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Enjoy scrolling through all of our Frosted Face senior animals who have benefit from our mission at Frosted Faces Foundation.  They are listed in order of date of rescue, including those that have passed. If you have been following a certain Frosted Face's story and would like to know how he/she is doing, please email us at

Please make note of animals still looking for families as their "Family" is listed as "Frosted Faces Foundation."  View their biographies and more photos at Available Frosted Faces, learn more about becoming a family and the different programs we offer. You can also help fund their care by registering as their monthly sponsoring Fan. 



Acquired from: East Valley LA Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 14
Date of Rescue: June 9th, 2020
Date of Passing: October 17th, 2021
Family: Catherine Scannell
Fans: Nancy Semrow, Julienne & Brian
Tribute: On October 17th, Catherine fulfilled her promise to Frosted Face Monty after battling kidney disease.

She shared,

"We said a peaceful and beautiful goodbye to Monty (Cliff) in the backyard today. He was snuggled in his favorite bed and relaxed and ready. I was so honored to be his human for this past year and I will miss him so very much but I am really glad that he is no longer in pain. Run free Monty and I'll see you on the other side some day."



Acquired from: East Valley LA Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 14
Date of Rescue: June 9th, 2020
Date of Passing: March 17th, 2021
Family: Charlotte Belyea & Steve Amenta
Fans: Denise Mendonca
Tribute: On March 17th, Steve and Charlotte fulfilled their promise to Frosted Face Cody.

They shared with us,

"I adopted Cody on the Friday right after Thanksgiving. I was looking at three different dogs that day, and Cody was one of them. He was standing next to Joan Munill, who had lovingly been fostering him for three months. Cody just stood there quietly while Joan described his wonderful temperament, his daily routines, and explained his medications. I took forever to decide while everyone patiently waited, but I hesitated because I knew it wouldn’t be easy with his medical issues. I was also worried that I would be doing him a disservice by removing him from the person he had come to count on for so long. At some point he just stared at me with his beautiful Cody eyes, and that sealed the deal.

He came home, and became part of the routine so quickly that if felt as if he had always been here. He and my vet saw quite a bit of each other for chest X-rays, bloodwork, and physical exams. We worked on balancing his medications, added an inhaler, and he had some days that were a lot better and others that weren't. He would greet me at the door with his signature lower tail only wag, and got along beautifully with his dog pack Suki and Hazel. He made guest appearances in all of my Zoom meetings, lived for meals and snacks, and would always appear in the kitchen at the first scent of food. All along the way, Joan offered tips and support via text message. Her input was so helpful.

I took him to the ER Monday March 15, for what I thought might be giardia. He had also been struggling with his bronchitis and new x-rays the week before revealed that his disease had progressed rapidly. The attending vet wanted to keep him overnight on IV fluids and to control his pain, because his kidneys had begun to fail. I visited him the next afternoon, and he was definitely happy to see me, but I could tell he didn’t feel good. When he didn’t respond well to fluids within 24 hours of being admitted, and his bloodwork looked worse than the day before, the doctor said that it was time to let him go. I got to be with him and make him a little more comfortable during his last moments. It wasn’t enough time with him, it was difficult to let him go, but I’d do it all over again because each moment with Cody was a gift. He was an amazingly sweet presence and we all continue to miss him."



Acquired from: East Valley LA Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 12
Date of Rescue: June 9th, 2020
Date of Passing: 
Family: Joseph & Carolyn Lyons
Fans: Clive & Cora



Acquired from: East Valley Shelter LA
Age upon Rescue: 12
Date of Rescue: June 9th, 2020
Date of Passing: September 15th, 2022
Family: Camille Andreasen & Cody Edgington
Fans: The Wood Family

Tribute: On September 15th, Camille and Tucker fulfilled their promise to Frosted Face Sesame.

"It’s taken me over a month to collect myself enough to write a goodbye to him, I miss him so much.

When we first adopted Sesame in July of 2020, he was a birthday “present” to me from Cody. All I wanted was to have a companion dog for my blind/deaf senior pup Saline. When we were in the littles yard, Erin Hoye helped show us around. I had seen that Sesame was returning from a fling with Brynn Gruenberg and was so excited to meet him. We were told he had been returned from a previous adoption because he had separation anxiety and would howl like Chewbacca. I told them that was great for us because Cody works from home! And we of course didn’t mind his limb deformity, I was willing to make sure we could accommodate his needs. What sold us was when we looked over at him laying down and another pup came and sat down right on his head. Sesame just moved his head and went back to sleep, and I knew he was perfect.

The first night home he was very anxious. He woke me up with some panic barking from being in a strange place. I crawled out of bed and sat next to him, petting him. He looked at me and I felt a mutual understanding that we really needed each other. He closed his eyes and fell asleep while I pet him.

So then it was me, Cody, Saline, and Sesame. He was there when Saline had emergency surgery, when we moved into our new house, when we had a few frosted flings, when Shea passed away, when we adopted Seymour, when we adopted Trucker and Clarabelle, when we got engaged, when Clarabelle passed away, when Saline passed away, when we had our first round of IVF, and when we fostered a couple sets of kittens.

He had become my emotional support animal through it all. I have bad anxiety and depression and used to struggle with self harm. I felt like Sesame understood me the most because he would get anxious when he felt alone too. He just needed love and patience and comfort like me. When I would cry, I would tell Cody “I want Sesmae” and Sesame would lay with me until I felt better. I loved him so much.

His mobility was declining and he started showing signs of dementia, and getting lost in the house. He didn’t know where to go to potty anymore, or maybe he knew but it just took too much energy to walk over and ask to be let outside. He would potty in his bed, or really anywhere in the house. I started carrying him to and from his bed and the grass, and I bathed him almost daily to make sure he stayed clean. I still have a pile of several dog beds he soiled sitting in the garage that I haven’t gotten around to cleaning now that he’s gone. I miss the labor of love and making sure he was treated with dignity in his senior years.

Cody and I had a conversation about saying goodbye to Sesame, and when we would know if it was time. Dr. Russell had sent us a quality of life quiz and Sesame was barely passing. We figured we could give Sesame a great final week or several, and then say goodbye when it felt right.

Not even 18 hours after that conversation, I had found him and he had passed away. I cannot begin to explain how much of a wreck I was. Screaming and crying. It was so unfair. And I felt so guilty that I wasn’t petting him in the moment of his passing and that I hadn’t given him a beautiful last day like I hoped. Grieving his death has been hard. I have to tell myself that no final day would have been good enough. He deserved the world.

My heart is still breaking for him and I miss him so much. My only condolence is that if I’m hurting this much, it means he was loved more than I could have ever hoped any animal could be loved. And who knows what kind of care he had in his earlier years? Even though it hurts, I’m so thankful he got to experience being so incredibly loved in his final years.

Goodbye Sesame, I love you so much."



Acquired from: East Valley Shelter LA
Age upon Rescue: 12
Date of Rescue: June 9th, 2020
Date of Passing: April 9th, 2021
Family: Marri Van Dyke & David Henninger
Fans: Donor in honor of Mac, Lorissa ArgoRay
Tribute: On April 9th, Marri fulfilled her promise to Frosted Face Bambi.

She shared,

"I’m so sad to share that we said goodbye to my sweet Bambelina - Bambi- on Friday night. I’m so so so sad, relieved and heart broken all at the same time.

She had a flair up with her heart, they pulled her out but the medications burned her kidneys and we were trying to detox her body from what the kidneys weren’t doing. It was a balancing act and then her teeth and mouth became so sore and I ended up feeding her with a syringe ... and water.. her mouth was really hurting her. I’m still so devastated.

It came down to me considering giving her subcutaneous fluids every day at home vs. the vet because she just got so irritated there. We thought it better I try, but I stepped back and really looked at her quality of life and the kidney values and her heart and the teeth we can’t pull because her heart would be compromised under anesthesia.

She was really settling in and there was a softness about her lately. She still liked to bite when I went to pet or try to pick her up! Right after I gave her a little pet and walked away, she wagged her tail and followed me. And she ran to me every day when I came home and literally jumped into my hand when I reached for her and we had cuddle time! We also got to snuggle at night after she told me to be gentle when I pick her up. I really loved her so much. She liked to lay in her bed and give me loving blinks before I left for work and escorted me to the door to say goodbye.

I miss her terribly! Crying now."



Acquired from: Riverside Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 13
Date of Rescue: June 9th, 2020
Date of Passing: October 7th, 2021
Family: Maja Bjarnason and Cory King La Rochelle
Fans: Caryn Requejo
Tribute: On October 7th, Maja and Cory fulfilled their promise to Frosted Face Wookie.

They shared,

"This is going to be really, really hard.

Wookie, Wook Wook, Wooks…

How do I even begin to describe how much you meant to our family? I hope you know how much we loved and now miss your Wookie-isms, your unique Wookie sounds, your incessant pacing and the click clack of your nails that were always SO stressful to cut because they were jet black…I especially miss watching Cory cradle you in his arms like a baby, kissing your nose over and over again, and rubbing your belly—-all just to annoy you to the point where you’d yell at him with your Wookie roar that sounded like a combination of a cat “ROWR” and a baby “WAHHHHH” You were the weirdest little creature, and that made you all the more special and lovable to us

I am so sorry that you couldn’t have more time with us, but I am thankful you made it past your first Gotcha Day and were with us for 1 year and 4 days!!! We are so grateful that you fought hard enough to spend more time with us, but even more so, we are thankful for you telling us with those cloudy Wookie eyes that you were ready to join Mozart, Schnitzel, and Hanson in doggy heaven. I know we told you this already when you were in both of our arms and getting ready to cross the rainbow bridge, but we have to say it again: you are forever our baby girl, our little furry monster, our monkey girl, our Wook Wook. We miss you so incredibly much, you don’t even know…I would give anything to hold you in my arms again…to lay you on my chest so you could feel my heartbeat…to see your little yellow snaggletooth sticking out of your dirty little mouth. There will never be another Wookie in the world and we are SO blessed to have had the honor and privilege of being your Mom and Dad. We may have made fun of how picky you were with your food, but in reality, we loved spoiling you with whatever your little heart desired

We did a Wisdom Panel DNA test for you on your last day with us, so that we could honor you and your ancestry even after your body left us. I can’t believe some of the breeds, and I definitely can’t believe you don’t have any monkey in you!!! But regardless of what you were a mix of, it was the perfect mix and it made you our Wooks.

My sweet baby girl, I take comfort knowing you are no longer having to fight and are free of the sick body that limited your strong spirit. Please give kisses to your brothers for us and I promise we will meet again my little girl.

We love you Wookie "



Acquired from: Riverside Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 12
Date of Rescue: June 9th, 2020
Date of Passing: November 13th, 2020
Family: Richard Hoffman
Fans: Patricia Brusie, Roxanne Fancher
Tribute: On November 13th, Rick fulfilled his promise to Frosted Face Weber.

Upon rescue we found a giant splenic mass, and as bad luck would have it, the mass ruptured in the first two weeks waiting on his surgery date when the vets were overwhelmed with business during COVID. Thank goodness Rick noticed the signs and got Weber in immediately where Dr. Savides rushed him into surgery and saved him! We were able to do a splenectomy and buy him more months.

Rick shares,

"When I met Weber it was love at first sight. You know me and the pointy eared dogs. They need to have a hooman.

I was worried that I wouldn't be able to give him many adventures. Weber didn't care. We made a couple of trips to Fiesta Island and he liked it OK but his poor old body was obviously not feeling well the days after. Short walks around Collier Park or just chilling in the yard were fine with him. As long as his hooman was around.

From day one Weber was a joy. He was friendly with my non FF Dingo and was tolerant of Dingo's blindly running in to him and stepping on him. Dingo's a grumpy old man and Weber respected his space. Always a gentleman, Weber knew that Dingo favored one of the available beds in my den and always took the other.

Weber liked to patrol the perimeter of my yard and occasionally met up with the two friendly bully dogs at the far end from next door. Never a bark, never an ounce of fence drama.

He didn't have a hostile bone in his body. He WAS, however, careful to leave his... ummm... "scent" in that area whenever he could!

Weber wasn't shy about demanding attention. When he felt I'd been at the computer long enough he would come and do the elbow nudge with his snoot! He may have been channeling Dagny. She used to do the same thing!

I knew going in that I probably wouldn't have a long time with Weber. We always have that small hope though, that maybe this time the vets were wrong, but I think Weber was letting me know it was almost time. I loved every minute I had with that big galoot. Thank you, FFF, for allowing me the privilege of being his hooman for awhile.

Rest in peace, Weber. You were the GOODEST boi. And a fine gentleman. I am honored to have known you."



Acquired from: Rancho Cucamonga
Age upon Rescue: 10
Date of Rescue: June 10th, 2020
Date of Passing: July 21st, 2020
Family: Frosted Faces Foundation
Fans: Bugle Laws
Tribute: Thank you all for sharing Tito's "Lost" poster yesterday. FFF volunteers hung several flyers in the neighborhood and on major intersections.

Unfortunately, Tito's remains were discovered yesterday evening. His tail was intact which helped us identify him, and his organs laid nearby with his penis and ear still untouched. I picked his organs up from the site this morning and brought them back to FFF to be buried. After talking to Babs Fry and Mike Noon, it sounds like this is a typical killing for an owl who can finely eat away at the body and tends not to eat the organs.

Tito sleeps in the living room downstairs and the family leaves their sliding glass door open during the night. Tito's family called me yesterday morning to say he was missing, so he had been attacked between 10pm-5am.

Our contract states:
-Frosted Faces are NEVER to be left outside unsupervised.
-Frosted Faces are never to be unleashed in unfenced areas.
-Frosted Faces must always have their ID tags on.

We accept full responsibility for the screening and placement of our Frosted Faces which includes an application, a home inspection with photos to be reviewed by the entire adoption team, and an on-site interview with one of four people who feel like these Frosted Faces are our own. We give families the tools to keep our Frosted Faces safe. All we can do is ask adopters to agree to the terms of the contract that we review in detail and sign the binding agreement. We move forward in good faith.

Any violation of our contract can result in having the dog immediately relinquished back to Frosted Faces Foundation. When these promises are broken, no execution of the contract can bring a dead dog back to life.

There is no doubt in my mind that Tito was loved. He went on a family vacation to Palm Springs, slept on giant plush Costco beds, went on walks with the family cattle dog being toted in a sling, and had just gotten groomed the day of his death. I know his family is hurting today and that makes me sad because this didn't have to happen and they quite possibly could have given him many more years. We know that they did not want this to happen, of course.

We are profoundly sad for Tito and the horrific death he suffered. It is not fair.



Acquired from: Carlsbad Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 8
Date of Rescue: June 10th, 2020
Date of Passing: September 27th, 2020
Family: Jessica Wong
Fans: Anne R., Janet Franklin
Tribute: On September 27th, we fulfilled our promise to Sozo.

When we rescued Sozo she had a horrendously large, ulcerated mass on her tummy. We took a big risk and removed it hoping to buy more time. We can never promise adopters how long a dog will live, regardless of their current health status or age, but that didn't matter to Jess. She loved her and would give her a family for whatever amount of time Sozo had left.

Unfortunately, that mass grew back with vengeance, swelling down her leg and causing pain and inappetence. Jess held Sozo close until we could no longer keep her comfortable. That mass robbed Sozo and Jess of their time together, but we are so proud of Jess for having the courage to love Sozo and also to let Sozo go.

"Sozo (Vangie) was a dream. Extremely calm, patient, loving and kind. She loved her belly rubs, walks and homemade dog food. She was the type of dog to follow me everywhere I went. Even when she was in pain, she would stumble to get up and follow me to the bathroom. My favorite memories are reading outside in the park with her in the shade overlooking the Pacific Ocean. I miss you everyday Sozo, I wish we could've had more time together."



Acquired from: OC Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 11
Date of Rescue: June 10th, 2020
Date of Passing: 
Family: Lori & Glenn Godwin
Fans: Honoring Molly, Judy & Terry Sharp-Bennett, Celina & Jimmy Jennings

Lil Bit


Acquired from: Escondido Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 21
Date of Rescue: June 11th, 2020
Date of Passing: March 12th, 2021
Family: Penny Robinson & Robert Pernice
Fans: Mary P Havens, F. Reardon, The Campdie Household
Tribute: On March 12th, Penny and Robert fulfilled this promise to Frosted Face Lil Bit.

Penny shared in reflection,

"This has been such a rough couple of months. Our almost 22 year old "Little Bit" had a terrible seizure last night. We had to help her cross over to find our 2 knuckleheads who preceded her.

We adopted her from Frosted Faces Foundation last June as their oldest ever rescue. I knew she was ours when they put her skin and bony body in my arms. She could barely stand and was one wonky hot mess. Her owner had passed away and she wasn't found for some time.

We fed her a lot, put almost 5 pounds on her little body, and treated her many health issues. We gave her as much love as possible. She became our little 'Munch' due to her love of food and munchkin status.

Fly high little munch and I'm sure you are in your Mamma's arms once again.

Again, I am broken"



Acquired from: Fresno Humane Society
Age upon Rescue: 8
Date of Rescue: June 11th, 2020
Date of Passing: April 4th, 2022
Family: Denise Camacho & Miguel Mendoza
Fans: Michael Brourman, Michelle Hart

Tribute: On April 4th, Denise and Miguel fulfilled their promise to Frosted Face Buddy after battling kidney disease.

His family shared,

"Thank you for the opportunity and support. We've enjoyed our time with him, but I am at ease knowing he can finally rest. The past few days seemed rough on him. But up until then, he was our happy boy eager to be around us. He loved going to baseball practices, laying in the grass.

We adopted Buddy, Fka Uncle, the summer of 2020. We found out he liked apples. He loved a routine, he did old man cries to be in bed by 8:30, then demanded to be let out at 6am. I never had to worry about not putting my alarm on. He was a silly boy and really quite sweet.

He was 2 months into wearing his diapers. He did not fight us on it or try to take them off. Prior to this decision, he would sort of walk around and leak everywhere like he wasn't aware he was peeing. He slept in the living room because he liked to wander. I could hear him throughout the night checking the perimeters. He had a big bed in the corner that got sun throughout the day.

He asked the kids for pets and enjoyed being where the family was. He will be missed."



Acquired from: Final Wish Program
Age upon Rescue: 10
Date of Rescue: June 14th, 2020
Date of Passing: March 19th, 2021
Family: William Woods
Fans: Sharon Martin
Tribute: On March 19th, William fulfilled his promise to Frosted Face Molly.

We received Molly, along with her sister Dolly, when their mom passed away. Molly was diagnosed with end stage kidney failure, and William treated her with subcutaneous fluids for a long time to buy her more good days, and we even got her through a bout of pancreatitis. Her little body could not go on.

William shared, "Molly was truly a joy and will be sadly missed.”



Acquired from: Final Wish Program
Age upon Rescue: 9
Date of Rescue: June 14th, 2020
Date of Passing: 
Family: William Woods
Fans: Stephanie Font



Acquired from: San Diego Humane Society
Age upon Rescue: 12
Date of Rescue: June 15th, 2020
Date of Passing: November 6th, 2020
Family: Kristin Maleniak
Fans: Stitch, Jessika
Tribute: On November 6th, Kristin fulfilled her promise to Barbara.

She could have written a book about how to love a special needs dog! Barbara was loved as a dog who came to us with canine cognitive dysfunction and as the days went on she would turn fast circles that were untreatable and quality was lost. Leading up to that point and even through some of the tough stuff, Barbara's mom and her daughter catered to Barbara.

