Chronic Valvular Disease

You have received this information because your Frosted Face (FF) has been diagnosed with ‘Chronic Valvular (heart) Disease,’ otherwise known as ‘Mitral Valve Disease,’ ‘Endocardiosis’ and ‘Myxomatous Valvular disease’ (just to confuse things). This is a very common progressive degenerative disease in older, and typically smaller breed dogs. 

This disease process affects the two valves (Mitral and Tricuspid valves) on each side of the heart, that separate the two chambers on each side. When they degenerate, they start to leak, rather than function as a fully closed non return valve. This process causes pressure changes, congestion and ultimately heart failure if the process starts early enough in a dog’s life, and if left untreated. Some good general information on this disease can be found here if you would like further reading:

Having a heart murmur and ‘heart disease’ DOES NOT mean your FF is in ‘heart failure.’ This type of heart disease can range from very mild, that may never need intervention/treatment, to severe, that is in imminent danger of heart failure. 

If you have received this document, it is because your FF is at least at ‘Stage B2’ and therefore would benefit from Vetmedin. Fortunately, a lot of research has been done on this disease, and we know that Vetmedin can significantly increase the time until heart failure occurs. However, is only worth starting on dogs that meet certain criteria on their x-rays and echocardiogram. Starting before this time is simply a waste of money! Vetmedin (Pimobendan) information:

Whilst this disease is typically a slow progression, very rarely, things can change abruptly, for example if one of the tendons holding the valves in place ruptures. We recommend monitoring for signs of heart failure as soon as the FF is at stage B2 and is on Vetmedin. The most sensitive indication that your FF may have gone into heart failure is an increase of resting respiratory rate (RRR) over 35 breaths per minute, or a steady increase from a previously lower RRR over a short period (days). There are other indicators but these are less specific, ie: coughing and exercise intolerance. Here is some more reading on ‘heart failure’:

Please use this simple app (Cardalis) to monitor RRR over time, do it when at complete rest or asleep, once daily is fine, it’s really simple and takes 30 secs:


Google Play:

As your FF is already at least stage B2, we would recommend re-check echocardiograms here at Frosted Faces Foundation, every 6 months. Here is some more information on echocardiograms: