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Enjoy scrolling through all of our Frosted Face senior animals who have benefit from our mission at Frosted Faces Foundation. They are listed in order of date of rescue, including those that have passed. If you have been following a certain Frosted Face's story and would like to know how he/she is doing, please email us at
Please make note of animals still looking for families do not have anyone listed beside “Family.” View biographies and more photos at Available Frosted Faces, learn more about becoming a family and the different programs we offer. You can also help fund the care of Frosted Faces by registering as their monthly sponsoring Fan.
Acquired from: San Diego Humane Society
Age upon Rescue: 10
Date of Rescue: February 1, 2022
Date of Passing:
Family: Norca & Christina Aviles
Fans: Lauretta Johnson
Mr P
Acquired from: San Diego Humane Society
Age upon Rescue: 12
Date of Rescue: February 1, 2022
Date of Passing: May 31, 2024
Family: Rebecca Gonzalez
Fans: Lori & James Jasinski
Tribute: On May 31st, Rebecca fulfilled her promise to Frosted Face Pinkerton.
She shared,
"On May 31st, I lost my whole world. My Mr P. His loss has been unbearable, and I still cannot believe he is gone. I keep thinking I'll come home and he'll be right there on his bed, waiting for me. Ready for butt scratches and walkies.
I'm not someone who makes rash decisions, but bringing Mr P home was a completely unplanned, not at all thought out, very sudden choice. I was grieving the loss of my soul dog a few weeks prior, the doggy I had flinged passed away in my arms after only a few days of bringing him home, I was having one of the hardest days of my life, and my everything was a complete mess.
I was sitting in the littles yard and I remember seeing this tiny thing wearing the cutest striped shirt and soft cone. I hadn't seen him posted in the behind the scenes group or anything. I quickly looked him up and his name was Pinkerton. I went up to Kelly right away and asked if I could fling him, and she said 'are you sure? Did you see how he can be?' I said yeah it's ok, no problem at all! But the truth is, I had not seen what he could be like, he didn't react when I pet him. Besides. He was tiny and I read that he had just had a dental. How hard could it be? Well. Mr P turned out to be one extra spicy little dude who forced me to learn so much about how to handle a spicy dog. And I will forever be grateful to him for teaching me so much.
Mr P quickly became my everything. He was exactly what I needed, when I needed it the most. We did it all together, and went through it all. Trips, moves, relationships, breakups, office doggo, job changes, uncertainty. We did it all. And there were so many moments in the 2 and a half years we had together where everything seemed so uncertain. But I always knew that at the end of the day, I got to take him on walkies and everything would be alright as long as we had each other.
It is hard picturing life without him right now, but I know his memory will never fade. You're forever my handsome Mr P."
Acquired from: Inland Valley Humane Society
Age upon Rescue: 12
Date of Rescue: February 1, 2022
Date of Passing: August 25, 2023
Family: Debbie & Wayne Toups
Fans: Susan Beck
Tribute: On August 25th, Debbie fulfilled her promise to Frosted Face Kiki.
She shared,
"Early Friday morning on August 25th, my sweet little girl suddenly crossed the rainbow bridge. Kiki had seen Dr. Russell the day before because of breathing difficulties, not eating much, and a sudden collapse on Wednesday. Turns out her heart was enlarged on one side which was the one that went to her lungs. She was started on heart meds and did her usual “singing” to me when we were reunited after seeing Dr. Russell. Little did I know that was the last day she would be singing to her momma. Her little heart just gave out during her sleep.
I am devastated and can’t believe how hard this has been. I miss so much about Kiki: carrying her in the sling, sleeping next to me in her little bed, Kiki searching for me with her sense of smell when she knew I was home and couldn’t find me, and, of course, the “singing” when she wanted to be next to me or couldn’t find me. She never sang for anyone else and when she knew I wasn’t home she didn’t sing just slept.
Kiki’s favorite way of travelling was in her pink sling. She didn’t care where we went as long as she was with me. She was a great traveler even on the airplane. Kiki was extremely attached to her momma and I wouldn’t have wanted it any other way. Kiki had a variety of outfits from little tee shirts to dresses to costumes and she really seemed to enjoy wearing all of them. This last summer she became a mascot for the Southwest volunteers at the Frosted Faces Golf Classic and was a hit at Hole #5. Some SWA golfers were saddened by Kiki’s passing.
I will miss my sweet girl so much. I find some peace in knowing that I gave this little girl from the streets of Imperial County the best last chapter a gal could get! Rest in Peace little love. Kiki I will always love you!!
Thank you Frosted Faces for uniting Kiki and I and giving her the best care!"
Mr. Higgins
Acquired from: Inland Valley Humane Society
Age upon Rescue: 9
Date of Rescue: February 1, 2022
Date of Passing: April 20, 2024
Family: Ramona Marquis & Alfred Pasillas
Fans: Douglas Richards
Tribute: On April 20th, Ramona and Alfred fulfilled their promise to Mr. Higgins.
They shared,
"Just want to let everyone know that Mr. Higgins was a wonderful dog. He loved roaming around and jumping up and down when he saw me even though I was told he might have had back problems. He got a little slower but he still had a wag in his tail. His eyesight was deteriorating but he could still smell and knew it was me."
Acquired from: Inland Valley Humane Society
Age upon Rescue: 12
Date of Rescue: February 1, 2022
Date of Passing:
Family: Yvonne Rider & Mark Raszkowski
Fans: Heejin Kim
Acquired from: Baldwin Park Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 10
Date of Rescue: February 1, 2022
Date of Passing:
Family: Sinead McKeown & Jody Mehring
Fans: Jan Dally in Memory of Reno, Jul Dee
Acquired from: Baldwin Park Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 14
Date of Rescue: February 1, 2022
Date of Passing: August 16th, 2022
Family: Dana Mikel & James Nardi
Fans: Julienne & Brian
Tribute: On August 16th, Jim and Dana fulfilled their promise to Frosted Face Helga.
They shared,
"We let Helga go today. It's always hard to lose the ones you love even if it's only been a short time. We adopted her on February 26th and had a wonderful 6 months. She was quiet as a mouse, deaf, and never once barked or made a sound until the last couple weeks.
She loved her food, snacks, and the occasional ear scratch. Early on wobbling over to the grassy area with the other dogs and plopping down was her excitement for the day.
As of late, her body betrayed her day by day until we knew through her soulful look it was time. Thank you for the short but enriching time we had together my sweet Helga."
Acquired from: Baldwin Park Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 9
Date of Rescue: February 1, 2022
Date of Passing: February 1st, 2022
Family: Cheryl Gullstrand
Fans: Baldwin Park Volunteers
Tribute: Yesterday we had a very exciting day being able to help several seniors exit the shelter and become Frosted Faces. Unfortunately, something terrible happened during the last transport and I would like to get ahead of the gossip.
A well meaning volunteer swung by FFF yesterday and we loaded up her car with four crates and several quality slip leads with bumpers. She volunteered to drive to Baldwin Park Shelter two hours away, donating her time and gas, to get our newest Frosted Faces. I loaded her up myself telling her where each dog would go in her car.
She exited three dogs from Baldwin Park Shelter and began the drive back to FFF. Around 6:00pm I received a call that she had stopped to let the dogs go potty and get a drink of water in Lake Elsinore and one of the dogs slipped by her and ran away. She was absolutely hysterical.
I directed her to come back to FFF with the other dogs. We got down to the basics and registered her microchip to FFF in the event that someone found her, since she did not have a collar and tags on yet. I called Babs Fry from A Way Home for Animals and made sure she was okay with taking over the calls for sightings if her number was on the flyer. "Yes!" she said, plus a little pep talk to get me off the ledge. We quick made "lost dog" flyers from the template, and posted in our volunteer group to recruit people in that area to meet us and help.
Andy and I flew up the I-15, longest car ride of our lives, to meet 6 amazing volunteers in Lake Elsinore who had dropped everything to help us flyer. Luckily we still had lots of tape, scissors, and bright construction paper in my car from flyering for Scuttle. A volunteer mentioned that on her way to meet us she saw an animal in the road, it was pretty far away, but worth checking out. While she went back to identify the animal, we all began flyering.
She reported that a neighbor had thrown the animal in the ditch so as to not keep getting run over. The body was so mangled it was hard to tell if it was our dog. The feet weren't white enough, the ears weren't quite right. Andy and I went to collect the body, while Debbie Munson connected us with local rescuer, Stephanie, who had a microchip scanner.
As soon as I heard the beep identify the chip, I knew- 981020... it was her. We drove her body back to FFF to be cremated. Overwhelming emotions washed over me as we pulled into our driveway with her body, where she should have arrived hours earlier alive and ready to have a new life. I woke up this morning and it still all felt like a horrible nightmare. Did it really happen?
Flower #A4449058 was 9 years old and had been adopted from the shelter as a puppy only to be relinquished as an adult with two terrible tooth root abscesses through her face. She sat in the scary shelter for 15 days wondering where her family went, and then got loaded up by a stranger to go on a dark car ride to an unknown place where she was so scared she ran away and got struck and killed by a car ending her story. It's all too terrible to conceptualize.
Things we know, things we learned. I know a lot of rescues use volunteer transporters and freedom rides are exciting. It is so great to get people involved! We did everything right from the crates to the slip leads. That's an easy way to eliminate human error and keep dogs safe. Lastly, there is no reason to stop and give dogs a water or bathroom break on a two hour ride from the shelter to the facility. It's something I should have said and regret it very much. Whether they are crying, antsy, have a potty accident- you just keep driving. They've lived in a shelter for weeks, they can handle a short safe two hour drive to a new facility. You don't know the dogs, they don't know you, and it's not worth the risk. We are going to be darn sure every transporter is armed with supplies and information to keep our dogs safe, as they represent our organization and we are responsible for every choice they make because we assigned the task.
We want to thank Lori Denhalter, Andy Green, Chris Burns, Nina Russell, Debbie Munson, and Gretchen Slater-Beard for showing up to help last night. Thank you to Alicia Anthony and Lexi Mena who stayed well beyond their shift to retrieve the rest of the Baldwin dogs, and Melanie Phillips who worked in the background getting our flyer on all of the lost dog forums of the area online. To the transporter who carries this burden, thank you for driving our Frosted Faces and we hope you can give yourself some grace. Mistakes happen.
It was clear that the Baldwin Park volunteers loved Flower and spent time with her after her family abandoned her. I only wish our organization could make good on our promise of giving her a new life.
I am so sorry.
Acquired from: Riverside Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 10
Date of Rescue: February 2, 2022
Date of Passing:
Family: Carolyn Walker
Fans: David Mihalko & Courtni Pugh
Acquired from: Downey Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 12
Date of Rescue: February 2, 2022
Date of Passing: February 1, 2023
Family: Anna Meitz
Fans: Susan Beck
Tribute: On February 1st, Anna and fulfilled their promise to Frosted Face Logan.
Anna shared,
"Two weeks ago, sweet lil' Logan crossed the rainbow bridge. We had him almost one year. We knew our time together was going to be short, but it still came too soon. We loved the noises he made, his deep sighs when he was content, his perfect black nose, his prancing when we would come back from a trip, how he melted in our arms. He was loved deeply and made us so very happy and we hope we gave him a happy life. We will always love you, handsome Logan boy."
Acquired from: Downey Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 10
Date of Rescue: February 2, 2022
Date of Passing: February 19, 2022
Family: Nina Russell
Fans: In Memory of Mia, The Joseph Family
Tribute: On February 19th, we fulfilled our promise to Frosted Face Mia.