Barbara wore a halo so she would not bump into things, was diapered for dignity (and probably a little sanity), they gave her eye drops, kept her fur well groomed, and spent quality time with her as you can see.

Kristin humbly reflects on the loss of Barbara, "We are doing well. Kaley is taking it well- I’ve been prepping her for a couple weeks that Barbara may not be around very long. She was a tough little lady but you could tell she was miserable. It was a little relief to feel tension go out of her body and she could rest and be free.

She’s at peace now. Glad we could let her last few months be in a warm and safe place and not alone."

Bitey Sue


Acquired from: San Diego Humane Society
Age upon Rescue: 10
Date of Rescue: June 15th, 2020
Date of Passing: January 5th. 2021
Family: Linda Hampshire & Belinda Hein
Fans: Terry Hensley
Tribute: On January 5th, Linda and Belinda fulfilled their promise to Frosted Face Bitey Sue.

We took Bitey Sue to the vet this week because she was having trouble eating and seemed uncomfortable. After sedating her, we realized she could not open her mouth anymore and had terrible TMJ. A steroid trial did not help and poor Bitey Sue vocalized in frustration and/or discomfort. With her already dulling mentation, the kind treatment was to free her from her ailing body.

Her family shares,

"There are no guarantee when one gets a foster. One could-have one week, one month, one year. Not even a crystal ball can tell. They don’t come with warranties on their personality. We had Bitey Sue since June, such little time. She was blind, deaf, and had dementia. I don’t think she knew us but we knew her and fell in love instantly.

We said our goodbyes today. Thank you College Animal Hospital for your kindness and a big thank you to our niece, Garrison Bailey. Garrison was the one who could bring comfort to BS, there was a definite bond. For those who know where CAH is, there is a church across the street. When the doctor was finished, the bells at the church started to toll. We sent BS off with bells ringing. Thank you FFF for letting us be her parents."



Acquired from: San Diego Humane Society
Age upon Rescue: 10
Date of Rescue: June 15th, 2020
Date of Passing: March 18th, 2024
Family: Rebecca Garcia & Kevin Chivatakarn
Fans: Tara Duffy, Olivia Aiza

Tribute: On March 18th, Rebecca and Kevin fulfilled their promise to Frosted Face Shadow.

They shared,

"Shadow, Chadow, Chads, Shadow Daddy, King Dog… Thank you for being a part of our lives. We miss you dearly, until we meet again."



Acquired from: Carlsbad Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 14
Date of Rescue: June 15th, 2020
Date of Passing: January 1st, 2021
Family: Mary and Brad Sparks
Fans: Millicent Townsend
Tribute: On January 1st, Brad and Mary fulfilled their promise to Chantilly.

Chantilly was battling congestive heart failure and also dementia. On January 1st we had to take her to Animal Emergency Clinic of San Diego due to complications and ultimately had to let her go.

Now Mary and Brad signed up as Frosted Flingers over the 4th of July for Chantilly and her sister, Lace. They then turned to fosters never dreaming they would need to be with the girls on their last days of life. To sprinkle some good with the sad, upon Chantilly's passing, they sealed the deal for Lace to stay with them at "home" forever!

They share, "We said goodbye to a little angel today. Chantilly, You are the absolute sweetest and most beautiful little girl I have known. We are missing you so much right now and our hearts are heavy. Don’t worry about Lace, we are taking good care of her and she is doing OK. We will miss you forever girl. Thank you for the love that you brought into our lives."



Acquired from: Carlsbad Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 14
Date of Rescue: June 15th, 2020
Date of Passing: October 4th, 2022
Family: Mary and Brad Sparks
Fans: Nathan & Katherine, Hope & Mark Smythe

Tribute: On October 4th, Mary and Brad fulfilled their promise to Frosted Face Lace.

They shared,

“I don’t know what Lace‘s life was like the first 14 years of her life, but I know the last 2 1/2 years were filled with love, friendship, and peace. She was a beautiful little soul and she’s taken a piece of my heart with her. I’m missing her so much today.

Thank you to FFF for bringing us together. I can’t imagine my life without her having been in it, even for just a short while. RIP nana.”



Acquired from: Carson Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 10
Date of Rescue: June 15th , 2020
Date of Passing: August 7th, 2020
Family: Frosted Faces Foundation
Fans: Lori Woodward
Tribute: On August 7th, we fulfilled our promise to Vaughn.

We rescued Vaughn from Carson Shelter last month after he was brought in as a stray. He was a BIG boy with a wobbly back end, but we were up for the challenge!

Vaughn was "bomb proof" and held the title as a Lobbyist (silly name for a dog who lives in the lobby) at Frosted Faces Foundation. He wore a Help 'Em Up Harness so we could well... help him him up! Once he was standing though, he was golden. He could run all over the yard and would shove his giant head up at your hip for pets. If you were sitting down near him, he would rest his head on your shoulder. Of all the dogs I have met, I don't think I have ever had a dog do that to me before, and so regularly. He was even strong enough for our Frosted Fakers Hikes!

Nancy and her husband Ray took Vaughn home for a two week Frosted Fling where he ate lots of bones and got spooned regularly. When we all compared notes, we realized that was a thing we all did with him. It must have been his magnificent size!

About two weeks ago we noticed that Vaughn was quiet and not eating as much, X-rays showed a blockage and it was decision time. Do we do a foreign body surgery on a dog who's knuckling on the back end? I insisted to Dr. Hoard, he really is quite mobile, he is just sick and seems really weak right now! We gotta go in!

We did the surgery and got out a whole lot of crap that never would've made it through his digestive system. Our boy was back! He was eating, hopping through the yard, and pushing himself between us for pets.

The reality is that dogs often develop pica as a secondary condition to something more serious. On Friday morning, two weeks after surgery, something was not right. We rushed Vaughn down to College Animal Hospital where they discovered fluid in his abdomen. Had the incision from surgery broken open? What was causing this? Vaughn looked very very sick, and I knew that. Dr. Ferenstein reminded me that it is okay to let dogs go who are suffering even if you can't figure out what is wrong. For some reason lately, I need to hear that. Vaughn was not a surgical candidate and his prognosis was poor, so there was nothing left to be done and we didn't want him to pass away without us.

Andy held Vaughn's head in his lap, while I spooned his body and cried into is big shoulders. We did a necropsy on him and discovered that he had ulcers all over his stomach organ and one had perforated causing the leak in Vaughn's abdomen. It looked like cancer. We have been doing more and more necropsies lately on confusing cases to help us make better decisions on future Frosted Faces. We are relieved to know that we made the right call for him.

We love you, Vaughn.



Acquired from: San Diego Humane Society
Age upon Rescue: 10
Date of Rescue: June 15th, 2020
Date of Passing: May 11th, 2022
Family: Marva & Richard Ross
Fans: RZ

Tribute: On May 11th, Marva and Richard fulfilled their promise to Frosted Face Daisy Ross after battling heart disease and ultimately lung cancer.

They shared,

"Our little Daisy girl came to us reportedly and obviously very

neglected and abused. She was confused and scared and

frantic about what was going on the day we met her at

Frosted Faces. We had an unexplainable draw to her at first

sight. We adopted her right then and there.

It took 3 or 4 months before she realized our home was her

home forever. All she ever wanted was kindness and

security. Learning to relax and accept love was a work in progress but she craved it and eventually soaked up all she could get. Once she discovered she did not have to pester for food, that is was always coming, she settled into a routine.

Now she had security and kindness, abundant meals, and LOVE she never wanted to lose this life and was determined to never let us out of her sight. Bless her heart she spent her days

moving from one room to the next making sure we were here with her. I miss the little nose peeking under the shower curtain to make sure I am still there. And evening TV will never be

the same without her in our peripheral vision in her favorite chair watching us watch TV. Oh yes, we had her for such a short time but she incorporated herself into our entire lives.

We feel a profound loss at her passing. Yet, I am grateful for the joy she shared with us for her short time with us. And we are grateful for Frosted Faces rescue of her so we could give her

love, security, and peace for her last days.

Rest in peace my sweet little Daisy. You will always be in our hearts."



Acquired from: Animal Friends of the Valleys
Age upon Rescue: 10
Date of Rescue: June 16th, 2020
Date of Passing: December 6th, 2024
Family: Abby Kostukovsky & Jerome Freeberg
Fans: Team Welch

Tribute: On December 6th, Abby and Jerome fulfilled their promise to Frosted Face Bella.

They shared,

"For years, I talked about the kind of dog I wanted to adopt when I was ready to: an older pittie that I could cuddle, take naps with, and spoil to the best of my ability. After college I got my first full-time job and immediately decided it was time so we went to the first in-person open house that Frosted Faces held after the first COVID lockdown intending to meet some dogs. As soon as we entered the yards I saw her sitting in the farthest one and knew that was the hippo for me. We applied to adopt her immediately and picked her up the very next day.

From her very first day with us until her last she was my constant shadow. Even when her legs could barely carry her, she would faithfully follow me from room to room ensuring I was in her line of sight. I stopped moving around too much so she wouldn’t have to get up a spare time, but she never failed to surprise me with her speed if I was gone for a split second too long. We ended up with 6 dog beds in a 2 bedroom apartment to make sure she always had somewhere soft to lay down that she could see me from.

Since I get to work from home, Bella and I were together almost every day for the last 4.5 years. She kept me company while I worked, and reminded me to take breaks when I needed to. She knew her routine: potty breaks every couple of hours, pauses for ear scratches and snooter kisses, and meals three times a day, pushed around the neighborhood in her stroller, then cuddles on the couch. We could never forget her meals because she would always remind us, usually with a heavy paw and an hour early.

Bella might not seem like it, but she was an adventure dog. We took her on road trips, camping, to Big Bear, Idyllwild, Joshua Tree and more. She never slept more peacefully than in the fresh air, under warm blankets and in front of a fire. Even 9 hour car rides to San Francisco didn’t phase her. Every time I looked into the rear view mirror I could count on seeing her sleeping from in the backseat. She was so easy, she loved every person she met, and managed to get them to love her too. She wasn’t shy about demanding treats or attention from complete strangers that we met during our daily stroller walks. People regularly stopped us to comment on her “throne”, that they wanted to be pushed around like that, and how content and alert she looked riding around the neighborhood and taking all the scents in. We got to witness how easily she brought smiles to people’s faces just by being herself, and loved the opportunity to tell others about Frosted Faces and the beauty of adopting older dogs.

It’s been a month since she passed, and we miss her more than words. She left a massive hole in our hearts, but more than anything we are grateful for the time we got with her. Every early morning wakeup, every mess we had to clean up, and every medical issue we had to work through were infinitely worth it to get to experience her love and devotion. She taught us to live in the moment and appreciate the little things, that time together is the most valuable commodity. While our home is a little colder and quieter without her, we are grateful to the entire Frosted Faces team for helping us provide the best medical care possible for her over the years so she could live a comfortable life, and for helping us give her a dignified end surrounded by love. She was our baby girl, but we only got to love her thanks to them."



Acquired from: Animal Friends of the Valleys
Age upon Rescue: 11
Date of Rescue: June 16th, 2020
Date of Passing:  July 8th, 2023
Family: Kily Jones
Fans: Guy Zigfrid

Tribute: On July 8th, Kily fulfilled her promise to Frosted Face Trixie after battling heart disease.

She shared,

"Trixie was the best companion, she was so sweet and loving. She always let me know when it was time for bed by stomping her front feet and barking at me as if to say, 'cmon mom it’s bedtime!'

We had so many adventures and she loved her elevated car seat so she could look out the window. Trixie came into my life at the perfect time, we were best friends and took care of each other through Covid quarantining and working from home. Trixie was my best friend and I feel so lucky to have spent the last few years with my Trix.

I’m heartbroken by her passing but understand she’s no longer suffering and is in heaven looking down at me. I will never forget you Trixie, I love you so much."



Acquired from: Ramona Humane Society
Age upon Rescue: 11
Date of Rescue: June 16th, 2020
Date of Passing: 
Family: Jane & Ron McClain
Fans: Luis Orozco



Acquired from: Ramona Humane Society
Age upon Rescue: 14
Date of Rescue: June 16th, 2020
Date of Passing: January 15th, 2021
Family: Laura McVicker
Fans: J Hart Enterprises
Tribute: On January 15th, Laura fulfilled her promise to Frosted Face Mandy.

Laura shares Mandy's story,

"My FF Mandy crossed the rainbow bridge today. She had a very aggressive cancerous tumor on her throat and was declining and clearly in discomfort. It all happened so fast.

She was given a steroid trial last week to help with the cancer. After initially perking up, she made it clear over the past several days that she was done. It became doubly clear when her vet at College, Dr. Hoard, told me the tumor had doubled in size in just a week. I realized the kindest thing I could do for her was to free her from this ongoing pain and discomfort.

When you adopt a Frosted Face, you never know how long you’ll have. I had five months. While I wish I had longer, I think that Mandy and I found each other at just the right time. She was 14 and had lived in the same home her whole life until her owner had passed. She wasn’t necessarily cut out for shelter life or being shuffled around and needed a permanent home.

