loved the outdoors. People laughed at his waddle and how he he tuckered out and had to be carried home after a walk, but everyone who met him was smitten. He just sort of tolerated other dogs, but he loved and sought love from all the humans he met.

We moved to Baltimore in October, and he even liked the snow. I run a shelter for human trafficking survivors here, and he spent a lot of time there, where he was beloved and became an unofficial therapy dog. He was happiest camping or wandering outdoors. He spent a lot of time doing that the past few months. He loved his human sister and especially loved napping on her giant pink teddy bear. He also loved pizza and bacon. I loved his snuggles. That tiny dog has left a huge hole in our hearts. I’m grateful to Frosted Faces for sharing him with us."



Acquired from: San Diego Humane Society
Age upon Rescue: 10
Date of Rescue: January 9th, 2019
Date of Passing: February 15th, 2025
Family: Jim Ito & Melanie Granfors
Fans: Marnie Collier

Tribute: On February 15th, Jim and Melanie fulfilled their promise to Frosted Face Koda.

They shared,

"As poignant as writing these memorials can be; this one — For Koda—sears my soul.

It needs to be different. It needs to be exceptional.

And for that reason, I’m using only one photo. It’s a quintessential image that I look at every day. I gaze into her eyes.

I thank her for loving me, exactly the way I did when she was alive and part of our family for five years. Koda came to us after her beautiful and loving first Frosted Faces mom Caroline died. Jim walked into the littles yard, and got caught in that sensational side eye— love at first glance! He walked out of the littles yard with Koda in his arms — and we started our journey with her right then & there.

Is it possible to be obsessed with a dog? I was. And I still am. That gaze of hers holds so much mystery and magic.

She had such a bright & shiny demeanor underneath that very serious face! She never made a sound. But she communicated with me.

It’s an experience I’ve not had with any other dog. I felt like she was caring for me emotionally, and watching over me —rather than the other way around.

I know she did that for Caroline, too.

Have you heard of the breed Petit Bassett Griffon Vendeen?

Well that’s our girl! I called her my happy-go-lucky little gem, long before I learned the “official” characteristics of her breed. They are described as “happy little extroverts who cherish attention and want to bring joy to their people."

My darling you did that — every single day of your life. Your sweet, gregarious, bold & shiny little soul will haunt me in the most wonderful ways —forever."



Acquired from: Chula Vista Animal Care Facility
Age upon Rescue: 8
Date of Rescue: January 9th, 2019
Date of Passing: 
Family: Leslie & Julian Duval
Fans: Marie & Mary of Stitch M



Acquired from: Chula Vista Animal Care Facility
Age upon Rescue: 13
Date of Rescue: January 9th, 2019
Date of Passing: May 9th, 2021
Family: Aylin Sengul
Fans: Ian McCallum, Camila de Andino de Jesus
Tribute: On May 9th, Aylin fulfilled her promise to Frosted Face ChiChi.

She writes,

"My heart hurts. In an odd way, my home feels empty. I don't hear the click clacks coming from down the hallway. I don't see the extra large dog beds taken by a little 10 pound Chihuahua. I don't see anyone getting stuck under chairs or behind benches. I can't find my little girl anymore. This is probably the worst Mother's Day I've ever had. I didn't give birth to my kids, but I lost the one that I changed all of her diapers, that I hand fed, that I forced medication in her system to help her get better.

Chichi stopped eating the day I gave her the homemade meal. That was her last true meal. I have had her for nearly 2.5 years. I have seen her get the zoomies over breakfast every morning and I have seen her finally refuse to eat. When I got Chichi, I found her one true happiness in food. She'd eat Blueberries, bananas, and boiled carrots from my hand. She would run frantically in circles and get stuck in random places around the house. She'd get a diaper change between 4-6 times daily. She'd get a bath nearly daily. Chichi showed me what her good days were like, and she had shown me her worst days.