We exited Mia from the shelter just this month and sent her right into a foster home with Nina Russell. Diagnostics showed that she had a bleeding splenic mass and we rushed her to surgery at Animal Emergency Clinic of San Diego where they said there was no metastasis and surgery was worth a shot! We did three blood transfusions and a splenectomy. She was monitored at the hospital for two days and sent home when her PCV stabilized and was eating. Just days later, Nina noted that Mia's gums were pale and she was quite lethargic, so she rushed her back to the ER. Mia's blood pressure was low and her BG had skyrocketed to over 700. We began to treat her, but within 12 hours she passed away on her own. This is not what we wanted for sweet Mia, but we gave her the best chance at life that we could!
Nina shares, "I’m heartbroken to share that Mia passed away last night. A couple hours after I posted her post surgery update, I had to rush her to emergency because she started throwing up and was in clear distress. They started her on oxygen and diagnostics showed her glucose level was crazy high. She had diabetes, pancreatitis and a UTI. They tried to stabilize her all day but she ultimately took her last breath early Saturday evening.
I only had the opportunity to foster Mia for less than 2 weeks but she stole my heart. She had the sweetest eyes and was so gentle and loving. She would follow me from room to room, ask for pets and then find a comfy spot to lay until we moved to the next room. Whenever I had food, Mia would stare at me with those sweet eyes trying to convince me that she should get some too.
I wish I had more time to smother her with all the love she deserved. I keep thinking about the last 48 hours and wondering if I missed something but it all happened so quickly. She was fine until she wasn’t. RIP sweet Mia. You were loved. "
We owe so much thanks to Nina for being Mia's final family, a role she didn't sign up for, but fell into, and it was so very important that she made this choice to foster.
Acquired from: Downey Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 10
Date of Rescue: February 2, 2022
Date of Passing: May 9, 2022
Family: Olivia Langhoff
Fans: Nick & Heidi Nguyen
Tribute: On May 9th, Olivia fulfilled her promise to Frosted Face Deacon after the inoperable mass under his arm grew too large for mobility and comfort.
She shared,
"Although I only had Deacon a couple months, I fell in love with him. It was hard not to because he was such a sweet, loving boy! From the day I got him, he would follow my every step with a big smile on his face.
My favorite thing about him was how happy he looked, especially when it was time for food. When it was breakfast and dinner time, he would act like a puppy and jump up and down and spin in circles (and bark at me if I took too long to mix his food). He LOVED food and was very smart when it came to getting it. He even learned how to open my roommate’s mini fridge!
I also loved how aggressively he would nudge me if he wanted my attention or he would plop his head in my lap. Deacon was a lot of fun to take on outings and to have around. He was so well behaved and always brought a smile to everyone’s face.
Even though I knew I would only have him for a short amount of time, it was still so hard to lose him so soon, but I am beyond grateful and lucky to have spent his final months with him."
Acquired from: Owner Surrender
Age upon Rescue: 6
Date of Rescue: February 3, 2022
Date of Passing: October 22, 2024
Family: Michael & Karen Hansen
Fans: Lynn Petolicchio, Olly & Sarah, Bob & Kim Rios, Laura Denhart, Keryn Kiwi, Michelle Adams
Tribute: On October 22nd, Mike and Karen fulfilled their promise to Frosted Face Max.
They shared,
"Max Hansen, aka Maxwell, Maximillian, Maxie, Maximus, MaxO passed away yesterday surrounded by many of the people who loved him.
When my son and I saw Max listed on the Frosted Faces website almost three years ago, it was love at first sight. This precious boy was covered in rashes with his eyes nearly swollen shut. Twenty-four hours of persistent persuasion and we had my husband on board as well.
Within a few weeks his rash had cleared up, and even before that, Max had made it known that this was his house and we were his people. He derailed more than one work call when his giant head would suddenly appear on screen demanding to be scratched. He took ownership of the giant backyard hole dug by so many past Hansen dogs, taking it to new depths. He waited for us to settle in at nights to watch TV, and then insisted that there was room for both of us on the recliner – turns out he was right.
When newcomers would come to the house, Max would loudly greet them, then wait for his new friend, because everyone was his friend, to come greet him. He hoarded a vast collection of toys he loved to chase after. He was so precious and gentle around Ollie, happy to be a massive sidekick to his new toddler friend. And every night, up until a couple of months ago, he would “sneak” onto my side of the bed as soon as he thought we were asleep – and there we would remain for the rest of the night with me pretending not to notice him.
The last couple of months have been tough ones for Maxie. When a 175-lb dog suddenly can’t walk, it’s a big, big deal. Kelly and Andy Smisek and the staff and volunteers at Frosted Faces did so much to try to help Max and us make it through this journey, even as our big guy shrank down to 130 lbs. Yesterday we finally had to let him go.
While he’s no longer here physically, the memory of his gentle, loving, goofy spirit will stay with us forever."
Acquired from: Transfer from A Way Home for Animals
Age upon Rescue: 10
Date of Rescue: February 5, 2022
Date of Passing:
Family: Terie Teagen & Ben Gauvey
Fans: Brandon & Valarie Goodwin, Lynn Petolicchio, Leann
Acquired from: San Diego Humane Society
Age upon Rescue: 11
Date of Rescue: February 7, 2022
Date of Passing: March 8, 2022
Fans: Renna
Tribute: On Tuesday, March 8th, we fulfilled our promise to Frosted Face Kayleigh.
Kayleigh arrived at the shelter after her mom passed away who had many elderly dogs. San Diego Humane Society reached out to us for help with placement because she had a poor prognosis. Sweet Kayleigh had a very large mass in the back of her throat. You would never guess she was sick. She barked like a beagle, walked ambitiously, and climbed to melt in your lap like a monkey.
Kayleigh enjoyed a two week Frosted Fling with Neil and Jenn Russell, and returned to FFF to still sleep under Dr. Russell's desk all day during exams and sneak in uppies while he wrote records.
Last week, volunteer Teresa Petro, let us know that she and a bestie rented a dog friendly AirBNB in Joshua Tree and they wanted to take all of our hospice-y dogs on a vacation. She loaded up Deacon, Anderson, Angelou, and Kayleigh! They all had varying potty schedules, medications, pacing, impairments, and physical limitations and I couldn't be more impressed. The proof is in the pictures, she treated these babies to the best getaway! She cried when she had to bring them all back to FFF. Sunday evening, Christina Orlovsky took Kayleigh to a winery date, which basically means snack and lap naps all afternoon.
Just two days later, I was working late in my office by chance, and around 8:30pm I heard vomiting in the Littles' Room and rushed over to find Kaleigh passing away. I held her as she took her last breath while FaceTiming her foster and vet, Dr. Russell, discussing how to keep her comfortable. We both wished we had let her go sooner, but how could we have when she was still busy living? It's never an easy decision.
I can't say it enough. These dogs are SO lucky to be loved by so many people who make sacrifices of time...and their hearts... so that they know they matter. You never know when your last act of love by taking a dog on a hike, or to the winery, or brushing them in their yard will be the last memory.
Kayleigh gets to be with her mom in heaven and you gave her a beautiful send off. Thank you. We loved you, Kayleigh.
Acquired from: Bonita Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 13
Date of Rescue: February 7, 2022
Date of Passing:
Family: Erik Forrest
Fans: Helen Omapas, Nicole in honor of Jaime & Lewis
Acquired from: Owner Surrender
Age upon Rescue: 13
Date of Rescue: February 7, 2022
Date of Passing:
Family: Nancy & Jason Thomas
Fans: Donor in memory of Winston
Acquired from: San Diego Humane Society
Age upon Rescue: 13
Date of Rescue: February 13, 2022
Date of Passing:
Family: Yvonne Rider & Mark Raszkowski
Fans: Donor in memory of Emily
Acquired from: Bonita Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 7
Date of Rescue: February 17, 2022
Date of Passing:
Family: Taylor & Sean Callaghan
Fans: Vicki & Bob Conway, Janet & Phil
Acquired from: Bonita Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 8
Date of Rescue: February 17, 2022
Date of Passing:
Family: Sue King
Fans: Shani Rosenzweig
Acquired from: San Diego Humane Society-El Cajon
Age upon Rescue: 14
Date of Rescue: February 20, 2022
Date of Passing: December 10, 2023
Family: Marlana Fury
Fans: RZ
Tribute: On December 10th, Marlana fulfilled her promise to Frosted Face Chase.
She shared,
"How can I put into words all the emotions swirling within me? My funny, quirky, bulldozer... my neck- and butt-scritch loving, rat slaying, happy little man, Chase, is gone. One day, he was his normal happy self... running in circles and hopping on his back feet in anticipation of a treat or his meals... pulling like a malamute on his walks and never wanting to stop... making me laugh so much... two days later, I was calling for a vet appointment, and one day after that, I'm being told there's nothing they can do for him... it's time to let him go... and my heart is screaming, No! No! No! But then, I looked at him, in so much pain, and I realized I couldn't keep him... I just couldn't let him suffer any more... and I let him go.
He was in his favorite bed and his two favorite people in the world were loving on him as he passed... both David and I were right there with him... both bawling our eyes out afterwards.
It just happened so fast! So sudden. So final. I'm still in shock... I'm still screaming inside... what the hell happened? What took him away from me?
Today, this beautiful little rosewood box was delivered. It is entirely too small to contain the huge personality of my bubba, my baby boy, my beloved Chase. I miss him so!
I love you Chase... I always will. 💔
So many thanks to Kelly and Andy, Doc Russell and Dr. D, Michelle and the other vet techs, Jennifer, Jenna, and everyone involved with FFF. Very special thanks to Chase's fans, who helped with his vet bills... and David, who chose him for me and grew to love him nearly as much as I did. How does one thank those who brought one of the loves of my life into my world? I guess you simply say a heartfelt 'Thank you.'"
Acquired from: San Diego Humane Society-El Cajon
Age upon Rescue: 10
Date of Rescue: February 20, 2022
Date of Passing:
Family: Lisa & Curt Dvorak
Fans: Margaret Haun
Acquired from: San Diego Humane Society-El Cajon
Age upon Rescue: 14
Date of Rescue: February 20, 2022
Date of Passing: July 4, 2024
Family: Lynda Donato
Fans: Angel Perez
Tribute: On July 4th, Lynda fulfilled her promise to Frosted Face Pepper.
She shared,
"Early on July 4th, my precious Pepper gained her independence from this world to live in the forever after. I’m not certain why she passed away but we were on the way to the ER in Colorado Springs and she was thankfully in my arms.
Pepper was such a loving girl with an amazing appetite. At every gathering, she would be where the food was. Falling in love with everyone and every morsel they would share with her.
I have never had a snuggle bug like her in my life before . Her hugs were epic and she made everyone who held her feel special. i miss her cuddles at night the most. It all happened so fast, I cant believe she is gone. Her bowl is still lined up on the floor of the camper and her harness on the hook waiting to be put on for our next adventure. I bought a locket to put some of her ashes in so she wont miss any of it, but i will miss her with all my heart."
Acquired from: San Diego Humane Society
Age upon Rescue: 13
Date of Rescue: February 21, 2022
Date of Passing: June 5, 2022
Family: Timothy Lee & Eunice Lee
Fans: Mike & Cathy Paulson
Tribute: On June 5th, Eunice and Timothy fulfilled their promise to Frosted Face Coco Moe.
They shared,
"We have always admired how beautifully FF Families have remembered and written about their time with their FF in this FB group. Simultaneously, we’ve always dreaded the day where we would have to write about our own. Our time with Coco was too short, and one of the most special journeys we’ve ever been on. Coco was the first dog that either of us have ever owned, and as a newly married couple, we felt incredibly ready to open our hearts and our lives to a senior dog. We met Coco in the little’s yard, and he instantly caught the attention of my husband. He would “trot” around the yard happily and had these puppy dog eyes that we absolutely got lost in. It was a no brainer that we wanted to be an instant family with him.