For me, she was a gentle, soothing presence during a very chaotic time in this world. She was my emotional support animal for this period and gave me more than I could ever give back.

I am comforted knowing that she lived a rich, long life and was so loved - first by her original owner who I think had her since she was a puppy, then by her foster mama before me - Ashley - and in the end, me. She passed away peacefully, so loved by many humans.

Thank you all for this amazing support network and to FFF for rescuing Mandy in the first place. Xoxo."



Acquired from: Ramona Humane Society
Age upon Rescue: 10
Date of Rescue: June 16th, 2020
Date of Passing: July 22nd, 2024
Family: Daniela & Luigi Gargano
Fans: Laurie Gentry

Tribute: On July 22nd, Daniela fulfilled her promise to Frosted Face Jasmine after battling congestive heart failure.

She shared,

"Rest in peace, my sweet little girl. As soon as we met, you decided that I was your person, and from that day forward, the only place you wanted to be was by my side. In our four fleeting years together, you filled my heart with love and my life with joy."



Acquired from: Dogs Fur Days
Age upon Rescue: 10
Date of Rescue: June 24th, 2020
Date of Passing: 
Family: David & Sheri Lee
Fans: Deborah Dean



Acquired from: Camp Pendleton Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 8
Date of Rescue: July 1st, 2020
Date of Passing: March 29th, 2024
Family: Erica Lee & Andre Pratama
Fans: Beverley Patterson, Jocelyn C

Tribute: Tribute: Erica and Andre fulfilled their promise to Frosted Face Banksy.

They shared,

"Two months ago, we had to say goodbye to our beloved pup Banksy. Unfortunately, cancer relapsed and he went downhill very fast. When we first met Banksy in 2020, he had a mass on his ear that was ulcerated and it would not stop bleeding when scabs fall off. FFF was able to get him seen quickly and scheduled his mass removal surgery.

His surgery was successful but the biopsy result came back as dermal hemangiosarcoma. We were advised to monitor his skin for signs of blood blister like masses reoccurring since masses will most likely return. This was such sad news since we had just adopted him but returning him was not an option. He was already part of our family and we knew he still had so much life left in him. We were scared but thankful that cancer was the skin form. We really hoped it would never return internally.

Fast forward to one week before Banksy crossed over, our boy began limping and we noticed a hard lump on the left side of his neck. When we tried to take a look at his leg, he screamed in pain. We got him seen on the same day and were sent home with inflammation and pain meds. Since Banksy’s routine check up with his oncologist came back clean one month prior, our family vet wanted to try meds for inflammation first before doing any further testing. We scheduled him for a recheck and brought him back home.

Banksy’s limping quickly went away but the lump remained. He seemed lethargic at times but he still ate well and even played with toys. He seemed to be getting better until two days before his recheck. We noticed his breathing was abnormal and rushed him to the emergency vet. Once we got there, his breathing became stable but the vet was very concerned about the lump on his neck. She informed us if it was inflammation, the lump would be gone by now with strong meds he was on. She recommended we go see our oncologist and get him a CT scan.

We scheduled his oncologist appointment for the same week but everything went downhill very fast the following day. A few hours after his dinner, his breathing became labored. We rushed him to another emergency vet and hospitalized him overnight. His blood work showed he was anemic and ultrasound detected multiple masses on his lungs. At this point, we were certain hemangiosarcoma returned internally and he was having a bleed. Even after a blood transfusion, his condition worsened. The vet said she doesn’t think he can survive anesthesia for a scan and recommended we visit him as soon as possible.

When we got there and saw him, we knew he was done fighting. We took him out of his kennel and held him close. We knew he felt at ease. We gave him our last kisses and told him we will miss him so much. With many tears and much sadness, we said goodbye to our beloved Banksy.

Despite his diagnosis, he was like any other healthy dog. He lived a happy and full life with us for 4 years. He was a little dog with a giant personality. He thought he was bigger than he really was. This fearless little guy was always down for anything outdoors. Every time we picked up his leash, he would start jumping as high as he could until we put it on him. He was the best outdoor adventure sidekick anyone could ask for. He was a high energy pup outside but was a huge snuggler at home. He often curled up next to us for naps and loved crawling under blankets. His obsession with blankets made us laugh all the time. He can bury himself under blankets for so long that we often wondered how he could still breathe inside.

Training the little guy was a bit of a challenge even though he was very food motivated. He was intelligent and knew what we wanted him to do. But he made his own decision whether he felt like doing it or not. It was a challenge, but now we miss every minute of it. We shared so many good times and we will always miss him greeting us at the door with his tiny tail wagging. He is no longer by our side but he will forever be in our hearts. We thank FFF for letting us be his family and we wish everyone in this group the best days with your FFF babies. ❤"



Acquired from: Bonita Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 9
Date of Rescue: July 1st, 2020
Date of Passing: 
Family: Jennie Knox
Fans: RZ



Acquired from: Bonita Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 16
Date of Rescue: July 1st, 2020
Date of Passing: 
Family: Karen Parker
Fans: Stephanie Tillman

Goji Berry


Acquired from: Redlands Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 12
Date of Rescue: July 1st, 2020
Date of Passing: 
Family: Aiyana Lewis & Peter Steiner
Fans: Caryn Requejo



Acquired from: Redlands Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 12
Date of Rescue: July 1st, 2020
Date of Passing: 
Family: Mirta Griffman & John Dent
Fans: Caryn Requejo



Acquired from: San Diego Humane Society
Age upon Rescue: 8
Date of Rescue: June 2nd, 2020
Date of Passing:
Family: Paul Holbach
Fans: Lisa Switzer



Acquired from: San Diego Humane Society- Oceanside
Age upon Rescue: 10
Date of Rescue: June 2nd, 2020
Date of Passing: July 16th, 2021
Family: Michele Delao
Fans: Lisa Switzer

Tribute: On July 16th, Michele fulfilled her promise to Frosted Face Pear.

This was one of those terrible scenarios where there is just so much to "fix," and you know how we love fixing up all of our seniors, but it wasn't within reason. Poor Pear had been hospitalized with pancreatitis and very poor renal values just two weeks prior. She rallied big time and was eating again, but a mast cell tumor about the size of a quarter on her tiny leg started to swell and ultimately ruptured. Where instinct said to just quick take it off, reason battled back to remind us that Pear's kidney values were terrible and this just seemed like all too much for her body to endure. This was a really heart wrenching decision that we hope few families have to make. Michele handled this burden with so much love and class- all for Pear.