I now have 3 pets over the rainbow bridge. Sadness cannot begin to describe the loss I feel right now. I am beyond sad. I feel broken. At the end of the day, I knew she was no longer enjoying her life. I knew waking up was a struggle for her. I would see her collapse 3 or 4 times in a row, just trying to get herself up to move. I'd try to carry her hind legs up and help her walk, but she just couldn't move. I got home not even 3 hours ago and I miss her. I miss her terribly. My other pups miss her. My entire family misses her. We all knew it was her time, but we weren't necessarily prepared for the grief that it came with. I will forever love my baby grandma, Chichi.

A major thank you to Frosted Faces Foundation. They have covered Chichi's medical expenses all this time as well as gifting me her remains. Chichi will never be alone, she and Turk and Halo are all together, in my home where they rest. This was the most rewarding experience I've ever had. Chichi taught me how to be a real mom and gave me such valuable lessons. She had a heart of gold and without Kelly at Frosted Faces, I wouldn't have been able to share my home with such a sweet soul. Thank you again, I hope my friends may see this and consider having their own Frosted Face."


Acquired from: San Diego Humane Society
Age upon Rescue: 10
Date of Rescue: January 9th, 2019
Date of Passing: May 19th, 2021
Family: Russell & Jen Surber
Fans: Debbie Meeder
Tribute: On May 19th, Russell and Jen fulfilled their promise to Frosted Face Tig.

Jen reflects,

"To my sweetest Tig,

Thank you for picking me to be your mom. I also thank the person who left you in a shopping cart. For that, you found your way to us and I’m forever grateful.

We were devastated to say goodbye to you so suddenly. A part of my heart left with you. We will love you forever and cherish our time together. Goodbye and Rest In Peace my sweet boy. "



Acquired from: San Diego Humane Society
Age upon Rescue: 12
Date of Rescue: January 9th, 2019
Date of Passing: March 30th, 2019
Family: Brook Benson
Fans: Vanessa Bernal-Kopp  
Tribute: On Saturday, March 30th, we fulfilled our promise to Roman.

Roman was confiscated from a property by Animal Control when he was not living in adequate conditions. I still remember seeing him in his kennel at San Diego Humane Society. He could barely stand, struggling to roll over on his kuranda bed. We had to turn his life around!

At FFF Roman was like a different dog, and surely he was 5 years old and not 12! He played fetch, was mouthy with us in a playful way that you crave, and he loved other dogs. We were confident we could make his horrible past life forgotten and he would go on to live happily ever after.

Roman was chosen by Brook just back in February after he volunteered at FFF and took Roman on one of our Valentine's Dates. A couple weeks ago Roman started not using one of his back legs and from there declined quickly. By Friday evening he could not walk at all on either of his back legs, was not eating, and seemed painful despite his pain medication. After a long visit at Veterinary Specialty Hospital it sounded like Roman had pressure on his spinal cord and Roman's dad let us know that he was put to sleep per the veterinarian's recommendation based on the amount of pain he was enduring.

Maybe it was a horrendous turn of events, or maybe we rescued him just in time to be placed with a dad who took him on walks, let him sleep on a soft bed, fed him good food, and he finally knew what it meant to be loved.

We are very sad for Roman and his dad, and all of the volunteers who loved our happy boy.


Acquired from: San Diego Humane Society
Age upon Rescue: 8
Date of Rescue: January 9th, 2019
Date of Passing: 
Family: Michelle Williams
Fans: Loren Steinfeldt


Acquired from: San Diego Humane Society
Age upon Rescue: 10
Date of Rescue: January 9th, 2019
Date of Passing: June 19th, 2021
Family: Naveen Rajan & Brandi Gutierrez
Fans: Joni Duke (in memory of Carol Duke)
Tribute: On June 19th, Naveen and Brandi fulfilled their promise to Frosted Face Lola after a battle against renal failure.

Naveen shared,

"Brandi and I loved Lola so very much. We hoped she would have many more years as a part of our family but also understand that nature sometimes just takes its course. Her favorite things to do were cuddling and sleeping - we cuddled her up till the very end. We hope she had her happiest, most stable, and most comfortable years with us.

We are so happy to be part of an org that takes care of these frosted faced animals!



Acquired from: San Diego Humane Society
Age upon Rescue: 8
Date of Rescue: January 9th, 2019
Date of Passing: 
Family: Ian Smith
Fans: Jeri O'Donnell



Acquired from: Chula Vista Animal Care Facility
Age upon Rescue: 10
Date of Rescue: January 9th, 2019
Date of Passing: August 26th, 2020
Family: Monique & Matt Lyons
Fans: Teasha Hutcheson
Tribute: On August 26th, we fulfilled our promise to Waffles.

His mom shares,
"It is with a heavy heart that we report Waffles has passed away. He succumbed to congestive heart failure. It started with a cough which we treated. Then the murmur became such that he was a 4/5 on a scale of 6. We then hoped Lasix would work, but it did not. He fought hard but once he was diagnosed the vet said this would be inevitable. And it was.

We will miss our little “Waff man buddy.” In the year he spent with us he went to Joshua tree, Sedona, Cuayamaca and the beach. He even became a La Jolla resident spending his final days staring at the ocean.

We thank you for letting us adopt Waffles. He brought us joy. We hope he had one heck of a final year."



Acquired from: San Diego Humane Society
Age upon Rescue: 7
Date of Rescue: January 9th, 2019
Date of Passing: 
Family: Tamara Abrio
Fans: Teasha Hutcheson

Tribute: On August 19th Tamara fulfilled her promise to Jolene. She shared, “Jolene’s mammary tumor grew rapidly in the last 6 weeks and was an inflammatory type. 

Last week she took a turn and we put her rest this past Saturday, surrounded by love at home. We had a vet come to the house and it was very peaceful and beautiful. 

Our hearts are broken but also so full. Your organization brought her to us and we were able to give her so much love and so many experiences.”

Laura Ingalls WildPug


Acquired from: San Diego Humane Society
Age upon Rescue: 10
Date of Rescue: January 16th, 2019
Date of Passing:  October 18th, 2020
Family: Ruby McGrath-Horn
Fans: Lucien Bianchi, Me-Shell, The Gardner Family, Gina Gattari, The Floyd Family, Tommi Ellis, Hilary Hanna
Tribute: On October 18th, we fulfilled our promise to Laura Ingalls WildPug.

Upon rescue the vet suspected LoPug was spayed. She later turned out to be in heat but was never deemed healthy enough for the surgery. Unfortunately she got an open pyo that was treated with antibiotics, but she began to show signs of neurologic decline and so she was offered humane euthanasia.

Her mom shares this quotation,

“And I'd wake up and she'd be sitting there

And I reach out my hand and stroke her hair.

And sometimes I'd feel her sigh and I think I know the reason why.

She would wake up at night

And she would have this fear

Of the dark, of life, of lots of things,

And she'd be glad to have me near.

And now she's dead.

And there are nights when I think I feel her

Climb upon our bed and lie between us,

And I pat her head.

And there are nights when I think I feel that stare

And I reach out my hand to stroke her hair,

But she's not there.

Oh, how I wish that wasn't so,

I'll always love a dog named Lo.”

Excerpt from a poem (slightly adapted) by Jimmy Stewart - “I’ll Always Love a Dog Named Beau”

"I love you Laura Ingalls WildPug. Thank you for taking care of me. Good girl, LoBeans."



Acquired from: San Diego Humane Society
Age upon Rescue: 12
Date of Rescue: January 16th, 2019
Date of Passing: September 15th, 2019
Family: Kristina & Rae Donaldson
Fans: Sandra Buechner, Kay in Memory of Finn
Tribute: On September 15th we fulfilled our promise to Rue.

Her parents rushed her to the Animal Emergency Clinic of San Diego around midnight because she was wobbly and pale. Right away we learned that a splenic mass had ruptured. We were prepared to do surgery, but did a quick chest x-ray to check for metastasis. It showed a solitary mass in her chest, so we sent it our for a radiologist to review it and patiently waited. It was suspected that the mass was a carcinoma. A splenectomy did not make sense anymore, and so we decided to let her go.

"Our beautiful beautiful baby girl left us far too soon.

Grief is unpredictable. I never know what will blindside me as each day passes. Today it was Rue's food bowl still half-full, never to be finished, that left me sobbing on the kitchen floor. Yesterday it was seeing her fur on the floor and realizing that eventually I will have to sweep and it will forever be gone.

We rushed Rue to the 24-hour urgent care late Friday night after she had started acting oddly thinking she may have eaten something that had caused a blockage. Many hours later, Xrays showed our little girl had two masses, one very large one in her abdomen and one in her lungs. The chances of both being benign were too low. She had internal bleeding near her spleen and a choice had to be made.

We had a full hour with her before we said goodbye. I pulled her on top of my chest and held her as she slept.

Rue was our first dog. I have had dogs growing up but never one that was mine. Mine to teach, to hold tightly, to learn that she wasn't a dog that could belong to anyone (we always joked that she was a "strong independent woman who don' need anybody"). She was a lot smarter than we ever knew. I'm pretty sure it was almost 4 months before we could tell when she was being "fake deaf." She grew so much with us. At first we couldn't pass by another dog without her attacking. After much work, she was able to go the dog park without confrontations. I couldn't have been more proud of how far our anxiety dog had come.

She was so independent. She loved cuddles but after a minute I think she would always realize that she needed to act independent and get up to lay a couple feet away. That's why after nearly 5 months with her when she finally would make eye contact with us and just gaaaaze into my eyes, I would melt. It's an incredible gift to be chosen by a dog but this girl was something else. It was an honor to be chosen by this one, to be the one she leaned her whole body into when you got home, to be the one she looked at longingly until you scooped her up to play with her and just hold her.

There is an emotional and physical cost to be paid to the Universe in death. I have struggled so much with anger this past week. When someone abandons their dog in the later years, they are unwilling to pay that emotional cost to the universe. But that cost must be paid and without intervention it will always fall to the dog. It may be paid physically by their deterioration of their health while locked away. Or it may be paid by the emotional burden of abandonment and dying alone. But the universe demands that cost be paid.

When we are able to step in, we are able to provide far more than just a warm safe home. We literally take the emotional cost away from the dog. It is saying "I will suffer so that you do not." "I will agonize over your death so that you do not in your final moments agonize alone." It is transferring the burden, the cost due the Universe, to yourself. Something the family that surrendered them was not willing to pay. It is saying, "I will not let this animal pay this cost. I will." I hope that each time it hurts like hell. Because it'll mean I'm doing it right. I want to encourage each family because this type of love is not just the puppy kisses never-ending love. It is a powerful love that is rooted in loyalty and selflessness that stays even when it brings incredible grief and vulnerability.

Our hearts are broken but Rue was loved and knew she was loved through the end. I can take solace in that and eventually things will be ok."



Acquired from: Humane Society of Imperial County
Age upon Rescue: 14
Date of Rescue: January 18th, 2019
Date of Passing: November 26th, 2021
Family: Ron & Maria Beatty
Fans: Teena Deering, Holly, Jennifer Sain
Tribute: On November 26th, Maria and Ron fulfilled their promise to Frosted Face Shelby.

They shared,

"Our hearts are broken, I can’t stop crying On Friday we said goodbye to our precious Shelby. She was the most sweetest, loving girl, everyone who met her loved her. We were so lucky to have her in our lives, we will miss her. I will truly miss her.”

Blue Jay


Acquired from: Baldwin Park Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 16
Date of Rescue: January 22nd, 2019
Date of Passing: February 1st, 2019
Family: Frosted Faces Foundation
Fans: In memory of Chatcha Porto, Kathleen Kudrna, Lisa Switzer
Tribute: Today was the day. Actually yesterday was the day, and even last week Tuesday upon rescue could have been the day...

Today, on February 1st, we fulfilled our promise to 16 year old Blue Jay. Yesterday Blue Jay stopped eating. He had developed a UTI and a wet cough over the course of the week and progressively got weaker. To press on did not seem sensible and Blue Jay was tired.

