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Enjoy scrolling through all of our Frosted Face senior animals who have benefit from our mission at Frosted Faces Foundation.  They are listed in order of date of rescue, including those that have passed. If you have been following a certain Frosted Face's story and would like to know how he/she is doing, please email us at

Please make note of animals still looking for families as their "Family" is listed as "Frosted Faces Foundation."  View their biographies and more photos at Available Frosted Faces, learn more about becoming a family and the different programs we offer. You can also help fund their care by registering as their monthly sponsoring Fan.  



Acquired from: Riverside Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 11
Date of Rescue: April 18th, 2019
Date of Passing: April 26th, 2019
Family: Andy & Kelly Smisek
Fans: Donna Frye
Tribute: 11 year old Hildy #A0615442 was surrendered to Riverside Shelter by her owners on March 20th. She languished there for nearly a month until last week on Wednesday she was added to the euthanasia list. We had just been there the same day rescuing three others set to be euthanized and it was almost close of business. Heck, we emailed and promised to send a transporter right back up there for her the following morning.

We vetted her immediately upon rescue because she had a big belly. We learned that she had end stage renal disease and a giant splenic mass, but no free fluid. She was eating great and seemed to like to participate in the happenings at FFF, so we gave her a good weekend, hospitalized her to flush out her kidneys for bit to buy her more good days, and spent the last week giving Hildy lots of treats and attention. Center of attention, to be exact.

On Wednesday night she had a one minute violent seizure that Jenna and I held her through. We thought for sure we were going to lose her, but she popped right up and wanted deli meat and more couch time. After a great day yesterday, this morning Hildy had a couple more seizures, was pacing, declined breakfast, and could not keep her balance. Andy stayed home late from work and rushed her into High Valley Veterinary Hospital with me where it was confirmed she had a significant amount of fluid in her abdomen. Her mass had ruptured. Hildy was so weak and still, we didn't even notice loss of life wash over her as we euthanized her to give her peace. Dr. Lipman was so gentle for us and our girl.

This girl... it was love at first sight how her little chiclet teeth looked just like our late Frosted Face Emerson's and how sweet she was to all of her fellow Frosteds. She melted in our laps and was grateful for the big beds and fancy meals. How she literally landed in our laps just a week before her natural passing is beyond words for me and perhaps we should just bask in that inexplicable perfection of timing.

We love you, Hildy. ❤



Acquired from: OC Animal Care
Age upon Rescue: 8
Date of Rescue: April 20th, 2019
Date of Passing:
Family: Rich & Kelly Dickerson
Fans: Matt Wilcox, Lisa Riley



Acquired from: OC Animal Care
Age upon Rescue: 12
Date of Rescue: April 20th, 2019
Date of Passing: May 22nd, 2020
Family: Maggie Kay
Fans: J Hart Enterprises
Tribute: On Friday, May 22nd, we fulfilled our promise to Stella.

Her mom shares,
"What can I say about my girl Stella Jean that most of you don’t know or understand being apart of Frosted Faces?
Nothing, because we are all share the same core values of loving and caring for our senior fur balls until their last breath.

Last Friday I made the decision to put Stella Jean to rest after her body rapidly declined. It pained me so because her mind was sharp as a tack, but the tumor inside her enlarged, she stopped eating, drinking and began falling. It was time for her to be with her friends in doggie heaven or maybe come back in a new shell.

Stella was full of moxie, love, and heart. She’s the first dog that I’ve heard actually bark “Arf.” I know she’s gone, but I swear I still hear her “Arf” and get a glimpse of her cute little butt as I turn the corner in my home. Her presence is definitely felt and I love it.

Stella's family, friends, neighbors, cousins and sisters miss her terribly. If I had a wish, as selfish as it may be to some, it would be dogs live as long as their parents or just as long as humans. But I understand why they don’t, which is why every moment I had with Stella Jean was cherished. I am very lucky to have been with her during the last year of her life and thankful she brought us so much joy, love and memories."



Acquired from: OC Animal Care
Age upon Rescue: 10
Date of Rescue: April 20th, 2019
Date of Passing: October 28th, 2020
Family: Gigi Ebert
Fans: Kate, Anonymous
Tribute: On October 28th we fulfilled our promise to Kanga.

Our program is unique where we specialize in the care of senior dogs. You know that! When culturally, so many could say, "My dog is old, I think it's time," we are the ones who treat symptoms, identify ailments and buy more quality time like one would for a human.

We received Kanga when her back legs were failing her but she still seemed bright and she sure knew how to roll in a wheelchair! While we appreciate that everyone has different philosophies about the end of life, we wanted to be sure that whoever Kanga ended up with shared our philosophy. Kanga's new family would need to have faith she could thrive and then make it happen by enriching her life and offering her the additional care to give her the dignity that a "normal" dog feels.

This was a win. A story for the book someday. Kanga lived every last good day with an incredible mom. It was an absolute pleasure to work with Gigi and see our mission in action.

Her mom shares,

"Roo (aka Kanga aka Miss Sassy Bossy Pants) crossed the Rainbow Bridge in my loving arms. She was greeted by her siblings who went before her - Sasha, Misha, Ruffian, Bear, Scout, CC and Chance who are holding her tight until we meet again. Granting her wish to be an only child Roo spent her last days going on solo trips to her favorite places - smelling the roses at Balboa Park’s Rose Garden, watching the fishies & turtles in the Lily Pond, gazing at the sailboats in the Harbor, sniffing the salty air as the ocean breeze caressed her face at the beach, and getting lots of pets & neck rubs from her adoring neighbors.

Rescued by the Frosted Faces Foundation in 2019, Roo was cared for by all the wonderful FFF volunteers. Many thanks for giving her a great life & for loving her while she waited for me. Roo enjoyed her time in San Diego going to many happy hours, dog parks, beaches, wineries, park strolls, and embarcadero walks. Her favorite place though was being outside on the upper deck watching the hawks circle above & the hummingbirds at the feeder. She loved traveling and got to spend time up in the Julian mountains & a road trip up the coast visiting the pier & missions in Santa Barbara; watching the waves lap the beach & seeing the elephant seals at San Simeon; watching the birds fly over the Big Sur coast & seeing the sea lions at Lover’s Point in Monterey.

Many thanks & much love to Kelly Smisek for allowing me to be her guardian this past year.

My sweet angel Roo - you are now free to run ... remember not to be too bossy... and don’t forget to watch over us every now and then. We miss you terribly already.

Always in our hearts, Mom, Coco & Ringo"



Acquired from: OC Animal Care
Age upon Rescue: 10
Date of Rescue: April 20th, 2019
Date of Passing: August 17th, 2022
Family: Sean & Taylor Callaghan
Fans: RZ

Tribute: On August 17th, Sean and Taylor fulfilled their promise to Frosted Face Gus.

They shared,

"I met Gus (Jagger at the time) at a 'Dog Days of Summer' event in 2019. Sean and I were out perusing, but didn’t have any serious plans on adopting. Then, we came across this Frosted Faces banner and I had to know more. I told Sean that for as long as I could remember, I had always wanted to adopt an old dog (weird goal for a kid, I know), but that I was scared their vet bills would be too high and I wouldn’t really know what I was doing. Frosted Faces was literally a dream come true.

Walking up to their booth, I see this grumpy plump little brown chihuahua with a crooked tail and I fell in love! I was obsessed. Sean said he didn’t really like chihuahuas (Ha!) and that we should keep looking. Well, I thought, I have more room in my studio for this little dog than I do for this 6’4” dude that I had just started dating - so I filled out an application that night.

Funny how life works. Gus would go on to be a focal point of both Sean’s and my life, with each of us considering Gus’s needs, well-being, and happiness before our own. Eventually Gus was even the 'Best Dog' at our wedding and shared the title 'Something Old' with late FF Eloise. We changed our lives and routines to make sure he fit perfectly within, and he did.

Gus was so incredibly resilient as he had a laundry list of ailments that he was collecting. From a scary collapsing trachea, to heart disease, a vestibular episode, general aches and pains from being old, kidney disease, and pancreatitis. I’m not sure who grew more gray hairs during his time with us, but I’m pretty sure it was me!

This little dude taught us how to roll with all of the punches (along with the support from FFF through countless emails). He also taught us compassion with real life experiences and he taught us how to be present each day.

Gus is my best friend and will forever be a part of my life. Frosted Faces Team, thank you for the absolute honor it was to care for him and to know him and to love him."



Acquired from: Coachella Valley Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 8
Date of Rescue: April 20th, 2019
Date of Passing: August 24th, 2022
Family: Alissa Armstrong & Michael Marquis
Fans: Dawn Manalo-Coelho, Christina Maupin, Deb Regosin

Tribute: On August 24th, Alissa and Michael fulfilled their promise to Frosted Face Cricket.

They shared,

"Cricket joined our family in January 2020 and quickly became a member of the family (Baby #1) as we found out we were expecting a few days after she joined our family. She was my practice baby and kept me company, walking through pregnancy and even went jogging with us next to the stroller up until May 2022, running 3.5 miles a day for a couple weeks.

Cricket was diagnosed with mammary tumors in summer 2021 and received a mastectomy removing 3 teats. We had the honor of her presence for another year before finding out the cancer had spread to her kidneys and lungs.

Cricket is the best dog we’ve ever had and we will probably never get over her. We miss her wiggle butt, her funny tooth, snuggling on the couch, the way she was persistent and stubborn about her walking routes and giving me bruises on my legs with her whip of a tail.

The whole neighborhood in a 1.5 mile radius knew Cricket and they all loved her so much. She loved greeting them with a wagging tail that nearly touched her shoulder blades on either side and snuggles and snorts. She is the ultimate reason I met so many neighbors after just moving here.

She was the best Nanna to our son, so patient and loving. It’s unfortunate we lost her at this time because our son is finally old enough to understand her love and reciprocate, giving her face kisses and nuzzles.

Knowing it was her last days and that she couldn’t walk her normal distances anymore, we hopped in the car to go see all her favorite neighbors and get pets and treats. We also set aside our monthly date night just to spend time with her and took her to a local winery with a nice view (she loved her view) where she was given love by the staff and all the dog appropriate charcuterie she could ask for.

Knowing the cancer was spreading, we assessed her quality of life and ultimately when her symptoms worsened and she had said goodbye to everyone in the neighborhood that loved her, we assisted her journey over the rainbow bridge at our home on the patio where she loved to enjoy the view since day one.

We love you so much Cricket and will not forget you."



Acquired from: Coachella Valley Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 15
Date of Rescue: April 20th, 2019
Date of Passing: November 27th, 2019
Family: Todd Gunther & Jane Sparks
Fans: RZ
Tribute: On November 27th we fulfilled our promise to Mason.

He began not feeling well and we found a large liver mass with an ultrasound. We tried to hospitalize him to buy him more quality time and treat his symptoms palliatively, but he never recovered.

"Today we fulfilled our promise to Little Mason (aka. The Wee One, WeeWee, The Weester). I wish we could have known you your full 15 years, but are thankful for the time we did have with you in our lives. As any of us here know, the time we get with our Frosted Faces is never enough.

You made us smile and laugh daily with your attitude and sass. How such a huge spirit could fit into such a tiny body is beyond me. It was almost as if you were getting younger with each day. From crazy zoomies after a bath, to going shoulder to shoulder with your bigger pack mates at meal time to that constantly wagging tail on our walks....And yes, even to the mid-night and 3 am carry outs to go potty, We will miss every second of that time with you. Until we meet again Little man, I hope you knew we loved you and will miss you terribly. Thank you for making this world a little brighter ❤

Thank you to Kelly, Emily, Bethany, and Kendra for helping to make these last few days easier for us. And thank you to all at Frosted Faces and to all of you out there who have adopted, or Fostered these wonderful pups. It is painful but I know we’d all do it again in a heart beat! We are truly Thankful for all of you!"



Acquired from: Coachella Valley Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 13
Date of Rescue: April 20th, 2019
Date of Passing: July 11th, 2019
Family: Frosted Faces Foundation
Fans: Matt Wilcox
Tribute: Yesterday we fulfilled our promise to Cappy.

Our relationship began and ended fighting the good fight. Recall the shelter transferred Cappy to us and his owners showed up a day late wanting to claim him and euthanize him. We said "no" within our rights because he had life left to enjoy.

Rushing to the ER last night knowing Cappy was in critical condition I had to ask, "Should we have just let them have him? Maybe they knew his time was up? Was four good months worth it knowing he could have been put to rest with people who loved him?"

Cappy's bloodwork and x-rays were normal upon intake and we removed a giant benign bloody mass from the side of his face and did a dental. Cappy was a happy guy, even humped his friends sometimes, and was a shadow to all the FFF volunteers. He had the privilege of living in the FFF lobby and he would undeniably get adopted because he was housetrained, well socialized, and looked like a puppy. There was not a single day we guessed he would die without a family.

Two weeks ago he finally got picked to go on a Frosted Fling with Robin D. Kardon. She treated him like one of her own, sleeping on big beds, Stella & Chewy's for meals, and baths for his skin. She was overflowing with empathy for Cappy as she returned him for diagnostics after a sleepless night, along with a few poopy rugs and a handful of baths.

Just two days ago he began having diarrhea. No one thinks their dog is going to die from diarrhea, but it was so watery and he got weak quickly, so we hospitalized him at High Valley Veterinary Hospital. Last night we transferred him to Animal Urgent Care where he had a neurologic event that caused him to go blind, start "paddling," and inappropriately vocalizing. It was absolutely confusing and heartbreaking. The doctor called us to return and put him to sleep because it was very unlikely he would recover.

Should he have just gone back to his family four months ago? Like Andy said, it didn't seem then like they were making the decision out of love, where here we were asking all the questions and trying to determine all of the possibilities of causes and treatment so that we would NOT have to let him go. What if he could make it through this? It was just horrible diarrhea still, right? We wanted to fight for him again and the only unrealistic scenario we held onto was when Frosted Face Christina survived CPR and recovered after a night of paddling and chirping to be her normal self. This was magical, but it is not the norm.

We did not have to make any decisions and it truthfully made it so much easier. When we were about 10 minutes away from the clinic the vet called to let us know that Cappy was agonal breathing and he would likely not be alive when we arrived. We were able to drape ourselves over his gurney and stroke his soft fur, but he was gone.

Cappy was the forever puppy at FFF. He went to wineries, on lots of slow walks, and it was fun to play grabby-face with him on the patio where he would paw at your hands and nibble on your fingers. So many people met him and passed him up and it was less of a "If not you, then who?" notion, because pretty much any soul who walks into FFF to look at old dogs is made of something genuinely good. It was more of a, "If not now, then when?" scenario.

If you walk into any shelter and a regular volunteer tells you "This dog is so easy," "He's perfect," or "You won't even notice you added a dog"... think twice I guess. Losing a dog who we never had the privilege of placing is really the toughest part of a these losses. The being with them at the end and being "his people"- that's the easy part because at least they had us.

These many Frosted Flings that went home the last two weeks at FFF have truly been a showing of good people getting out of their comfort zones and having "one more homeless dog" for a little while. They are sacrificing routine, some space, and a piece of themselves so another can have greater comfort. For Cappy, it was his final comfort. We owe our sincerest "thank you" to all of the selfless people we know and have yet to meet.

We love you Cappy.



Acquired from: South LA Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 7
Date of Rescue: April 20th, 2019
Date of Passing:
Family: Rich & Kelly Dickerson
Fans: Caryn & Michael Rosenstein



Acquired from: South LA Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 10
Date of Rescue: April 20th, 2019
Date of Passing:
Family: Alisa & Todd Luvisi
Fans: RZ



Acquired from: South LA Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 12
Date of Rescue: April 20th, 2019
Date of Passing: August 24th, 2022
Family: Tami & John Harelson
Fans: The Kane Family of Furbabies

Tribute: On August 24th, Tami and John fulfilled their promise to Frosted Face Pippin.

They shared,

"Pippin was such a gift when she came home to us in May of 2019. She made herself at home right away and loved sleeping on all the couches and chairs. We soon came to realize she loved chewing, well not so much chewing as sucking on blankets – It was so cute so we let her have free rain to be on anybody’s blanket she wanted so she could always cuddle up and be cozy.

You would never have known how old she was, she was always so spunky and loved following us around the house and being by her daddy’s side helping with all the projects in the garage.

About 6 months into us having her, her one good eye became cloudy and we found out she had

cataracts, it literally happened overnight, and she adjusted well. Unfortunately, a few months later the eye became infected and she ultimately had to have an enucleation. Luckily, she had been living with us for several months and knew the layout of our house. She was so smart and picked up on all the verbal cues we gave to her and adjusted to her new normal very quickly.

She become familiar with our walking routes and loved to be outside and go for walks as well as driving in the car.

Our time was cut short by Lymphoma, and we miss her dearly. We only had 3 ½ years with her, but we

were so lucky to have her be a part of our lives. Her absence is felt every day!"



Acquired from: South LA Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 10
Date of Rescue: April 20th, 2019
Date of Passing: November 20th, 2019
Family: Kelly Todoulakis & Kevin Buckley
Fans: Gail Shirley
Tribute: On November 20th we fulfilled our promise to Judy.

Judy was turned into the shelter as an over the counter stray. She was very skinny and dirty. We rescued 5 dogs that day and among all the Frosted Faces we were caring for that April she was the most delicate. She quickly went to foster where they accommodated her potty accidents, got her regularly groomed, and managed trends of dementia.

Judy's kidney disease grew progressively worse. When she last had her bloods checked this month she was in a place where keeping her comfortable with stage 4 renal disease no longer seemed sensible when taking into consideration her cognitive dysfunction in her old age. Her parents made the selfless decision to let her go instead of keeping her around for themselves.

Just two weeks prior Judy's Fosters signed the contract to be her Forever Foster Family so she would not pass without a family.

They reflect, "Judy is now comfortable and at peace. Saying goodbye broke my heart and she will forever be missed. I hope she gets to finally meet her late sister, Queenie, at the bridge.

Judy wasn't a fan of being held, but today she showed me she was getting weaker because she let me wrap her in a blanket, cuddle her and cover her sweet little face in kisses. I believe it was her time. Rest easy, sweet girl."

We only knew Judy as a very old girl, you probably know the type. When Judy's family sent us this video earlier this summer it was surprising! To see a little old lady who typically stiffly followed routine break out in puppy play let us know she was comfortable and happy.

Mr. magoo


Acquired from: South LA Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 12
Date of Rescue: April 20th, 2019
Date of Passing: January 2, 2022
Family: Paula Sharp
Fans: Dawn Manalo-Coelho

Tribute: On January 2nd, Brittney and Paula fulfilled their promise to Frosted Face Mr. Magoo.

Brittany shared,

"Unfortunately we said goodbye to Mr. Magoo at the beginning of the year. He passed in his sleep January 2nd. He was such a sweetie, he made my grandma very happy."



Acquired from: Long Beach Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 10
Date of Rescue: April 20th, 2019
Date of Passing: May 16, 2023
Family: Brie Caldwell
Fans: RZ

Tribute: On May 16th, Paige fulfilled her promise to Frosted Face Jebby Jeb.

She shared,

"Jeb brought so much joy and humor to our family. We loved taking him to the beach, park and kid's baseball games. He was always the best dressed dude at any family function. Jeb was so easy to take care of and love. He is missed by so many."



Acquired from: Long Beach Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 13
Date of Rescue: April 20th, 2019
Date of Passing: May 30th, 2019
Family: Frosted Faces Foundation
Fans: RZ
Tribute: Polly entered the shelter with declining health as a stray. She spun circles, had rotten teeth, and a large mammary mass. She was inconsolable, but some CBD oil calmed her down, made her circles bigger, and helped her fall into routine. She loved Stella & Chewy's, and when she stopped eating that, we boiled chicken for her.

This week she began head pressing more frequently, crying out in confusion, and would not eat. The timing of her passing was a fairly obvious decision and a blessing that she didn't have awareness, which always makes euthanasia difficult for us to bear.

For awhile Polly enjoyed walking on a leash and we really saw her healthy personality shine at Walk for Animals. When she first arrived slightly more conscious of her surroundings, she would paw at big soft blankets and make a little nest for herself. Volunteers worked to keep Polly clean by giving her baths and holding her as long as she would tolerate it. Her coat was always so soft and brushed.

We did our best for Polly, maybe beyond reason. Call us hopeful. It's so sad to not have the honor of placing a Frosted Face with a family, but sometimes they arrive so sick the best we can do is evaluate them over a short period of time while meanwhile loving them on-site, and then let them fly free.



Acquired from: Long Beach Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 16
Date of Rescue: April 20th, 2019
Date of Passing: June 10th, 2019
Family: Linda Maxwell
Fans: Beverly Perry
Tribute: Paloma looked rough upon rescue with a capital R. She was in the late stages of renal failure, matted, and weak. In the coming days with good food (just about anything she would eat!), brushing, and diaper changes, she felt good enough to let us hear her roar. She snarked when we tried to pluck eye booger out and if we wiggled while she was asleep on chests.

Paloma got subcutaneous fluids every day and appetite stimulants on days pizza didn't make the cut. She went to live with FFF volunteer, Linda who continued in these rituals. We had the privilege of boarding Paloma back at FFF a couple weeks ago and she actually looked great after not seeing her for a bit. Her fur felt thicker and the little bag of bones felt meatier!

On Monday morning her mom knew something seemed wrong so she brought her to San Diego Bay Animal Hospital to be hospitalized, gave her a gentle embrace (she held Paloma like no one else could draped over her shoulder), and headed to work. Later in the day Dr. VanMaele let us know that Paloma looked like she was passing away and we struggled to get in touch with her mom. The core team of FFF volunteers rallied, and willing volunteer who could be there the quickest to hold our girl in passing was Mary Arkwright. Mary relayed that she got there just in time and Paloma went peacefully with the help of euthanasia.

Paloma's mom wrote, "I only had her for about 6 weeks, but my little Paloma touched my heart."



Acquired from: Long Beach Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 10
Date of Rescue: April 20th, 2019
Date of Passing: September 26th, 2019
Family: Frosted Faces Foundation
Fans: Cathy Jimenez, Molly Chance, Susan Ryan
Tribute: On September 26th, we fulfilled our promise to Glenda.

I am as shocked to be writing this as you are to be reading it. Yesterday evening Glenda declined her dinner and seemed “spacey.” We took her temperature, which would have been impossible had she been feeling well, and it was 95 degrees. We rushed her down to Animal Emergency Clinic of San Diego and they immediately admitted her for critical care.

Her bloodwork showed off the charts liver and kidney values, where there had never been concern previously, and a WBC count of 35,000. Dr. Walsh explained the likelihood of hepatic encephalopathy causing poor mentation, and offered us a glimmer of true hope that Glenda may recover with the honesty that she may not. X-rays and an ultrasound did not show anything obvious, so we decided to hospitalize Glenda for treatment.

Glenda was known for her fiery character. She “smiled” and she was the first one to “throw down” if her space wasn’t respected. Aside from that, she loved being held like a baby by those who knew how to address her, she purred with enjoyment. She played fetch, which surprised us all, and she liked going on walks with no reservations despite her cataracts. When the Littles ran from their bedroom out to the patio, all you had to do was let her out of her kennel and she dashed right down the hallway, hung a left, and straight into the yard to potty like such a smart girl.

When people who watch our work on Behind the Scenes at Frosted Faces Foundation finally come to visit FFF, they say “Oh THAT’S Glenda.” She was our own little popstar. Andy pointed out in reflection this morning that although she was well loved and documented playfully by volunteers, her naughty nature was truly because she was so scared. It makes me so sad that she never found a family where she didn’t have to feel scared anymore. If you recall, Glenda’s family tried to surrender her to the shelter but wouldn’t or couldn’t pay the surrender fee so they left. Later that day staff found her running around the shelter grounds and they impounded her as a stray. We soften the scenario by saying, “Well at least they brought her to the shelter instead of doing worse,” but really… just let me hold someone accountable today for once. To surrender your defenseless senior dog to the shelter is irresponsible and careless. To leave your blind senior dog running around the parking lot, that’s ugly. I will never forgive Glenda’s family for doing that to her.

Glenda lived at FFF longer than any other little dog, but had the privilege of going on not one, but TWO Frosted Flings with volunteer, Carol Leary. Glenda was on alert when she heard her voice always. Carol brought out the best in Glenda and was so good to her. Even when Carol did not have Glenda in her care, she drove to FFF weekly to spend special time with her. She rounds out all the sharp pangs of regret for not advocating harder for Glenda to find her own family.

As soon as we noticed Glenda’s neurological changes at FFF and were heading to the ER, we notified Carol to let her know. She flew across San Diego County at 10:00pm to be at her girl’s side. She held her like an injured baby bird in two outstretched palms, finally an opportunity to hold Glenda to her face and whisper her the courage to fight or let go. Early this morning at 2:19am, Dr. Walsh called to let us know that Glenda had passed away.

It seems that every lesson in a resident Frosted Face lost is that we wished they had had family. Frosted Faces live an average of 1.5 years beyond rescue, and by then, it's far too short. If senior dogs move you, act on it. If they change the way you live your life, let them- even if it means added caution picking her up in a special way so she doesn't bite you, but you know she still loves you anyways. 🙂

There is nothing better than being part of something bigger than yourself. We are looking for you. They are waiting for you.



Acquired from: Long Beach Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 14
Date of Rescue: April 20th, 2019
Date of Passing: December 29th, 2020
Family: Evelyn Willett
Fans: RZ
Tribute: On December 29th, Evelyn fulfilled her promise to Frosted Face Kyle.

Kyle did not get a single application in 6 months, and then he got one where the applicant was from Georgia. Mmmmm-k! He was a bitey fellow that took a bit to warm up. Georgia is a long way to send a dog with questionable behavior if he needed to come back to his safe haven at FFF, but as soon as we met Evelyn, we appreciated that her expectations were on point. Evelyn embodied everything that we wanted for Kyle and he was truly part of a loving family.

She shares, "With a sad heart I must share that Kyle crossed the Rainbow Bridge last night. He became ill Christmas evening. When we got him to the vet he was anemic, had a UTI, and was dehydrated. Not responding to treatment locally, I transported him to Jacksonville on Monday to a specialty hospital.

Concerned about bumps and spots on his skin, that we were originally treating as lipomas, they did x-rays and ultrasounds. He had metastasis to his lungs. I was able to be with him when he passed. I held him, sang to him, we talked, and he cuddled his baby. Definitely not the same little guy he was a week ago. It all happened so quickly that I can't even process it. 13 months was not nearly enough, but I'm so happy that we got that. The grief is unbelievable. I miss my little Bebop so much.

Thank you to Kelly, Andy, and everyone who helped make Kyle's journey possible. He was absolutely the best friend anyone could have asked for during the last year. We miss you and love you so much, Kyle!"



Acquired from: A Way Home for Animals
Age upon Rescue: 7
Date of Rescue: April 20th, 2019
Date of Passing: April 12th, 2024
Family: Karen & Jonathan Bunkell
Fans: Lisa Clifton, Patricia A Thompson

Tribute: On April 12th, Karen and Jonathan fulfilled their promise to Frosted Face Shamus.

They shared,

"On Friday we said goodbye to our sweet big lug Shamus as he passed peacefully at home. Five years was not long enough, but we're thankful for him being in our lives for the time we had. In the beginning I thought (far mistakenly) that he could be a watch dog with a big bark. We've never heard him bark, never heard him ask for anything but Happy Hour snackies at 5 p.m. and an occasional split of an IPA on a Saturday night by the fire. He was the sweetest soul with the biggest heart. RIP sweet Shamus. One of a kind."



Acquired from: South LA Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 8
Date of Rescue: May 1st, 2019
Date of Passing: December 27th, 2021
Family: Nancy Winter
Fans: Julie McCall, Ginger Haggerty, Nancy Dagdag, Clara Janis, Jeff & Sam Marxen
Tribute: Today we fulfilled our promise to Frosted Face Hula.

Hula was a stray to South LA Shelter who we adopted to a wonderful woman named Nancy Winter over two years ago. Sadly, this summer, Nancy passed away from bone cancer and Hula made her way back to her safe haven at FFF. Hula had surgeries to remove mast cell tumors over the years, we started treating her for diabetes insipidus, and helped her lose some weight from over loving spoonfuls so that she could get around more easily.

What started as bed rest and medications for knuckling on a back leg due to suspected neuro issues, turned into total paralysis of her hind end last month. We did an MRI where a neurologist diagnosed Hula with diskospondylitis and we ran all of the recommended tests from a urine culture, blood culture, and brucella PCR- all of which came back negative. We started her on a few broad spectrum antibiotics and pain medication. As days went on, Hula's paralysis climbed her spine, so that her front legs became stiff and her neck was painful and extended. We vowed to carry Hula through all the bad days LITERALLY, if there was improvement at the end of the treatment plan.