Michele shared, "It’s with a heavy heart I’m finally able to write this. On July 16th FF Pear had to cross over the rainbow 🌈 bridge. Mast cell tumors suck! When I woke up that Friday morning I had no intention of having to let her go. I was calling the vet trying to get her an additional pain med and some antibiotics, she was already on other meds to manage her symptoms from the tumor. As the day went on it became more clear that it was time.

Early in the day FFF had emailed me and said, 'Maybe it’s time to think about letting her go,' my response was 'Oh no... we are not there yet.' I think I was in denial. When I finally got my wits about me I made that decision with the help of my vet.

I only got to love Pear for 7 months but it felt like 7 years. She went everywhere with me. She was my constant companion. She slept next to me in her bed every night. Her Basset sister Patsy loved her very much and my kitty Beau loved to cuddle with her. I just lost another non FF pup about 1 month earlier so I couldn’t believe it was happening again.

Thank you Frosted Faces for giving me the opportunity to love this sweet sweet girl with all my heart. 🌈💕🐾"



Acquired from: San Diego Humane Society
Age upon Rescue:9
Date of Rescue: June 2nd, 2020
Date of Passing:
Family: Anne-Marie & Chris Coman

Fans: Erica and Riya



Acquired from: Long Beach Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 10
Date of Rescue: June 2nd, 2020
Date of Passing: January 12th, 2021
Family: Hilary & Clay Zachry
Fans: Lisa Switzer
Tribute: On January 12th, Clay and Hillary fulfilled their promise to Frosted Face Wally.

They shared,

"My sweet Wally crossed the rainbow bridge last night. It came pretty suddenly, he had a seizure and it became clear he wasn't going to recover. It was his time. I got to hold him and love him as he went peacefully. While I only had Wally for five months, it felt like he had been part of our family for years. He was the most gentle, sweet soul who was absolutely adored up until his story ended. He will be forever with me. He got all the love he always deserved. Thank you to the FF team for saving this very special boy. "



Acquired from: Long Beach Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 9
Date of Rescue: June 2nd, 2020
Date of Passing: March 15th, 2021
Family: Frosted Faces Foundation
Fans: Lisa Switzer
Tribute: On March 15th, we fulfilled our promise to Frosted Face Kizzy.

Kizzy entered the shelter as a stray and staff asked us to exit her. She was sweet and took tiny stiff steps which were adorable! A couple of her liver values were mildly elevated, but nothing too concerning. We did dental surgery on her and started Denamarin.

She was adopted and enjoyed, but then this fall Kizzy was surrendered back to us for escalating aggression. We saw it too and managed her carefully and lovingly. It turned out that Kizzy's aggression seemed to be caused by hepatic encephalopathy as a result of liver failure. We tried treating her to lessen the toxin build up, but it did not help. Kizzy's appetite dwindled and confusion became a constant state.

Volunteers did their best to spend time with Kizzy during her time at FFF from stroller rides, to gently approaching her for pets. Kizzy was smart and remembered where he kennel was and would walk right to it at dinner time, something that impressed us everyday.

In the end, it was so nice to be able to hold Kizzy and kiss her on her long beautiful nose. We just wanted to be everything she needed us to be, and in the end, all she needed was someone to set her free from her failing body.



Acquired from: San Diego Humane Society
Age upon Rescue: 9
Date of Rescue: June 2nd, 2020
Date of Passing:
Family: Francesca & Ellisyn Webb
Fans: Lani Marie



Acquired from: Downey Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 11
Date of Rescue: June 2nd, 2020
Date of Passing: June 2nd, 2020
Family: Frosted Faces Foundation
Fans: RZ
Tribute: On July 2nd, we fulfilled our promise to Levy.

Downey Shelter sent out a plea to adoption partners for the swift rescue of little 11 year old Levy who had been surrendered by her family. She had multiple mammary masses, was quite thin, and each day medical records indicated wheezing upon exam.

Rachel Segal escorted Levy on her freedom ride down to sunny San Diego with the help of Deborah Tittle exiting her from the shelter. When Levy arrived in San Diego she did not look well and had a very high temperature. We took her straight to High Valley Veterinary Hospital where they started working her up and giving her supportive care, but within hours she started hemorrhaging blood from her nose and she could not maintain her temperature. Dr. Gilbert asked for permission to euthanize her immediately because it was clear she was suffering and enduring the dying process.

This rescue did not go as planned. Like many rescuers, we agree that dogs should not die in the shelter system without diagnostics. At the same time, when they are suffering so greatly, euthanasia is kinder than trekking them all over just to pass in the arms of a different stranger. I am still trying to make peace with this rescue. No one even took her photo because she was critical and went to the vet quickly. I guess, this is okay with me that we were working hard to do right by her instead of flaunting a sick dog on social media. I still wish I had a better more beautiful photo to memorialize Levy other than this grainy shelter photo where she has a rope around her neck.

I am angry, I am sad. A dog we never knew, a dog we could never help. A "freedom ride" that should have led to her safety, health, and new family was not that at all. Dr. Gilbert is a genuinely compassionate veterinarian, and I am certain he and his staff held Levy and offered her merciful euthanasia with all of their love in our absence. There was no time to be there in time to hold her while they let her go, and sometimes, you just have to let them go. I wish Levy's family knew that.

I am sorry, Levy. You deserved better.



Acquired from: San Diego Humane Society
Age upon Rescue: 10
Date of Rescue: June 2nd, 2020
Date of Passing: October 12, 2022
Family: Morgan & David McLaughlin-Kessel
Fans: RZ

Tribute: On October 12th, Morgan and David fulfilled their promise to Frosted Face Sasha.

Morgan shared,

"We always said that Sasha had a perpetual hole in her bucket because she could never get enough love and pets. I think this is because she knew it was good for us, not just for her.

When we got her home for the first time I knew she'd had a rough life before us; she treated the grass and her soft dog bed as if she'd never touched those things before, it took her a week before we could convince her to get on the couch, and her body and behavior told us she'd had too many puppies taken from her.

When we brought home a kitten Sasha "mommed" her so gently, like a puppy, that we nicknamed the cat "kitty puppy." She always would check the rooms in the house to check in on all the family. She was the best momma dog. She was also such a goof and always made us laugh with her big face, and joy of rolling awkwardly in her bed and the grass.

We will always miss her, and always wish she'd been rescued sooner, but we will always be grateful that we could give her the best life before she passed.

Thank you Frosted Faces staff and volunteers for all you do!"