Andy pointed out that oftentimes when we rescue Frosted Faces in really bad shape they seem to have an adrenaline rush. They are falsely strong and bright for a good week, sometimes two, and then we start to notice them struggling. This really seemed true for Blue Jay. Gosh, that light in his eyes I know was real though in all the time he spent with me, and I hope that we fanned that flame as meaningfully as possible to buy him every last good day before it extinguished.

Sharing a dog like Blue Jay with everyone at FFF is different than when we were a smaller entity of just Andy and me. Tonight Andy whispered, "Jenna (the FFF Kennel Manager) should be there too," and when we invited her to Blue Jay's euthanasia, she said, "Of course, his whole family should be there."

In reflection Jenna shared that she was upset. The three of us have shared the experience of letting our Frosted Faces go together as a "family" before and we all cry and can't look at each other as we personally digest the grief. Tonight Jenna didn't cry. She walked into the exam room a few minutes after we arrived and Blue Jay lifted his head to acknowledge her and laid back down. She said she was upset because she felt like Blue Jay's gaze darted for her as if he was looking for someone--- and she wasn't who he expected.

Today I curled Blue Jay up on my bed to watch a movie until it was time. Earlier this week he had a second massage from Healing Hands Canine Massage. Ocean naps, the park breeze, the dignity of being clean and in good company of doting volunteers... As many sacrifices and as much kindness as we had to offer, Blue Jay never got to see his true family in his final moments. We all held him as he passed away.

We love you, Blue Jay. Fly high. 



Acquired from: San Diego Humane Society
Age upon Rescue: 12
Date of Rescue: January 26th, 2019
Date of Passing: July 10th, 2020
Family: Dave & Kate Rogers
Fans: Beth El, Barbara Roblin Mirza, Carol Diaz-Zubieta
Tribute: On July 10th we fulfilled our promise to Gustaff.

Gustaff was originally in a Los Angeles shelter and paired with a senior named Frank through the Pets and Patriots Program. When Frank passed away, Gustaff ended up at San Diego Humane Society where advocates tried to find him rescue. That's where we came in! We rescued Gustaff and placed him with Katie and her husband Dave, who just happened to be another veteran with a schnauzer friend named Bragg after Fort Bragg. It was too perfect, they were too perfect, Gustaff was perfectly loved by so many people.

His mom shares,
"We adopted Gustaff from Frosted Faces Foundation in February of 2019 after learning that his owner had recently passed away. Gustaff’s bio had indicated that he seemed especially sad and that it would be great if he could find a family sooner rather than later. It also mentioned Gustaff had been heard out in the FFF yard howling at the sunset one night which absolutely told me I had to go meet him. When we went to Frosted Faces to meet Gustaff, he was not the first dog to catch your attention. He was low on energy, was wearing a t-shirt over his skinny body, and sat on his bed rather than to battle the other littles to greet you and sit in your lap to receive attention.

It took a few weeks, but once Gustaff began to feel comfortable in his new home, he transformed into a new dog. He would wiggle his stub of a tail in excitement when I would come home, demand to be pet 24/7, and had so much love and companionship to give. Gustaff’s favorite activities included stroller rides, eating any type of chicken, naps, and watching tv with the family. Gustaff was never able to walk very well, but you’ve never seen a sprint like Gustaff trying to hustle to his favorite spot on the couch so that I would lift him up onto his blanket to watch tv together.

We went into our commitment of adopting Gustaff knowing that our time would be limited. Our job was to provide Gustaff the best retirement years and loving family that we could, and I know that we did just that. Once we knew that Gustaff’s time with us was winding down, we made sure he enjoyed all of the finer things in life such as: puppachinos, homemade slow cooked chicken (made just for him), and fried eggs (his favorite!).

We miss Gustaff dearly and our house doesn’t feel the same without him. He was the best addition to our family and I will treasure the time that we had with him. We miss our sweet Goose with all our hearts and his T.V. blanket still sits on his spot on the couch. Gustaff was such a sweet soul and after having been through the shelter system twice before, I know he was so grateful to have a family that loved him more than anything and it showed.