However, his health journey quickly started to take a turn. Within the first week, he started to vomit uncontrollably and would not be able to keep food or water down. We took him back to FF within the week and were told he had pancreatitis, and we had to quickly learn how to give him medications and adjust his diet. At our follow-up visit, we were told that he had giardia and since he had not been putting on weight (despite eating 4-5 meals daily), he might have cancer. Within the first month, Coco stopped getting excited to go on walks and became unable to sit, stand or lay down on his own. We couldn’t tell if he was in pain or not, and would carry him and lift him no matter where or what he needed to do. We found out 2 months into our time with him, that his kidney values were really bad as well and that we would have to start him on some maintenance fluids and kidney health medications. In some strange and unpredictable turn of events, even though he was still losing weight and his kidney values were not improving, he started to gain energy. In our last month with him, he started to find strength to jump off our couch when we weren’t looking. We would place him down in his bed, and whenever we got home, he would be wandering around the house and happy to greet us. He would start to run after us whenever he thought we were walking towards our front door. If he was lying down on the couch too far apart from me, he would get up and maneuver closer to me. Even though our hearts knew that his health was progressively declining, we held onto hope that his increased spirits meant he would be around longer.
Coco’s health declined rapidly within a couple days of his death. He passed away in my arms (one of his favorite places to be) and we watched him take his final breaths. It has been one of the hardest moments that we’ve had to go through, and we still feel a deep overwhelming sense of sadness whenever we are in his favorite areas of our house or apartment complex. I will always miss the sound of his pitter-pattering paws on our hard floors, or his big puppy dog eyes staring at me whenever I am not sitting right next to him or holding him. We feel so lucky to have been able to take care of such a sweet, gentle guy at the end of his life.
Coco- you are never going to be forgotten and your memories will forever live on in our hearts! You were so loved by all who got to meet you. We hope you are eating all the chicken treats and nuggets, and taking tons of hammock naps. We love you!!!
Thank you to Frosted Faces Family for seeing our lil guy every other week, and making him feel so loved. He always looked so comfortable getting carried into the vet and snuggling with Michelle! Also, for the time that Dr. Russell took to answer all our questions. We could not thank you enough for the thorough care and love you give!"
Acquired from: San Diego Humane Society
Age upon Rescue: 13
Date of Rescue: February 21, 2022
Date of Passing: September 25, 2023
Family: Arlene & Ron Dixon
Fans: Leslie Harris
Tribute: On September 25th, Arlene and Ron fulfilled their promise to Frosted Face Polly Ann after battling heart disease.
They shared,
"When we brought Polly Ann (Polly) home we had no idea how much she would change our lives.
Years ago, we had large dogs and only outside. So, it was quite a change to have a small dog, inside, allowed to be on the couch and eventually even sleeping on my bed. I think she adapted to us faster than we did to her.
Other dogs were not her friends. This made it hard to go on walks, to the park or restaurants. The doggie stroller helped. She felt protected and safe.
She did love her meals, especially if she got scrambled eggs or rotisserie chicken. We went through a lot of those and with her taking 5 different meds, pill pockets too
We gave her 1 1/2 years of love, good care, tummy rubs, good food, security and lots of treats.
I still find myself opening the garage door slowly, because she would often be asleep behind it. I miss her wide eyes staring up at me in anticipation of a treat. She wasn’t a lap dog, but would tolerate me picking her up when I needed a snuggle.
A huge Thank You to Frosted Faces for their hard work and love finding homes for senior dogs.
Polly received compassion and great care and we felt supported along the way."
Acquired from: Baldwin Park Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 7
Date of Rescue: February 22, 2022
Date of Passing:
Family: Michel & Katie Marchmonte
Fans: Kim Hyland
Acquired from: Baldwin Park Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 8
Date of Rescue: February 22, 2022
Date of Passing:
Family: Jillian Gerrity & Amanda Gosseli
Fans: Bobbie
Acquired from: Baldwin Park Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 12
Date of Rescue: February 22, 2022
Date of Passing: June 14, 2022
Family: Heather Osswald & Isaac Marks
Fans: In Memory of Mia
Tribute: On June 14th, Heather and Isaac fulfilled their promise to Frosted Face Luna.
They shared,
"We said goodbye to Luna.
A month ago, Dr. Russell told us her kidneys were very bad and that she was a very strong girl because she was not presenting as poorly as she must feel based on her labs. He told us she likely had mere days of good time left. She did start to decline but every bad day was followed by a miraculous rebound - maybe not to 100%, but to 80-90% where she was still bright and enjoying life. We got a beautiful bonus month with our best girl.
Anything Luna could do, she did. Drive-in movies, Fiesta Island, work happy hours, family dinners, brewery patios, and more couch cuddles than you can imagine. She loved Ancho, the one thing we were most worried about, and she and Murphy coexisted as well. As she declined we did anything we could to keep her comfortable and happy. Up her fluids to daily to support her kidneys - done. Slipping on the floor with back end weakness - booties. We would have moved mountains for more good time with Luna.
Most recently, she joined us on a road trip to go home to visit our families - our first time home in over three years. She drove across California, Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, and Oklahoma to Arkansas. She camped with us in New Mexico and did midnight campsite fluids under the stars. In Arkansas she got to smell the fresh country air and lay in the most luscious grass you certainly can’t find in our backyard in San Diego.
Quality of life decisions can be so hard, especially for hospice dogs when you don’t know them their whole lives. We tried to do all the right things for Luna, knowing she was probably feeling worse than she let us know. In the end, we knew without a doubt she was tired and ready to go. I am so grateful to the vet and staff at Baxter County Animal Clinic who accommodated us last minute and were so kind to us as we said goodbye.