Acquired from: Long Beach Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 14
Date of Rescue: June 2nd, 2020
Date of Passing: January 3rd, 2022
Family: Ron & Kerry Ferreirae
Fans: Alexa Nealey & Family, Tracy Landauer, Shianne - In Honor of Oski Pie, Darsi Bakker; Lani Marie
Tribute: On January 3rd, Ron and Kerry fulfilled their promise to Frosted Face Chester.

"Chester was the easiest boy to love. Every morning was greeted with a silly hippity hop dance, giant goofy grin, and a literal howl of excitement. He came to us a skinny hospice pooch with thyroid cancer and a prediction of less than a month to live. He decided immediately that I was his person and we had a LOT of adventuring to do.

He immediately forgot he had cancer, put on about 10lbs of muscle, and proceeded to live the spoiled rotten life he'd always deserved. We spent time at the beach, camping in the mountains and desert, travelling long distances in our van, babysitting grandkids, eating all the treats, taking all medicine like a champ, and maintaining a voracious appetite right up to the end. He followed me everywhere and was endlessly grateful for my love. Being allowed on the couch swelled him with pride and hanging out there was as much our thing as adventures were.

Near the end he slowed way down, got skinny again, and his body just seemed to be shutting down. We found him passed on in his bed. Thanks to FFF for letting us love this pure-of-heart treasure."



Acquired from: Downey Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 10
Date of Rescue: June 2nd, 2020
Date of Passing:
Family: Celina & James Jennings
Fans: Lisa Scott



Acquired from: San Diego Humane Society
Age upon Rescue: 9
Date of Rescue: June 2nd, 2020
Date of Passing:
Family: Joe & Claudia Whelpley
Fans: Jennifer Carroll



Acquired from: San Diego Humane Society
Age upon Rescue: 10
Date of Rescue: June 2nd, 2020
Date of Passing:
Family: Patricia Scollay
Fans: Sarah Turner



Acquired from: San Diego Humane Society
Age upon Rescue: 8
Date of Rescue: June 2nd, 2020
Date of Passing:
Family: Saba Yohannes
Fans: RZ



Acquired from: San Diego Humane Society
Age upon Rescue: 8
Date of Rescue: June 2nd, 2020
Date of Passing:
Family: Joanie & RyanMcFadden
Fans: Sarah Turner



Acquired from: Coachella Valley Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 5
Date of Rescue: June 3rd, 2020
Date of Passing:
Family: Sam & Kendra Ramada
Fans: Bonnie Sposato, Christine Paradise



Acquired from: San Diego Humane Society-Oceanside
Age upon Rescue: 8
Date of Rescue: June 3rd, 2020
Date of Passing: August 5th, 2020
Family: Holly Buderus & Kawika Ohumukini
Fans: RZ
Tribute: On August 5th we fulfilled our promise to Prudence.

Prudence was brought to the shelter as a stray and diagnosed with renal failure and had neurological weakness in her back end. We committed to starting her on a subcutaneous fluid regimen and using a wagon on her tougher days.

By the grace of God, Holly offered to take Prudie on a two week Frosted Fling. She had so much fulfillment in taking care of her that she offered to foster her long term. A couple weeks ago Prudie had a likely incident of bloat that resolved on its own after rushing her to the vet and having diagnostics done. But on Wednesday she bloated, likely torsed, and passed away before she made it to the vet.

Like I told Holly, I am not sure it was reasonable that we would have done this surgery with Prude's declining health, and bloat can because caused by underlying disease. At the same time, we always wish for that control and peaceful passing of our pets and it was hard to lose Prudence in this way. It doesn't mean there was less love and her mom was still with her in the end.

Holly shares,
"I knew before we ever met that Prudie's time was limited, but I wanted to make her final moments special, so we went on walks whenever she could, and she loved rides in 'the Prude Wagon' when her body was tired but her mind wanted an adventure. We went to the store, to the beach, to a mountain trail just to smell all the smells.

She had a hard life before she became a Frosted Face, probably a life where her value came from what she could do for her humans, and not from who she was, her sweet smile, her silliness, her fierce independent spirit. I will be forever grateful to have filled her final weeks with love and cuddles and the security of not being owned but being loved.

I had the pleasure of knowing and loving Miss Prudie for just three short weeks, but even if I'd had months or years, it wouldn't have been enough. It can never be enough with there animals who make us want to be better humans.

Run free, baby girl. That broken body is no longer your concern. You'll live in my heart forever. 💓 "



Acquired from: San Gabriel Valley Humane
Age upon Rescue: 13
Date of Rescue: June 3rd, 2020
Date of Passing: October 9th, 2023
Family: Marisol & Lucas Christinson
Fans: Sujey PG, Cindy Tate, Jen@Wags & Ruffs, Jerrie

Tribute: On October 9th, Marisol and Lucas fulfilled their promise to Frosted Face Roxy.

She shared,

"We rescued our Roxy-Girl (formerly known as Sundance) on August 30, 2020 from Frosted Faces Foundation. We had seen her sweet picture a few days prior on an adoption site and we fell in love with her right then. She was missing her eyes which really tugged at our heartstrings. When we first brought her home, she was still pretty tired and didn’t move too much, we worried our time with her might be weeks or months but I'm so happy that she surprised us all. We renamed her Roxy because we just knew she had a little spunk in her and Roxy seemed fitting and she definitely lived up to it. It didn't take her long to feel that she was safe and loved and she really flourished!

Her favorite thing to do was to eat and it was always such a pleasure watching her enjoy her food, she lived for her breakfasts, snacks and dinner and it was also really nice watching her reach a good and healthy weight. As she gained strength and confidence her spunky attitude came out and it was always fun to see what she wanted to get up to next. She also really loved a little pink sweater we got her for the colder months and we're definitely keeping that little sweater along with her ashes and paw print to always remember her by.

We had to say goodbye to her on Monday 10/9/23. Our hearts broke for her but we made sure to be with her till her last little breath. Our vet, Dr. Kovack was so compassionate with her and with us through the whole process. It was such a hard thing to do, but we try to remember that it was her time and we didn't want her to be suffering or in any pain. Although she was physically small, she has left a very large paw print on our hearts. She gave us the gift of 3 full years and memories that will be with us for the rest of our lives. She taught us so much and I am grateful to have had her in my life. We love you Roxy-Girl and I hope you're in heaven with your eyes restored eating to your hearts content!

Thank you very much Frosted Faces for finding her, giving her a chance and then allowing us to be her forever family. We are so grateful to you for rescuing our Roxy."



Acquired from: San Diego Humane Society-Escondido
Age upon Rescue: 9
Date of Rescue: June 3rd, 2020
Date of Passing:
Family: Lisa Andrade & Jeremy Hernandez Cheney
Fans: Kay Brostrom, Julie Boyes, Heather Doncaster