Love you Goose.

David, Kate, and Bragg

P.S. Gustaff’s original rescue story through the Pets for Patriots program can be found here:…/…


We know that Gustaff and Frank are now reunited and enjoying their days together again."



Acquired from: Riverside Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 8
Date of Rescue: January 29th, 2019
Date of Passing: October 10th, 2022
Family: Marian Miles
Fans: Christine Castiglioni, Lois & Jack Jack, Cindy Lewellen, Rita Stanfield, Stephanie Silberstang & Colin Barth, Annalee Foster, Tembo & Laika

Tribute: On October 10th, Marian fulfilled her promise to Frosted Face Summit.

"A Farewell to Summit

Summit crossed the rainbow bridge today. I know he was met by all the Frosted Faces who crossed before him, just as he will meet all those who cross after. He was a quiet but social dog, never met a petting hand he didn’t like, even whining if people passed by without stopping. He loved to meet all the dogs in our apartment complex, and even got used to the little ones sneaking up on him, even though he had toys bigger than them. An ambassador for his breed, Summit would lie down in front of kids and immediately soothed all concerns from parents wary of the “pit bull.”

About a week ago, Summit developed a nasty infection in his foot and his breathing had changed. We got x-rays which showed the cancer had spread to his lungs and was most likely the cause of his foot infection. For a dog that’s already unsteady on four legs, a lame foot is never a good sign. We went out only when necessary (Summit was too well-trained for the indignity of potty pads or diapers) and took potty walks in a helper harness, hoping the antibiotics would have an impact, but the infection was just too much, and I made the toughest of decisions to let him go before it became too late.

But Summit’s spirit never broke, he was my protector to the end. Even with a bad foot, he still kept watch over the squirrel activity outside and made sure to check on me when I had been away from him for too long. And his appetite….oh his appetite! Summit’s last days were filled with a smorgasbord of foods from tater tots, sweet potato, and chicken sausage to steak and eggs for his final breakfast, with a little Pirate’s Booty sprinkled in between. And, of course, we had to work on the biscuit stash, especially the CBD ones, no rationing of those anymore! He must have gained five pounds in the last three days! And, for his final meal, the iconic McDonald’s cheeseburger (He had three! And fries too!), courtesy of the wonderful Jen Davidson (I call her Summit’s godmother). I am grateful she could be with us; no one should have to go through this alone.

I will miss watching Summit keep the squirrels in check, giving chase when they get too rowdy. I will miss our daily walks, more lounging in the grass and chatting with doggie friends and parents than actual walking; our trips to Auntie Rosie for hotdogs who liked to sneak in a second one when I wasn’t looking because they were the “diet” (turkey) kind; our Netflix binge weekends; and of course, snack time. Summit taught me patience and persistence, how to stop and smell the flowers (literally, lol), and gave me a second chance at something I had lost. His DNA test came back 100% American Bully and he was true to the end – how could anyone give up such a perfect dog and pure-bred on top of it? I’m sad for the early years that left him wandering the streets, scarred, but glad that he adopted me. After nearly two years at FFF, one of their longest residents ever, there was never a doubt in my mind, from the moment I read his bio, that he would come home with me. It's like he was waiting for me and knew I needed time. We had one year and nine months together. He was my big-headed bully and I am grateful to have been his forever mama.

Goodbye my Summy-bear, my house hippo! You were the goodest boy a mama could ever ask for! Run free, play hard, sleep well!"



Acquired from: Riverside Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 9
Date of Rescue: January 29th, 2019
Date of Passing: 
Family: Bryan & Alicia Tremble
Fans: Heejin Kim



Acquired from: Riverside Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 9
Date of Rescue: January 29th, 2019
Date of Passing: January 12th, 2023
Family: Terri Schroeder
Fans: Lauretta Johnson

Tribute: On January 12th, Teri fulfilled her promise to Frosted Face Einstein.