We loved you so much, Loonie Balloonies. There’s a whole bunch of Osswald Dobies waiting for you over there. "
Acquired from: Baldwin Park Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 7
Date of Rescue: February 22, 2022
Date of Passing:
Family: Cheryl Lamoureux-Kerr and Solomon Kerr
Fans: Michelle Dellino
Acquired from: Baldwin Park Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 12
Date of Rescue: February 22, 2022
Date of Passing:
Family: Cheryl Lamoureux-Kerr and Solomon Kerr
Fans: Alisa Trakulboon
Acquired from: Baldwin Park Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 9
Date of Rescue: February 22, 2022
Date of Passing: February 28, 2022
Family: Lynda Donato
Fans: Marta & Bev, Jul Dee
Tribute: aby was surrendered to Baldwin Park Shelter by her family on February 9th. We suspect they were unable to treat the baseball-sized necrotic mass on her chest and didn't know what to do.
The shelter did x-rays, didn't see any metastasis, and removed the mass. When we went up to Baldwin Park Shelter later that month to exit several dogs, they asked us to consider her, and we agreed!
Baby seemed well loved and familiar with affection. She loved being held and could even jump up on the big blue round lounge in the play yard to sun herself.
We do x-rays and bloodwork on every new Frosted Face, and Baby's x-rays looked busy. We did not have a biopsy from the mass removal, so we treated her with antibiotics in hopes of clearing infection, because many of the dogs we exited had URIs in that pull.
Baby enjoyed the winery and FFF "hike"/stroll, as many do, and we started to pursue a hospice placement JUST in case her cancer was metastasizing. Lynda Donato stepped up to be her mom and even chose to pick her up a day prior to her scheduled appointment, because- why not?
What a gift she gave her!! Baby left FFF looking good, but by the next day she was not breathing well and her neck was extended for air. Lynda rushed her back to FFF where we did new x-rays that were drastically different, even from the concerning ones before. She was suffering and we had to let her go.
Lynda shared, "Thank you for your kindness to Baby and me last night. I’ve never had to say goodbye to a Frosted Face like that. You all do it way too often but you were so caring. My heart is heavy but it made me feel like I really helped a living creature that needed me most. I want to help again. Thank you again."
We have had so many really sick end of life Frosted Faces lately. We had 9 euthanasias last week at FFF Vet Hospital alone- and they all feel like ours because they are all Frosted Faces. We chose them at the shelter, cared for them at the FFF, helped place them with families, and watched their journeys. Seeing our aged dogs and grieving amazing families is so so sad, but we love being here for them in the end.
2 of the 9 euthanasias last week were dogs who declined on-site, and while we have so much love to give, it is a heavy burden to bear to make up for lost time AND choose the timing for letting him/her go. It is SUCH a blessing to have families like Lynda, who have the courage and flexibility, to choose hospice Frosted Faces. As outsiders looking in at that point, the loss is a little more bearable because all we see is the beautiful sacrifice and quality these families offer, and when it's time, it's time, with no regrets.
Fly high, Baby.
Acquired from: Baldwin Park Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 14
Date of Rescue: February 22, 2022
Date of Passing: June 20, 2022
Family: Chelsea Maehara & Peter Wulff
Fans: The Haines Family
Tribute: On June 20th, Chelsea and Peter fulfilled their promise to Frosted Face Bear.
They shared,
"I first saw Bear (fka Bjorn) on social media when a network of his shelter’s staff and supporters pleaded for his rescue or adoption. My husband Peter and I had adopted our first senior dog (non-FF Duke) from the same shelter so when I showed Peter the photo of Bear, we knew this poor dog needed help. We called the shelter and found out he already had a rescue hold. This led us to Frosted Faces who had rescued Bear and then let us adopt him and become his family!
Sadly, FF had given us a poor health prognosis so we knew our time with Bear would be short. The first week we had Bear, he was getting over a cold, not holding down his food and having trouble walking as his back legs would give out. We also learned he was not house-trained and had probably lived outside his entire life. But with good care, a daily routine and support from the wonderful FF staff, Bear got better and stronger.
His cold went away, he ate his food and took his meds like a champ, and he started walking better. He adjusted well to belly bands and diapers in the house, and we made it a weekend tradition to take him and non-FF Duke to parks around LA where he could enjoy the fresh air, good weather and walking around. His favorite place was his “room” (his crate with his bed and blanket) where he spent most of the day and slept in at night. A couple of weeks before he passed, we took Bear on a road trip to Los Alamos where we enjoyed the countryside and a relaxing weekend together. He had many more good days than bad, and we are thankful for every single day he spent with us as part of our family.
Losing Bear has been so difficult and we miss him so much. But it was the best decision we made to adopt him. Bear was sweet, quiet and gentle, and despite his fragile state, he was also extremely resilient to have survived for so long after what seemed to be years of neglect. He never asked for anything, probably because he never had anything, but he deserved everything good in the world that he never had. He was unfamiliar with human interaction and wasn’t affectionate, but he let us pet and hold him for awhile before going about his way. He didn’t care for baths or wearing diapers (who could blame him?) and being picked up, but he good-naturedly let us take care of him anyways.
I feel so lucky that he found his way to us and only wish he could have been with us for much longer. Thank you so much to Kelly and Andy for letting us be his family, to Dr. Russell for being so kind and supportive when it was time to let Bear go, and to FF for being his extended family and staying with him at the very end. He was very loved."
Acquired from: Baldwin Park Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 9
Date of Rescue: February 22, 2022
Date of Passing: January 16, 2023
Family: Laura Handzel
Fans: The Joseph Family
Tribute: On January 16th, Laura fulfilled her promise to Frosted Face Alpha when it was no longer humane to keep on with a large cancerous splenic mass and baseball sized mass on his jaw.
She shared,
"I appreciate everyone's amazing support. Folks said it was much better to say goodbye on a day Alpha was feeling well, and I do believe that. Dr. Russell agreed it wouldn't have been on-brand for Alpha to make things simple and easy. Ultimately, his passing was very peaceful, and I got all sorts of nods from the universe that everything was okay.
Thank you most of all for saving Alpha and taking such good care of him. He was my first hospice adoption, and while I failed to remain stoic in the end, I regret nothing! Every creature is special, but I found Alpha to be extra super special. I'm sad we didn't get more time together, but it was because his situation was dire that I took him in to begin with.