Things we know now...bodies are very complex, and suffering is suffering. You don't always have to know why, but love tells you when. Hula was the sweetest girl. Hula was walked and wheeled on hikes, she went rollerblading, out to eat, slept on a magic air mattress, and was loved by soooo many volunteers. If you looked into her innocent doughy eyes with her yoda ears in the periphery, you would feel unsatiated by her sweetness- and that is what made it so hard to let Hula go. We couldn’t get enough of her. In the quiet lull of the day with dark stormy skies above and the glistening Christmas tree behind us, FFF family gathered around Hula in the lobby holding her gently and set her free. Thank you to everyone who cared for Hula with us.

We love you so so so so so so much, Hu. Our hearts are breaking.



Acquired from: Carson Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 15
Date of Rescue: May 1st, 2019
Date of Passing: August 7th, 2019
Family: Andy & Kim Green
Fans: Cori Higley, Stitch, Mary Runno, Anonymous, Sarah Taylor & Zoe, Stella, Nicole in honor of Jaime & Lewis, Karen Fuller
Tribute: On August 7th we fulfilled our promise to Barney.

"It’s with a very heavy heart that I write to tell you that we said goodbye to Barney this afternoon. His condition declined noticeably two days ago when both his neurological issues and kidney disease seemed to conspire to advance at the same time. His back legs could no longer support him, his thirst was insatiable, and his sleep became fitful. We knew it was time to help Barney be at peace after a final night of holding him in our arms and being surrounded by his brothers and sister as he took turns resting his head on each of us. After a final meal of his most favorite food - rotisserie chicken – Barney passed quickly and peacefully.

Although Barney was only with us for one month and eight days, it was no easier to let him go. From his first day with us, Barney made it clear that he loved being part of our family. He quickly learned our routines and eagerly became part of them all: snuggling on the sofa while watching TV, lining up for treats, sleeping in bed (all six of us), going on car rides, joining our other seniors in the wagon after getting tired on walks, road tripping to Laguna, and many more! Seeing this was bittersweet – we loved how he easily assimilated into our crew, but it reminded us how devastated he must have been when his family abandoned him at the shelter after 14+ years. Thank you, Frosted Faces, for rescuing Barney the very next day. We are so grateful for the time Barney was with us. We love him, and he has a huge, permanent spot in our hearts."



Acquired from: Redlands Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 14
Date of Rescue: May 3rd, 2019
Date of Passing: February 10th, 2025
Family: Christine Paradise
Fans: Carolyn Campbell

Tribute: On February 10th, Christine fulfilled her promise to Frosted Face Rayna.

She shared,

"My sweet Rayna crossed the Rainbow Bridge on February 10, 2025, and my house feels so empty without her. I want to share some happy memories and the things that made me love her and admire her spirit....

Rayna was independent. She did things on her terms and was determined to go her own way. Walks, food, cuddles-- all were as she desired. She trained me well to cater to her wishes!

Rayna was forgiving. She did NOT like baths, but an after-bath treat and all was forgiven.

Rayna was patient. She didn't usually seek attention, but gently accepted it from humans and dogs alike. It always warmed my heart to see another dog greeting Rayna, and the two tails would begin to wag.

Rayna was a homebody. She seemed to be happiest in her own home and neighborhood. When we ventured further out on an adventure, she enjoyed the sniffs, but, oh my, when we returned home, she raced straight to her front door, so happy to be home.

Rayna was my sweet companion. She was a loveable presence in my life, an adorable little sprite to greet every morning, to tuck in at night, to follow me from room to room (especially if that room was the kitchen).

In the past 10 months, Rayna had ongoing health issues-- kidney disease, a UTI that refused to clear, and the appearance of some dementia. She patiently endured many vet visits, subcutaneous fluids, multiple rounds of antibiotics. She lost weight and gradually grew weaker. Life got harder and harder. Her eating became pickier, and she slept more and more. She began to struggle to walk. Finally, it all seemed too hard, and I felt that it would be kindest to let her go peacefully and with dignity. And she did.

So here I am, missing my sweet little girl and grieving my loss, but so grateful to have been her human for the last 5-1/2 years of her life, to have had the honor of loving her and keeping her safe and warm and well-fed after years of neglect and uncertainty. Thank you, Frosted Faces, for rescuing her and entrusting her to me. Thank you for the wonderful work that you do on behalf of so many dogs who deserve to be loved and cherished.

Thank you, Sue King and Kathi Odom, for flinging her. Thank you, Carolyn Campbell, for being her fan. And, Erin Hoye - one last time - thank you for plopping her in my lap. As you said, she was, indeed, the perfect dog for me!"



Acquired from: Redlands Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 12
Date of Rescue: May 3rd, 2019
Date of Passing: December 18th, 2024
Family: Olivia Aiza & Eric Gomez
Fans: RZ

Tribute: On December 18th, Olivia fulfilled her promise to Frosted Face Toochie.

She shared,

"It is with a heavy heart I’m writing to inform you of sweet Toochie’s passing early this morning. My grandma said toochie’s back legs kind of gave out while she was walking down the hallway so my grandma picked her up and carried her to her bed and she never got up from it. This was about 530 am est.

Toochie was loved far and wide and even often posed for pics with the mayor of my grandmas small town at their local farmers market that made the local news. She was the star of the show by very genuine means at my grandmas 90, 91 AND 92 birthdays .

My grandma’s whole church and all of her neighbors knew and loved Toochie and the folks who regularly visited my grandma always brought some treat or trinket or a sweater to add to her collection (she had 23 at the time of her passing). Toochie was one of a kind and I’m so glad she got to spend the best years of her life with her soul sister, my Nanny, Barbara Faye. Toochie will be buried on my family’s land with all our other dogs and cats in her own special grave, under the same tree as whiskey.

Thank you guys for all your hard work pairing senior dogs with loving homes, especially Toochie and Whiskey."



Acquired from: Redlands Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 12
Date of Rescue: May 3rd, 2019
Date of Passing: July 29th, 2020
Family: Jim Ito & Melanie Granfors
Fans: RZ, Ann Sehorn
Tribute: On July 29th we fulfilled our promise to Hyatt.

His mom shares,
”I wrote this just before we fulfilled our promise to Hyatt. A little bit out of the normal, but I wanted to be holding him and let him feel the strength of our love pour into him in his last hour.

Hyatt’s story is a tough one. We don’t think he ever fully recovered from what hurt & traumatized him during his days as “a hotel hoarder dog”.
We remember when Kelly pointed him out to us: in the littles yard —tucked in the back of a tent curled up and asleep.
"He’s one that no one ever considers," she told us. And that made him irresistible to us.

Hyatt was isolated in his own little world and was terribly afraid of being outside of his bubble. It seemed like he only felt safe and content when he was asleep. When awake, he roamed, stared into and got stuck in corners, and cried and whimpered. It is the cruel reality of dementia. So we committed to serving his every need and battling the demons for as long as we could.

We had wonderfully happy moments when he discovered a favorite place in the yard and went there repeatedly. Or when he would saunter out of his corner at 5 PM and start barking at the top of his voice because he had missed breakfast. It was so much fun to meet the challenge of his amazingly picky palate.

You all may remember he moved from rotisserie chicken to grassfed burger patties with fontina cheese. For the last few weeks it has been nothing but steak for our little man.

Watching him rest now... sedated and ready for the rainbow bridge, I am flooded with thoughts about the right thing to do when dementia steals the peace of an aging animal. I think we did it. We filled his little heart & soul with care, passion, devotion, & commitment. And when we couldn’t do that anymore, we let him go.

He taught us many lessons about caring for traumatized dogs. It’s been an honor to erase what we could of his past."



Acquired from: South LA Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 12
Date of Rescue: May 3rd, 2019
Date of Passing: August 18th, 2021
Family: Kaitlyn Salazar & Elijah Mesa
Fans: RZ
Tribute: On August 18th, Elijah and Kaitlyn fulfilled their promise to Frosted Face Frida after battling kidney disease.

They shared,

"Frida, we are so glad that we saw you at the adoption event with Frosted Faces. You were so friendly and kind and we knew we wanted you right away. We went to the Frosted Faces open house the very next day to pick you up and welcome you into our life.

You were around 10 years old when you became part of our family but everyday you acted like a puppy in our home and you made mom and dad very happy. You were one of the best parts of our life these past 2.5 years and we wish you were able to stay with us longer. We wish we were able to cure your sickness, but I want you to know that we did everything in our power to do so.

You will always be our baby girl, and we look forward to the day that we are reunited forever. We know that you are out of pain and that gives us comfort, but there will forever be a Frida shaped hole in our hearts. Rest in peace our sweet girl. We love you so very much and we will see you again soon."



Acquired from: Baldwin Park Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 10
Date of Rescue: May 5th, 2019
Date of Passing: September 16th, 2019
Family: Frosted Faces Foundation
Fans: Kelly Kittle, Peri Walmsley
On Monday, September 16th, we fulfilled our promise to Champion.

We rescued Champion when he had a terrible pneumonia at the shelter. Previous behavior notes showed that he was growly in his kennel, but we all know how demeanor changes when brought into a scary environment. We exited Champion and treated him for pneumonia for a long two weeks. During that time he was the cuddly bear he appeared to be, he even got a freedom bath and brush which was great for breaking up congestion!

When he started to feel better he got a little more growly and we went on to take care of him. We scheduled his dental, neuter, and cherry eye surgery as we would for any of our Frosted Faces. Because an oral exam was challenging/non existent prior to anesthesia, once he was sedated for the procedures the vet found a large mass inside of Champion's mouth. We decided to move forward with the scheduled procedures so that he could live comfortably, and she also removed the mouth mass and sent it out to be biopsied. It came back as a melanoma, which is an aggressive type of cancer.