She shared,

"I miss my little man each and every day. He would make me laugh with his begging for tummy rubs and you could rub forever and it was never long enough.

He was so calm and gentle with my two 3 year old granddaughters who loved to give him hugs. The only time I had ever seen any aggression over the years was when we would pass by a Husky and he would go beserk. No other animal, just Huskies and my neighbors would laugh because it was the only time they ever heard him bark. He was loved deeply and is sorely missed.

He gave me almost 5 years of his love and I was able to give him mine. Thank you Frosted Faces for making that happen."



Acquired from: Riverside Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 11
Date of Rescue: January 29th, 2019
Date of Passing: June 10th, 2019
Family: Cem Kantarci
Fans: Heejin Kim
Tribute: Yeti had elevated kidney values upon rescue and went straight into foster, which proved to be his best and final home. His dad did fluids everyday, changed diapers, took him on work adventures, and he was the light of his Instagram page!

This week Yeti declined to the point where he was not eating and lethargic. Anti-nasea meds and hospitalization did not help and we had to let him go.

His dad reflects, "Thank you all for your help. I am so glad Yeti & I got to spend some quality time over his last few months. I hope I'm speaking for him as well, when I say it's been short but really, really sweet."



Acquired from: Riverside Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 9
Date of Rescue: January 29th, 2019
Date of Passing: February 24th, 2023
Family: Jocelyn Nabel
Fans: Rachel Charles, Lynda Donato, Betsy Mellor

Tribute: On February 24th, Jocelyn fulfilled her promise to Frosted Face Poppy.

She shared,

"It is hard to believe that 4 years have gone by so quickly. From the moment Poppy came home, she settled in quite nicely, and was forever glued to my hip. A faithful and loving companion to the end.

The past two weeks have been devastating without her, so I want to try to focus on the happier and healthier times. Like the way she could be fed 4 times a day and still act like she hadn’t eaten in a year 😂 or the way she would light up when I washed her teddy bear and she went to task reclaiming it as hers again.

She was my little road warrior and the best traveling buddy. I remember the first time I brought her on a staycation (this was with Merino too), and I think they each feared that first day that they might be getting abandoned, but then eventually realized that they always had a spot in the big bed with me. From there on out they took to new surroundings with a sense of pleasure and adventure.

She was a magnet everywhere we went and everyone just wanted to love up on her. She would let anyone hold or pet her, while always keeping her eyes on me ❤️ it was true love both ways.

I miss her little pitter patter running back and forth beckoning me to follow her when I couldn’t drop everything I was doing in that precise moment. And the way she asserted herself as she gained more confidence and security.

Poppy will always be in my heart until we meet again. Thank you Poppy for picking me to be your mommy. Loving you always."



Acquired from: Riverside Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 10
Date of Rescue: January 29th, 2019
Date of Passing: September 17th, 2020
Family: Jocelyn Nabel
Fans: Christie Kacmarcik
Tribute: On September 17th we fulfilled our promise to Merino.

Merino was a stray to Riverside Shelter. We exited several dogs that day from the same shelter, and over the course of a few weeks we noticed that Merino was cozying up to Poppy frequently. We looked up their papers and they entered the shelter as strays on different days, but there was just something about the two! They were blessed the day that Jocelyn saw their bond and decided she had room in her heart and home for BOTH of them!

The last couple of months, Merino has been "off." We did x-rays that were pretty darn normal, but started him on pain meds just in case. His bloodwork was normal too. He started some circling and looking weak in the hind end, so we treated it like vestibular disease. Although he stopped turning circles, he seemed quiet. We had two different vets look at him and he seemed to have a poof under his eye, and both agreed it looked like an abscess. That Monday we got Merino in for dental surgery for the repair, and on Thursday he passed away. The vets now highly suspect he had a brain tumor and we are so grateful for Jocelyn who did everything she could to advocate for her sweet boy.

His mom shares,

"I’m just in such denial that I won’t be having him in my life anymore. He was an angel truly. I am missing him and his sweet natured snuggles.

I knew he wasn’t doing well but I’m a bit shocked right now. My heart is so broken."