Early in 2022, I found myself without companion animals for the first time in my life. Being able to help Alpha was a tribute to the dogs I've lost before him. It was also a way to channel grief into something good, something outside of myself. One of the reasons I was so fond of Alpha was because he had many characteristics that reminded me of the dogs I've lost.
Alpha was all and all a really good fit for my life and home too. It would've been awesome if he'd cared for nature a bit more...or at all. He was such a very good boi though. He was super patient with my antics, like taking him hiking, roller skating, and paddleboarding.
I only ever heard him bark while he was dreaming or keeping me safe from well-meaning landscapers.
I loved how much he loved the car, and driving around with Alpha was one of my favorite things. The joy on his face and that it gave me and others was awesome. It seemed he especially liked going fast on highways and interstates. He would sit facing forward with a giant dog smile on his face, and it was so cute! Running boring errands became magical with my giant copilot, Alpha. It was special too the way he insisted on touching me with one paw while we drove.
I loved how playful he was. He was almost always up for a game, or he was happy to entertain himself. He was really good at throwing his toys and fetching them himself. He was smart. He learned stuff almost instantly, and he taught me tricks. For instance, Alpha tended to drink too much water and get sick. So, I started only filling his water bowl halfway. He taught me that if he flipped the toilet seat lid, the sound meant it was time for a bowl refresh. It seemed he was gently telling me, "You better move or I'm gonna drink this instead, and you don't like that...." Ha, ha.
For better and worse, Alpha would eat almost anything. He was far from finicky. His affinity for eating Kleenex, napkins, or generally any available trash was bizarre and challenging, something endearing.
He loved other dogs and wasn't insecure if they were reactive. He was good with kids. When I met him at FFF, he was sweetly following a visiting toddler around.
Alpha was such an excellent cuddler! He would take giant flying leaps into my lap, snuggle in, and bury his head against my neck. He was literally too much sometimes, but I didn't mind. He had a thing for holding hands/paws, which was adorable.
He made me feel safe. Comments I'd get while walking him included, "How'd you train your wolf?" or "You brought your own security, huh?" People often commented on how beautiful he was too.
He was a good friend and companion to me, and I'll feel the sting of his absence for some time to come. Overall though, I'm just really grateful for the time we had. Mr. Bombastic Mr. Fantastic gave me much to aspire to - he was resilient, fun, clever, discerning, loyal, and he made the most of every moment.
I definitely hope to foster for y'all or do another hospice adoption in the future. I sincerely appreciate everything you do. Thank you again."
Acquired from: Baldwin Park Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 9
Date of Rescue: February 22, 2022
Date of Passing:
Family: Nona Bachar
Fans: Christi Burgos, Katja Guenther
Acquired from: Baldwin Park Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 11
Date of Rescue: February 22, 2022
Date of Passing:
Family: Nona Bachar
Fans: Christi Burgos, Lisa Lindberg
Acquired from: Upland Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 10
Date of Rescue: February 22, 2022
Date of Passing: August 4, 2024
Family: Kelly & Steve Laughlin
Fans: Sherri B.
Tribute: On August 4th, Kelly and Steve fulfilled their promise to Frosted Face Sammy.
They shared,
"Had to say goodbye to our Sammy today. His kidney disease finally took its toll. We had the pleasure of loving this sweet boy for a little over 2 years. We will miss you Sammy!"
Acquired from: Downey Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 10
Date of Rescue: February 22, 2022
Date of Passing:
Family: Emily & Liam Kirven
Fans: Stephanie Tillman
momma bear
Acquired from: Downey Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 10
Date of Rescue: February 22, 2022
Date of Passing: January 9, 2023
Family: Jennifer Wilson
Fans: Angela Morgan Julich, Dawn Cummings
Tribute: On January 9th, Jennifer fulfilled her promise to Frosted Face Magpie.
She shared,
"Magpie was the first dog I ever owned as an adult. She was the sweetest, goodest girl in the world! I always called her my Momma Bear because of her cute little walk.
She was so patient with me while I was dressing her up in her adorable shirts and sweaters, and always stood still so I could get her harness on and off. Although she was only in my life a mere 4 months, it feels so empty without her here.
I miss her big magnificent ears and her kisses. She could be stubborn and would put her head down and literally glare up at me while standing perfectly still, usually in the middle of the street, if she wanted to walk a different direction than I did! It was adorable!! I will never forget her and still wake up extra early in anticipation of her morning outing. Rest in peace my sweet girl."
Acquired from: Downey Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 7
Date of Rescue: February 22, 2022
Date of Passing:
Family: Jenna Padgett
Fans: Stephanie Tillman
Acquired from: Downey Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 11
Date of Rescue: February 22, 2022
Date of Passing: January 20, 2025
Family: Jade & Samuel Babbitt
Fans: Shani Rosenzweig
Tribute: On January 20th, Sam and Jade fulfilled their promise to Frosted Face Kled.
They shared,
"Our beautiful sweet little Kled crossed that Rainbow Bridge last night 01/20/2025. We were able to use the Gazebo at FFF to have our last moments with him. Thank you so much Kelly, Andy, Rachel, and Dr O. Thank you to Kled's fan Shani Rosenzweig
While we obviously did not want to see Kled go, we knew it was the right thing to do. He fought soooo hard for so long but ultimately his little body just got too tired. It has been rough leading up to this, during this, and after this. After we cry some more, mourn some more, we will gather up all the pictures and videos of Kled and write up his tribute fit for the angel that Kled is!"
Acquired from: Downey Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 12
Date of Rescue: February 22, 2022
Date of Passing:
Family: Carolyn & Carol Baker-Lowery
Fans: Marta & Bev
Acquired from: Downey Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 7
Date of Rescue: February 22, 2022
Date of Passing:
Family: Kayden Manning
Fans: Dawn Manalo-Coelho
Acquired from: Downey Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 10
Date of Rescue: February 22, 2022
Date of Passing: April 1, 2023
Family: Michael & Sue Marsack
Fans: Sandy Isaac
Tribute: On April 1st, Mike and Sue fulfilled their promise to Frosted Face River as a result of a ruptured splenic mass.