Knowing about this mass helped us to define reasons perhaps why Champions gait was unstable, why he didn't seem to see well, and why he displayed aggression. Champion came out of surgery, well... like a Champ. We felt like champions too as we problem solved how to accommodate him.

We were having problems leashing him safely, so we got a harness for him to wear permanently with a leash to drag behind. Volunteers could now take him on walks and lead him to and from the play yard without incident or infringing on his comfort zone. We removed the kuranda bed from his kennel because he could not climb on it, and placed a spongy kitchen standing mat in there so we wouldn't slip, with a giant comforter that fit in our washing machine (in case he had an accident). He hated all food except for plain dry kibble and Beggin' Strips. Don't even think about hiding his pills in yummy wet food! They had to be disguised in tightly packed pill pockets to appear like kibble. He ate great once we figured all of this out!

We could not administer drops in his eyes or clean his eye boogies, it was simply a no-no and our compromise with him. His cherry eye surgery soon failed like they regularly do later in life, and his eyes became more goopy. We did muzzle him a few times to switch out his bandana, give him a good brushing, and wipe down against his wishes.

Last week Champion had a neurological event it seemed that resulted in him not being able to use any of his legs. All four of his legs curled up like something had recoiled in each. This had happened once before and he recovered after about two days, so we waited. Imagine this grumpy guy not walking and being picky suddenly with pills! We certainly could not pill him so he did without. For the week we threw a towel over his head to carry him in and out of the yard (so he wouldn't bite us) where he knuckled around. He began to lose control of his bladder over the weekend, but we could not clean him adequately without a stressful muzzle extravaganza, and on Monday morning when he vomited, we could not console him or clean up his legs. We brought him to the vet feeling helpless, but optimistic- ready to work him up.

Dr. Gordon gave me a real pep talk, and it stung in all the right places. The things I could never admit, but needed to hear and accept. All this time, me and my extraordinary peers went above and beyond for Champion like we do for all of our dogs. No one else could care for a dog like Champion like we did....

...but as I said that I realized, it wasn't about keeping him around as long as possible no matter how bright his little eyes searched for more Beggin' Strips or how fiercely he barked to scare us away. He was scared, his body was changing as the cancer spread, we were struggling to give him dignity and that was our ultimate promise. We could do more diagnostics and trial some medication, but it wasn't right for Champion, and I think the admission saying "that's it" without all of the answers is where the pain originated and still lingers. We want to do our best for every single Frosted Face. Was the hard part this time not the back breaking round the clock care, but actually making the excruciating decision that this was the fair end?

I hate to always reflect so much on the passing of a Frosted Face, but even for us, it is still that mysterious, monumental event that we all want to understand and do perfectly.

It was not easy to bond with Champion without the physical component to touch him, not to mention, our own underlying fear. At the same time he was a significant presence, I know we all feel an overwhelming loss this week because we had poured patience and hope into Champion. The guy loved laying in the breeze of the yard on a fresh grass mat under the shade sails. He followed us around the yard as we scooped poop and twisted his head to the side inquisitively when we talked to him. He was so soft, teasingly soft! His big dopey jowls taunted you to squish them and I hope someone did in his lifetime.

Don't worry, all dogs go to heaven, right Champy?



Acquired from: Baldwin Park Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 10
Date of Rescue: May 5th, 2019
Date of Passing: April 5th, 2022
Family: Jeannie Islander & Pam Metz
Fans: Sofia Merida, Nancy Dagdag

Tribute: On April 5th, Jeannie fulfilled her promise to Frosted Face Skye after battling liver cancer and ultimately losing the function of her back legs.

She shared,

"Skye our miracle dog crossed the rainbow bridge today. She blessed our lives in so many ways. As a cancer survivor she was supposed to live no more than two months and she was with us for almost three years. The house is empty without her."



Acquired from: Baldwin Park Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 8
Date of Rescue: May 5th, 2019
Date of Passing:
Family: Anita & Dean Meyer
Fans: RZ



Acquired from: Baldwin Park Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 15
Date of Rescue: May 5th, 2019
Date of Passing: November 14th, 2019
Family: Frosted Faces Foundation
Fans: Sammy and Mack, Denise & Mike Reeves
Tribute: Widget was surrendered to Baldwin Park Shelter by his owners during a vestibular episode. Upon rescue he recovered, we did dental surgery on him and treated him like a king. He was, after all, the seniorest of seniors.

He never spent a day in a kennel. When we tucked all his friends in at night, he got to sleep out on a bed because he was known to be quiet, not destructive, and house trained. As the feeding cart got pushed in each morning, he did a little brekkie dance and gobbled his food down!

Andy reflects,
“Widget never got one serious inquiry from a family. I know you’ll say we, at FFF, were his family, but this makes me deeply sad.

We are familiar with the sacrifice of the heart it takes to love and lose a senior, but today- no one’s house has a void, no food dishes are being lifted and stored in his memory. Nothing was ever HIS, nor was he ever someone’s. When adopters walked in and rattled off their lists of wanting a housebroken, quiet, dog friendly dog, Widget fit the bill and yet he was passed time and time again. I loved Widget very much, but I wish that someone wanted to give him all that I am inclined to give all unclaimed dogs at FFF.

I beg that if Widget’s story moves you, please visit one of our Open Houses. Find the dog sleeping in a bed who probably doesn’t know you’re there because he’s deaf or blind or too timid to approach. Ask who’s been there the longest, and find out if you have the tools to be his/her family. We will support you. You are our heroes because you are their heroes.”

While I share the disappointment that Widget was never placed, I know that some really special people rallied for Widget and I know we loved him as hard as possible. Mike & Denise Reeves did a two week Frosted Fling with Widget in spite of their allergies. They showed him such a good time playing with toys, sleeping on laps, going out to eat, and he was in the Pride Parade! Janice Bellinghiere fostered Widget for several weeks taking him on daily walks, concerts in the park, and made him scrambled eggs. Ray Heller made “Ask Me About Widget” flyers and wore a Widget name tag at our anniversary party.

Widget was on the news, went to the beach, visited Generations Daycare, and upon his return from foster for medical care, Andy and I shared our home with him. We are surrounded by so many loving, giving, selfless people who do as much as they can for each of these seniors. Truly, I don’t know how much more we can ask other than to keep recruiting more families by talking about senior pet adoption.

Widget’s illness started with fluid in his lungs, to a big seizure, to a high RBC count, pancreatitis, and ultimately trouble oxygenating after a valiant two days of hospitalization. Widget’s Fling-mom Denise held Widget and sang to him on his last day. I was coincidentally at the hospital as he declined suddenly, and had the privilege of holding Widget as we offered him peace.

We loved you, Widge.



Acquired from: Downey Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 11
Date of Rescue: May 6th, 2019
Date of Passing: September 3rd, 2019
Family: Frosted Faces Foundation
Fans: Jaimee Beach, The Brennans in Memory of Chief, Lisa Sears, Lennon & Friends, Cindy Lewellen, Kelly Saklamaev, Letha Morrison, Hula Diego, Maria Beatty
Tribute: This morning we fulfilled our promise to Rook.

Rook was surrendered by his family to the shelter. He was said to be immobile, and the shelter said he was growly. When we finally met him in person he was a tiny little thing, very thin, and he could walk! He didn't walk like a normal walk, he walked much like a little gorilla hunched and bouncing from foot to foot as his momentum propelled him forward, curling his knuckles with every spring! He had one pace and it was FAST! We named him Rook as our special pits from Downey have fallen into suit similar to Knight and Bishop. If anyone rustled near the entrance of FFF he bellowed a deep scary bark, and grumbled until the visitor came to pet him. He would never hurt anyone or anything. Rook had the most exaggerated overbite which you will see pictured. We often called him "Guppy face!" He loved soft toys and rolling around with them on the grass mats in the sun. This is my happiest memory of him.

For the first month Rook would not walk on the wood floors, not even with rugs. We carried him to be outside, and he would walk BACKWARDS inside to get back to his bed. It was just recently that he began to walk like a "normal dog" inside, and following us straight into the kitchen.

Rook went on two 2-week Frosted Flings to give him a break from the regular shuffle at FFF. He was the easiest dog to place because he was housetrained and great with dogs, cats, and kids. He never got one application which was sad and confusing, but he was ours at FFF. He was known for graciously sharing his bed with anyone who plopped down next to him! Knight, Spaulding, oftentimes Bindi, Jessie, Viva... all the greats.

We hike our dogs at night when it cools off, and as we loaded up our crew, Rook stood up and ran to the door hoping to be included. He went on many hikes surprising us with how far he could make his skinny legs go! If he got tired, he would plop down and one of us would carry him. The joke was, "He ain't heavy, he's my pit bull!" Rook was a welcome winery date and went with volunteers a number of times.

This week Rook was declining meals which was followed by bloody puke and poop. We hospitalized him at Animal Emergency Clinic of San Diego, and then San Diego Bay Animal Hospital for a few days. It was suspected it was from a GI ulcer. We discharged him last night because he was walking, eating, and looking great! This morning he was terribly pale, his temperature was high, and he was vomiting more blood. After clear scans all weekend, a final ultrasound showed that an ulcer in his stomach had ruptured. We were advised how painful that was and how he would have a poor prognosis with the number of ulcers and now fluid in his abdomen. High Valley Veterinary Hospital guided us through this morning's diagnostics and treatment, fitting us in on emergency as they often do. Alicia AnthonyJenna Larson, and I held Rook as we put him to sleep. Andy was present this morning before work to say good bye to his boy when we rushed him in for an ultrasound. We couldn't even tell Rook was gone as his heart stopped beating. Jenna noted how his feet were tense bracing from pain, and how they released as he was given peace.

We owe special thanks to Alicia who championed all of Rook's transport and communication with the team for back to back days while not even scheduled to work. I am sure this loss hit her the hardest.

Brace yourselves for a week of us sharing monumental losses that have occurred over the last few days- then go adopt and love a senior, because that is the only thing that heals this heartbreak is knowing someone chose them and they were not alone.



Acquired from: San Diego Humane Society
Age upon Rescue: 10
Date of Rescue: May 10th, 2019
Date of Passing: May 14th, 2022
Family: Doug & Kass Rose
Fans: RZ

Tribute: On May 14th. Doug and Kass fulfilled their promise to Frosted Face Zoe.

They shared,

"Good afternoon, we just wanted to let you guys know we lost Zoe this morning. She went to kitty heaven.

Thank you for letting us have her three years ago. She was ten when we picked her up from you in Ramona, I think she was pushing fourteen, which is a good life for a Persian.

Kassandra, my wife, had a great relationship with her. Both of them were the best of buddies. She passed in her arms."



Acquired from: OC Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 6
Date of Rescue: May 14th, 2019
Date of Passing: February 4th, 2021
Family: Wendy Lipman & Richard Burg
Fans: Lisa Christensen
Tribute: On February 4th, Richard and Wendy fulfilled their promise to Frosted Face Renner.

Wendy shares,

"It is with the heaviest of hearts that I post our dear sweet Renner passed away in his sleep in the early hours of February 4. It was very sudden and quite unexpected. We are devastated beyond belief. He brought us so much joy, love and endless laughs in the 17 months we had with him. We miss his sweet snuggles and his gremlin growls. His body was tiny, but his personality was huge. Rest peacefully little Renner. We will carry you in our hearts forever."

Big Sammy


Acquired from: Owner Surrender
Age upon Rescue: 10
Date of Rescue: May 17th, 2019
Date of Passing: December 18th, 2022
Family: Joel & Nancy Blair
Fans: Erika Allis, Klaudia Sherzer, Cassandra, Vera Marshall, Maria Beatty, Caryn & Michael Rosenstein

Tribute: On December 18th, Nancy and Joel fulfilled their promise to Frosted Face Sammy.

They shared,

"The first time I saw Sammy on FF's social media, it was love at first sight. I don't know what it was, the eyes, the goofy smile, but I felt in my heart he needed to be in our family. I asked my husband, and didn't get much of a response. One morning 2 weeks later he asked me if I heard back about the golden retriever I saw on instagram, so I quickly went to the computer and applied for him, I didn't care that I was going to be late for work. How lucky were we to be accepted to be his family. It was a great fit from the get go, he was great with dogs, cats and kids, all of which were in our home. I went to FF open minded to see other dogs, but in my heart, I hoped we could take Sammy home that day and we did! I was a bit overwhelmed when I saw how BIG he was. They didn't call him big Sammy for no reason!

He was just the perfect gentleman. He barked at us at night and demanded to be invited up on our bed. After a few weeks of being woken up, he finally learned he was allowed to come up whenever he wanted. He especially loved to sit in chairs. I will miss his little quirks; bringing stuffies to all the visitors in our home, laying on his back flailing his paws in the air no matter the floor material, and barking at me for attention. He especially loved men, but I was his person. My husband said he never barked for attention when I wasn't home. You know I reveled in that, it made my heart melt.

Sammy had this magic about him, whenever a person got nearby, no matter the age, their hand would automatically come out to touch him. Once they touched him, he loved to jam his head in their crotch to make sure they wouldn't stop petting him. There was not a human or animal that didn't love him. Every single living being in our home, biped and quadruped, loved him. They didn't like each other, but they ALL got along with Sammy. He never bonded with our other dogs, but when they were in their final days, Sammy was so full of compassion, he laid with them and snuggled with them to comfort them.

He got to go camping with us; his favorite part was laying on various surfaces; rocks, dirt, tent, dog bed, that was his favorite activity. He also went on a long road trip to Texas with us! He wasn't a fan of the heat.

Life throws us a curve ball sometimes. One day I said to my husband that Sammy was looking so good, I think he could live to 14. Then a few weeks later he began limping and found out he had the C word. In not 1 but 2 places. Thankfully with the guidance of Dr. Russell and some support groups I found for canine OSA as well as the support of FFF, Sammy had a really great last 2 months. For that I am fortunate because I have read that it can be really painful. When he refused a cheeseburger and looked up at me, I bawled because I knew it was time.

I will miss you forever Sammy, you'll always be in my heart. AKA Big Sam, Sam Sammy, Sammy Hammy, AKA the handsomest boy in the world."



Acquired from: South LA Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 8
Date of Rescue: May 23rd, 2019
Date of Passing: May 3rd, 2022
Family: Xia Ly & Rob Weik
Fans: Holly Hoff

Tribute: On May 3rd, Xia and Rob fulfilled their promise to Frosted Face Stella.

She shared,

"We had to say goodbye to our sweet, sweet Stella on May 3rd. It was very sudden and very unexpected. These last few days have been filled with tears and suffocating grief. But I am pulling myself together long enough to try to write this for her because damn it, she deserves this tribute. She deserves the Frosted Faces family to know how wonderful she was, how fiercely loved she was and is, and how important FFF’s work is in giving pups like Stella a new lease on life. While this will never be able to adequately capture her, she deserves whomever cares to know her.

Our sweet, sweet girl. Stella was shy, not very confident, anxious indoors, and felt like a Brillo pad when she first came home with us. She darted out doors and windows Kelly said. But from day one, she was always the sweetest, most gentle, and never left my side. The few times I had the audacity to leave her when we were out and about, she’d do anything to come find me. She figured out how to open the screen door at Grammy and Papa’s to find me even though she wasn’t comfortable enough to be inside. Rob has had to stop her from gnawing through her leash to come after me. We learned very quickly that I should do the waiting outside with her and Bodhi (non-FF brother). Stella definitely loved her daddy though, and while he was the only one she gave goodnight kisses to in the end, she was MINE.

I find myself oscillating between anger, sadness, and regret on top of missing her desperately. Did I give her enough walks? Play with her enough? Take her on enough adventures? What I don’t doubt is how much we loved her. I know we loved her enough. Gave her enough treats. Kissed her enough. Cuddled her enough when she wanted. Took the very best care of her.

She was just 20 days away from her 3-year Frostiversary and 39 days away from 3 years with us. It was just not enough time. The house feels quiet and empty without her. Our regular vets, her specialty surgeon, her oncologist - they did everything for her and provided us with the best care for her. She was a trooper to the very end and plugged along bravely until she just couldn’t anymore.

While she was generally really quiet, she barked any time she heard a delivery truck and loudly to entice her brother to play. We often called her Miley because she “came in like a wrecking ball” during play time, 0-11, nothing in between. Bodhi, the best little big brother taught her how to play with, and destroy, toys. Taught her how to play tug. Taught her how to demand special treat time, which they got often. When we first brought Stella home, Bodhi would often steal toys right from under her. But how the tables turned as we loved enough confidence into her… We made sure to let Bodhi see her afterwards. He gave her so many kisses.

And my, my, how love changes you. Just a week or so prior to Stella’s passing, we took them to Grammy and Papa’s and she roamed the house like she owned it. She no longer felt like a Brillo pad or cowered when we took her to new indoor places. She exuded confidence wherever she went, whatever she did. She was the welcoming committee. She made sure everyone got love (while Bodhi was more selective). Love radiated from her eyes and her smile. She was love. She is love.

We miss you desperately sweet girl. We love you forever."



Acquired from: Redlands Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 13
Date of Rescue: May 23rd, 2019
Date of Passing: June 22nd, 2020
Family: Kasie Miller & River Edgren
Fans: Marla Hernandez
Tribute: On June 22nd, we fulfilled our promise to Meadow.

Meadow's health began declining in June and River made sure to bring her along on the family trip back home to Wisconsin so as to not miss a minute. In the end, Meadow was painful and could not walk. Quality was lost and she was offered a peaceful passing with dignity.

River includes,
“Dogs have a way of finding people who need them, and filling an emptiness we didn’t know we needed.” - Tom Jones



Acquired from: Baldwin Park Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 8
Date of Rescue: May 23rd, 2019
Date of Passing: May 28th, 2019
Family: Frosted Faces Foundation
Fans: Walter Kaplan, Marie Ligety
Tribute: Today we fulfilled our promise to Farrah.

We just rescued Farrah last week and she was notably sick at the shelter and scheduled for euthanasia. If we knew then what we know now, maybe that would've been the way to go...but then she wouldn't have touched our lives.

We did bloodwork and x-rays immediately which only indicated a URI, so we started her on antibiotics. When she stopped eating this weekend and was no longer taking her pills orally, we hospitalized her at Animal Emergency Medical Center of San Diego where she continued to decline.

We moved her to our regular vets with College Animal Hospital this morning where she had to be placed in oxygen and they continued IV antibiotics. We shot new x-rays that showed her whole right lung was filled. Farrah had been doing this odd consistent hacking that came more from her upper airway, and Dr. Mendez suggested that she may have largyngeal paralysis that was exacerbated by the coughing from pneumonia. Both clinics had a very hard time regulating Farrah's temperature that was sky high. This afternoon Farrah went into cardiac arrest and passed away shortly after. Another possible diagnosis proposed was that Farrah could have had SIRS. It was suspicious how she quickly declined with excellent care and certainly not fair.

Farrah was still exited to us as Good Samaritans while she waited out her 10 day microchip hold. Her owners have not yet come forward, but we do have her records so we can show them that we cared and we tried.

Farrah gave gentle kisses and just last night wagged her tail at the sight of me even when feeling so unwell. We are shocked to say the least. We have had so many Frosted Faces with pneumonia pull through lately, and we did not get closure or appropriate goodbyes with her sudden death.

Thank you to Richard Hoffman for escorting our girl around town these last couple days, to all the FFF volunteers who spent time with her this weekend, and to the Baldwin Park volunteers who advocated for Farrah's rescue to get her the diagnostics and treatment she deserved.



Acquired from: San Diego Humane Society-Escondido
Age upon Rescue: 10
Date of Rescue: May 26th, 2019
Date of Passing: June 10th, 2023
Family: Mimi Pepin
Fans: Christina Orlovsky, Maria

Tribute: On June 10th, Mimi fulfilled her promise to Frosted Face Adelaide.

She shared,

"My little Addy girl passed away yesterday. She suffered from a twisted stomach and it was just too much for her little 14 year old body. Today would have been our 4 year anniversary of when I adopted her from Frosted Faces Foundation. The video is the first time I ever saw Addy in person.

Losing her so suddenly, even when she was so old, is heartbreaking. We’re going to miss our hot dog loving pee queen (if there was a couch, bed, or floor, she’s peed on it lol).

Love you forever my Addy girl ❤️❤️"



Acquired from: Chula Vista Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 14
Date of Rescue: May 31st, 2019
Date of Passing: August 27, 2021
Family: Nancy Winter
Fans: Emma Caperelli Loerky
Tribute: On August 27th, Nancy fulfilled her promise to Frosted Face Ralphie.

Ralphie was adopted with Frosted Face Hula way back when! We learned that Ralphie passed away in August due to complications from congestive heart failure, where meds were just not working anymore, at the same time his mom was struggling with her own diagnosis of metastatic cancer.

Ralphie's mom, Nancy, passed away just weeks after him. If you're a believer in heaven, they are surely together. <3



Acquired from: OC Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 15
Date of Rescue: June 4th, 2019
Date of Passing: June 11th, 2022
Family: Zoey Siwek
Fans: RZ

Tribute: On June 11th, Zoey fulfilled her promise to Frosted Face Homer.

She shared,

"It is with the saddest of hearts that I write to let you know that I lost my beloved Homer yesterday. In the last week, my formerly skinny guy started gaining weight. My vet and I thought this was a good sign and that he's on an upswing. But I noticed that the weight was only around his stomach. I took him to emergency care and discovered it was fluid build-up, most likely due to cancer. Since he was likely experiencing pain, I made the decision to transition him. I will forever regret that I didn't realize what was happening sooner, so I could've spared him any pain, but his death seemed peaceful. He left this world in my arms as I showered him with kisses.

I adopted Homer on Dec 22nd, 2019 -- a little over two months after I lost Cookie Face, my soul kitty. Truth be told, I was not ready for another cat, but my remaining cat, Bianca, needed company. I fell in love with Homer's (then Colby) picture and decided he'd be the right fit/age.

Homer wound up being the balm to my heart I didn't know I needed. He quickly warmed to me, and his sweet, gentle nature reminded me of the cat I lost in the best possible way. After some time here, he discovered that his favorite sleeping place was on top of me. I had to learn to sleep on my back for this purpose -- and so I did. When I lost Bianca in February, he came to the rescue again, throwing extra love in my direction.

I often wondered if Homer would've been happier in a home with a yard (I'm in an apt), or with a friendlier resident cat (mine wasn't), but I never wondered if he'd have been more loved elsewhere. Because that's just not possible. He was deeply cherished and has a permanent place in my heart. Our last night together was extra loving and sweet. I'm grateful for that.

Homer celebrated his 18th birthday in April, and his Frostiversary mere days ago (6/5). I called him Homer as a shorthand for Handsome Old Man. Which he was. And forever will be.

Thank you for rescuing him and for allowing him to spend time with me. It was a gift."



Acquired from: OC Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 11
Date of Rescue: June 4th, 2019
Date of Passing: February 16th, 2023
Family: Katherine Belden-Hillery
Fans: Larissa in memory of Frankie
Tribute: Kath started fostering Kraft because he was so scared. She had no expectations, just to let him live with her and engage when he was comfortable. She even kept a night cam out, which was super funny to see recordings of him coming out and playing when everyone was asleep! Eventually, Kraft was comfortable enough to be out with the rest of the family and even on the neat enclosed patio Kath and her husband had built! When she realized he was feeling good about her home, she realized another change would be devastating to him and decided to adopt him. <3



Acquired from: OC Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 14
Date of Rescue: June 4th, 2019
Date of Passing: May 31st, 2023
Family: Paula Rushton
Fans: RZ

Tribute: On May 31st, Paula fulfilled her promise to Frosted Face Fetta.

She shared,

"I said goodbye to my very good girl yesterday, Fetta Kitty. She was 17 years old and spent her last 3+ with me.

She was the Queen with all the dogs her staff. She was mellow, sweet, cute and oh-so tiny.

Thanks to Frosted Faces Foundation for providing all her veterinary care over the years and to the team who helped make her transition as peaceful as possible. Senior pets are the best 💓"

Uncle Baby billy


Acquired from: Humane Society of Imperial County
Age upon Rescue: 12
Date of Rescue: June 7th, 2019
Date of Passing: February 7th, 2024
Family: Danisha & Brian Jenkins
Fans: Leal Family

Tribute: On February 7th, Brian and Danisha fulfilled their promise to Frosted Face Uncle Baby Billy.

They shared,

"Uncle Baby Billy was loved extraordinarily. He hardly left Scarlett's side since the day he came home, and she held and kissed him every day. He left this earth in her arms, snuggled up in fleece and covered in her kisses. He also took such good care of her, especially when she was sad. His little head fit perfectly against hers and he always snuggled up and licked her tears when she was sad. They were best friends and understood each other. She misses him dearly, and I think always will. Thank you for all you do, and for entrusting us to care for him. He was a blessing and we are so thankful to have known and loved him."

Scarlett shared,

"I love Billy so much. Thank you Frosted Faces for saving him, he was always there when I needed him."


Acquired from: Moreno Valley Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 10
Date of Rescue: June 8,2019
Date of Passing: June 9th, 2019
Family: Frosted Faces Foundation
Fans: RZ
Tribute:  Upon rescue from Moreno Valley Shelter, 10 year old Macy had a hematocrit of 9%, so we did a blood transfusion at Animal Emergency Clinic of San Diego and she was hospitalized overnight. Today her hematocrit jumped to 27% and she was doing well, so she was discharged for observation.

Volunteer, Jackie Klein, transported Macy back to FFF and held her delicate body amidst the bustle of Open House in the warm breeze. Macy was anxious to be out of a stainless steel vet kennel to sniff the flowers and stretch her legs.

Wrapped in a fleece blanket napping on the FFF lobby couch this afternoon we monitored her, hopeful to see her thrive until tomorrow morning when she had surgery scheduled to remove her mammary mass.

It was early this evening Andy was heard desperately rushing around FFF with Macy tightly against his chest, "Where's Kelly? We are losing her!" It was painfully clear that Macy was suddenly actively dying, and we sat together no longer than 90 seconds as Macy took her final breaths under the arches of the FFF patio... the entryway to new beginnings and oftentimes pure magic that unfairly offered no mercy to our Macy.

We ushered Macy's body back to AEC together in silence, Andy still cradling her in his arms as I held her soft little back paw while driving. She will be cremated and her ceramic paw print will be returned in memory, as with all of our Frosted Faces.



Acquired from: Carlsbad Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 9
Date of Rescue: June 8th, 2019
Date of Passing: January 2nd, 2021
Family: Gerard & Anja Kroon
Fans: Leslie Harris
Tribute: On January 2nd, Gerard and Anja fulfilled their promise to Frosted Face Jessie.

They share,

"When Jessie joined our little pack back in September 2019 we didn't know how long she would be with us. We never had a dog with larpar and didn't know what to expect. We were afraid that her breathing would become problematic over time but her condition turned out to be pretty stable.

Jessie liked to go on daily walks and weekend hikes. To our surprise she could walk for quite a while if she could take an occasional breather. When she discovered an interesting smell she would take her time to investigate. Walking with Jessie was never a quick event. She also liked to meet other dogs, especially ones of her own size. On our daily walks she would greet the neighborhood dogs with a sniff and a tail wag and solicit pets from their owners.

Jessie was an independent dog but sometimes she would walk up to you and put her head on your lap for a scratch. She was so sweet and easy going we called her loebas, a Dutch word meaning gentle giant. She never growled or barked at other animals, not even when FF Archie would walk over her on his way to the kitchen.

She enjoyed lying on the ruggables and blankets in the entrance to the kitchen instead of on dog beds, so we always had to walk around her or step over her. She enjoyed our company and whenever we were elsewhere in the house, would bark for us. In the beginning both of us had times we would rush out of the shower in a bath towel to see if something was wrong to find out she just wanted some attention.

Jessie was not a "morning dog". She was a bit picky with her food and in the morning it took some time before she would slowly start eating. In the afternoon she would eat much faster. What she didn't mind in the morning were her pill pockets and the after breakfast treat, those were quickly taken without any hesitation.

Last September Jessie started to get more medical problems. She had a UTI and a week after that had healed she had a broken toenail which caused an open wound that didn't want to heal. In the beginning of October they had to amputate the toe and the cytology test came back as an aggressive melanoma. From that moment on we knew she wouldn't have much time left. Surprisingly, she recovered nicely from the amputation and started to walk again. We went to Fiesta Island and did a few more hikes with her. When she would get tired she would go in the "Jessie wagon" for the rest of the hike. During her last few months she was getting even more picky with her food. The one thing that she loved to eat every day was an In-N-Out meat patty with no salt, so that's what she got. After Thanksgiving her mobility decreased and she didn't really want to walk any longer. We knew the cancer was spreading to her organs. On New Years Day she stopped eating altogether and she was telling us it was time to say goodbye. We had the veterinarian come to our house on January 2nd so we could be with her and she went very peacefully.