They shared,
"River was a bit unusual; he never made a sound the whole time he was with us, and he didn’t have a playful bone in his body. His walks, twice a day, were short, he preferred being in the house. He was always near one of us, he didn’t really have a favorite, he was a perfect fit for these two old people. We miss him."
Acquired from: Bonita Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 8
Date of Rescue: February 25, 2022
Date of Passing:
Family: Monique & Matt Lyons
Fans: Jamie & Rod
Acquired from: Bonita Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 10
Date of Rescue: February 25, 2022
Date of Passing: November 26, 2024
Family: Leticia Torres & Manuel Valentin
Fans: Say It In Sign
Tribute: On November 26th, Leticia and Manuel fulfilled their promise to Frosted Face Amie.
They shared,
"To our Dear sweet Amie, we didn't want to say goodbye to you. We knew we would miss you so much. But we understood that it was time for you to rest in peace.
We fell in love with you the moment we saw you on FF. We came for a visit, but we knew that you would be going home with us. We were told you were quiet and didn't do too much, just sleep all day. But the moment they brought you out you jumped for joy. Running around barking with happiness. We were so happy to meet you and you seemed happy to meet us. My daughter and I held you and that's all it took to know that you were coming home with us. We didn't want to let you stay another day at FF.
Our daughter at that time was 11 years old, Manuel was away from home a lot as he was caring for his elderly mother, and I was newly recovered from having breast cancer surgery. You brought so much joy into our lives when we needed you the most. You gave us a purpose to keep going.
We spent the first weeks making you as comfortable as possible. You showed separation anxiety when we would leave for school and work. I bet you were so scared we were leaving you but over time you knew you were in your forever home. Our kind neighbor Mike offered to watch you a few hours at a time to ease your anxiety. You loved to be with him too. He enjoyed taking you to the park and sitting under the trees. You made his life happier when you were with him. You even had a few overnight visits, and I know he spoiled you like crazy.
I looked forward to coming home to see you and take you on walks and cuddle with you. Our daughter enjoyed playing with you and your toys and dressing you up. You were the best first pet for her and she loves you so very much. She made a special place in her bedroom and called it "Amie's corner" filled with your favorite toys and stuffies. This is where you would relax with her in her bedroom. You loved being there. This special place still exists, and we enjoy seeing it and imagine you relaxing there.
Thank you for making so many wonderful memories with us. You were the best travel partner, walking buddy, best friend any family could ever have. We were the lucky ones you selected to be your forever family. You loved going with dad to the beach and being with us for weekend getaways to Solvang, Santa Barbara and Orange County. You didn't mind being in the car as long as you were with us and by our side.
Grandma spoiled you with her cooking. She took you on many walks and enjoyed spending time with you although she always said she didn't like dogs, she loved you. She was very sad when she had to say goodbye. You made a lasting impression on her too.
We love you and miss you so much! Until we meet again. "
Acquired from: Bonita Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 8
Date of Rescue: March 1, 2022
Date of Passing:
Family: Karen Baes
Fans: Dog Devoted Vintage
Acquired from: OC Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 12
Date of Rescue: March 7, 2022
Date of Passing:
Family: Holly Buderus
Fans: Ellie & Missy Ash-Bala, Jennifer Burrell, In honor of Daisy Noelle
Tribute: On November 24th, Holly fulfilled her promise to Frosted Face Lily.
She shared,
"My sweet angel baby Lily, I missed you today. Every day since you left that broken body of yours, I've missed your beautiful smile and how you greeted me at the door as if I'd been gone for days, when it was rarely more than a couple of hours. Nights are hard without your soft snores on the pillow beside me. I go out to escape the loneliness of home, but after a couple of hours, I check the time, and for just a split second, I think I'd better get back to you. I never wanted this freedom.
Facebook reminded me of our roadtrip all the way to Nebraska. I didn't want to leave San Diego, but I couldn't find an affordable place that would allow you to come along, and I would never, ever give you up. You were the best road trip buddy ever. That winter was so cold, but you enjoyed exploring the calf barn and coming back inside to your electric blanket.
I saw your friend from the makers market this weekend, and she asked where you were. When I told her you were gone, she cried. You weren't just my dog, Lily. You belonged to us all. I know you'd have stayed longer if you could, that you loved us as much as we loved you. Being your mom was truly a privilege, and I can't wait to hold you when we meet again.
I love you,
Your mama, forever and always"
Acquired from: Chula Vista Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 15
Date of Rescue: March 7, 2022
Date of Passing: May 13, 2024
Family: Evelyn Kromer
Fans: Valerie Christell, Morgan Kleiderlein
Tribute: On May 13th, Evelyn fulfilled their promise to Frosted Face Ruby.
She shared,
"I lost my Ruby yesterday. She had recently been diagnosed with stage 3 kidney disease and her heart problems had gotten worse. Over the weekend she had 2 episodes like a stroke which seemed painful for her and she became very weak.
Ruby was such a great little dog. She was not a lap dog, but she wanted to be near me all the time. She gave me such joy for the time I had her, which was a month shy of 2 years. We went for walks in our neighborhood & she enjoyed riding in the car. She liked people but not other dogs. She knew from the first day I brought her home that this was her place to be. She had the cutest little prance across the kitchen to her food dish. She knew she was loved & I miss her very much. Thank goodness for Frosted Faces for caring for senior animals."
Acquired from: Humane Society of Imperial County
Age upon Rescue: 8
Date of Rescue: March 12, 2022
Date of Passing:
Family: Joyce Hahn
Fans: Shani Rosenzweig
Acquired from: Humane Society of Imperial County
Age upon Rescue: 10
Date of Rescue: March 12, 2022
Date of Passing:
Family: Amanda Lowe & Jenny Sanlog
Fans: Helen Omapas