We miss you so much, you sweet lovely Loebas !!!!!!!!"



Acquired from: Redlands Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 12
Date of Rescue: June 12th, 2019
Date of Passing: May 27th, 2021
Family: Traci & Brian Curry
Fans: Nicole Massara
Tribute: On May 27th, Brian and Traci fulfilled their promise to Frosted Face Tippy.

Traci shared,

"To say Tippy was loved is putting it mildly. We are heartbroken that we had to say our goodbyes to our little girl last night, just shy of her 2 year Frostiversary.

Tippy teetered around aimlessly since she was blind and deaf, with her little cowbell jingling so we could always know where she was . She’d snore so loudly even falling asleep in her bowl while eating. She learned to give kisses but that was about the only affection she gave even as we constantly hugged and snuggled her.

You will forever be a part of our hearts and terribly missed. "



Acquired from: Riverside Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 13
Date of Rescue: June 12th, 2019
Date of Passing: April 19th, 2022
Family: Peggy Galusha & James Graham
Fans: Elizabeth Sulack, Delia Haust

Tribute: On April 19th, Peggy and James fulfilled their promise to Frosted Face Hannah.

They shared,

"In October of 2019 I took a trip from the Santa Cruz Mountains to volunteer at Frosted Faces, my motivation being that, at some point, I would bring home a Frosted Face. When I got home I immediately filled out the forms and worked toward a home inspection. This all took about a month, and the Saturday after Thanksgiving I drove down again (in the rain and snow) to see who was available. I really had no idea who was gonna come home with me. Delia, who had been Hannah's foster, brought her to my attention.

Hannah had been at Frosted Faces for about 6 months without any interest; she wasn't a real outgoing dog and had some mobility issues and was also deaf. I picked her up, we sat on a bench and she fell asleep in my lap, sealing the deal. I called my husband, said I found our dog and was heading home. It was a long trip made longer by traffic and terrible weather, 14 hours and Hannah slept the whole way. It was 4am when I arrived home and as much as I wanted to sleep, we had new dog introductions to make. Our big boys were curious and Hannah let them know right away that she was in charge.

Settling in took some time. It took some trial and error to get the right food for Hannah, as well as the right way to feed her. She had some tremors, and her vision wasn't great, so eating from bowls wasn't easy, so we got her a plate, and she always did an excited dance while meals were being prepared. Blankets and rugs were strewn about the floors to help her walk around and she did her classic hop-leap-tumble-scrabble-get back up and keep going to get around the house routine; we called her our Awkward Gazelle.

She made us laugh and smile so many times. She had beds everywhere, and when she was ready to sleep she would leap into the nearest one (sometimes over-jumping), and when she finally got into it she would spend 10 minutes nesting, doing little circles, and making the most adorable meeping sounds. Occasionally she slept in bed with us and our big dogs; she took up the most room though even though she was only about 11lbs.

In the beginning I took Hannah with me to several places, to see friends, etc., but that was short lived as the pandemic happened; after that, we just opted for lots of walks in our forest neighborhood. In August 2020, we were evacuated for the CZU Lightning Complex and were in a hotel for a month, evacuated again in January 2021 for debris flow, had a tree fall, and then moved in June to a new area. Hannah was the best, easiest dog during all the upheaval and stress. She was fine as long as she was loved, so that is just what we did.

So much of what happened in our household, especially in the last several months revolved around Hannah's needs. She had always had some mobility issues, but things were getting more challenging. I would help her stay steady to eat, and she ate like a champ. When she was having trouble free-ranging in the yard, I would harness and leash her so she wouldn't fall. Pain meds helped too. I have no idea what her life was like before, but I do know she deserved to be loved and cherished to the end and beyond. After a couple of trips to the vet in the last 2 months, I could see the decline was speeding up. Then, our champion eater stopped, tight lipped refused food. Her light was dimming. We didn't want her to become distressful so we made the decision to let her go, with dignity and grace. (We always give our dogs chocolate on their last day, and she wouldn't even eat that.)

For being such a small being and only being in our lives for a short period of time, Hannah took up a lot of space in our hearts and left some really big holes. We love her and miss her more than words can say. Hannah Hepburn Hellasmol Banana Bean Sprout Ricochet Pinball, we'll see you on the other side."



Acquired from: Bonita Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 8
Date of Rescue: June 12th, 2019
Date of Passing:
Family: Liz Black
Fans: RZ



Acquired from: Bonita Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 12
Date of Rescue: June 12th, 2019
Date of Passing:
Family: Erin & Patty Hoye
Fans: Walter Kaplan



Acquired from: Bonita Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 12
Date of Rescue: June 12th, 2019
Date of Passing: November 23rd, 2022
Family: Kim & Andy Green
Fans: Sam's Family

Tribute: On November 23rd, Kim and Andy fulfilled their promise to Frosted Face Watson.

They shared,

"It was three weeks ago that we lost our sweetest sunshine, Watson, after three years and two months together. Of course, it wasn’t nearly enough time, but we could never have gotten enough of him, so we are deeply thankful for every single minute. I’ve been trying to compose something that would communicate in some perfect way the truly amazing, joyful, and loving boy he was, and the words just wouldn’t come. Deep grief and lingering shock at his sudden and rapid decline have been standing in the way.

Now, I am beginning to see Watson’s photos and videos more with happy remembrance and less with loss, although that varies with the day or even the hour. I realize that what I want most is to honor him and all that he meant and continues to mean to us. So, this is Watson, as he was and will always be: loving, silly, animated, snuggly, funny, determined, the most devoted companion. How lucky we were to be his family!

We will continue to remember every June 12th with gratitude as the anniversary of the day in 2019 that Kelly included a stray poodle in rough shape with a reputation for sometimes being snarky with other dogs in the group she rescued from Bonita Shelter. By making Watson a Frosted Face, she assured him of the safety, love, and care he needed and deserved. And put him exactly where we could find him three months later. Many thanks to Kelly, the FFF kennel managers, and the Valverde family for loving and taking care of Watson before he became ours.

Watson: 21 days ago we sent you off with the brightest light to keep you safe, and the biggest love to propel you joyously through your travels. We are so grateful for all the days and adventures we shared, and we picture you once again able to walk, jump, and run. We trust you are reunited with your besties Ladybug and Arthur, and they have shown you the unlimited supply of treats in heaven. Oh, how we miss you! It is only surpassed by how much we love you.

Always and forever,

Mom & Dad"



Acquired from: Bonita Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 8
Date of Rescue: June 12th, 2019
Date of Passing:
Family: Lisa Hernandez
Fans: Leslie K, Trish Bednarczk, Christina Nielsen, Donor for Coula, Karen Fuller



Acquired from: Bonita Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 8
Date of Rescue: June 12th, 2019
Date of Passing:
Family: Pam Reeder
Fans: Jennifer Glatz



Acquired from: Bonita Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 12
Date of Rescue: June 12th, 2019
Date of Passing:
Family: Barbara Kurtz
Fans: Beverly Perry, Colleen Sanchez



Acquired from: Bonita Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 8
Date of Rescue: June 12th, 2019
Date of Passing:April 18th, 2020
Family: Joaquin Murrieta
Fans: Heather Ramsey
Tribute: On April 18th we fulfilled our promise to Foxxy.

Foxxy had a heart arrhythmia and on Saturday she just suddenly passed out and never woke up. Her family rushed her to the ER at Pet Emergency & Specialty Center where they did CPR and gave injections to start her heart, but we lost her.

Her family reflects, "Foxxy just wasn’t our dog, she was definitely part of our family. From our daily walks, to shopping with us, to sleeping in our beds, to watching tv with us. We loved her so much. And miss her everyday. I believe she is watching over us and playing in dog heaven, and most likely sun bathing, which she loved to do. She will Always be part of our family. ❤️"



Acquired from: Upland Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 14
Date of Rescue: June 12th, 2019
Date of Passing:
Family: Jessica & Temy Suciawan
Fans: Marie Ligety, Alyssa S.
Tribute: On January 6th we fulfilled our promise to 14 year old Bindi.

"It is extremely hard for me to write this, but unfortunately we had to let Bindi go this morning.

Bindi started being unable to walk last Thursday, and after a vet visit they suspected a spinal cord or brain tumor. We gave it a few more days with tramadol and prednisone. The prednisone seemed to help her walk a bit and tramadol helped her sleep at night. But I could tell she was restless and uncomfortable. We decided that it is time to let her rest.

She was with us for a little over 2 months. It is 2 months filled with lots of love, lots of blankets (and diapers), home-cooked meals, and 6 extra lbs on her booty.

Bindi's last day was filled with a stroll in the red wagon, sausage, eggs and cheddar for breakfast, never-ending licks on Frosty Paw frozen treats, and lots and lots and lots of kisses from us.

I love you Baby Bindi Bunny Bear. So glad I get to hold you till the very end."



Acquired from: Upland Shelter
Age upon Rescue: 8
Date of Rescue: June 12th, 2019
Date of Passing: January 28th, 2023
Family: Teresa Larkins
Fans: Matthew & Shannon Linch

Tribute: On January 28th, Teresa fulfilled her promise to Frosted Face Rexy.

She shared,

"I lost my sweet angel Rexy FF, early Saturday morning, she finally succumbed to her mammary cancer which had spread to her lung. She was my best girlfriend; she loved to eat and follow me from room to room, car rides anywhere she was up for, and she fearlessly protected me from the Amazon delivery drivers …. her non FF brother wander looking for her, I am so lucky she graced us with her gentle soul for as long as she did."